Republicans On Wrong Side If Polls On Every Issue

The Republican Party’s polling continues to be the opposite of the general election. This was true of the big lie (see here and here ) , it was true of vaccines and the novel coronavirus, and it was true of the insurrection.

Still losing on every issue.
Another dimbulb heard from.
While the Titanic sinks, the Republicans are living in La La Land rearranging the deck chairs. It's an astonishing site to see.
The Republican Party’s polling continues to be the opposite of the general election. This was true of the big lie (see here and here ) , it was true of vaccines and the novel coronavirus, and it was true of the insurrection.

Still losing on every issue.
LOL, so phony! If we stick our fingers into the wind, we become.........well you! It is NOT our job to change our positions, not much anyway. As the poop keeps hitting the fan, it will be the American public who will throw you overboard.

No matter what you think of us, you have 2 choices------------------->either FIX it, or find out that people are going to change sides. That is how politics work! It is no longer us having to convince anyone how great we are.........because we are not, but rather to show how your policies fail.

Sure, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig, lol.

How PISSED are Americans going to be in 2024? Who are they going to blame? That depends. Who do they think is in charge of this debacle; and a debacle it is, and we all know, it is getting worse day by day.

You can spin, and you might win! But, you are in a race, lol...........with 18 months to go. What will happen 1st--------->whatever your side did for the last 6 years that was illegal, or can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt you did nothing, and Trump and the Republicans did it all.

Let me tell you, this is gonna be a slamdunk election, 1 way or the other. People are NOT happy, the only question is------------->who are they going to blame.
Have you noticed you only ever speak in generalities?

Methinks there's a reason for that.

Me knows.

I haven’t noticed that at all, but I have noticed that you’re never able to respond to anything that’s posted other than to say it’s wrong. No facts, no links, just your conservative certainty that your right.

You keep voting for the party that has crashed the economy three times in the last 40 years and then you tell us that you know.
You keep voting for the party that has crashed the economy three times in the last 40 years and then you tell us that you know.

No. I fucking don't.

I voted for John Kerry, then Obama twice, then Hillary.

Of course, they were just as horrible for the economy as the Bush Republicans were. I was just too naive at the time to understand the true nature of the Uniparty.

Which is what you vote for.

Fortunately you assholes lit cities on fire and locked citizens in their homes over a virus with a miniscule mortality rate, which finally woke me the fuck up.
Republicans will continue to be at odds with the American people – and Republicans couldn’t care less.

They’ll continue to blindly pursue their failed, wrongheaded agenda implementing the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
Kook America haters like you have sniffed your own CO2 so long there is nothing left between your ears except air.
Conservatives ARE the American people, you wackos are some commie hacks that don't deserve to live here. As for tyranny, you are the jackbooted brownshirts, not us.
Kookbot Mrs Jones.
Republicans are wrong on the issues – from immigration to taxes, deregulation, the environment and climate change, abortion, gay and transgender rights, foreign policy, economic policy, and voting rights.

Republicans are consistent at being wrong.
Conservatives support legal immigration, not illegal invasion kookbot. And we accept all your other nitwit ideas, we just see them for what they are.....rantings of the minority kook left.
One thing I am right about. You are a moron.
Poor kookbot Mrs. Jones.
The Republican Party’s polling continues to be the opposite of the general election. This was true of the big lie (see here and here ) , it was true of vaccines and the novel coronavirus, and it was true of the insurrection.

Still losing on every issue.
LOL. Read 'em and weep.


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