Republicans Oppose, Democrats Support Tariffs


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
For more fun, listen to conservative talk radio, and how they find a way to twist into supporting him on this.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dat'll teach dem Chinamens a lesson...

Trump announces $50bn in China tariffs
22 Mar`18 - The US plans to impose roughly $50bn in tariffs on Chinese goods and limit the country's investment activity in the US as payback for what it alleges is years of intellectual property theft.
The White House said the actions are a necessary step to counter unfair competition from China's state-led economy. It says years of talks about the issue failed to produce change. China said it was ready to retaliate with "necessary measures". US President Donald Trump said he is looking for "reciprocal" trade terms for American companies. "We've spoken to China and we're in the midst of a very large negotiation," he said at the White House as he signed a memo regarding the activities. "We'll see where it takes us."

What is behind the tariffs?

The tariffs follow an investigation of Chinese policies that US President Donald Trump ordered in August. The White House said the review found a range of "unfair" practices, including using restrictions on foreign ownership that pressure companies into transferring technology. The US also found evidence that China imposes unfair terms on US companies; steers investments in the US to strategic industries; and conducts and supports cyber attacks.


The White House said it has prepared a list of more than 1,000 products that could be targeted by tariffs. Businesses will have the opportunity to comment before the final list goes into effect. The US will also seek to bring complaints about unfair licensing terms to the World Trade Organization, officials said. America's top trade negotiator, Robert Lighthizer, said protecting US technology is critical to America's economic future. "This is an extremely important action, very significant, very, very important for the future of the country," he said.

What has China said?

On Thursday, China's commerce ministry said it was ready to retaliate against the new tariffs. "China will not sit idly by and let its legitimate rights and interests be harmed, and will certainly take all necessary measures to resolutely defend its legitimate rights and interests," it said in a statement. According to the Wall Street Journal, China is preparing to hit back with tariffs aimed at President Donald Trump's support base. This would include levies targeting US agricultural exports from Farm Belt states.

Does the move have wider support in the US?

See also:

EU and six other countries exempted from US metals tariffs
22 Mar`18 - A senior US official has said that the European Union (EU) and six other countries will be exempt from steel and aluminium tariffs announced by President Trump, at least temporarily.
Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer told a Senate panel that Mr Trump had decided to "pause" the import duties while further discussions took place. The tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminium are due to come into effect on Friday. The EU had argued it should be exempt. Aside from the EU Mr Lighthizer said Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and South Korea would be exempted. "The idea that the president has is that, based on a certain set of criteria, that some countries should get out," he told the Senate committee hearing. "There are countries with whom we're negotiating and the question becomes the obvious one that you think, as a matter of business, how does this work? "So what he has decided to do is to pause the imposition of the tariffs with respect to those countries."


Earlier this month, the EU's trade commissioner said the bloc would "stand up to the bullies" over protectionism. Cecilia Malmström said protectionism was being "used as a weapon to threaten and intimidate us".

Analysis: By Kim Gittelson, New York business correspondent

In announcing exemptions for the European Union, Argentina, Australia, South Korea and Brazil, the Trump administration has effectively narrowed the countries that it is targeting with its protectionist trade policies. It also blunts the potential fallout to the US economy from the implementation of these trade barriers. It pays to do some maths. US imports of steel last year totalled $33bn. But if the countries granted exemptions are removed from that total - including Canada and Mexico, whose exemptions had already been announced - then less than a third of US steel imports would be subject to tariffs.

This significantly lowers the potential economic impact of the tariffs - as well as the potential help it might provide to domestic steel industry here in the United States. And it suggests that in steel tariffs, as with many policy actions the White House has taken, the reality of what is being done falls slightly short of the rhetoric.

This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
For more fun, listen to conservative talk radio, and how they find a way to twist into supporting him on this.
Why would you poison your mind with ANY political talk radio?
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
Not global tariffs... it will be country by country based on what that country is doing trade wise to us.
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
For more fun, listen to conservative talk radio, and how they find a way to twist into supporting him on this.
Why would you poison your mind with ANY political talk radio?
Partisan rhetoric and tactics fascinate me.
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
Not global tariffs... it will be country by country based on what that country is doing trade wise to us.
They are selling us goods far too cheaply. We demand that they raise their prices! :rofl:

Fucking Christ
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
For more fun, listen to conservative talk radio, and how they find a way to twist into supporting him on this.
Why would you poison your mind with ANY political talk radio?
Partisan rhetoric and tactics fascinate me.
Gives me heartburn. The news and this site is all I can take. I like "local" talk radio but that's about it.
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
Not global tariffs... it will be country by country based on what that country is doing trade wise to us.
They are selling us goods far too cheaply. We demand that they raise their prices! :rofl:

Fucking Christ
So shallow. Simple minded. Now try and think for a change. Why are the goods cheap?
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
Not global tariffs... it will be country by country based on what that country is doing trade wise to us.
They are selling us goods far too cheaply. We demand that they raise their prices! :rofl:

Fucking Christ
So shallow. Simple minded. Now try and think for a change. Why are the goods cheap?
You tell me, wise one. Let's see what liberal rhetoric you decide to throw at me.
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
Not global tariffs... it will be country by country based on what that country is doing trade wise to us.
They are selling us goods far too cheaply. We demand that they raise their prices! :rofl:

Fucking Christ
So shallow. Simple minded. Now try and think for a change. Why are the goods cheap?
So this was not sarcasm?

"Not global tariffs... it will be country by country based on what that country is doing trade wise to us."
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
Not global tariffs... it will be country by country based on what that country is doing trade wise to us.
They are selling us goods far too cheaply. We demand that they raise their prices! :rofl:

Fucking Christ
So shallow. Simple minded. Now try and think for a change. Why are the goods cheap?
You tell me, wise one. Let's see what liberal rhetoric you decide to throw at me.
Admitting you don't understand these things is a good first step. Carry on troll.
This is what is happening right now in Congress.

That's historically been the fault lines on taxes. Tariffs are taxes. Raising tariffs is raising taxes. And Democrats generally support raising taxes whereas Republicans oppose raising taxes.

Republican lawmakers are openly discussing legislation to limit President Donald Trump’s trade powers after the White House detailed plans last week to impose global tariffs on U.S. imports of steel and aluminum.

But the support of key Democrats—including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—for Mr. Trump’s “America first” approach to trade stands to complicate any GOP effort to tie the president’s hands.

The awkward political divisions over trade matters were on display Sunday as Ms. Warren backed Mr. Trump’s policy while Republican senators rebuked the president.

“When President Trump says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs are one part of reworking our trade policy overall,” Ms. Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have found fault with the implementation or scope of the steel and aluminum tariffs. But Ms. Warren, to whom Mr. Trump derisively referred as “Pocahontas” again on Saturday, declined to criticize the president’s policy and said previous approaches to trade boosted profits at multinational corporations.​

GOP Talks of Bill to Thwart Tariffs, While Democrat Warren Applauds Trump
For more fun, listen to conservative talk radio, and how they find a way to twist into supporting him on this.
Why would you poison your mind with ANY political talk radio?
Partisan rhetoric and tactics fascinate me.
Gives me heartburn. The news and this site is all I can take. I like "local" talk radio but that's about it.
Yep, understandable...

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