Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Bernie's tax proposal will never cover the cost. Not even close.
Yeah obviously it’s better not to take the loan, but the point is, in order to get a full education they must. Doesn’t that seem wrong to you? Educated people benefit society in general.
That is an outrageous lie. Literally any imbecile can work a minimum wage job at McDonald’s and get their entire education paid in full.

There isn’t a single person in America that has to take a loan for college. Not one.

It just further proves that you parasites are looking for more handouts.
The price tag has already been estimated at 70 billion per year which while is a lot, it is a fraction of overall US budget per year.
Estimated by liars with an agenda. And we’re $22 trillion in debt thanks to people like you - so we literally couldn’t afford “universal college” if it was $70,000 per year for the entire U.S.
Hey idiot not ever American wants to go to college such as yourself.
So to be’re openly admitting that the people who choose not to go to college (and thus will make considerably less in their lifetime) will spend their entire lives paying for others to go to school - who will ultimately be much more wealthier?

It will be the greatest transfer of wealth from the lower class to the upper class, in history. Exactly what you claim to vehemently oppose. :lmao:
Hey idiot not ever American wants to go to college such as yourself.
Sure they would, you dumb-ass high school dropout. If it were “free” 100% of kids would go just to party and not have to get a job for another 4 years. Moron.

I seen that happen first hand when I attended electronics school years ago. The first day, the teacher drew a battery on the chalkboard with two resisters in line. He went on to explain that the the battery was 12 volts, and each resister absorbed 6 volts. He asked if there were any questions, and there was a quite laugh. Then this black guy raised his hand. He went on to ask the stupidest questions. He couldn't figure out that 6+6=12. This went on for about five minutes, and the teacher finally got disgusted and moved on.

I whispered to the guy next to me "I don't think he's going to make it." He whispered back "I know he won't. This is his third time taking the first semester."

During break, we got to talking and getting to know each other. He knew of this guy because he had some medical issues which were responsible for him dropping out twice. As he explained, he was on some sort of government program for minorities. In spite of his failures, they kept paying to send him back. Now I know how much I had to study to get past the entrance exam. It was all math. So the school forged his test results to get the government money. It was guaranteed.
Not at all. In my industry, we need over 30,000 drivers we can't find. Some companies are willing to train and get you licensed for free. You just have to work for them for a year, or perhaps two at most.

My father is a retired bricklayer. His union sends them information about the trade. They are asking their retirees to find younger people to check out the industry. Mind you, bricklaying is very hard work, and up north, it also pays very well. My father is 88 years old now and they still provide him with his pension. He retired at the age of 62. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people are interested for that kind of money, but none that can pass a drug test.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

That is why we hire Mexicans

Yes, thanks to the filthy Democrats who welcome them here.
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

That is why we hire Mexicans

Yes, thanks to the filthy Democrats who welcome them here.
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

I hear what you're saying. The main purpose of government is to tell your neighbors how to live. Liberals usually agree with this attitude. What gives guys? RW, I thought you were down with that will of the people crap.
Yes, thanks to the filthy Democrats who welcome them here.
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

I hear what you're saying. The main purpose of government is to tell your neighbors how to live. Liberals usually agree with this attitude. What gives guys? RW, I thought you were down with that will of the people crap.

So having laws makes one a liberal?
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

I hear what you're saying. The main purpose of government is to tell your neighbors how to live. Liberals usually agree with this attitude. What gives guys? RW, I thought you were down with that will of the people crap.

So having laws makes one a liberal?
Nope. I was referring to nanny-state laws that tell people how to live - for their own good, of course.

I know, it's different when you do it.
Yes, thanks to the filthy Democrats who welcome them here.
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

I hear what you're saying. The main purpose of government is to tell your neighbors how to live. Liberals usually agree with this attitude. What gives guys? RW, I thought you were down with that will of the people crap.
The will of the people is a Government that provides services for the people NOT a Government that caters to wealthy people
That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

I hear what you're saying. The main purpose of government is to tell your neighbors how to live. Liberals usually agree with this attitude. What gives guys? RW, I thought you were down with that will of the people crap.

So having laws makes one a liberal?
Nope. I was referring to nanny-state laws that tell people how to live - for their own good, of course.

I know, it's different when you do it.
Don’t smoke and wear your seatbelt

Works for me
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

So how is it the war on drugs has not worked, but you leftist think the war on guns will?

When you make something legal, more people are going to try it; more people are going to use it. In spite of the myth pot is not addicting, I've seen too many situations that convinced me otherwise, such as the jobs I talked about.

In any case, if people can't get jobs because they are addicted to pot, and we are going to promote it's use by removing prohibition, then you're going to claim we need more invaders to do the jobs Americans can't do because they are too doped up.

What you just wrote is the perfect example of how liberals solve problems, and that is to create more problems in it's place. It's why the left should have no leadership in our federal government. They can destroy their states, but they should not be allowed to destroy the country.

I hear what you're saying. The main purpose of government is to tell your neighbors how to live. Liberals usually agree with this attitude. What gives guys? RW, I thought you were down with that will of the people crap.
The will of the people is a Government that provides services for the people NOT a Government that caters to wealthy people
But isn't "helping" people to steer clear of drugs a service? I don't understand why you're not on board with this.

That is why we hire Mexicans

Yes, thanks to the filthy Democrats who welcome them here.
You just said they can’t find Americans to fill those jobs

That is correct, they can't. This is how wages naturally go up. The answer isn't bringing in illegals to do the job, the answer is to focus on our drug problem. The Democrat states are legalizing drugs instead of fighting against them. Even if dope is legal, that still doesn't mean that employers will stop drug testing.

The War on Drugs did not work
Decriminalization works around the world

How about the war on black poverty? Has that worked...should we stop that war as well?
How about the war on rape and murder...have we ended rape and it time to decriminalize it?
War on Drugs has gotten us 2.5 million in prison
No other country is this stupid

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