Republicans: Obama must defend Christian values

the op is ashamed of us and our country

just Un-American is how I see them

You folks? American?

Don't make me laugh.

You folks really should start your own country.

The United States Constitution is a triumph of Liberalism over Conservatism.

And I am proud to live in the most Liberal Country on the planet.

you obviously have no idea what the current definitions of liberal and conservative are.

you do not live in the most liberal country on the planet, unless you live in North Korea. just called North Korea liberal? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Of course the president can advocate for Christian values, just as he can for Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu values. Our constitution allows us the freedom to advocate whatever values we see fit, regardless of our position in society.

As you can see, atheist progressives advocate for the values of pigs and death cults all the time.
And mean to perpetuate the chaos until they get what they want...ultimate power...Constitution be damned.

Ultimate power? What is that? Something to do with a Shazam ring? You know, Captain Marvel?
...And typical. What a fucking TOOL.:eusa_hand:

Reality is NOT your friend.
That's your value. I want to know the Christian value. If we are expected to defend Christian values,

the least Christians should do is tell us what they agree ARE Christian values.

Denominations like the Presbyterians and Methodists are pro-choice on abortion. Are they not Christian?

Yes, we see that your UP on all the latest issues in religion.... LEARN SOMETHING!

Presbyterian Lay Committee Board of Directors Repudiates Action of PCUSA GA on Redefining Marriage

The Aquila Report ^

DETROIT, MICHIGAN, JUNE 19, 2014 – A statement of protest by the Presbyterian Lay Committee repudiating the action of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA to redefine marriage. The 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has approved both an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution and an amendment to redefine marriage. In the name of 1.8 million Presbyterians nationwide, the General Assembly has committed an express repudiation of the Bible, the mutually agreed upon Confessions of the PCUSA, thousands of years of faithfulness to God’s clear commands and the denominational ordination vows of each concurring commissioner. This...

What does that have to do with abortion?

Pro life, pro homosexual marriage are all things that different religions organizations are fighting amongst themselves over. Some fringe groups, or even national committees go in one direction, while others of the same sect go in the opposite way. This is one reason that religion isn't looked on favorably by some. The need for a clear distinction on these questions is a must. A simple belief in GOD is no longer the cohesive force it once was.
Our Christian founding fathers didn't have a problem defending Christian values so why should Obama have a problem with it?

What are uniquely Christian values that shoul be defended?

Christians place God above men. A core Christian value would allow a Christian to follow his conscience when a conflict arises between man's laws vs. the tenets of Christianity. In other words, when a secular law interferes with a Christian's freedom to follow his Christian conscience then the Christian's rights to "freedom of religion" should be defended above the whims of a secularist; humanist; or atheist. This basic principle should be applied to situations affecting education, business, or any situation that affects a Christian's daily life.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Religious belief does not justify ignoring or violating just, proper, and Constitutional laws, whether theists perceive such laws to ‘violate’ their religious liberty or not (Employment Division v. Smith (1990)).

The First Amendment prohibits government form affording preferential treatment to Christians over that of other religions and those free from faith; the First Amendment compels government to treat believers and non-believers equally.

Moreover, theists are not at liberty to seek to codify their subjective religious dogma into secular law all must obey – to do so violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment (see, e.g., Allegheny County v. ACLU (1989)).

Last, this doesn’t address the inane premise put forward by rightists that the president is ‘failing’ to defend ‘Christian values’ when in fact the Constitution prohibits him from doing so.
Yes, we see that your UP on all the latest issues in religion.... LEARN SOMETHING!

Presbyterian Lay Committee Board of Directors Repudiates Action of PCUSA GA on Redefining Marriage

The Aquila Report ^

DETROIT, MICHIGAN, JUNE 19, 2014 – A statement of protest by the Presbyterian Lay Committee repudiating the action of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA to redefine marriage. The 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has approved both an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution and an amendment to redefine marriage. In the name of 1.8 million Presbyterians nationwide, the General Assembly has committed an express repudiation of the Bible, the mutually agreed upon Confessions of the PCUSA, thousands of years of faithfulness to God’s clear commands and the denominational ordination vows of each concurring commissioner. This...

What does that have to do with abortion?

Pro life, pro homosexual marriage are all things that different religions organizations are fighting amongst themselves over. Some fringe groups, or even national committees go in one direction, while others of the same sect go in the opposite way. This is one reason that religion isn't looked on favorably by some. The need for a clear distinction on these questions is a must. A simple belief in GOD is no longer the cohesive force it once was.
It's also why Individuality is SCORNED by the left. Be Cool or be cast OUT. (Intimidation to make people remain in their HERD)...

[ame=""]rush-subdivisions - YouTube[/ame]​
That's your value. I want to know the Christian value. If we are expected to defend Christian values,

the least Christians should do is tell us what they agree ARE Christian values.

Denominations like the Presbyterians and Methodists are pro-choice on abortion. Are they not Christian?

Yes, we see that your UP on all the latest issues in religion.... LEARN SOMETHING!

Presbyterian Lay Committee Board of Directors Repudiates Action of PCUSA GA on Redefining Marriage

The Aquila Report ^

DETROIT, MICHIGAN, JUNE 19, 2014 – A statement of protest by the Presbyterian Lay Committee repudiating the action of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA to redefine marriage. The 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has approved both an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution and an amendment to redefine marriage. In the name of 1.8 million Presbyterians nationwide, the General Assembly has committed an express repudiation of the Bible, the mutually agreed upon Confessions of the PCUSA, thousands of years of faithfulness to God’s clear commands and the denominational ordination vows of each concurring commissioner. This...

So your point is what?

Presbyterians, who are all Christians, are split on the issue of same sex marriage?

Wouldn't that actually be PROOF that neither side can lay legitimate claim to their position as the genuine Christian value?

And wouldn't that thus apply all across Christendom in America, which is similarly split on the issue?

If the Christians in America are split on the issue of same sex marriage,

which side then is the President supposed to defend, when, in the admonition of the thread title,

he is supposed to defend 'Christian values'?

He should be defending TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN VALUES, but, as we see by his LACK of attending a church, he has NO traditional values, even though he calls himself a Christian, although his actions belie him keeping his muslim faith forefront!
Yes, we see that your UP on all the latest issues in religion.... LEARN SOMETHING!

Presbyterian Lay Committee Board of Directors Repudiates Action of PCUSA GA on Redefining Marriage

The Aquila Report ^

DETROIT, MICHIGAN, JUNE 19, 2014 – A statement of protest by the Presbyterian Lay Committee repudiating the action of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA to redefine marriage. The 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has approved both an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution and an amendment to redefine marriage. In the name of 1.8 million Presbyterians nationwide, the General Assembly has committed an express repudiation of the Bible, the mutually agreed upon Confessions of the PCUSA, thousands of years of faithfulness to God’s clear commands and the denominational ordination vows of each concurring commissioner. This...

So your point is what?

Presbyterians, who are all Christians, are split on the issue of same sex marriage?

Wouldn't that actually be PROOF that neither side can lay legitimate claim to their position as the genuine Christian value?

And wouldn't that thus apply all across Christendom in America, which is similarly split on the issue?

If the Christians in America are split on the issue of same sex marriage,

which side then is the President supposed to defend, when, in the admonition of the thread title,

he is supposed to defend 'Christian values'?

He should be defending TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN VALUES, but, as we see by his LACK of attending a church, he has NO traditional values, even though he calls himself a Christian, although his actions belie him keeping his muslim faith forefront!

What are those so-called "traditional christian values" that President Obama is supposed to be defending? List them please.
Maybe they want a "Christian Values" board in the government.. :doubt:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Leading Republicans on Thursday insisted that America's leaders must do more to defend Christian values at home and abroad, blaming President Barack Obama for attacks on religious freedom as they courted social conservatives expected to play a critical role in the next presidential contest.

"Those of us inspired by Judeo-Christian values...have an obligation to our country and to our fellow man to use our positions of influence to highlight those values," Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio said at a conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by long-time Christian political activist Ralph Reed.

There not even hiding the calls for Theocracy anymore..

Take a gander at the Constitution, folks:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The VERY first amendment PROHIBITS the President from advocating for Christian, Hindi, Muslim, Buddhist or any other religion's "values".

where did they call for a theocracy?

please cite.

So your point is what?

Presbyterians, who are all Christians, are split on the issue of same sex marriage?

Wouldn't that actually be PROOF that neither side can lay legitimate claim to their position as the genuine Christian value?

And wouldn't that thus apply all across Christendom in America, which is similarly split on the issue?

If the Christians in America are split on the issue of same sex marriage,

which side then is the President supposed to defend, when, in the admonition of the thread title,

he is supposed to defend 'Christian values'?

He should be defending TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN VALUES, but, as we see by his LACK of attending a church, he has NO traditional values, even though he calls himself a Christian, although his actions belie him keeping his muslim faith forefront!

What are those so-called "traditional christian values" that President Obama is supposed to be defending? List them please.

What's the matter Bode, do lesbians have an advertence to a search engine? Over 106 million hits on it on Bing alone...take your pick!

list traditional christian values - Bing
Our Christian founding fathers didn't have a problem defending Christian values so why should Obama have a problem with it?

Absent a consensus as to what constitutes ‘Christian values,’ this also makes no sense.

There are Christian denominations and Christians themselves who support a woman’s right to privacy and the right of same-sex couples to equal protection of the law.

Are these Christians ‘not Christian.’

Who exactly speaks for ‘all Christians,’ and by what authority; that those on the social right have failed to address these questions renders the premise that the Framers ‘defended Christian values,’ and that President Obama is not, false.

Indeed, the premise itself is idiocy.

The partisan right has become even more desperate and delusional in its opposition to ‘everything Obama,’ so much so that they have to make up nonsense such as this.
Maybe they want a "Christian Values" board in the government.. :doubt:

There not even hiding the calls for Theocracy anymore..

Take a gander at the Constitution, folks:

The VERY first amendment PROHIBITS the President from advocating for Christian, Hindi, Muslim, Buddhist or any other religion's "values".

where did they call for a theocracy?

please cite.

The left has for awhile on these boards been saying that's what the "Right Wants" in this Republic ad nauseam. But all the while you confront them with REAL theocracies like Iran...and Obama's pussy-footing with Islamic Radicals...well? That's just overboard, racist... but YET YOU, want a theocracy none the less.

Their search for logic continues...the TRUTH continues to throw them curves on purpose.

Good form.
He should be defending TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN VALUES, but, as we see by his LACK of attending a church, he has NO traditional values, even though he calls himself a Christian, although his actions belie him keeping his muslim faith forefront!

What are those so-called "traditional christian values" that President Obama is supposed to be defending? List them please.

What's the matter Bode, do lesbians have an advertence to a search engine? Over 106 million hits on it on Bing alone...take your pick!

list traditional christian values - Bing

Your first one listed was "Family Values", not "christian values".

Your second one was Wikipedia which can be added to by anyone...but I did get this from it:

The biblical teachings of Jesus include:[1]

Love of God: "You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." (an excerpt from the Shema), -Matthew 22:37
Fidelity in marriage: "Whom God has joined together let no man put asunder"
Renunciation of worldly goods: "Gather not your riches up upon this earth, for there your heart will be also",
Renunciation of violence: "If a man strikes you on one cheek, turn the other cheek",
Forgiveness of sins: "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us",
Unconditional love: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".

I would believe that some of you so-called christians would have some serious problems with some of those
Apparently "turn the other cheek" is a christian value. Why isn't the GOP pushing that one?

Apparently renounciation of worldly goods is a christian value. Why isn't the GOP pushing that one?
Last edited:
He should be defending TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN VALUES, but, as we see by his LACK of attending a church, he has NO traditional values, even though he calls himself a Christian, although his actions belie him keeping his muslim faith forefront!

What are those so-called "traditional christian values" that President Obama is supposed to be defending? List them please.

What's the matter Bode, do lesbians have an advertence to a search engine? Over 106 million hits on it on Bing alone...take your pick!

list traditional christian values - Bing

LOL...confronting the BAT err...uhmmm WOMAN (?) Man(?) ( :dunno: ) of message boards ?

Her head hasn't been straight in decades and is still confused.
What are those so-called "traditional christian values" that President Obama is supposed to be defending? List them please.

What's the matter Bode, do lesbians have an advertence to a search engine? Over 106 million hits on it on Bing alone...take your pick!

list traditional christian values - Bing

Your first one listed was "Family Values", not "christian values".

Your second one was Wikipedia which can be added to by anyone...but I did get this from it:

The biblical teachings of Jesus include:[1]

Love of God: "You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." (an excerpt from the Shema), -Matthew 22:37
Fidelity in marriage: "Whom God has joined together let no man put asunder"
Renunciation of worldly goods: "Gather not your riches up upon this earth, for there your heart will be also",
Renunciation of violence: "If a man strikes you on one cheek, turn the other cheek",
Forgiveness of sins: "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us",
Unconditional love: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".
I would believe that some of you so-called christians would have some serious problems with some of those

Personally, I'm agnostic, but usually side with my brothers of FAITH, as on the whole they do a lot more good, then say the muslim cultism.
What's the matter Bode, do lesbians have an advertence to a search engine? Over 106 million hits on it on Bing alone...take your pick!

list traditional christian values - Bing

Your first one listed was "Family Values", not "christian values".

Your second one was Wikipedia which can be added to by anyone...but I did get this from it:

The biblical teachings of Jesus include:[1]

Love of God: "You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." (an excerpt from the Shema), -Matthew 22:37
Fidelity in marriage: "Whom God has joined together let no man put asunder"
Renunciation of worldly goods: "Gather not your riches up upon this earth, for there your heart will be also",
Renunciation of violence: "If a man strikes you on one cheek, turn the other cheek",
Forgiveness of sins: "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us",
Unconditional love: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".
I would believe that some of you so-called christians would have some serious problems with some of those

Personally, I'm agnostic, but usually side with my brothers of FAITH, as on the whole they do a lot more good, then say the muslim cultism.

So...only christians are brothers of FAITH?

I guess you don't have sisters of FAITH, eh?
What are those so-called "traditional christian values" that President Obama is supposed to be defending? List them please.

What's the matter Bode, do lesbians have an advertence to a search engine? Over 106 million hits on it on Bing alone...take your pick!

list traditional christian values - Bing

LOL...confronting the BAT err...uhmmm WOMAN (?) Man(?) ( :dunno: ) of message boards ?

Her head hasn't been straight in decades and is still confused.

Still sending ranting, drunken midnight messages out, Tommy? I remember those days.....good times. Still got 'em too. :D
your first one listed was "family values", not "christian values".

Your second one was wikipedia which can be added to by anyone...but i did get this from it:

I would believe that some of you so-called christians would have some serious problems with some of those

personally, i'm agnostic, but usually side with my brothers of faith, as on the whole they do a lot more good, then say the muslim cultism.

so...only christians are brothers of faith?

I guess you don't have sisters of faith, eh?

brothers are all encompassing, as you would address a mixed group of friends as "hey guys"!

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