Republicans love the $17 trillion national debt


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.
Wbich president cut billions from Medicare?
Which party was in power when most of this spending took place?

Why don't you just go hang yourself and save everyone the trouble of refuting your stupid ignorant posts?
The national dept was created by both parties. Congress has the power of the purse by the way!
Wbich president cut billions from Medicare?
Which party was in power when most of this spending took place?

Why don't you just go hang yourself and save everyone the trouble of refuting your stupid ignorant posts?

The fact remains that Obama can’t take away the Medicare trust fund bonds. But both the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and Richard Foster, Medicare’s chief actuary, have said that the law can’t extend the life of the trust funds and pay for other measures at the same time. Foster said in 2011 testimony: “In practice, the improved HI [hospital insurance] financing cannot be simultaneously used to finance other Federal outlays (such as the coverage expansions) and to extend the trust fund, despite the appearance of this result from the respective accounting conventions.”
What happens in government accounting is that after Treasury issues a bond that it will have to pay later, it can spend the money it received on other things. And it often does, whether that’s coverage expansion, as called for in the health care law, or any number of things. The Romney spokesman said it was “a shell game.”
But that doesn’t mean that the Medicare trust fund will be slashed or its “piggy bank” “robbed” or “raided,” or any other claim we’d put firmly in the category of “senior scare.”

Medicare?s ?Piggy Bank?

Try again.
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.

your right and if you buy what the other guys want you get the shit you deserve too....i live in a State where the other guys you love so much had a big hand in fucking it up....for a guy who said he aint to happy with Democrats at the sure as hell suck their asses dont you? would think that a few of the threads and posts you throw up would reflect do you see why you are called a liar and a phony?....
Wbich president cut billions from Medicare?
Which party was in power when most of this spending took place?

Why don't you just go hang yourself and save everyone the trouble of refuting your stupid ignorant posts?

The fact remains that Obama can’t take away the Medicare trust fund bonds. But both the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and Richard Foster, Medicare’s chief actuary, have said that the law can’t extend the life of the trust funds and pay for other measures at the same time. Foster said in 2011 testimony: “In practice, the improved HI [hospital insurance] financing cannot be simultaneously used to finance other Federal outlays (such as the coverage expansions) and to extend the trust fund, despite the appearance of this result from the respective accounting conventions.”
What happens in government accounting is that after Treasury issues a bond that it will have to pay later, it can spend the money it received on other things. And it often does, whether that’s coverage expansion, as called for in the health care law, or any number of things. The Romney spokesman said it was “a shell game.”
But that doesn’t mean that the Medicare trust fund will be slashed or its “piggy bank” “robbed” or “raided,” or any other claim we’d put firmly in the category of “senior scare.”

Medicare?s ?Piggy Bank?

Try again.
Obamacare forcing 14 percent cut in Medicare's home health care program |

ObamaCare?s New Year?s Day Surprise: Deep Cuts to Medicare - AMAC, Inc.

Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.

Bull effing shit!!
The national dept was created by both parties. Congress has the power of the purse by the way!

The Party with the majority in Congress has the the power of the purse. Sure, Revenue Bills must originate in the House Of Representatives, but in actuality, the Senate and the Executive Branch have control over the power of the purse right now. Over 150 Bills effecting Revenue Passed by the House Of Representatives sitting on 'dingy' Harry Reid's desk. Harry Reid is the power of the purse, that's filthy Harry.
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.

Here's a clue. We had a democrat congress until 94.

A Republican congress balanced the budget, Clinton got the credit. As he should.

Early in W's presidency an incident commonly referred to as 9/11 happened.

You may have heard about it.
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.

Here's a clue. We had a democrat congress until 94.

A Republican congress balanced the budget, Clinton got the credit. As he should.

Early in W's presidency an incident commonly referred to as 9/11 happened.

You may have heard about it.

Clinton was and is a smart politician. He saw the writing on the wall and went along with the Republican congress. He even got points with his OWN side for mitigating some of the changes his side didn't like, i.e. welfare reform, while still passing it.
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.

More proof that liberals are liars.
This op is plagiarizing rdean material...

and it's just as nutty, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
They'll do whatever it take for the party...if it means lying, smears, etc anything goes in their book of dirty politics

for them, it's party over COUNTRY
They'll do whatever it take for the party...if it means lying, smears, etc anything goes in their book of dirty politics

for them, it's party over COUNTRY

Both of the two parties do that. The problem with democrats vs. republicans is, you can be pretty certain what kind of fuck job you're getting with republicans. Democrats on the other hand LIE right to your face over and over and over and over and over again. Then once more.
The national dept was created by both parties. Congress has the power of the purse by the way!

The Party with the majority in Congress has the the power of the purse. Sure, Revenue Bills must originate in the House Of Representatives, but in actuality, the Senate and the Executive Branch have control over the power of the purse right now. Over 150 Bills effecting Revenue Passed by the House Of Representatives sitting on 'dingy' Harry Reid's desk. Harry Reid is the power of the purse, that's filthy Harry.

Shrub Jr. had a republican Senate and House of Reps. when he was doubling the national debt, and destroying the economy.
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.

Here's a clue. We had a democrat congress until 94.

A Republican congress balanced the budget, Clinton got the credit. As he should.

Early in W's presidency an incident commonly referred to as 9/11 happened.

You may have heard about it.

W. allowed 9/11 to happen, then invaded Iraq, which had nothing to do with it. Try another excuse.
The national dept was created by both parties. Congress has the power of the purse by the way!

The Party with the majority in Congress has the the power of the purse. Sure, Revenue Bills must originate in the House Of Representatives, but in actuality, the Senate and the Executive Branch have control over the power of the purse right now. Over 150 Bills effecting Revenue Passed by the House Of Representatives sitting on 'dingy' Harry Reid's desk. Harry Reid is the power of the purse, that's filthy Harry.

Shrub Jr. had a republican Senate and House of Reps. when he was doubling the national debt, and destroying the economy.

Bush's term added about $5T over 8 years.
Obama has added $7T in 5 years.
Your call.
The national dept was created by both parties. Congress has the power of the purse by the way!

The Party with the majority in Congress has the the power of the purse. Sure, Revenue Bills must originate in the House Of Representatives, but in actuality, the Senate and the Executive Branch have control over the power of the purse right now. Over 150 Bills effecting Revenue Passed by the House Of Representatives sitting on 'dingy' Harry Reid's desk. Harry Reid is the power of the purse, that's filthy Harry.

Shrub Jr. had a republican Senate and House of Reps. when he was doubling the national debt, and destroying the economy.

You guys are such a broken record. You'll never let it go and move on to catch up with the times, will you? it's like a loser who can't get over a bad relationship.

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