Republicans love the $17 trillion national debt

The Republicans have been fighting big spending for years. They create their election platforms on the same. This administration has been spending out of control it has to stop. There have been individual spending problems with members on each side when it comes to earmarks. This just has to stop. Both parties have to stop "buying votes" with the tax payers money and be responsible to the country for its fiscal future.

Bush was a terrible spender.

terrible "leader" too....

he Was good when he told the un and all the progressives to fuck off, but i the second term, he started to do the same spending shit and it was awful

But atleast cons criticize their leaders, i never see the regressives on here do that,and harry knows what i mean, the antiliberal regressives never criticize der furer, obama
Bush was a terrible spender.

terrible "leader" too....

he Was good when he told the un and all the progressives to fuck off, but i the second term, he started to do the same spending shit and it was awful

But atleast cons criticize their leaders, i never see the regressives on here do that,and harry knows what i mean, the antiliberal regressives never criticize der furer, obama

democrats will criticize obama when muslims criticize suicide bombers. religions are like that----------liberalism is a religion-----
Here's a clue. We had a democrat congress until 94.

A Republican congress balanced the budget, Clinton got the credit. As he should.

Early in W's presidency an incident commonly referred to as 9/11 happened.

You may have heard about it.

W. allowed 9/11 to happen, then invaded Iraq, which had nothing to do with it. Try another excuse.

Wow, you know I think the birthers are crazy, but you just put yourself right up there with them.

there is a reason he is called "Hangover".....
yes, we know. He beat your clowns twice so you must demonize him---we get it. Now, go back to sleep.

Bush indeed was a terrible president.

Yes, he made some dumb mistakes, but he was/is an american who loves this country

whereas obama has made many more dumb mistakes and hates this country for being what it is

If you cannot see the difference then you are dumber than a sack of toad feet.
So a president can make really stupid mistakes as long as he/she loves his/her country? That's what you're saying.
yes, we know. He beat your clowns twice so you must demonize him---we get it. Now, go back to sleep.
sorry i did not vote for any of the clowns you speak sorry i insulted your clown...all in all your party has just as many clowns as the other one.....when will they stop playing circus and start running the Country?....can you answer that?....or are you too partisan to give me an honest answer?...

I don't know, maybe never unless we make major changes to the system. Change number 1 should be term limits for congress.

If you didn't vote for Bush, Kerry, Gore, Romney, McCain, or Obama----all clowns by your definition, who did you vote for?

or did you just stay home and vote for obama de facto?
i vote 3rd for either of the 2 Parties will just insure that nothing changes...if you want to see change you are going to have to take a chance and cut the cord....maybe if the 2 big boys see that they are not as untouchable as they think they are they might actually wake up and start getting some quality people to run who actually think about the Country long as you folks keep voting for the same old shit you are going to be here bitching about the same old shit year after we are doing now....
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The GOP always talks about privatizing Social Security, but there's a dirty little secret about any such scheme that they don't usually bring up:

If you privatized Social Security, working people would start putting their payroll tax into private accounts, which means it would NOT go into the Social Security Trust Fund.

Currently the Trust Fund is about a 2 trillion dollar note that the American taxpayers owe to those who put into the Fund, because the money was borrowed for wars and entitlements and all that.

Currently, the annual payroll tax contribution can pay all of most of that year's SS recipients, without dipping into the Trust Fund.
Once that payroll tax stopped coming in though, recipients would have to be paid from the Trust Fund,

which means the Trust Fund would be cashing in tens of billions of dollars worth of bonds every year,

and the American taxpayer would have to come up with that money out the revenue in the general fund, which, oh yeah,

is already still close to a trillion dollars in annual deficit to begin with.
yes, we know. He beat your clowns twice so you must demonize him---we get it. Now, go back to sleep.

Bush indeed was a terrible president.

Yes, he made some dumb mistakes, but he was/is an american who loves this country

whereas obama has made many more dumb mistakes and hates this country for being what it is

If you cannot see the difference then you are dumber than a sack of toad feet.

no one said he does not love this Country.....he is supposed to be a great guy .....but hey,great guy or not....he was not that great of a President or a good leader.....when you go from 90% of the Country standing with you and end up with only what?....33% when he was done.....Leadership was not one of his strong points.....going into Iraq was his downfall.....
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.
NO ONE has the money to pay unfunded MANDATES that are 200Trillion PLUS ...:eusa_hand:

The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The GOP always talks about privatizing Social Security, but there's a dirty little secret about any such scheme that they don't usually bring up:

If you privatized Social Security, working people would start putting their payroll tax into private accounts, which means it would NOT go into the Social Security Trust Fund.

Currently the Trust Fund is about a 2 trillion dollar note that the American taxpayers owe to those who put into the Fund, because the money was borrowed for wars and entitlements and all that.

Currently, the annual payroll tax contribution can pay all of most of that year's SS recipients, without dipping into the Trust Fund.
Once that payroll tax stopped coming in though, recipients would have to be paid from the Trust Fund,

which means the Trust Fund would be cashing in tens of billions of dollars worth of bonds every year,

and the American taxpayer would have to come up with that money out the revenue in the general fund, which, oh yeah,

is already still close to a trillion dollars in annual deficit to begin with.

Remind us what the Democrat plan to deal with this is.
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.

Bull effing shit!!

Bull shit is all you got, but it's not a viable rebuttal. If you've got anything to refute my OP please present it. But we all know you can't, hence your bull shit.

Talk about bullshit, anothe cook truther posts crap like the op. Your nazi regime wants to kill old folks because they dont produce for the state.
Bush was a terrible spender.

terrible "leader" too....

he Was good when he told the un and all the progressives to fuck off, but i the second term, he started to do the same spending shit and it was awful

But atleast cons criticize their leaders, i never see the regressives on here do that,and harry knows what i mean, the antiliberal regressives never criticize der furer, obama

the far lefties here sure as hell dont .....i never see those ones ever even question anything Democrat....they just go with the flow....
Why not treat the tally like a huge credit card statement.
And only approve paying for costs that all parties AGREE were valid charges.
Negotiate or reduce the rest, or charge back to whoever incurred charges we reject.

Assign teams to go through and answer ALL objections from petitioners complaining of govt corruption, abuse, waste, misspending, and "conflicts of interest"

And hire lawyers on commission to collect back on these costs to taxpayers,
either settlements negotiated over time, lending money against these debts
where taxpayers are treated as the creditors owed interest NOT as the debtors,
or issuing credits to taxpayers to be invested in programs or developments
we don't want to pay more taxes to cover; while wrongdoers are responsible for
paying back for debts, damages, profits or charges they incurred at public expense.

The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The last three republican presidents are responsible for over $12 trillion of the national debt, with tax welfare to millionaires and corporate business, and the Iraq/Afghan wars. THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. The only way it's going to get paid off, is if those with the money pay it. But cons don't want it paid off, they just want to destroy those social programs.

Ronnie Raygun almost tripled the national debt in his eight years, building nuclear bombs and a STAR WARS fantasy.

Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, with the start of the Iraq war.

Clinton actually balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in his first six months.

And Shrub Jr. also doubled the national debt again, adding more than all presidents before him added together. AND he also destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy. He left Obama with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit, which the cons try to blame Obama for.

Obama has cut that $1.2 trillion deficit in half in the last five years, while trying to bring this country out of the GREAT RECESSION Shrub Jr. left him with. All the while, the GOP has been obstructing all efforts to do so.

And now their solution is to fuck the elderly by destroying Social Security and Medicare, fucking the poor by destroying food stamps, taking food from the mouths of children, destroying unemployment benefits to workers that have lost their jobs because the cons have allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China.

The cons believe that throwing the elderly and the poor out in the street is going to make this country better. Like fifty million homeless it a good idea.

If you buy the con vision, you get what you deserve.
terrible "leader" too....

he Was good when he told the un and all the progressives to fuck off, but i the second term, he started to do the same spending shit and it was awful

But atleast cons criticize their leaders, i never see the regressives on here do that,and harry knows what i mean, the antiliberal regressives never criticize der furer, obama

democrats will criticize obama when muslims criticize suicide bombers. religions are like that----------liberalism is a religion-----

the same can be said of Conservatism....there are Zealots on both ends....
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created.

When a liberal starts off a thread with a flat lie like this one (actually four lies for the price of one this time), you know there's no point in reading further.

The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The GOP always talks about privatizing Social Security, but there's a dirty little secret about any such scheme that they don't usually bring up:

If you privatized Social Security, working people would start putting their payroll tax into private accounts, which means it would NOT go into the Social Security Trust Fund.

Currently the Trust Fund is about a 2 trillion dollar note that the American taxpayers owe to those who put into the Fund, because the money was borrowed for wars and entitlements and all that.

Currently, the annual payroll tax contribution can pay all of most of that year's SS recipients, without dipping into the Trust Fund.
Once that payroll tax stopped coming in though, recipients would have to be paid from the Trust Fund,

which means the Trust Fund would be cashing in tens of billions of dollars worth of bonds every year,

and the American taxpayer would have to come up with that money out the revenue in the general fund, which, oh yeah,

is already still close to a trillion dollars in annual deficit to begin with.

Remind us what the Democrat plan to deal with this is.
Carbonated is all about bilking the TAXPAYER especially if they are rich and Conservative.
Democrats: Tax and spend

Republicans: Borrow and spend
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created. And now with the $17 trillion national debt that THEY created, the cons think they have justification to destroy those programs.

The GOP always talks about privatizing Social Security, but there's a dirty little secret about any such scheme that they don't usually bring up:

If you privatized Social Security, working people would start putting their payroll tax into private accounts, which means it would NOT go into the Social Security Trust Fund.

Currently the Trust Fund is about a 2 trillion dollar note that the American taxpayers owe to those who put into the Fund, because the money was borrowed for wars and entitlements and all that.

Currently, the annual payroll tax contribution can pay all of most of that year's SS recipients, without dipping into the Trust Fund.
Once that payroll tax stopped coming in though, recipients would have to be paid from the Trust Fund,

which means the Trust Fund would be cashing in tens of billions of dollars worth of bonds every year,

and the American taxpayer would have to come up with that money out the revenue in the general fund, which, oh yeah,

is already still close to a trillion dollars in annual deficit to begin with.

So its a ponzi scheme

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Somebody did something to get us into debt to the tune of $17 trillion...
But of course the Democrats had nothing to do with it.

Democrats = It's never our fault.
The cons have been trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, food stamps and healthcare since they were created.

When a liberal starts off a thread with a flat lie like this one (actually four lies for the price of one this time), you know there's no point in reading further.


hungover claims he is an "independent Liberal" who is so independent that he defends the Democrats as much as someone like Dean does.....the guy is a phony....

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