Republicans leaving the GOP

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.
But I doubt they're joining the democratic party ending police qualified immunity, medicare for everyone and supporting Hamas
Never before in the history of this country has a so called political party gone to such extreme measures to overturn a fair and audited election.....Why? Simply to appease a Former Guy who cannot admit he lost. Or perhaps he is doing Putin's bidding to destroy faith in our electoral procedure

The GQP would rather lie for trump than to defend Democracy. That is both dangerous and treasonous.

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.
But I doubt they're joining the democratic party ending police qualified immunity, medicare for everyone and supporting Hamas
Never before in the history of this country has a so called political party gone to such extreme measures to overturn a fair and audited election.....Why? Simply to appease a Former Guy who cannot admit he lost. Or perhaps he is doing Putin's bidding to destroy faith in our electoral procedure

The GQP would rather lie for trump than to defend Democracy. That is both dangerous and treasonous.
It's certainly aiding Putin. But the DOJ was tapping the backdoor of Trump's campaign. But Trump's entire campaign was carbon cutout of Putin's campaigns against the EU. But neither US political party was really representing workers. At least the ones without 401ks.

I may not like what Bidens up to, but he's helped those who lost jobs, and those who don't have the 401ks. I benefited, to be sure. More than I benefited with McConnell/Trump. But Biden still hasn't moved on student loans.

I think some former gopers are disgusted with the lies about the votes. It was the wierdest election I participated in, but the result was neither surprising nor subject to doubt. But there is no shift toward progressives anywhere. If anything, the election showed actually the opposite.
It's telling that George Soros is funding (taa daa!) Democrats and (poof) all of sudden these losers are running the country? We aren't supposed to notice? OK, we can't question the improprieties of the 2020 election or question why the media & Democrats are exaggerating the capitol hill incident on January 6th and downplaying those "mostly peaceful" race riots they incited for over a year? I can go on and on with this idiotic needless Covid19 lock down and the cancel culture crap...
Seriously Covid killed at least half million Americans... Lockdown needless?????

Cancel Culture is alive and well in the GOP.. Liz Cheney is banished for what?????

Thee wasn't questioning of the 2020, it was full out non acceptance by the GOP leader and his followers...

You mightn't like the Dems(and they have faults) but they haven't undermined America like the GOP tolerance and support of anti American practices...

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.
But I doubt they're joining the democratic party ending police qualified immunity, medicare for everyone and supporting Hamas
Never before in the history of this country has a so called political party gone to such extreme measures to overturn a fair and audited election.....Why? Simply to appease a Former Guy who cannot admit he lost. Or perhaps he is doing Putin's bidding to destroy faith in our electoral procedure

The GQP would rather lie for trump than to defend Democracy. That is both dangerous and treasonous.

We no like rigged elections that result in Banana Republics. :banana:
It's telling that George Soros is funding (taa daa!) Democrats and (poof) all of sudden these losers are running the country? We aren't supposed to notice? OK, we can't question the improprieties of the 2020 election or question why the media & Democrats are exaggerating the capitol hill incident on January 6th and downplaying those "mostly peaceful" race riots they incited for over a year? I can go on and on with this idiotic needless Covid19 lock down and the cancel culture crap...
Seriously Covid killed at least half million Americans... Lockdown needless?????

Cancel Culture is alive and well in the GOP.. Liz Cheney is banished for what?????

Thee wasn't questioning of the 2020, it was full out non acceptance by the GOP leader and his followers...

You mightn't like the Dems(and they have faults) but they haven't undermined America like the GOP tolerance and support of anti American practices...
Liz Cheney is banished for what?????

For being a TDS suffering asshole who can't let shit go, subsequently diverting energy and attention from her "leadership" job....That's what.

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

so are they ready to vote in the hag now?

View attachment 491725
over tRump, yup any day!!!

So you think the Hag would win this time?

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

It's not a shell of Trump loyalists, it is a full blown cult. Either you pledge allegiance to Dear Leader, or you are banished from the party. Those are the only choices.
Explain to me why you think the pre-Trump GOP was so great.

The pre-Trump Republican Party was to the Democratic Party as Budweiser Lite Beer is to Guinness Stout. Republican candidates always promised to deliver great accomplishments if elected and never did. The Republican Party was simply wimpy, wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. It ran RINOs like John McCain and Mitt Romney for President and couldn’t figure out why they lost. If either had been elected we would at a minimum have a new Federal Assault Weapons Ban today. Most likely it would be illegal to own an AR-15.

Along came Trump and he carjacked the Republican Elephant right out from underneath Jeb Bush and rode it to victory over Hillary.

President Trump actually delivered on many of his campaign promises while President. Until the Chinese screwed up and released COVID-19 from their biological weapons lab in Wuhan, Trump had our economy roaring along and peace was breaking out all over the world. Trump did a great job with COVID-19 by developing vaccines much faster than the experts predicted. Trump was one of the best Presidents in my lifetime.

Trump proved a Republican can actually stand for something rather than act apologetic all the time.

The old establishment Republican Party is obsolete.

About time.

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

so are they ready to vote in the hag now?

View attachment 491725
over tRump, yup any day!!!

So you think the Hag would win this time?

View attachment 492068

Against tRump? ROTFLMFAO absolutely and she would be the 2nd worst candidate!!!

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

so are they ready to vote in the hag now?

View attachment 491725
over tRump, yup any day!!!

So you think the Hag would win this time?

View attachment 492068

Against tRump? ROTFLMFAO absolutely and she would be the 2nd worst candidate!!!

Does she make you pop woods?


The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

so are they ready to vote in the hag now?

View attachment 491725
over tRump, yup any day!!!

So you think the Hag would win this time?

View attachment 492068

Against tRump? ROTFLMFAO absolutely and she would be the 2nd worst candidate!!!

Does she make you pop woods?

View attachment 492070
As much as tRump rocks ewe up!!!
The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

It's not a shell of Trump loyalists, it is a full blown cult. Either you pledge allegiance to Dear Leader, or you are banished from the party. Those are the only choices.
This is where you retards come unhinged. Nobody is worshipping Trump. What we like are his governing. That could easily be anyone else. Secure the fucking borders. Deport the illegals. We don’t like the Army being a cartoon advertisement for the woke. The media is a joke, government agencies including the military are a joke and there’s zero trust in politicians doing what is best for citizens. Trump stood against that bullshit.
The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

It's not a shell of Trump loyalists, it is a full blown cult. Either you pledge allegiance to Dear Leader, or you are banished from the party. Those are the only choices.
Explain to me why you think the pre-Trump GOP was so great.

The pre-Trump Republican Party was to the Democratic Party as Budweiser Lite Beer is to Guinness Stout. Republican candidates always promised to deliver great accomplishments if elected and never did. The Republican Party was simply wimpy, wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. It ran RINOs like John McCain and Mitt Romney for President and couldn’t figure out why they lost. If either had been elected we would at a minimum have a new Federal Assault Weapons Ban today. Most likely it would be illegal to own an AR-15.

Along came Trump and he carjacked the Republican Elephant right out from underneath Jeb Bush and rode it to victory over Hillary.

President Trump actually delivered on many of his campaign promises while President. Until the Chinese screwed up and released COVID-19 from their biological weapons lab in Wuhan, Trump had our economy roaring along and peace was breaking out all over the world. Trump did a great job with COVID-19 by developing vaccines much faster than the experts predicted. Trump was one of the best Presidents in my lifetime.

Trump proved a Republican can actually stand for something rather than act apologetic all the time.

The old establishment Republican Party is obsolete.

About time.
I started counting the lies in your post and gave up after five....
The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

It's not a shell of Trump loyalists, it is a full blown cult. Either you pledge allegiance to Dear Leader, or you are banished from the party. Those are the only choices.
This is where you retards come unhinged. Nobody is worshipping Trump. What we like are his governing. That could easily be anyone else. Secure the fucking borders. Deport the illegals. We don’t like the Army being a cartoon advertisement for the woke. The media is a joke, government agencies including the military are a joke and there’s zero trust in politicians doing what is best for citizens. Trump stood against that bullshit.
trump began lying his first day in office, about the size of his inaugural crowd size and he never even slowed down. But the lie about the severity of COVID was a step too far. That screwed him. Now he is telling the Big Lie over and over, hoping that people will begin to believe him. Of course. the drooling, mindless MAGA crowd do. Everyone else....not so much.

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

so are they ready to vote in the hag now?

View attachment 491725
over tRump, yup any day!!!

So you think the Hag would win this time?

View attachment 492068

Against tRump? ROTFLMFAO absolutely and she would be the 2nd worst candidate!!!

Does she make you pop woods?

View attachment 492070
As much as tRump rocks ewe up!!!


The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

so are they ready to vote in the hag now?

View attachment 491725
over tRump, yup any day!!!

So you think the Hag would win this time?

View attachment 492068

Against tRump? ROTFLMFAO absolutely and she would be the 2nd worst candidate!!!

Does she make you pop woods?

View attachment 492070
As much as tRump rocks ewe up!!!

Is English your second language?

The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

so are they ready to vote in the hag now?

View attachment 491725
over tRump, yup any day!!!

So you think the Hag would win this time?

View attachment 492068

Against tRump? ROTFLMFAO absolutely and she would be the 2nd worst candidate!!!

Does she make you pop woods?

View attachment 492070
As much as tRump rocks ewe up!!!
It is about survival. I would support ethnic and cultural neighborhoods putting up walls or at least razor wire around their territory. It does not have to be totally encapsulation at least to start. Safety is important to most people. One party is now proven to approve of violence on anyone for their gain. Tribalism is not a conspiracy. It has been done time after time in history. The amount of male dominated gangs is going to increase a thousand fold if not even more as the extreme feminism takes over a dying nation.
We need more than two parties. It's the establishment vs the populace in both parties. Time to get rid of the establishment.
The GQP is becoming a shell of trump loyalists. They made the decision to follow a loser.

It's not a shell of Trump loyalists, it is a full blown cult. Either you pledge allegiance to Dear Leader, or you are banished from the party. Those are the only choices.
This is where you retards come unhinged. Nobody is worshipping Trump. What we like are his governing. That could easily be anyone else. Secure the fucking borders. Deport the illegals. We don’t like the Army being a cartoon advertisement for the woke. The media is a joke, government agencies including the military are a joke and there’s zero trust in politicians doing what is best for citizens. Trump stood against that bullshit.
trump began lying his first day in office, about the size of his inaugural crowd size and he never even slowed down. But the lie about the severity of COVID was a step too far. That screwed him. Now he is telling the Big Lie over and over, hoping that people will begin to believe him. Of course. the drooling, mindless MAGA crowd do. Everyone else....not so much.
Lying about what? He secured the border. We didn’t have any problems there for four years. He built a great economy. Just like he said. What lies? COVID has been proven to be a fucking joke, it’s why you assholes still run around in masks. COVID made the gullible stupid and worked like a charm on you.

He increased his votes from his first election run. Yet somehow retarded joe got even more than obie, hikdapig and Trump this time around? Are you fucking stupid? No sane person believes that.

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