Republicans Plan to Form Counter-Delegation at Climate Conference

This is what happens when Science becomes Politics. Just take a closer look at who is behind all this awful Global Warming Fear Mongering and that is where you will find all your answers. It is just part of a World Wide Socialist Movement. Much more Science needs to be done on Climate Change and all this hysterical Fear Mongering is completely unnecessary. Lets do more real Science before we start enslaving the World's population with more oppressive Socialist Laws.
November 15, 2005 Inhofe Senate Floor Speech

Inhofe - "I am a U.S. Senator, and a former mayor and businessman. I am not a scientist. But I do understand politics. And the more I have delved into the issue, the more convinced I have become that science is being co-opted by those who care more about peddling fear of gloom and doom to further their own, broader agendas than they do about scientific integrity."

L.O.L - It's true that he is no scientist.......but he sure does know how to play politics for the big oil companies!
I'm also not so sure these International Socialist Laws are Constitutional. I really do hope more scholars begin to look into this aspect of such International mandates. This is a much over-looked aspect of all this. Personally,i do not support that whole New World Order stuff. I am strongly against any sort of International Government.
November 15, 2005 Inhofe Senate Floor Speech

Inhofe - "I am a U.S. Senator, and a former mayor and businessman. I am not a scientist. But I do understand politics. And the more I have delved into the issue, the more convinced I have become that science is being co-opted by those who care more about peddling fear of gloom and doom to further their own, broader agendas than they do about scientific integrity."

L.O.L - It's true that he is no scientist.......but he sure does know how to play politics for the big oil companies!

i think i'm dedicating a thread to you right now bro :eek: :lol:
Ignorant, treasonous, unamerican, ummm racist, redneck, ummm.......ignor wait i used stoneage, cavemen, flat-earthers, party of no....nitwits.

Did I leave any of the descriptors out there lefties? :lol:

Oh Oh Oh....birthers...yeah i forgot birthers :)

How many other namecalling ways can people use to deflect the truth that SOME global warming scientists have intentionally destroyed and manipulated the very data that is being used to justify governmental regulations based off of global warming?

But we all have learned about the democrats in the last 11 months what we learned about the republicans in 8 years under bush, the truth and the will of the people has NO BEARING on policy decisions.

While I understand the tabloid mentality, until all of the information from these emails and what they meant or did not mean, I do not believe it is in America's best interest to have Republicans going over to foreign countries half cocked and railing against our President.
What are you afraid of? If they are "half cocked" they'll only hurt themselves.

I have read the e-mails. They are easy to understand. I don't need to be told what they mean when I can read them myself. What part of "hide the decline" are you not understanding?


Apparently, you do not watch "60 Minutes". Shocker. And by the way, by the GOP going off half cocked and railing against our President in foreign countries, they will hurt US not themselves. But, then again, I am not sure how much you care about the US at this point, so I understand your confusion.
"Every time you post all i can think of is Farva, you are farva"

of course you do....and your response to my posts and others that contain quotes or info that interupt your agenda are always the same - ignore the message, attack the messenger and repeat.
I think it is a good idea for the Republicans to send an opposing view

I think Bobby Jindall is available
"Every time you post all i can think of is Farva, you are farva"

of course you do....and your response to my posts and others that contain quotes or info that interupt your agenda are always the same - ignore the message, attack the messenger and repeat.

did you watch the video, c'mon man its totally you......all excited to run out and call some dude "Chicken Fucker" Its totally you :D

Im not on any agenda in this thread I was just watching super trooper clips and when i saw your post and your avatar it went BAM....he's Farva :lol:
I think it's time for more scholars to begin questioning the Constitutionality of such International Socialist Laws. This whole Global Warming Fear Mongering scam is clearly a Socialist power-grab. I do not support a New World Order International Government in any way. These International mandates really do need to be scrutinized more to see if they are compatible & compliant with our Constitution. This aspect has been over-looked for too long and it's time to start contemplating this more.
While I understand the tabloid mentality, until all of the information from these emails and what they meant or did not mean, I do not believe it is in America's best interest to have Republicans going over to foreign countries half cocked and railing against our President.
What are you afraid of? If they are "half cocked" they'll only hurt themselves.

I have read the e-mails. They are easy to understand. I don't need to be told what they mean when I can read them myself. What part of "hide the decline" are you not understanding?


Apparently, you do not watch "60 Minutes". Shocker. And by the way, by the GOP going off half cocked and railing against our President in foreign countries, they will hurt US not themselves. But, then again, I am not sure how much you care about the US at this point, so I understand your confusion.

Wow, talk about intellectual laziness! Anyone who needs 60 minutes to "tell them" what the e-mails mean deserves to be duped! You keep watchin '!!!! :lol: Keep trying to "hide the decline". Hide the lies.

Hide. That is what you AGW cult members need to do, hide. You have been duped and it will take some time for you to recognize that you were scammed. You need to be deprogrammed like any other cult member.

Republicans going to Copenhagen won't be "hurting the country", they'll be hurting the AGW Cult. I am in favor of that.
This is what the Republican delegation to Copenhagen will look like:

A GOP counter-delegation is forming to undermine the Obama administration's work on an international climate change agreement in Copenhagen, warning that the president is poised to make commitments he can't keep and drawing heightened attention to controversial leaked e-mails.

At least a half-dozen Republican senators and representatives are planning to head to Denmark next week, as part of the overall U.S. congressional delegation, which includes plenty of Democrats as well.

But the Republicans have a markedly different agenda.

"Truth squad," is how Sen. Jim Inhofe spokesman Matt Dempsey described the GOP team. He called the Democratic visitors to the conference the "doom squad."

The Oklahoma Republican and ardent global warming skeptic plans to head to Denmark along with Sens. Roger Wicker of Mississippi and John Barrasso of Wyoming. On the House side, Reps. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Joe Barton of Texas and Darrell Issa of California are tentatively planning to attend. - Republicans Plan to Form Counter-Delegation at Climate Conference

Renmember when Republicans had a Cow when it was perceived that Speaker Pelosi had gotten involved in foreign policy by going overseas and talking to foreign heads of state?

Apparently this kind of thing is ok now.
As a matter of fact, I remember "another message board" holding a mock treason trial on Pelosi over this issue.

I just thought it worth it to see some of the individuals and what they think in reference to the climate change issue. Funny the last person that tried this Eugenics on such a grand scale ended in a war that killed more than 50 million people. I find it amazing that people that are skeptical of the science including such notable wingnuts as the last man to stand on the moon and a PHD in field geology among them are constantly labled as such when you have such notables as the notable Mr. Rockefeller.

Also revealing, is the fact that according to Forbes magazine, the "14 richest men in the world" (who owe their wealth not least to the casino economy) met back on May 5 of this year at the home of the president of the private Rockefeller University. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Peter Petersen, David Rockefeller, Jr., and the other participants in this illustrious gathering agreed that the problem of population growth poses the worst environmental, social, and industrial threat
The Climate Summit in Copenhagen Must Be Cancelled!

The great-grandson of the founder of Standard Oil is both a sponsor and participant in the journey of the Ocean Watch, an expedition to circumnavigate the Americas and boost awareness of global warming's impact on the seas.

"The goal is to open people's minds to ocean health, and eventually recruit them as ocean stewards," said Rockefeller, who founded Sailors for the Sea four years ago to promote conservation among sailing enthusiasts.

David Rockefeller Jr. sails away for oceans' sake in fight against global warming

The point here is that people in general like to make the claim that the science on this issue is over so its time to move on, and ignore others who might call it into question, and even in some cases make those that call it into question seem like some fringe group. If some that support this theory of man made climate change do so and at the same time promote Eugenics like Mr. Rockefeller, then I will proudly count myself along side Dr. Harrison Schmidt. from Apollo 17
I love the Republicans. You have to admire them for their tenacity.

The entire world sees climate change as a problem.

Republican scientists are only 6% of all the scientists in the United States.

I wonder how many of those 6% see climate change as a myth. 50%? 10%? 1%?

In spite of all that, the party that wants to teach "supernatural" over science, plans a counter conference to show the world exactly how smart they are. Well, they believe they were "right" about Iraq. I suspect they will be equally "right" this time.
I love the Republicans. You have to admire them for their tenacity.

The entire world sees climate change as a problem.

Republicans scientists are only 6% of all the scientists in the United States.

I wonder how many of those 6% see climate change as a myth. 50%? 10%? 1%?

In spite of all that, the party that wants to teach "supernatural" over science, plans a counter conference to show the world exactly how smart they are. Well, they believe they were "right" about Iraq. I suspect they will be equally "right" this time.

It is not a political issue. It is a science issue. The science of global warming is fake science. It is just as supernatural as Christianity. At least Christians admit that there is an element of "faith" behind their beliefs. AGW Cult members pretend that they have science behind them, even when they have to "hide the decline" and fudge data to get the round peg to fit in the square hole.

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