Republicans inching closer to 'wave election' in November, former Clinton pollster says

Most women vote democrat while most men vote republican.
More women will switch to the R this time. They are having just as much difficulty filling up their gas tank and buying groceries as men are. They are just as alarmed (likely more) by the rampant crime as men.

Abortion, which was going to be the Dems’ Hail Mary pass, is coming in fifth or sixth among Americans’ concerns.
Love watching Republicans do their victory dance

Early voter turnout is high for a midterm.
We will see what happens
More women will switch to the R this time. They are having just as much difficulty filling up their gas tank and buying groceries as men are. They are just as alarmed (likely more) by the rampant crime as men.

Abortion, which was going to be the Dems’ Hail Mary pass, is coming in fifth or sixth among Americans’ concerns.
Looks like many more women are registering for the first time and turn out is high

We will see the impact of Republicans banning abortion
Looks like many more women are registering for the first time and turn out is high

We will see the impact of Republicans banning abortion
That scare tactic might work on the useful idiots you’re counting on to be fooled, but not me. Republicans did NOT ban abortion.
That scare tactic might work on the useful idiots you’re counting on to be fooled, but not me. Republicans did NOT ban abortion.
Women have an opportunity to decide how abortion legislation goes in this country

If they decide to sit this one out, they have nobody else to blame
Women have an opportunity to decide how abortion legislation goes in this country

If they decide to sit this one out, they have nobody else to blame
Or, women will vote but decide that their inability to fill the gas tank or buy groceries overtakes the fact that someone who didn’t use birth control has to go to the next state for an abortion.
Or, women will vote but decide that their inability to fill the gas tank or buy groceries overtakes the fact that someone who didn’t use birth control has to go to the next state for an abortion.
Nail meet hammer. Exactly. I know women, in California, who were voting abortion rights. They look at gas at nearly seven bucks a gallon. Milk is not far behind. Buy meat or bread. Their neighbor was carjacked going to work. The immediacy of these concerns weighs more than someone else's out of state abortion. I doubt that California will dump dems. But if these concerns are on California minds, they are crushing elsewhere.

Democrats know they have lost the House and Senate. Now they are seeing governorships slip away.
Nail meet hammer. Exactly. I know women, in California, who were voting abortion rights. They look at gas at nearly seven bucks a gallon. Milk is not far behind. Buy meat or bread. Their neighbor was carjacked going to work. The immediacy of these concerns weighs more than someone else's out of state abortion. I doubt that California will dump dems. But if these concerns are on California minds, they are crushing elsewhere.

Democrats know they have lost the House and Senate. Now they are seeing governorships slip away.
Yup. And Dems know that their hope to win the election on a single issue - abortion - is falling to the wayside as people, including women, can’t buy groceries or gas, and, if living in a Democrat city like NY or Philly, risk assault or worse when they leave their house.
I see republicans taking the House by about 10 seats
I see the Senate remaining 50/50 with the Dems picking up Pennsylvania and Republicans taking Nevada
I see Republicans taking the House by the tune of at least 240 seats for them, if not 250 seats.
I see the Senate being taken by Republicans to the tune of 52-54 seats for R's.

R's will get more votes in PA, but whether or not R's "win" PA is yet to be seen. Same goes for NV, but I do think R's, on the backs of Hispanics, will beat the margin of fraud in NV.
Because the US has the most fair and honest elections in the world

Always have
Yup... just ask Democrats how "safe and secure" they are... but only ask them in 2008, 2012, and 2020... Don't ask them in 2000, 2004, 2016, 2018, and 2022...
So let me get this straight..

Republicans are bragging about the predictions of a Hillary Clinton pollster?

You do realize how those 2016 polls worked out for Hillary?
They're saying even a Clinton pollster, who skews results heavily D, is even admitting that it isn't looking good for D's...

The very few honest pollsters are all agreeing that R's are going to win massively, and I believe them.
Yet Hillary Clinton did not win the presidency did she?
Nope, and that's when she started being an election denier. In fact, she's been an election denier for much longer than Donald Trump has been, and unlike Trump (who has mountains of evidence for election fraud), she has no evidence for it besides made up vague references to "Russian collusion".
None of those scenarios are directly related to democrats. It shows an ignorance to think it does.

That aside, polls have been wrong many times. I can’t see many of those 81 million changing their vote to boost trump who they just voted out.
... or maybe there was never 81 million people who voted for the Biden Regime?? ;) ;)

But election fraud aside, you also seem to be unaware of historical trends and the nature of midterm election cycles.
polls are usually not reliable. They usually say the Dim is ahead

or is ahead by 5 points

Then the election happens and the Dim loses


happened in 2016
Yup, because most pollsters are Democrat opinion swayers. Every time they miss, they always miss in favor of D's, and usually by at least 5 percentage points...
Love watching Republicans do their victory dance

Early voter turnout is high for a midterm.
We will see what happens
Democrats aren't getting the margins they need for early voting, and election day turnout is going to be massive.
Looks like many more women are registering for the first time and turn out is high

We will see the impact of Republicans banning abortion
What Republicans are you talking about? Where are you talking about?

Abortion is a rather low issue amongst anyone who isn't a raging communist, so it's not going to mean much at all.

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