Republicans inching closer to 'wave election' in November, former Clinton pollster says

The new House should investigate Pelosi's involvement in the Jan 6 insurrection sham.
We need to read all of her emails and texts.
Question anyone who has ever talked to Pelosi.
Make the investigation drag out for years.
That would be fun.
The Left loves doing that crap.
I sure hope they do. The longer 1/6 stays on the front pages and a hot topic, the more reminders of Trump's epic attempt to overturn an election.
If a Democrat is not in a D+15 district they are probably in trouble.

Expect a 2010 type landslide for the Republicans.

Of course all bets are off because the Democrat have learned how to steal elections. They probably have ballots already printed up.
If a Democrat is not in a D+15 district they are probably in trouble.

Expect a 2010 type landslide for the Republicans.

Of course all bets are off because the Democrat have learned how to steal elections. They probably have ballots already printed up.
I just heard on the news that a poll is showing that women are pretty equally split between voting Democrat and Republican. That is BAD news for the Democrats, who count on a huge gender gap.

The Dems’ banking on abortion isn’t going to work. Voters are much more concerned in areas where the Ds messed up - inflation, the economy, high crime, and border security.
I just heard on the news that a poll is showing that women are pretty equally split between voting Democrat and Republican. That is BAD news for the Democrats, who count on a huge gender gap.

The Dems’ banking on abortion isn’t going to work. Voters are much more concerned in areas where the Ds messed up - inflation, the economy, high crime, and border security.
The ONLY issue I hear from the Democrat turds is abortion.

Like that is some kind of a campaign winner. LOL!

The real issues that they avoid are what you said; inflation, high crime, recession, border security and high cost of fuel.

Besides this President Potatohead is an idiot and an embarrassment to the country and he is dragging his party down.
Such are most mid-presidential term elections. The parties take turns turning people off, and the people go with the alternative. Then they do the same thing. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Too bad the parties just don't learn. Claiming a mandate and shoving your agendas down our throats is idiotic.
Yet you seem comfortable with everything Biden's puppet masters are doing
polls are usually not reliable. They usually say the Dim is ahead

or is ahead by 5 points

Then the election happens and the Dim loses


happened in 2016
Thanks for confirming what I saw as your bias.
Would they? How compassionate if you towards your fellow man. That's a real Christian attitude you learnt
From Satan.
God is going to make sure he suffers FOREVER in Hell because he betrayed His Church, promoted abortion at any age.. But Bidum's behavior is compassionate in your eyes
God doesn't pass muster on YOUR defitinion of compassionate. God's attitude is from Satan also.

:rolleyes: you need help
Would they? How compassionate if you towards your fellow man. That's a real Christian attitude you learnt
From Satan.
WTF are talking about idiot? Christianity has nothing to do with Biden being a fucking idiot as are his followers.
I just heard on the news that a poll is showing that women are pretty equally split between voting Democrat and Republican. That is BAD news for the Democrats, who count on a huge gender gap.

The Dems’ banking on abortion isn’t going to work. Voters are much more concerned in areas where the Ds messed up - inflation, the economy, high crime, and border security.
Most women vote democrat while most men vote republican.

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