Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

How about the war on black poverty? Has that worked...should we stop that war as well?
How about the war on rape and murder...have we ended rape and it time to decriminalize it?
War on Drugs has gotten us 2.5 million in prison
No other country is this stupid

No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades
Last edited:
I see no Republican condemning the billions and billions the Fed is pumping into the economy.

You ignorant lying fool.

Repurchase Agreement Operational Details - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK

I've explained this to you before, which means you're not just ignorant, but flat out lying.

I'm obviously not interested in your excuses.

Fed Pumps $70.1 Billion in One-Day Liquidity Into Financial Markets

Oh no, big banks are holding onto their excess reserves, instead of lending them overnight....we're doomed!
How about the war on black poverty? Has that worked...should we stop that war as well?
How about the war on rape and murder...have we ended rape and it time to decriminalize it?
War on Drugs has gotten us 2.5 million in prison
No other country is this stupid

No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.
War on Drugs has gotten us 2.5 million in prison
No other country is this stupid

No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities

Do you realize you have posted two threads for three years...."Orange man bad" and "here's why I deserve free shit"
Simple problems which are simple to identify require only simplistic thinking...See, you super dumbmotherfuckers whom fancy yourselves as deep critical thinkers love to create complexities in all problems related to you and your general do this because at the end of the day you seek no resolution as your relevance and existence is founded on PROBLEMS.
Let’s pretend all the Mexicans in this country legal or not, magically disappeared. Then what? What the fuck would happen next? I mean shit, if we got rid of Mexican people here legally, the economy would collapse. They are integral part of the economy whether you like it or not. How? They have jobs and they spend money on businesses. The economy would take a serious downward spiral.

"if we got rid of Mexican people here legally, the economy would collapse"
I'm certain you have links to prove this retarded bullshit because I'm certain you didn't pull this from your ass....right?
You do realize that more than 60% of wetback households are on the government tit...right?
That’s just you making statistics up. The fact of the matter is that legal or not, these people make up a large minority of the entire population. If they all disappeared tomorrow as I suggested, the economy would collapse from the huge drop in consumer spending and the legitimate jobs that Mexican people currently have.

Funny. We have a very small population of Mexicans up north, and our economy is doing just fine.
Just because a correlation sounds like it makes sense it doesn’t mean it is a real one.

Sorry, but you on the left keep presenting phony reasons why we need people from other countries here. We don't. Now it's our economy would collapse if Mexicans weren't here? How so? Do you think they come here wealthy? Educated? Spend a lot of money? In most cases, they make their money here and send our US dollars back across the border, by the tens of millions. So yeah, I think we could survive without that.
No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


And the percentage of minorities grows every year, just like your prison chart.
No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities

Dark people tend to be a bit more savage, far more criminal and far more violent than Caucasians. Piss your panties yet?
But, but, but...DIVERSITY is so fucking great for Americans.

Major Findings
• The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Vic- tim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
• There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, fol- lowed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
• In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
• In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
• In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be ar- rested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shoot- ing”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
• If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the rob- bery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
• In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
• In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
• In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of ho- micides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
• Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Last edited:
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
Yeah...I have no clue what is going on when I see a long line of people waiting for 'free' Obamaphones...and everyone in line is checking e-mail, texting, or playing games on the phones they already own....

I see no Republican condemning the billions and billions the Fed is pumping into the economy.

You ignorant lying fool.

Repurchase Agreement Operational Details - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK

I've explained this to you before, which means you're not just ignorant, but flat out lying.

I'm obviously not interested in your excuses.

Fed Pumps $70.1 Billion in One-Day Liquidity Into Financial Markets

Oh no, big banks are holding onto their excess reserves, instead of lending them overnight....we're doomed!

Typical avoidance
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


And the percentage of minorities grows every year, just like your prison chart.

That is untrue. Are you saying we have six times the minorities we had in 1970?
The percentage of blacks in our population has remained constant in the last 50 years, but the prison population had skyrocketed
No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities

Because the minorities now are also new immigrants. Coming from third world countries and having a hard time adapting to a first world environment.
No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


And the percentage of minorities grows every year, just like your prison chart.

That is untrue. Are you saying we have six times the minorities we had in 1970?
The percentage of blacks in our population has remained constant in the last 50 years, but the prison population had skyrocketed

Blacks have become increasingly more violent throughout the years. I believe at least some of the blame is in the music they listen to, and the adoption of this concept that being in jail is "street cred." It's cool to be a convict whereas at one time, it was shame. Today, an ex-con is a hero in their community.

In the past decade or so, drugs have had a major impact on all races in regards to convictions, but particularly blacks. In the black communities, drug sales and purchases become more violent than where drugs are bought and sold in white communities.

Single parent families, another crisis in America, but particularly for blacks. Without a father figure around, they start criminal activity much younger than before. Some estimate that out of wedlock births in black areas range from 70% to over 90% depending on where you go. So there's a lot more to this than one problem.

I see no Republican condemning the billions and billions the Fed is pumping into the economy.

You ignorant lying fool.

Repurchase Agreement Operational Details - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK

I've explained this to you before, which means you're not just ignorant, but flat out lying.

I'm obviously not interested in your excuses.

Fed Pumps $70.1 Billion in One-Day Liquidity Into Financial Markets

Oh no, big banks are holding onto their excess reserves, instead of lending them overnight....we're doomed!

Typical avoidance

Why are they holding excess reserve balances?
I see no Republican condemning the billions and billions the Fed is pumping into the economy.

You ignorant lying fool.

Repurchase Agreement Operational Details - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK

I've explained this to you before, which means you're not just ignorant, but flat out lying.

I'm obviously not interested in your excuses.

Fed Pumps $70.1 Billion in One-Day Liquidity Into Financial Markets

Oh no, big banks are holding onto their excess reserves, instead of lending them overnight....we're doomed!

Typical avoidance

Why are they holding excess reserve balances?

They complained that they had none which is why the Fed needed to pump more. Why would they lie?
You ignorant lying fool.

Repurchase Agreement Operational Details - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK

I've explained this to you before, which means you're not just ignorant, but flat out lying.

I'm obviously not interested in your excuses.

Fed Pumps $70.1 Billion in One-Day Liquidity Into Financial Markets

Oh no, big banks are holding onto their excess reserves, instead of lending them overnight....we're doomed!

Typical avoidance

Why are they holding excess reserve balances?

They complained that they had none which is why the Fed needed to pump more. Why would they lie?

They complained that they had none which is why the Fed needed to pump more

The big banks didn't say they had none.


Excess Reserves of Depository Institutions

Why would they lie?

Your ignorance means they lied? Almost $1.5 trillion. DURR
No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Fed Ups Its Wall Street Bailout to $690 Billion a Week as Media Snoozes

NY Fed spends $53 billion to rescue the overnight lending market
The flaw in your reasoning, and one of many with the argument, is the idea that nobody debated the need for firefighters as your example covers.

I used to live in an area where firefighters were in fact, private. You paid an annual fee, voluntarily to get fire coverage. If you did not pay, you did not get firefighters if your house burned down. In fact, they would show up, to insure your fire did not spread to your neighbors. Your house would not be saved. This remains fairly common across the nation, private firefighting services. You opt in, or out, based upon your own choices.

I broke my ankle, and had to call an ambulance. They stabilized the ankle, and took me to the Hospital. OK, fine so far. This County Medical Service, paid for by my taxes, sent me a bill for a thousand dollars. The Hospital I have insurance coverage through, wasn’t the closest one.

So there again, the Public Service, is covered by private billing. Odd isn’t it? That the free stuff doesn’t seem to be quite as free as we had been led to believe.

But let’s take County, or City Firefighters. Mostly people support those, because they know that anyone may need a firefighter to come and help them. But let’s compare and contrast it with Free College.

Let’s be honest. Not everyone is going to go to College even if this passes. There are a lot more “prospective” students, than there are slots in the schools. And the Tuition is outrageous. One of the oddities of our nation is that if gasoline goes up twenty cents, Congress demands hearings to know why. If my bank charges me a buck to use an out of network ATM, Congress would trample Nuns and Orphans to get to the cameras to denounce this before the media. But if a College charges tens of thousands of dollars to attend the school, plus more money for each class, and books, and housing, and all of that, nobody wonders or even asks about “big education”. Why haven’t the University Presidents had to come to Congress to justify their extreme fees?

But back to access. With Firefighters, or Police, everyone is eligible to go. If we pass this, does that mean I can go to College as a 50 plus year old man? How long do I get to go to College? Could I spend the rest of my life there living on whatever part time work I can manage and my early retirement? A decade, or more? What happens if a College doesn’t accept me? Does that mean that college is ineligible to participate in the free college program?

Accessibility is the point. What if my Nephew wants to go to Harvard. He doesn’t qualify, but how can you deny him access to a publicly funded program? Or are you going to come up with Education Panels, where people’s facebook posts are used to disqualify them from the better schools?

The system now may not be fair. Instead of asking how we can pay for everyone to go, when we all know that all kids aren’t going to go. Ask why it is so expensive? Why does it take a lifetime of earnings to attend school for four years? Why does it cost millions of dollars to get a medical degree? Why does it cost that much money? Why can’t they do it for less?

In every other endeavor competition drives prices down. In College for some reason, competition makes the prices go up. If Harvard charges more, everyone else figures they can too. It would be as if Rolls Royce charges a lot of money for their cars, so Ford figures they can charge just as much.

When someone starts asking why the College Education costs so much, it will show that they actually give a damn about the issue. For now, it is a carrot on the string trying to get idiots, like you, to vote for the politician who promises it. Come on, chase the carrot, and we will take care of your education. If you pass it, then it will be oh sorry, you don’t qualify for College. Instead, we’re going to send you to Tire Retread College. You’ll love Lugnut day.
Billy000 sounds like a typical lazy person who thinks everything should be easy.
No that’s just something you want to be true because it makes it easy to dismiss my point.

What was your "point" again?
That taxpayers paying Guadalupe to traverse our border and drop litters of brown filth in our laps is one and the same with taxpayers paying for fire and police services?
Am I right?
Do you realize how you just say the same shit over and over? In your fantasy land, getting rid of all the Mexicans is some cureall solution to all of our country’s problems and it is the most amateur, simplistic thinking.

Do you realize you have posted two threads for three years...."Orange man bad" and "here's why I deserve free shit"
Simple problems which are simple to identify require only simplistic thinking...See, you super dumbmotherfuckers whom fancy yourselves as deep critical thinkers love to create complexities in all problems related to you and your general do this because at the end of the day you seek no resolution as your relevance and existence is founded on PROBLEMS.
Let’s pretend all the Mexicans in this country legal or not, magically disappeared. Then what? What the fuck would happen next? I mean shit, if we got rid of Mexican people here legally, the economy would collapse. They are integral part of the economy whether you like it or not. How? They have jobs and they spend money on businesses. The economy would take a serious downward spiral.

Comrade racist, did you know that Mexico is a nation? "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race.

Now you're stupid, REALLY fucking stupid, but do you REALLY think illegals do all of the work in the country? Are you truly that brain dead?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities

Because the minorities now are also new immigrants. Coming from third world countries and having a hard time adapting to a first world environment.
We have always had minorities from third world countries. Many, many more than we have today

But we never had the incarceration rate we have now
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Fed Ups Its Wall Street Bailout to $690 Billion a Week as Media Snoozes

NY Fed spends $53 billion to rescue the overnight lending market
What does that have to do with what I posted?

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