Republicans Plan to Form Counter-Delegation at Climate Conference

As long as Al Gore is making millions globe trotting the world in his PRIVATE JET, they will keep it up for as long as anyone is willing to listen to their B.S.

It's -4 here, where's all that global warming that we have been promised.:lol:

Right here.

Oh...I get it now

Because it snowed on Zanders house, Republicans are going to make the case that global warming doesn't exist

That should impress the rest of the world
Cons are that stupid, yes.
Right here.

Oh...I get it now

Because it snowed on Zanders house, Republicans are going to make the case that global warming doesn't exist

That should impress the rest of the world
Cons are that stupid, yes.

When CULT members are confronted with facts, they resort to ad hom attacks. They know it is easier to deflect than to face the fact that they are wrong. Sometimes they get violent when faced with reality! The best way to defeat them is with patience and more facts. It will take time for the CULT members to re-enter normal society.
Science said the earth was flat at one point
Not true. If you read back to ancient Greece and travel forward in time the consensus of scientists throughout history was that the earth was round.

From this point on (third century), the shape of the Earth was in constant debate among philosophers, astronomers, Mathematicians and general thinkers alike (during the middle ages, many people fell back into a belief in a flat Earth). While it took Columbus' voyage to finally allow the divergent opinions to mesh together into a unified whole, he wasn't exactly breaking any new ground, scientifically – just proving what had already been theorized for more than two thousand years.

Read more at Suite101: From a Flat to a Round Earth: The History behind the Determination of the Shape of the Planet | From a Flat to a Round Earth: The History behind the Determination of the Shape of the Planet |

Your comments presume science was not in practice prior to the Greeks. Not a true statement. I merely stated at one point (actually at several points) it was a held belief. Much like global warming is a held belief by some scientists today.
One wonders how these modern day luddites will be communicating back to the their equally backward dipshits in the US. Will they use smoke signals? Prayer? the pony express, or messages in bottles? Anyone know or is the message still on its way?

Nope! Their children and grandchildren introduced them to AOL dial-up. They're surfing the interwebs now!
As long as Al Gore is making millions globe trotting the world in his PRIVATE JET, they will keep it up for as long as anyone is willing to listen to their B.S.

It's -4 here, where's all that global warming that we have been promised.:lol:

Right here.

Oh...I get it now

Because it snowed on Zanders house, Republicans are going to make the case that global warming doesn't exist

That should impress the rest of the world

Take a deep breath leftwinger. The Earth is COOLING. That's right! Since 1998 the planet has been cooling. You can look it up too!! It's not even a teensy beensy wittle bit hard!!!

Oh look!! Here is a link!! NASA admits that they have no idea why the earth is cooling! Now if NASA is ready to admit that they don't have any fucking idea what is happening with the earth's climate, why won't you?

PS - I live in LA it is cold, but no snow! :)
One wonders how these modern day luddites will be communicating back to the their equally backward dipshits in the US. Will they use smoke signals? Prayer? the pony express, or messages in bottles? Anyone know or is the message still on its way?

Nope! Their children and grandchildren introduced them to AOL dial-up. They're surfing the interwebs now!

Translation: We have lost the fake science battle, let's call 'em stupid!!
Oh...I get it now

Because it snowed on Zanders house, Republicans are going to make the case that global warming doesn't exist

That should impress the rest of the world
Cons are that stupid, yes.

When CULT members are confronted with facts, they resort to ad hom attacks. They know it is easier to deflect than to face the fact that they are wrong. Sometimes they get violent when faced with reality! The best way to defeat them is with patience and more facts. It will take time for the CULT members to re-enter normal society.

I'm with you on this one Zander. You got them dead to rights. Your picture of a guy with a snow blower proves that there is no global warming. We will not be completely sure until every flake of snow is obliterated from the earth.

Then we can start conserving
Cons are that stupid, yes.

When CULT members are confronted with facts, they resort to ad hom attacks. They know it is easier to deflect than to face the fact that they are wrong. Sometimes they get violent when faced with reality! The best way to defeat them is with patience and more facts. It will take time for the CULT members to re-enter normal society.

I'm with you on this one Zander. You got them dead to rights. Your picture of a guy with a snow blower proves that there is no global warming. We will not be completely sure until every flake of snow is obliterated from the earth.

Then we can start conserving

When the CULT members are faced with the prospect of losing their misguided beliefs, they resort to ridicule and scorn. They attempt to deflect the real argument away from the facts and attempt to malign and disparage the intelligence of their opponent. It is a common theme of all CULTISTS. They know deep down that they are wrong, but they do not want to confront their own pain at being duped. Shame is a powerful motivator, you must break the cycle of shame or the CULT member will fight in the face of incredible odds. They will insist that Up is Down, cold is warm, and wrong is right. The only way to break their stridency is with patience and facts.

Here are some more facts for you Leftwinger. It will be hard for you, but don't worry, you'll feel better when you admit you were duped.
1 Temperatures have been cooling since 2002, even as carbon dioxide has continued to rise.

2 Carbon dioxide is a trace gas and by itself will produce little warming. Also, as CO2 increases, the incremental warming is less, as the effect is logarithmic so the more CO2, the less warming it produces.

3 CO2 has been totally uncorrelated with temperature over the last decade, and significantly negative since 2002.

4 CO2 is not a pollutant, but a naturally occurring gas. Together with chlorophyll and sunlight, it is an essential ingredient in photosynthesis and is, accordingly, plant food.

5 Reconstruction of paleoclimatological CO2 concentrations demonstrates that carbon dioxide concentration today is near its lowest level since the Cambrian Era some 550 million years ago, when there was almost 20 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere as there is today without causing a “runaway greenhouse effect.”

6 Temperature changes lead, not lag, CO2 changes on all time scales. The oceans may play a key role, emitting carbon dioxide when they warm as carbonated beverages lose fizz as they warm and absorbing it as they cool.

7 Most of the warming in the climate models comes from the assumption that water vapor and precipitation increase as temperatures warm, a strong positive feedback. Water vapor is a far more important greenhouse gas than CO2. However, that assumption has been shown in observations and peerreviewed research to be wrong, and in fact water vapor and precipitation act as a negative feedback that reduces any small greenhouse warming from carbon dioxide.

8 Indeed, greenhouse models show the warming should be greatest at mid to high atmosphere levels in the tropics. But balloon and satellite observations show cooling there. The greenhouse signature or DNA does not match reality, and the greenhouse models thus must greatly overstate the warming – and in a court of law would have to be acquitted of any role in global warming

9 The sun has both direct and indirect effects on our climate. Solar activity changes on cycles of 11 years and longer. When the sun is more active it is brighter and a little hotter. More important though are the indirect effects. Ultraviolet radiation increases much more than the brightness and causes increased ozone production, which generates heat in the high atmosphere that works its way down, affecting the weather. Also, an active sun diffuses cosmic rays, which play an important role in nucleation of low clouds, resulting in fewer clouds. In all these ways the sun warms the planet more when it is active. An active sun in the 1930s and again near the end of the last century helped produce the observed warming periods. The current solar cycle is the longest in over 100 years, an unmistakable sign of a cooling sun that historical patterns suggest will stay so for decades.

10 The multidecadal cycles in the ocean correlate extremely well with the solar cycles and global temperatures. These are 60 to 70 year cycles that relate to natural variations in the largescale circulations. Warm oceans correlate with warm global temperatures. The Pacific started cooling in the late 1990s and it accelerated in the last year, and the Atlantic has cooled from its peak in 2004. This supports the observed global land temperature cooling, which is strongly correlated with ocean heat content. Newly deployed N.O.A.A. buoys confirm global ocean cooling.

11 Warmer ocean cycles are periods with diminished Arctic ice cover. When the oceans were warm in the 1930s to the 1950s, Arctic ice diminished and Greenland warmed. The recent ocean warming, especially in the 1980s to the early 2000s, is similar to what took place 70 years ago and the Arctic ice has reacted much the same way, with diminished summer ice extent.

12 Antarctic ice has been increasing and the extent last year was the greatest in the satellitemonitoring era. We are running ahead of last year’s record pace.

What will it take for the media to let go of their biases and begin doing their job, reporting the truth?

Link added.


PS - the first step towards regaining your sanity after being de-programmed from the CULT of AGW, would be to change your name to LEFTWINGER. Otherwise you are an intellectually dishonest person. There is no shame in being a leftwinger, is there?
According to what the right was arguing a few years ago, this is a violation of the Logan Act.
International Socialist Laws
You mean the Constitution that give the President the power to make treaties and Congress the power to ratify them?

Or the Constitution that gives the President power to declare police actions?

Inhofe? Isn't he the one who reads Michael Crichton fiction books for his science education?

Discover Magazine article I lifted this from

One might wonder why people like Tula*czyk do it. The motivation isn’t fame; in fact, he and other glaciologists seem positively allergic to it. Tulaczyk himself had a bitter brush with fame thanks to Michael Crichton’s best-selling conspiracy novel State of Fear. One of the novel’s characters, an agent named John Kenner, cites a paper published by Tulaczyk and a collaborator, Ian Joughin of the University of Washington in Seattle, to support his claim that climate change is pretty much bunk. Joughin’s and Tulaczyk’s paper, published in Science in 2002, documents an increase in ice mass for one region of the WAIS called the Ross Sea Sector. The fictional Kenner contends that this and other research indicate that Antarctica’s ice is not actually melting.

Glaciologists say this is not the case: The Ross Sea Sector is gaining mass because one glacier, the Kamb Ice Stream, which periodically stops and starts, is currently in stop mode and therefore not dumping ice into the ocean. “It was overblown and exaggerated,” Tulaczyk says, “in terms of proving something that it didn’t prove.” But Crichton was an effective publicist, and Joughin and Tulaczyk—willingly or not—were taken up as heroes who “disproved” climate change.
Your comments presume science was not in practice prior to the Greeks. Not a true statement. I merely stated at one point (actually at several points) it was a held belief. Much like global warming is a held belief by some scientists today.
No, my comment presumes the written record pre-ancient Greece is pretty hard to come by...were you around that long ago? For all I know, the belief that the earth was flat is a myth or something held only by a small group of idiots.
According to what the right was arguing a few years ago, this is a violation of the Logan Act.

Is it?

I'd say no they weren't.

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments. Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.


As forecast, the temperature in Vero Beach hit 86 degrees Wednesday (at 2:40 p.m. to be exact), breaking the record high for the date — 84 degrees in 1997.

It's another record high heat day in Vero Beach»

And there's record lows in San Jose and the Bay area this week, what's your point?

Record low temperatures put frost and ice on Bay Area planes causing flight delays - San Jose Mercury News

Doh, Seattle too, looks like much of the left coast is tying or breaking their record lows.

Frigid cold hits new low in Seattle
Global warming science claims that wild temperature swings are part of global warming.

Thats the nice thing about the Marketing part of Global Warming, regardless of the weather they can claim its a result of Global Warming. That perhaps must be the reason why the IPCC has changed for the most part from reffering to it as Global Warming and the new term has been for a while now Climate Change. Hurricane Katrina - Global Warming, this years calm storm season- Global Warming, too cold - Global Warming. Perhaps the best way to describe this marketing scheme is to follow the money, and one will end up finding some of the very same companies that are condemened as polluters backing this science in the hopes for mandated profits. Perhaps if Climate Change were to blame for all disasters and natural weather patterns then have the courage of your convictions the next time it rains and bring suit against your neighbor for breathing and expelling too much CO2.

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