Republicans, if you had the choice...

Nikki Haley
And I ain't your friend.
That is a great choice. She seems reasonable and is intelligent.
You would be calling her Satan the minute she won the nomination.
This is hilarious coming from one of the most partisan and crude members of this message board. Perhaps some projection on your part?
That's standard Dim operating procedure, dumbass. You douchebags all loved McCain until he won the nomination. Then you savaged him can accused him of everything in the book.

You can't escape your sleazy shameful history.

And yet -- you can fabricate it, huh Fingerboi?

C'mon, prove me wrong and show us a quote. Hook a brutha up.
Trump may not have the option of running again.
True, unable to defeat him, liberals still plan on carrying out their treasonous coup begun by Obama if possible, Impeaching him based on no crime and no evidence.

Trump may not have the option of running again.
True, unable to defeat him, liberals still plan on carrying out their treasonous coup begun by Obama if possible, Impeaching him based on no crime and no evidence.

They always say that. Right up to the point of the semen stained dress or the massive numbers of contacts with Russian operatives is suddenly, miraculously recalled.

'Paging Mr. Manafort! Call for Mr. Manafort! Cell Block C? Thanks!"
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?
You’ll get few honest, intelligent responses.

To consider another GOP presidential nominee in 2020 would be for conservatives to admit they were wrong to vote for Trump, and to acknowledge the fact Trump is unfit to be president.

Most on the right don’t have the courage and honesty to do that.
Democrats had to go back nearly a decade to find a 'Scooter Libby' indictment of a Trump ASSOCIATE.

OVER 15,000 CRIMINAL COUNTS against Hillary was announced publicly by the FBI just for violations of the FOIA & Federal Records Act alone, not counting Obstruction, Gross Criminal Negligence, illegal handling of classified, violations of election laws, violations of campaign finance laws, etc...

...all of which she was proven to gave been protected from indictment for.

Even now, as the DOJ Deputy Director continues to commit Obstruction through criminal non-compliance of a Congressional subpoena in an attempt to prolong the treasonous coup attempt started by Obama before he left office and his criminal Cabinet.

2 years later they can't even provide evidence if a crime that warranted being investigated to begin with.

And snowflake sheep can only continue to parrot the same old worn out narratives in response to this being pointed out.

Not only have the investigators uncovered crimes committed by Obama's US AG and directors if the FBI, CIA, NIA, & others, now -again - even the Deputy Director if the DOJ is OPENLY breaking the law in order to desperately keep the witch hunt alive...
You’ll get few honest, intelligent responses.

To consider another GOP presidential nominee in 2020 would be for conservatives to admit they were wrong to vote for Trump, and to acknowledge the fact Trump is unfit to be president.

Most on the right don’t have the courage and honesty to do that.

This coming from treasonous criminal-supporting extremists who supported and continues to defend a proven felon who could not even win her party's nomination without cheating, rigging primaries, and breaking laws...and even then she could not beat Bernie.
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To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?
You’ll get few honest, intelligent responses.

To consider another GOP presidential nominee in 2020 would be for conservatives to admit they were wrong to vote for Trump, and to acknowledge the fact Trump is unfit to be president.

Most on the right don’t have the courage and honesty to do that.
We weren't wrong, so there is nothing to admit. Trump is doing a great job. That's why douchebags like you hate him so much.
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?
No. President Trump has proven he will stand up for America and tell the globalist pigs to fuck off. And he is an expert in trolling regressive retards and showing the world what hypocrites and c**ts they are.
That is a great choice. She seems reasonable and is intelligent.
You would be calling her Satan the minute she won the nomination.
This is hilarious coming from one of the most partisan and crude members of this message board. Perhaps some projection on your part?
That's standard Dim operating procedure, dumbass. You douchebags all loved McCain until he won the nomination. Then you savaged him can accused him of everything in the book.

You can't escape your sleazy shameful history.
^blah blah blah (mouth frothing) blah blah blah.

Your mouth or his?

I believe that would be the one with the jelly stains smeared all over it.
He's slobbery that way.
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

No one. This country needs someone like Donald Trump right now who puts Americans first. However for 2024 I like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley.

So you think Rubio will be able to clean up Trump's mess... At that stage US will be borrowing over $1.3tn a year...
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

You guys don't get it do you?

"Get" what?

We got a guy upthread who doesn't get it fer sure. He reads the word "Republicans" and responds about "Democrats". Hope he's not a taxi driver. You could end up in Ogden Utah.
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

You guys don't get it do you?

"Get" what?

We got a guy upthread who doesn't get it fer sure. He reads the word "Republicans" and responds about "Democrats". Hope he's not a taxi driver. You could end up in Ogden Utah.

Trump is not a Democrat vs. Republican thing.
Trump is a retaliation against the status quo. Good or Bad.
Neither the GOP or the Dems get it. Trump is very popular, both parties bashing him non-stop as well as constantly insulting "his supporters"... will not have good results for either party.
It will not surprise me if we see a number of incumbents replaced.
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

You guys don't get it do you?

"Get" what?

We got a guy upthread who doesn't get it fer sure. He reads the word "Republicans" and responds about "Democrats". Hope he's not a taxi driver. You could end up in Ogden Utah.

Trump is not a Democrat vs. Republican thing.

Totally agree with that. No doubt. But that's not the point here.

Trump is a retaliation against the status quo. Good or Bad.
Neither the GOP or the Dems get it. Trump is very popular, both parties bashing him non-stop as well as constantly insulting "his supporters"... will not have good results for either party.
It will not surprise me if we see a number of incumbents replaced.

All off the point, isn't it?
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

You guys don't get it do you?

"Get" what?

We got a guy upthread who doesn't get it fer sure. He reads the word "Republicans" and responds about "Democrats". Hope he's not a taxi driver. You could end up in Ogden Utah.

Trump is not a Democrat vs. Republican thing.

Totally agree with that. No doubt. But that's not the point here.

Trump is a retaliation against the status quo. Good or Bad.
Neither the GOP or the Dems get it. Trump is very popular, both parties bashing him non-stop as well as constantly insulting "his supporters"... will not have good results for either party.
It will not surprise me if we see a number of incumbents replaced.

All off the point, isn't it?

Is it?
What I am saying is Trump is his own "party".
Therefore the usual party politics don't apply. As in "Who can the Republicans vote for to beat Trump"....will first, that assumes the majority of Republican voters want him out....which is certainly not true.
Secondly, Trump is more popular among Democrats than Obama was with Republicans.
So... does it matter who either party puts up?
Right now Trump would likely beat anybody
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

You guys don't get it do you?

"Get" what?

We got a guy upthread who doesn't get it fer sure. He reads the word "Republicans" and responds about "Democrats". Hope he's not a taxi driver. You could end up in Ogden Utah.

Trump is not a Democrat vs. Republican thing.
Trump is a retaliation against the status quo. Good or Bad.
Neither the GOP or the Dems get it. Trump is very popular, both parties bashing him non-stop as well as constantly insulting "his supporters"... will not have good results for either party.
It will not surprise me if we see a number of incumbents replaced.
-------------------------------------------------- its only the TRUMP . I would only vote Cruz if the Trump disappeared . I'd never vote 'rooooooobio' or any that tried for the nomination last time . A suspected 'english' intruder on this thread mentioned money , Last thing i consider or care about is money . Go TRUMP !!

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