Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

Billy000 sounds like a typical lazy person who thinks everything should be easy.
No that’s just something you want to be true because it makes it easy to dismiss my point.

What was your "point" again?
That taxpayers paying Guadalupe to traverse our border and drop litters of brown filth in our laps is one and the same with taxpayers paying for fire and police services?
Am I right?
Do you realize how you just say the same shit over and over? In your fantasy land, getting rid of all the Mexicans is some cureall solution to all of our country’s problems and it is the most amateur, simplistic thinking.
Yes, thanks to the filthy Democrats who welcome them here.
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

How about the war on black poverty? Has that worked...should we stop that war as well?
How about the war on rape and murder...have we ended rape and it time to decriminalize it?
War on Drugs has gotten us 2.5 million in prison
No other country is this stupid

No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

I hear what you're saying. The main purpose of government is to tell your neighbors how to live. Liberals usually agree with this attitude. What gives guys? RW, I thought you were down with that will of the people crap.
The will of the people is a Government that provides services for the people NOT a Government that caters to wealthy people

The federal government IS required to provide services, but very limited ones. They are listed in the US Constitution.
Billy000 sounds like a typical lazy person who thinks everything should be easy.
No that’s just something you want to be true because it makes it easy to dismiss my point.

What was your "point" again?
That taxpayers paying Guadalupe to traverse our border and drop litters of brown filth in our laps is one and the same with taxpayers paying for fire and police services?
Am I right?
Do you realize how you just say the same shit over and over? In your fantasy land, getting rid of all the Mexicans is some cureall solution to all of our country’s problems and it is the most amateur, simplistic thinking.

Do you realize you have posted two threads for three years...."Orange man bad" and "here's why I deserve free shit"
Simple problems which are simple to identify require only simplistic thinking...See, you super dumbmotherfuckers whom fancy yourselves as deep critical thinkers love to create complexities in all problems related to you and your general do this because at the end of the day you seek no resolution as your relevance and existence is founded on PROBLEMS.
Don’t smoke and wear your seatbelt

Works for me
There you go. That's what I'm talking about!
How about it Ray? Do you think smoking and not wearing your seatbelt should be against the law? Come on guys you're on the same side here.

No, I've always been against seat belt laws. Me not wearing a seat belt has no negative effect on society.

Needless deaths on the highway obviously have an effect on society. Nearly everything people do has an effect on society.
That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

I hear what you're saying. The main purpose of government is to tell your neighbors how to live. Liberals usually agree with this attitude. What gives guys? RW, I thought you were down with that will of the people crap.

So having laws makes one a liberal?
Nope. I was referring to nanny-state laws that tell people how to live - for their own good, of course.

I know, it's different when you do it.

When I do it??? Such as what?

When I smoked pot, it was a chance I took. Of course the pot back then was nowhere near as potent as the stuff today, and nobody really had a problem getting a decent job.

Today, the dope is stronger, I take note of more people getting addicted, and as I stated, they can't find work because most better paying jobs require passing random drug screens. If they don't stay home living with mom and dad, they are likely a liability on our social programs.
Don’t smoke and wear your seatbelt

Works for me
There you go. That's what I'm talking about!
How about it Ray? Do you think smoking and not wearing your seatbelt should be against the law? Come on guys you're on the same side here.

No, I've always been against seat belt laws. Me not wearing a seat belt has no negative effect on society.

Needless deaths on the highway obviously have an effect on society. Nearly everything people do has an effect on society.

How would me dying because I didn't wear a seatbelt affect society? The fire department just comes out, hoses me off the dashboard, and hauls my car to the junkyard.
What do have against the pride that comes with accomplishing a goal through smart decisions and hard work, Billy000?
Nobody is arguing with your GOP brainwash of blather, the problem is we don't tax the rich enough to pay for investment in infrastructure and education and training for the middle class, so we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever. People didn't just get stupid and lazy.
Why should people who worked hard and made smart decisions pay extra to cover the costs of stupid people who want what they have?
Nobody is talking about raising taxes on anyone but the rich who are ridiculously bloated at this point. But carry on with the brainwash

You aren’t too smucking fart.

My GF’s first job was pharmacy tech at a hospital. She’s now a nurse practitioner.
Would you like to guess who paid for her education?
And how is that relevant? It's all going downhill for the non rich. I'm glad she was able to beat the current. No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share...
Don’t smoke and wear your seatbelt

Works for me
There you go. That's what I'm talking about!
How about it Ray? Do you think smoking and not wearing your seatbelt should be against the law? Come on guys you're on the same side here.

No, I've always been against seat belt laws. Me not wearing a seat belt has no negative effect on society.

Needless deaths on the highway obviously have an effect on society. Nearly everything people do has an effect on society.

How would me dying because I didn't wear a seatbelt affect society? The fire department just comes out, hoses me off the dashboard, and hauls my car to the junkyard.

It would make the people sad. How would someone getting stoned in his basement affect society?

I know, it's different when you do it.

When I do it??? Such as what?

It's different when you want to use government to tell other people how to live. Because you know the right way to live.

No, I just believe when people participate in activities that do affect the taxpaying public, it gives government the right to create laws to discourage it. If we ever reach a point where these individuals are on their own and not a liability to taxpayers, I could care less WTF they do.

I know, it's different when you do it.

When I do it??? Such as what?

It's different when you want to use government to tell other people how to live. Because you know the right way to live.
No, I just believe when people participate in activities that do affect the taxpaying public, it gives government the right to create laws to discourage it. If we ever reach a point where these individuals are on their own and not a liability to taxpayers, I could care less WTF they do.
I sorta doubt that. Busybodies gonna busybody.

The main thing is, you think government should be able to ban anything that "affects society”, right? That's pretty much how the liberals see it. Why you guys gotta fight?

I know, it's different when you do it.

When I do it??? Such as what?

It's different when you want to use government to tell other people how to live. Because you know the right way to live.
No, I just believe when people participate in activities that do affect the taxpaying public, it gives government the right to create laws to discourage it. If we ever reach a point where these individuals are on their own and not a liability to taxpayers, I could care less WTF they do.
I sorta doubt that. Busybodies gonna busybody.

The main thing is, you think government should be able to ban anything that "affects society”, right? That's pretty much how the liberals see it. Why you guys gotta fight?

The thing is; we have a welfare mandate which forces good people to pay for the bad decisions that piece of shits make so YES, good people have a stake in the lives that piece of shits lead....Sucks for you huh?

I know, it's different when you do it.

When I do it??? Such as what?

It's different when you want to use government to tell other people how to live. Because you know the right way to live.
No, I just believe when people participate in activities that do affect the taxpaying public, it gives government the right to create laws to discourage it. If we ever reach a point where these individuals are on their own and not a liability to taxpayers, I could care less WTF they do.
I sorta doubt that. Busybodies gonna busybody.

The main thing is, you think government should be able to ban anything that "affects society”, right? That's pretty much how the liberals see it. Why you guys gotta fight?

Remove all the free shit mandates and we won't give two fucks about the life you want to lead....FUCK I'll throw party’s in celebration of the filth among us dying horrible deaths.
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