Republicans inching closer to 'wave election' in November, former Clinton pollster says

Nail meet hammer. Exactly. I know women, in California, who were voting abortion rights. They look at gas at nearly seven bucks a gallon. Milk is not far behind. Buy meat or bread. Their neighbor was carjacked going to work. The immediacy of these concerns weighs more than someone else's out of state abortion. I doubt that California will dump dems. But if these concerns are on California minds, they are crushing elsewhere.

Democrats know they have lost the House and Senate. Now they are seeing governorships slip away.
When it is all said and done, expect R's to have roughly 240-250 House seats, 52-54 Senate seats, and 30-34 governorships.
Women have an opportunity to decide how abortion legislation goes in this country

If they decide to sit this one out, they have nobody else to blame
Women are likely to give more weight to affording groceries and gas. You are in a protected bubble because of your inflation-protected Government pension.
Women are likely to give more weight to affording groceries and gas. You are in a protected bubble because of your inflation-protected Government pension.
Inflation is a short term problem and Republicans are offering no solution

Abortion is being decided across the nation and Republicans want to take it away.

If women care, they will vote accordingly
Inflation is a short term problem and Republicans are offering no solution

Inflation can take a couple of years to correct, and people can’t afford groceries NOW. You can afford to have a flippant attitude (eh….it’s temporary, no biggie) because taxpayers are finding your inflation-protected federal government pension.
Abortion is being decided across the nation and Republicans want to take it away.

Republicans, for the most part, want humane restrictions. Democrats are fighting for on demand at any point abortion. The worst that could happen (from the pro-abortion people) is that states that restrict it will have Planned Parenthood springing for a bus ticket to the next state.
If women care, they will vote accordingly
If women care about feeding their families and being able to put gas in the tank so they can get to work, they will vote accordingly.
Inflation can take a couple of years to correct, and people can’t afford groceries NOW. You can afford to have a flippant attitude (eh….it’s temporary, no biggie) because taxpayers are finding your inflation-protected federal government pension.

What are Republicans proposing to end inflation?
Why should we vote for them?
Republicans, for the most part, want humane restrictions. Democrats are fighting for on demand at any point abortion. The worst that could happen (from the pro-abortion people) is that states that restrict it will have Planned Parenthood springing for a bus ticket to the next state.
On the national level, Republicans are proposing an end to abortion
At the state level, they are pushing total bans without exception down to limits from 6-12 weeks

Republicans are also trying to restrict abortion travel and interstate transit of abortion pills and Morning after pills
What are Republicans proposing to end inflation?
Different Republicans are proposing different things, but speaking for myself, I propose that this country stops "printing fiat money" at a faster rate than wealth is being generated. That would end inflation, but that would also eventually lead to a debt crash. However, continuing to "print fiat money" at a faster rate than wealth is being generated will eventually lead to a cash crash. Either way, a crash is coming, a crash that is inevitable at this point. It is only a matter of time.
Why should we vote for them?
Because they aren't communists like Democrats are. Because they don't wish to mutilate children's genitals (e.g. transgender surgery) like Democrats do. Because they don't wish to murder children ("abortion") like Democrats do. Because they don't wish to force people to undergo invasive medical procedures like Democrats do.
On the national level, Republicans are proposing an end to abortion
No they aren't. Dumbass Lindsay Graham with the blessing of Machiavellian Mitch has proposed a ban after 15 weeks. Communists (Democrats) wish to pass a federal law that legalizes it until the moment of birth. --- Both approaches are wrong, as Congress does not have the power to legislate abortion. The correct approach is to have each individual State decide its own laws regarding the issue.
At the state level, they are pushing total bans without exception down to limits from 6-12 weeks
No State is pushing total bans without exception. That's just a flat out lie. Where I live in Wisconsin, there is an exception to save the life of the mother. There is currently no exception for rape or incest.
Republicans are also trying to restrict abortion travel and interstate transit of abortion pills and Morning after pills
No they aren't. Another lie on your part.
No they aren't. Dumbass Lindsay Graham with the blessing of Machiavellian Mitch has proposed a ban after 15 weeks. Communists (Democrats) wish to pass a federal law that legalizes it until the moment of birth. --- Both approaches are wrong, as Congress does not have the power to legislate abortion. The correct approach is to have each individual State decide its own laws regarding the issue.

No State is pushing total bans without exception. That's just a flat out lie. Where I live in Wisconsin, there is an exception to save the life of the mother. There is currently no exception for rape or incest.

No they aren't. Another lie on your part.
If Democrats didn’t lie about issues, they’d have no hope at all ever winning another election.

The sad thing is that easily manipulated and poorly informed voters BELIEVE the lies posters like Rightwinger - and worse, the media - put out and thus are tricked into voting for the Democrat.

And Democrats are going full throttle to make sure those of us who know the truth are silenced. That is why Biden et al have demonized every American who doesn’t parrot their left-wing lies.
If Democrats didn’t lie about issues, they’d have no hope at all ever winning another election.
Truth! That's why they've now resorted to committing brazen and blatant election fraud.
The sad thing is that easily manipulated and poorly informed voters BELIEVE the lies posters like Rightwinger - and worse, the media - put out and thus are tricked into voting for the Democrat.
Very sad indeed. I just saw a political ad the other day that purposely used manipulative wording to make it sound like five police officers died "in line of duty" on 1/6, which is untrue but people who don't know any better will actually believe that to be the case due to the manipulative language that was used.
And Democrats are going full throttle to make sure those of us who know the truth are silenced.
... and which historical regimes have silenced (or at least tried their best to silence) their political opponents?? Who is doing that today?? What do these regimes all have in common??
That is why Biden et al have demonized every American who doesn’t parrot their left-wing lies.
Abortion rights doesn't rank very high as an issue in this election.
It only ranks high amongst communists (Democrats, particularly Democrat women who are so unattractive and mentally ill that no one wants to have sex with them to begin with).

Amongst Republicans and "Independents", it ranks lower... maybe 4th at the absolute highest. Most people don't care about social issues such as abortion when they can't afford their house payments, can't afford their rent, can't afford their groceries, can't afford gas to drive to work, can't afford to heat their homes, etc etc...
Republicans win whenever they go on offense with the truth and they lose whenever they play defense about lies or otherwise make use of soft "politically correct" language.

For instance, with regard to transgender surgery, do not say the words "permanent body modification"... Instead, say the words "genital mutilation".

Language matters.
Abortion rights doesn't rank very high as an issue in this election.

Elections are won by a few percentage points either way. If there is a strong turnout among women, it could turn key races.

That is why Republicans are not letting their abortion views to be known
Republicans win whenever they go on offense with the truth and they lose whenever they play defense about lies or otherwise make use of soft "politically correct" language.

For instance, with regard to transgender surgery, do not say the words "permanent body modification"... Instead, say the words "genital mutilation".

Language matters.
Republicans lose when there is high voter turnout
Republicans win whenever they go on offense with the truth and they lose whenever they play defense about lies or otherwise make use of soft "politically correct" language.

For instance, with regard to transgender surgery, do not say the words "permanent body modification"... Instead, say the words "genital mutilation".

Language matters.
And this is why Democrats go on the attack to put Republicans on the defense. Then they are focused on defending themselves from an unfounded attack and the message is deflected away from the issue.

For example, I believe that the color of one’s skin should have no bearing on the admissions decision, since that is obviously racist. For saying this, I have been accused of thinking blacks are too stupid to go to college. (Complete disconnect.) I thus am thrown off-track by explaining why I am not racist and think no such thing, and the very issue - the wrong in factoring one’s race into deciding whether one is accepted or rejected from a specific university - is deflected.
Elections are won by a few percentage points either way.
Some are... others aren't.
If there is a strong turnout among women, it could turn key races.
If there is a strong turnout among any subgroup, it could turn key races.
That is why Republicans are not letting their abortion views to be known
Republicans have been very open about their abortion views. Democrats are afraid of addressing the economic issues facing Americans right now. Is that why they are hiding from debates? Is that why they are stumbling and bumbling and fumbling through debates that they DO get dragged into showing up at?? Where is Katie Hobbs btw??
Republicans have been very open about their abortion views.

Republicans are lying about their abortion views.
They will not come out in favor of abortion

They offer vague assurances of supporting states rights or of sensible time limits.

Once elected, all bets are off and they will support whatever anti-abortion legislation their party is proposing.

They are following the example of Supreme Court Justices who said whatever it takes to get nominated and then repealed Roe v Wade first chance they got
Republicans are lying about their abortion views.
How so?
They will not come out in favor of abortion
Obviously, since they do not condone child murder for sake of convenience.
They offer vague assurances of supporting states rights or of sensible time limits.
It is an issue left up to each individual State (and the people thereof). Wisconsin currently says that abortion is illegal except to save the life of the mother. If you don't like it, then move out of Wisconsin and move to a different State that has abortion laws more to your liking. That's called FREEDOM... That's called a FEDERATED REPUBLIC.
Once elected, all bets are off and they will support whatever anti-abortion legislation their party is proposing.
The general nature of politicians, no matter the party.
They are following the example of Supreme Court Justices who said whatever it takes to get nominated and then repealed Roe v Wade first chance they got
... which was the correct decision because Roe v Wade was unconstitutional to begin with.

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