Republicans: Obama must defend Christian values

At least know the material before commenting:

The Bible and slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia look stupid.

Hey Swallow, show us a society that didn't have slavery, just one?

That you believe Christianity supports slavery clearly describes how low you are...

I would think twice before you started calling anyone stupid...

Maybe you should think several times based on your competency...

What a rational retort..with some faggot overtones fucking intelligent.

I know you fucks like to think about fucking each other in the ass all the fucking time and swallowing each other's jizz..but that ain't my speed, quifter.

In any case.

There is nothing more slavening. Nothing more bloodthirsty. Nothing more intolerant than a Christian.

You guys resort to attacks.

You can't even explain that you guys are 'peaceful'. But that's not in your make up.

You've been slaughtering folks since you left the Roman Lion arenas and haven't stopped since.

I guess paybacks a bitch.

But the Romans are gone.

You can stop now.

Hey Shallow, a little sensitive ah?

That male to male bonding is something you're not to proud of in public? It's understandable...

I see your intellect of history is a little short as well...
It would be unconstitutional since the Constitution prohibits any religious test to hold office.

The unethical, and unprincipled don't care about that, just as long as RELIGION is scoriated!

What's wrong? Got some issues with asking candidates about their views on evolution and gods wrath?

Afraid they'll look crazy if they answer honestly?

I'd much rather know what they think so I don't inadvertently vote for an atheist. However, such questions are illegal.

Article VI | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Of the 533* total members in both houses (*2 vacant House seats):

299 are “Protestant”

163 are Catholic

15 are Mormons

5 are Orthodox Christians

33 are Jewish

2 are Muslim

2 are Hindus

1 is Unitarian

3 is Buddhists

7 is non-affiliated.

1 atheist - Rep. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, the House gets its first member to say she has no religion at all.

Christians in Congress | Rob Schenck

Every single President we have ever had was Christian and all of them were protestant with the exception of John F. Kennedy who was roman catholic.
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Obama put on the mask when he ran for office claiming to be a "Christian" to cover up his Islamic past.

We all know he is full of shit about being a Christian based on his actions of going after Christian groups with abortion/obamacare and turning his back on black and brown Christians from Africa to Afghanistan being murdered to discriminated against in their daily lives.
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Hey Swallow, show us a society that didn't have slavery, just one?

That you believe Christianity supports slavery clearly describes how low you are...

I would think twice before you started calling anyone stupid...

Maybe you should think several times based on your competency...

What a rational retort..with some faggot overtones fucking intelligent.

I know you fucks like to think about fucking each other in the ass all the fucking time and swallowing each other's jizz..but that ain't my speed, quifter.

In any case.

There is nothing more slavening. Nothing more bloodthirsty. Nothing more intolerant than a Christian.

You guys resort to attacks.

You can't even explain that you guys are 'peaceful'. But that's not in your make up.

You've been slaughtering folks since you left the Roman Lion arenas and haven't stopped since.

I guess paybacks a bitch.

But the Romans are gone.

You can stop now.

Hey Shallow, a little sensitive ah?

That male to male bonding is something you're not to proud of in public? It's understandable...

I see your intellect of history is a little short as well...

I don't do your fucking male on male bonding, faggot.

And I am very well versed in what you blood thirsty motherfuckers have done to humanity.
Of the 533* total members in both houses (*2 vacant House seats):

299 are “Protestant”

163 are Catholic

15 are Mormons

5 are Orthodox Christians

33 are Jewish

2 are Muslim

2 are Hindus

1 is Unitarian

3 is Buddhists

7 is non-affiliated.

1 atheist - Rep. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, the House gets its first member to say she has no religion at all.

Christians in Congress | Rob Schenck

Every single President we have ever had was Christian and all of them were protestant with the exception of John F. Kennedy who was roman catholic.

Washington was probably an Atheist and Free Mason.

In any case..I personally would like to see another in office.

Maybe they want a "Christian Values" board in the government.. :doubt:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Leading Republicans on Thursday insisted that America's leaders must do more to defend Christian values at home and abroad, blaming President Barack Obama for attacks on religious freedom as they courted social conservatives expected to play a critical role in the next presidential contest.

"Those of us inspired by Judeo-Christian values...have an obligation to our country and to our fellow man to use our positions of influence to highlight those values," Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio said at a conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by long-time Christian political activist Ralph Reed.

There not even hiding the calls for Theocracy anymore..

Take a gander at the Constitution, folks:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The VERY first amendment PROHIBITS the President from advocating for Christian, Hindi, Muslim, Buddhist or any other religion's "values".

Of course Sallow the word President is right in there................ opps!
It says Congress.

The President doesn't legislate.
What a shame for some of you we are still a majority Christian nation

try Iran, North Korea, CHINA is a calling

or worship at the feet and altars of your elected politicians, like lizzy warren, Hillary and Obama

She says as she drools over an image of The Pootin.
Maybe they want a "Christian Values" board in the government.. :doubt:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Leading Republicans on Thursday insisted that America's leaders must do more to defend Christian values at home and abroad, blaming President Barack Obama for attacks on religious freedom as they courted social conservatives expected to play a critical role in the next presidential contest.

"Those of us inspired by Judeo-Christian values...have an obligation to our country and to our fellow man to use our positions of influence to highlight those values," Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio said at a conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by long-time Christian political activist Ralph Reed.
There not even hiding the calls for Theocracy anymore..

Take a gander at the Constitution, folks:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The VERY first amendment PROHIBITS the President from advocating for Christian, Hindi, Muslim, Buddhist or any other religion's "values".
No it doesn't, Einstein. The First Amendment doesn't even address the President.

And it doesn't prohibit advocating for anything. Do you know the difference between advocating and establishing?

The first amendment is pretty clear to us Liberals.

Because, it's liberal.

You conservatives have trouble with the verbiage.

Government is PROHIBITED from establishing, advocating, endorsing or any other way codifying religion in this country.

That enough words for you?
What are those so-called "traditional christian values" that President Obama is supposed to be defending? List them please.

What's the matter Bode, do lesbians have an advertence to a search engine? Over 106 million hits on it on Bing alone...take your pick!

list traditional christian values - Bing

Your first one listed was "Family Values", not "christian values".

Your second one was Wikipedia which can be added to by anyone...but I did get this from it:

The biblical teachings of Jesus include:[1]

Love of God: "You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." (an excerpt from the Shema), -Matthew 22:37
Fidelity in marriage: "Whom God has joined together let no man put asunder"
Renunciation of worldly goods: "Gather not your riches up upon this earth, for there your heart will be also",
Renunciation of violence: "If a man strikes you on one cheek, turn the other cheek",
Forgiveness of sins: "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us",
Unconditional love: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".

I would believe that some of you so-called christians would have some serious problems with some of those

90% of the so called Christians on this forum are going to burn in the fires of Hell, led by GIZMO.
Maybe they want a "Christian Values" board in the government.. :doubt:

There not even hiding the calls for Theocracy anymore..

Take a gander at the Constitution, folks:

The VERY first amendment PROHIBITS the President from advocating for Christian, Hindi, Muslim, Buddhist or any other religion's "values".
No it doesn't, Einstein. The First Amendment doesn't even address the President.

And it doesn't prohibit advocating for anything. Do you know the difference between advocating and establishing?

The first amendment is pretty clear to us Liberals.

Because, it's liberal.

You conservatives have trouble with the verbiage.

Government is PROHIBITED from establishing, advocating, endorsing or any other way codifying religion in this country.

That enough words for you?
More words, please. The more you say, the bigger the laugh.
Read the Tenth Amendment, no I'm not going to type it for you again.
The religion question is left to the States, for the people of the various States to decide at the State wide elections.

It is nowhere in the Constitution, "prohibited to the States", so decisions concerning religion is in the jurisdiction of the States.

I know you Liberals will argue against this and come up with 'off the wall' reasoning, but it's all garbage if it's not quoted from the Constitution, GARBAGE, just like you LIBERALS are GARBAGE!!
I think we are past the point where you can pretend that the whole world doesn't recognize Obama and the current admin for what they are.

Dictators, Hitler, Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot.

The loons are the fanatics who defend them. Thank goodness you're a tiny, hysterical, and easily identifiable minority.

If Obama was a dictator, do you think he would allow you to post everything that you do?
Our Christian founding fathers didn't have a problem defending Christian values so why should Obama have a problem with it?

most were desists and they didn't want theists screwing with us.

read the F I R S T A M E N D M E N T

your religion needs to stay out of our government.



Government needs to stay out of religion.

And please stop prating that the founding fathers were deists. It's utter horseshit.
Our Christian founding fathers didn't have a problem defending Christian values so why should Obama have a problem with it?

most were desists and they didn't want theists screwing with us.

read the F I R S T A M E N D M E N T

your religion needs to stay out of our government.



Government needs to stay out of religion.

And please stop prating that the founding fathers were deists. It's utter horseshit.

Well A. You are right about government and religion. The only reason governments needs to intervene in religion, is to keep it from infringing on the rights of others. And B. Many of the founding fathers didn't personally believe in god or thought god was an "architect" that just built things and left.

They are interesting folks. You should read up on them. Allie.
Read the Tenth Amendment, no I'm not going to type it for you again.
The religion question is left to the States, for the people of the various States to decide at the State wide elections.

It is nowhere in the Constitution, "prohibited to the States", so decisions concerning religion is in the jurisdiction of the States.

I know you Liberals will argue against this and come up with 'off the wall' reasoning, but it's all garbage if it's not quoted from the Constitution, GARBAGE, just like you LIBERALS are GARBAGE!!

You should read the Constitution, in it's entirety.

The states are NOT superior to the Federal government.

And with good reason.

The founders weren't creating a "Confederation" of states. They were creating a country.
I would never expect obama to defend Christian values. They aren't his values. Satan does not suddenly become the prince of peace. Demons do not have Christian values.
most were desists and they didn't want theists screwing with us.

read the F I R S T A M E N D M E N T

your religion needs to stay out of our government.



Government needs to stay out of religion.

And please stop prating that the founding fathers were deists. It's utter horseshit.

Well A. You are right about government and religion. The only reason governments needs to intervene in religion, is to keep it from infringing on the rights of others. And B. Many of the founding fathers didn't personally believe in god or thought god was an "architect" that just built things and left.

They are interesting folks. You should read up on them. Allie.

I have. That's how I know you and jillian are lying when you say "most were deists". Most were Christian through and through.

And you can thank BAPTISTS for the separation of church and state. Because they did not want government infringing upon freedom of religion.

Trust me, none of the founding fathers had any intention of "protecting" the state from God. The very thought is laughable.
What a rational retort..with some faggot overtones fucking intelligent.

I know you fucks like to think about fucking each other in the ass all the fucking time and swallowing each other's jizz..but that ain't my speed, quifter.

In any case.

There is nothing more slavening. Nothing more bloodthirsty. Nothing more intolerant than a Christian.

You guys resort to attacks.

You can't even explain that you guys are 'peaceful'. But that's not in your make up.

You've been slaughtering folks since you left the Roman Lion arenas and haven't stopped since.

I guess paybacks a bitch.

But the Romans are gone.

You can stop now.

Hey Shallow, a little sensitive ah?

That male to male bonding is something you're not to proud of in public? It's understandable...

I see your intellect of history is a little short as well...

I don't do your fucking male on male bonding, faggot.

And I am very well versed in what you blood thirsty motherfuckers have done to humanity.

It's ok your liberal friends won't judge you too harshly because of your preferences...

Just come out and let them know...

Oh and by the way after three post you haven't named one society without slavery...

Better work on that since you're so well "versed"...



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