Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities

Because the minorities now are also new immigrants. Coming from third world countries and having a hard time adapting to a first world environment.
We have always had minorities from third world countries. Many, many more than we have today

But we never had the incarceration rate we have now

We didn't have the drugs we have now either. Gang wars developed because of these drugs. We always had gangs here and there, but most of their issues were territorial. Today, every low income area has these gangs killing each other over drug sales. It's much worse than the Mafia days.
No that’s just something you want to be true because it makes it easy to dismiss my point.

What was your "point" again?
That taxpayers paying Guadalupe to traverse our border and drop litters of brown filth in our laps is one and the same with taxpayers paying for fire and police services?
Am I right?
Do you realize how you just say the same shit over and over? In your fantasy land, getting rid of all the Mexicans is some cureall solution to all of our country’s problems and it is the most amateur, simplistic thinking.

Do you realize you have posted two threads for three years...."Orange man bad" and "here's why I deserve free shit"
Simple problems which are simple to identify require only simplistic thinking...See, you super dumbmotherfuckers whom fancy yourselves as deep critical thinkers love to create complexities in all problems related to you and your general do this because at the end of the day you seek no resolution as your relevance and existence is founded on PROBLEMS.
Let’s pretend all the Mexicans in this country legal or not, magically disappeared. Then what? What the fuck would happen next? I mean shit, if we got rid of Mexican people here legally, the economy would collapse. They are integral part of the economy whether you like it or not. How? They have jobs and they spend money on businesses. The economy would take a serious downward spiral.

Comrade racist, did you know that Mexico is a nation? "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race.

Now you're stupid, REALLY fucking stupid, but do you REALLY think illegals do all of the work in the country? Are you truly that brain dead?
Hey idiot, he was talking about “wetbacks” therefore he meant Mexican. Moron.
I see no Republican condemning the billions and billions the Fed is pumping into the economy.

You ignorant lying fool.

Repurchase Agreement Operational Details - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK

I've explained this to you before, which means you're not just ignorant, but flat out lying.

I'm obviously not interested in your excuses.

Fed Pumps $70.1 Billion in One-Day Liquidity Into Financial Markets

You don't care about facts, you're a lying commie with an agenda.
There you go. That's what I'm talking about! has saved millions of lives

So where in the Constitution does it state one of the duties of our federal government is to save lives?

General Welfare

What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?
What the founders meant was Congress should do what is in the best interests for the country

As representatives of We the People, they will answer to the people

So, there is only one branch of government then? All hail the dictatorship of the house of representatives...


Fucking moron.
No other country has illegal recreational narcotics laws and penalties? Would you like to bet on that?
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Your a bot, not a real boi.

Prison populations rose because of 3 Strikes under Clinton. They started declining under Trump. Your graph conveniently omits that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities

Because the minorities now are also new immigrants. Coming from third world countries and having a hard time adapting to a first world environment.
We have always had minorities from third world countries. Many, many more than we have today

But we never had the incarceration rate we have now

We didn't have the drugs we have now either. Gang wars developed because of these drugs. We always had gangs here and there, but most of their issues were territorial. Today, every low income area has these gangs killing each other over drug sales. It's much worse than the Mafia days.

Tough guy drug laws filled our prisons. Mandatory sentencing, three strikes for minor convictions, drug free school zones

Lock them up and throw away the key
No other nation has the incarceration rate we do

No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Your a bot, not a real boi.

Prison populations rose because of 3 Strikes under Clinton. They started declining under Trump. Your graph conveniently omits that.

Clinton wasn’t president in 1980
What was your "point" again?
That taxpayers paying Guadalupe to traverse our border and drop litters of brown filth in our laps is one and the same with taxpayers paying for fire and police services?
Am I right?
Do you realize how you just say the same shit over and over? In your fantasy land, getting rid of all the Mexicans is some cureall solution to all of our country’s problems and it is the most amateur, simplistic thinking.

Do you realize you have posted two threads for three years...."Orange man bad" and "here's why I deserve free shit"
Simple problems which are simple to identify require only simplistic thinking...See, you super dumbmotherfuckers whom fancy yourselves as deep critical thinkers love to create complexities in all problems related to you and your general do this because at the end of the day you seek no resolution as your relevance and existence is founded on PROBLEMS.
Let’s pretend all the Mexicans in this country legal or not, magically disappeared. Then what? What the fuck would happen next? I mean shit, if we got rid of Mexican people here legally, the economy would collapse. They are integral part of the economy whether you like it or not. How? They have jobs and they spend money on businesses. The economy would take a serious downward spiral.

Comrade racist, did you know that Mexico is a nation? "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race.

Now you're stupid, REALLY fucking stupid, but do you REALLY think illegals do all of the work in the country? Are you truly that brain dead?
Hey idiot, he was talking about “wetbacks” therefore he meant Mexican. Moron.

No racist, you tried to turn nationality into a race to support your desire to have foreign nationals invade the country as a means of altering the demographics of the electorate.You Stalinists are evil as all fuck, but you're not nearly as clever as you think you are..
No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Your a bot, not a real boi.

Prison populations rose because of 3 Strikes under Clinton. They started declining under Trump. Your graph conveniently omits that.

Clinton wasn’t president in 1980

True, and as your graph shows, the real rise was about 92...
Do you realize how you just say the same shit over and over? In your fantasy land, getting rid of all the Mexicans is some cureall solution to all of our country’s problems and it is the most amateur, simplistic thinking.

Do you realize you have posted two threads for three years...."Orange man bad" and "here's why I deserve free shit"
Simple problems which are simple to identify require only simplistic thinking...See, you super dumbmotherfuckers whom fancy yourselves as deep critical thinkers love to create complexities in all problems related to you and your general do this because at the end of the day you seek no resolution as your relevance and existence is founded on PROBLEMS.
Let’s pretend all the Mexicans in this country legal or not, magically disappeared. Then what? What the fuck would happen next? I mean shit, if we got rid of Mexican people here legally, the economy would collapse. They are integral part of the economy whether you like it or not. How? They have jobs and they spend money on businesses. The economy would take a serious downward spiral.

Comrade racist, did you know that Mexico is a nation? "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race.

Now you're stupid, REALLY fucking stupid, but do you REALLY think illegals do all of the work in the country? Are you truly that brain dead?
Hey idiot, he was talking about “wetbacks” therefore he meant Mexican. Moron.

No racist, you tried to turn nationality into a race to support your desire to have foreign nationals invade the country as a means of altering the demographics of the electorate.You Stalinists are evil as all fuck, but you're not nearly as clever as you think you are..
Lol I’m not a communist but even if I was, why would that automatically make me a Stalinist? Don’t you realize how stupid that sounds? It’s not like communism has anything to do with mass murder.
You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities

Because the minorities now are also new immigrants. Coming from third world countries and having a hard time adapting to a first world environment.
We have always had minorities from third world countries. Many, many more than we have today

But we never had the incarceration rate we have now

We didn't have the drugs we have now either. Gang wars developed because of these drugs. We always had gangs here and there, but most of their issues were territorial. Today, every low income area has these gangs killing each other over drug sales. It's much worse than the Mafia days.

Tough guy drug laws filled our prisons. Mandatory sentencing, three strikes for minor convictions, drug free school zones

Lock them up and throw away the key

Laws don't fill our prisons--people who break the laws do. I'm pushing 60 years old now, and recreational narcotics have been illegal all of my life. Drug users do not fill up our prisons either, unless drugs were a violation in relation to an additional crime. Drug pushers fill our prisons.

And while sanctuary cites protect these drug pushers, Democrats getting them out of prison early, or not sentencing them to prison at all, fighting against the wall where most of our heroine comes from, you point to drug-free school zones as our problem????
It’s not like communism has anything to do with mass murder.
Just when I thought Billy Boi couldn’t possibly get any dumber, he proves otherwise...
Communism, Socialism, Marxism and all their strands have proven, over the course of a century, that they are ideals based on murder.
When you see posts by people like Billy, you really understand why they need government to provide for them. Imagine being so ignorant as to believe that communism is not deeply intertwined with mass murder.

Mass Murder: The Communist Way - Rational Standard
No other nation has the diversity that we do either. Extract the minorities from our prison system, and what you end up with is similar statistics as other nations.

The very fact that we treat prisoners like hotel guests gives them little fear in being convicted. They have workout rooms, libraries, football fields, three squares a day plus snacks if your family deposits money into your account, and even a little private room where you and your (whatever) can start a family from is hardly a deterrent. Thank your liberal judges for that.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Fed Ups Its Wall Street Bailout to $690 Billion a Week as Media Snoozes

NY Fed spends $53 billion to rescue the overnight lending market
What does that have to do with what I posted?

LOL, sorry, I have no idea. Somehow it got posted to the wrong post.
I understand the concept perfectly...

I work, and have the government take the money to pay for lots of shit the lazy Democrats aren't willing to work for...

Because there are absolutely no Republicans on welfare, receive food stamps, on medicaid, etc.
Other nations have poor people who make up most of the prison population

The US has always had a large minority population but our prison population has escalated in the past few decades

You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Your a bot, not a real boi.

Prison populations rose because of 3 Strikes under Clinton. They started declining under Trump. Your graph conveniently omits that.

Clinton wasn’t president in 1980

True, and as your graph shows, the real rise was about 92...
You don’t read graphs well
I understand the concept perfectly...

I work, and have the government take the money to pay for lots of shit the lazy Democrats aren't willing to work for...

Because there are absolutely no Republicans on welfare, receive food stamps, on medicaid, etc.
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