Republicans inching closer to 'wave election' in November, former Clinton pollster says

And this is why Democrats go on the attack to put Republicans on the defense. Then they are focused on defending themselves from an unfounded attack and the message is deflected away from the issue.
For example, I believe that the color of one’s skin should have no bearing on the admissions decision, since that is obviously racist.
A very sensible position to take.
For saying this, I have been accused of thinking blacks are too stupid to go to college. (Complete disconnect.) I thus am thrown off-track by explaining why I am not racist and think no such thing, and the very issue - the wrong in factoring one’s race into deciding whether one is accepted or rejected from a specific university - is deflected.
Bingo. They've gotten very good at it and conservatives are hopefully now starting to get better at identifying that tactic and not falling for it. Play offense, not defense. In politics, one must play offense to win. That's why Donald Trump is so refreshing, because he actually plays offense. Same can be said about Kari Lake. Instead of playing defense and cowering at the claims of "election denier!!", instead of defending why she isn't an "election denier", she played offense and brought out numerous examples of Democrats denying elections and made THEM play defense on the issue. THAT'S winning.
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A very sensible position to take.

Bingo. They've gotten very good at it and conservatives are hopefully now starting to get better at identifying that tactic and not falling for it. Play offense, not defense. In politics, one must play offense to win. That's why Donald Trump is so refreshing, because he actually plays offense. Same can be said about Kari Lake. Instead of playing defense and cowering at the claims of "election denier!!", instead of defending why she isn't an "election denier", she played offense and brought out numerous examples of Democrats denying elections and made THEM play defense on the issue. THAT'S winning.
Thank you so much.

As another example of the nasty deflection game these leftists play, I was just hit with another one. Just three minutes ago, I was explaining the costs to illegal immigrants - educating and feeding their children, the ER care at the hospitals, the drop in caliber of schools, the reduced property values where they settle - and boom!, a leftist says I’m an “ignorant racist” in response.

I never mentioned race. So the idea is for me now to start defending myself, and we get off-track from the issue: how illegal immigrants are weakening this country.
Elections are won by a few percentage points either way. If there is a strong turnout among women, it could turn key races.

That is why Republicans are not letting their abortion views to be known
Not all women consider abortion rights to be an important issue.
Thank you so much.

As another example of the nasty deflection game these leftists play, I was just hit with another one. Just three minutes ago, I was explaining the costs to illegal immigrants - educating and feeding their children, the ER care at the hospitals, the drop in caliber of schools, the reduced property values where they settle - and boom!, a leftist says I’m an “ignorant racist” in response.

I never mentioned race. So the idea is for me now to start defending myself, and we get off-track from the issue: how illegal immigrants are weakening this country.
Precisely! You got it down quite well!

Democrats in general don't wish to address the actual issues... Instead, they assume or otherwise assign the position to you that you are only saying those things because you are a white supremacist racist who hates immigration... They LOVE identity politics!

Then, once you start defending yourself from those outlandish baseless claims of theirs, you've already lost the argument because you've now gotten distracted away from your good point that you were making about the additional costs with regard to unfettered illegal immigration. (iow, the foreign invasion of our country)
Thank you so much.

As another example of the nasty deflection game these leftists play, I was just hit with another one. Just three minutes ago, I was explaining the costs to illegal immigrants - educating and feeding their children, the ER care at the hospitals, the drop in caliber of schools, the reduced property values where they settle - and boom!, a leftist says I’m an “ignorant racist” in response.

I never mentioned race. So the idea is for me now to start defending myself, and we get off-track from the issue: how illegal immigrants are weakening this country.
... and even borderline off topic within this thread here, notice what I am doing with my usage of language when referring to the abortion issue. I do not say nor accept phrases such as "women's reproductive rights" or "women's healthcare". I don't even like to say the word abortion all that much. Instead, I say something along the lines of "killing a living human" or "child murder" or "killing one's offspring", and I usually make sure to add the phrase "for sake of convenience" at the end, as that keeps the focus on what most all abortion cases actually are about, as Democrats love to divert away from that and focus solely on rape and incest cases, and get emotional about how you want to force rape victims to give birth, and then when one gets talking about that and playing defense on that, one gets distracted away from the discussion about killing unborn children for sake of convenience.
Not all women consider abortion rights to be an important issue.
Oddly enough, the women who get the most worked up about abortion are the unattractive and mentally ill rainbow haired dikes who no one wants to have sex with in the first place.
Nope and some men do
It is a question of demographics

That is why Republicans are hiding on the issue
The more democrats run ads for abortion rights is great for republican candidates as most voters are focused on the economy and crime.
The more democrats run ads for abortion rights is great for republican candidates as most voters are focused on the economy and crime.
If abortion doesn’t matter in this election , why do Republicans duck the issue?

They should be proud of their opposition
If abortion doesn’t matter in this election , why do Republicans duck the issue?

They should be proud of their opposition
Republicans focus on what voters are most concerned about and abortion rights isn't high on the list.
Republicans focus on what voters are most concerned about and abortion rights isn't high on the list.
The rightist Supreme Court abrogating a woman's liberty by overturning an established precedent elicited a public reaction that authoritarians would do well to respect after voters in state after state turn out to support reproductive freedom.

Republicans cannot afford to ignore the public reaction.


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