Republicans oppose economic stimulus

this place and the debates are getting old.
Same old crap day in and day out.
Just had to say that
And you conveniently continue to lie. As an example, government spending under President Bush and a Republican congress expanded far faster than during the period of stimulus in Japan - but I've never heard you refer to the failed stimulus program under the Bush administration.

But hey, keep providing links that prove my point. I appreciate the support.

Which part did I lie about? Do you have evidence that Japan's debt to GDP is not nearly 200%, higher than Greece's?
I never claimed differently.

you lied about the situation in Japan. Or perhaps you're just misinformed because you get all of your information from the AM Radio and Cato

You also provided a link that proved my point, which I continue to appreciate:lol:

OK, so your point is that Japan went to artificially low rates and continued gov't stimulus programs that did nothign to help the economy bt boosted debt to gdp levels to nearly 200%, higher than Greece.
Then we are agreed here. Glad I could teach you something.
this place and the debates are getting old.
Same old crap day in and day out.
Just had to say that

Typically leftists and Paul-bots beating the same drum of "Big Corporations are screwing AMerica and stealing money", and "Obama is gonna win, uh-huh." and "The problem is the GOP".
That does get tiresome, especially when it's been refuted so many times.
Which part did I lie about? Do you have evidence that Japan's debt to GDP is not nearly 200%, higher than Greece's?
I never claimed differently.

you lied about the situation in Japan. Or perhaps you're just misinformed because you get all of your information from the AM Radio and Cato

You also provided a link that proved my point, which I continue to appreciate:lol:

OK, so your point is that Japan went to artificially low rates and continued gov't stimulus programs that did nothign to help the economy bt boosted debt to gdp levels to nearly 200%, higher than Greece.
Then we are agreed here. Glad I could teach you something.

No, my point - as stated more than once earlier in this thread - is this:

"they kept rates too high initially and failed to arrest the housing collapse. That created a new equilibrium employment and output well below the previous, a state of affairs that some smart economist you might know predicted would occur."

In another post, I explained that they failed to keep the financial system liquid.

Japan's later spending increases amounted to less than 2% per annum.
I never claimed differently.

you lied about the situation in Japan. Or perhaps you're just misinformed because you get all of your information from the AM Radio and Cato

You also provided a link that proved my point, which I continue to appreciate:lol:

OK, so your point is that Japan went to artificially low rates and continued gov't stimulus programs that did nothign to help the economy bt boosted debt to gdp levels to nearly 200%, higher than Greece.
Then we are agreed here. Glad I could teach you something.

No, my point - as stated more than once earlier in this thread - is this:

"they kept rates too high initially and failed to arrest the housing collapse. That created a new equilibrium employment and output well below the previous, a state of affairs that some smart economist you might know predicted would occur."

In another post, I explained that they failed to keep the financial system liquid.

So nothing that disagrees with what I wrote. Got it. Thanks.
OK, so your point is that Japan went to artificially low rates and continued gov't stimulus programs that did nothign to help the economy bt boosted debt to gdp levels to nearly 200%, higher than Greece.
Then we are agreed here. Glad I could teach you something.

No, my point - as stated more than once earlier in this thread - is this:

"they kept rates too high initially and failed to arrest the housing collapse. That created a new equilibrium employment and output well below the previous, a state of affairs that some smart economist you might know predicted would occur."

In another post, I explained that they failed to keep the financial system liquid.

So nothing that disagrees with what I wrote. Got it. Thanks.

Indeed! You even provided the link to prove my point.

Of course, the first time I posted that you stridently disagreed. But don't worry, I don't expect any consistency from you anyway.
GOP policies never work
Democrats want to control the country in all areas
Conservatives are selfish
Liberals are dreamers.
You are retarded.
You are a racist.
Sarah Palin is a slut and an idiot
Michelle Bachman is a hypoicrite
Perry is a moron
It was Bush's fault
Cheney is a warmonger
Faux News
Tingle up my leg
You have no idea what a Ponzi scheme is
Read the bill then debate it
You are a liar

There....thats my input for the next weeks worth of debates.
GOP policies never work
Democrats want to control the country in all areas
Conservatives are selfish
Liberals are dreamers.
You are retarded.
You are a racist.
Sarah Palin is a slut and an idiot
Michelle Bachman is a hypoicrite
Perry is a moron
It was Bush's fault
Cheney is a warmonger
Faux News
Tingle up my leg
You have no idea what a Ponzi scheme is
Read the bill then debate it
You are a liar

There....thats my input for the next weeks worth of debates.

You miss on Religion and Private Property. Oh yeah, and "Pez". God Damn them or killing Kenny and saying anything bad about "Pez". !!!:evil: :)
It appears as if Republicans are against any attempt to revive the economy

Fed chairman gets letter from GOP leaders: No stimulus - Yahoo! Finance

This is a Democrat atrocity. Stimuli 1 & 2 & 3 didn't work, so let's do what doesn't work again?


Let's don't do what doesn't work!!!


Let's do what does work.

What works for us is to mark time mark until Obama is voted out.

Then we'll make things right for the American people.

Don't wanna wait?

Fine. Let your lawyers review the birth certificate.

Oh, wait!! It was a Demmie lawyer who reviewed the birth certificate and found it to be a wrongful forgery and the second one a certain wrongful forgery.

Sandy Berger really thinks he pulled a fast one this time.

Yep I recall how all the republicans voted against Bush's economic stimulus measures.

Chafee and McCain voted against the 2001 stimulus in the Senate.
One House member and 3 senators voted against the 2003 measure.
Note how bipartisan the whole thing was. A good lesson for Barry.
Do you miss Bush yet?
WASHINGTON — President Bush on Wednesday signed a multibillion-dollar economic rescue package on Wednesday that means $300 to $1,200 rebates for many American households.

Bush called the measure "a booster shot for our economy" to stave off a recession.

Several dozen members of Congress, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, stood on the stage behind Bush as he signed the bill.

Rebates are to go out beginning in May to taxpayers and low-income people, including seniors living off of Social Security and veterans who depend on disability checks. Businesses would get tax breaks for investing in new plants and equipment.

Most taxpayers will receive a check of up to $600 for individuals and $1,200 for couples from the Internal Revenue Service, with an additional $300 per child. People earning at least $3,000 and those who owe little or no taxes would get $300 for singles, $600 for couples. Those making more than $75,000 and couples with income exceeding $150,000 are to get smaller rebates — $50 less per $1,000 they make over those thresholds.

Video: Bush signs stimulus plan

Economic analysts generally believe the $168 billion package Bush signed will help prevent the current downturn from ballooning into a crisis. But if the rebates don't spur a consumer spending spree strong enough to cure what ails the economy, Congress is ready to throw more money at the problem. Bush said the measure was "large enough to have an impact."

Democrats and Republicans who put aside deep differences to craft the plan and rush it to enactment joined the president at the White House for the signing ceremony in the East Room. The package is designed in part to inoculate lawmakers from voter blame should the economy continue to lag as the November elections bear down.

Bush signs stimulus package into law - Business - Stocks & economy -
Yep I recall how all the republicans voted against Bush's economic stimulus measures.
I was against it. I'm against all bailouts for the Ruling Class.

Whch part of Bush's stimulus measure was a bail out?

I think the Stimulus should hit each of us in the form of a Government Check. It is up to each then to use as we decide, be it paying off debt, or new purchases, or investment. Bottom up, rather than trickle down. Just the way I see it. Bailing out the big players, they just do it again.
Stimulus is now a dirty word, especially among Republicans in Congress. But it wasn’t always so. In January 2008 when the economic picture was far less dire and the unemployment rate was only 4.8 percent, 165 Republicans in the House of Representatives and 33 Republican senators voted to pass a stimulus package with an estimated cost of $152 billion. That package provided tax cuts of up to $600 for individuals or $1,200 for married couples, plus an additional $300 per child. The bill also contained a number of temporary tax breaks for businesses. And just in case you thought President George W. Bush’s stimulus bill was simply a bunch of tax cuts, it also included $40 billion in direct spending. The legislation was even called the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

Republicans Loved Stimulus When Bush Was in the White House
WASHINGTON — President Bush on Wednesday signed a multibillion-dollar economic rescue package on Wednesday that means $300 to $1,200 rebates for many American households.

Bush called the measure "a booster shot for our economy" to stave off a recession.

Several dozen members of Congress, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, stood on the stage behind Bush as he signed the bill.

Rebates are to go out beginning in May to taxpayers and low-income people, including seniors living off of Social Security and veterans who depend on disability checks. Businesses would get tax breaks for investing in new plants and equipment.

Most taxpayers will receive a check of up to $600 for individuals and $1,200 for couples from the Internal Revenue Service, with an additional $300 per child. People earning at least $3,000 and those who owe little or no taxes would get $300 for singles, $600 for couples. Those making more than $75,000 and couples with income exceeding $150,000 are to get smaller rebates — $50 less per $1,000 they make over those thresholds.

Video: Bush signs stimulus plan

Economic analysts generally believe the $168 billion package Bush signed will help prevent the current downturn from ballooning into a crisis. But if the rebates don't spur a consumer spending spree strong enough to cure what ails the economy, Congress is ready to throw more money at the problem. Bush said the measure was "large enough to have an impact."

Democrats and Republicans who put aside deep differences to craft the plan and rush it to enactment joined the president at the White House for the signing ceremony in the East Room. The package is designed in part to inoculate lawmakers from voter blame should the economy continue to lag as the November elections bear down.

Bush signs stimulus package into law - Business - Stocks & economy -

Better the People than Fannie or Freddie. :razz:
Temporary tax breaks, that must have been what confused business and caused them to stop expanding.
Seems I have been hearing this as a problem with Obama lately...

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