Republicans really hate Obama because of the lack of scandals.



Funny. Trump hasn't even been sworn in and he's got scandals neck deep.

And there's new stuff popping up left and right.

Let's recap:

Trump Foundation and the multiple investigations.

Trump U and if he loses, he is open to the criminal charges of "Fraud and Racketeering".

Possible IRS investigation into his scandalous billion dollar tax write off.

The money he owes to the Bank of China, India and Russia.

And new stuff. His kids running his transition team. You know what that means? They will suggest who should be in charge of the IRS. Then they will run his business.

Seek professional help before those voices tell you to hurt yourself

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Funny. Trump hasn't even been sworn in and he's got scandals neck deep.

And there's new stuff popping up left and right.

Let's recap:

Trump Foundation and the multiple investigations.

Trump U and if he loses, he is open to the criminal charges of "Fraud and Racketeering".

Possible IRS investigation into his scandalous billion dollar tax write off.

The money he owes to the Bank of China, India and Russia.

And new stuff. His kids running his transition team. You know what that means? They will suggest who should be in charge of the IRS. Then they will run his business.


Seeing you don't understand between the right to peaceful protest versus rioting mean that you will not understand anything... I mean you believe Melania nude pics are worst than Anthony Weiner sexting with minors...

So tell me why do you hate Trump so much?

Is it the Republican thingy?
Republicans really hate Obama because of the lack of scandals.

What? LMAO Start with Fast and Furious and work your way to the IRS boondoggle
I would support Cruz in dismantling what is unconstitutional about the IRS and revamping that.
Start by separating tracks in health care policy by PARTY, let taxpayers check which box for which plan they want their taxes and benefits managed under.

If that's just too simple for lawyers and legislators to rewrite,
maybe you're right, maybe we should have Trump's kids put the code in simple language:
( ) check this box if you want to be enrolled in the Republican health share accounts and be responsible for all health care costs to yourself and the public under their management programs
( ) check here if you agree to enroll in ACA and the mandates, and be responsible for all costs of this program with your taxes and labor and choices of health care
( ) check here if you are a member of another party or plan by which you accept shared legal and financial responsibility with fellow members (please specify)

Funny. Trump hasn't even been sworn in and he's got scandals neck deep.

And there's new stuff popping up left and right.

Let's recap:

Trump Foundation and the multiple investigations.

Trump U and if he loses, he is open to the criminal charges of "Fraud and Racketeering".

Possible IRS investigation into his scandalous billion dollar tax write off.

The money he owes to the Bank of China, India and Russia.

And new stuff. His kids running his transition team. You know what that means? They will suggest who should be in charge of the IRS. Then they will run his business.

Obama is much less hated than Hillary, Reid and most other prominent Ds, so false assumption.

Not so much an issue of hatred, but fear of not being able to check or stop the abuse or corruption
that person is capable of pulling off given their contacts with corporate sources inside and outside govt.
Funny. Trump hasn't even been sworn in and he's got scandals neck deep.

And there's new stuff popping up left and right.

Let's recap:

Trump Foundation and the multiple investigations.

Trump U and if he loses, he is open to the criminal charges of "Fraud and Racketeering".

Possible IRS investigation into his scandalous billion dollar tax write off.

The money he owes to the Bank of China, India and Russia.

And new stuff. His kids running his transition team. You know what that means? They will suggest who should be in charge of the IRS. Then they will run his business.

His lack of scandals is his only redeeming quality.
I hate him because he hates the U.S, His transvestite wife even came out and said it, I don't approve of him siding with our enemies, which he said he would do in his book. I don't approve of his socialist programs that are destroying this country, I don't approve of the way he has put such a deep racial divide back into the country.
There are so many valid reasons to hate obama, his lack of scandals is certainly not one of them.
Try again but this time try to come up with valid reasons. And before you go there, his being black is not enough of a reason to hate or disrespect him either.
But you are at least right partially, I hate him more than any other "president" this country has ever had. not only for the damage he has done but also for the ignorant person that he has proven himself to be.
Republicans really hate Obama because of the lack of scandals.

What? LMAO Start with Fast and Furious and work your way to the IRS boondoggle
See what I mean? Republicans try so hard to make up scandals, but when looked at they suddenly become ridiculous.

So let's talk about the two mentioned.

The head of the IRS was left over from the Bush Administration because Republcians wouldn't confirm Obama's nominee. Hilarious! Especially since Bush used the IRS against political opponents. We can't even argue about that. It's a fact.

And Fast and Furious? This is one of the most hilarious and bizarre conspiracies I have ever, ever heard from the right wing. The border agents in Arizona are so right wing and filled with hatred of Obama. But supposedly Obama and Holder gave them guns to sell to Mexican Drug Lords who would come across the border and shoot Americans. And then leave some kind of "evidence" that they were the ones who committed the murders with the guns given to them by the border agents who hate Obama and they left one of the weapons or a sales receipt or something to prove it was one of those weapons and all so Obama could end gun rights in America.

Didn't I tell you it was bizarre? And Republicans continue to repeat the phrase "Fast and Furious" like some magical words.

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

Republicans are nuttier than a fruitcake.
How is the whole ACA fiasco not enough of a scandal on its own?
With passing it as a health bill through Congress, then approving or revising it as a tax bill to get past Courts?

The whole BLM and taking sides in police cases poured fuel over flames in the media and incited the nation.

Obama had his hands full of the most sensitive issues to inflame, with race, rich and poor, and then the LGBT scandals over political biases in policies leading up to the Supreme Court ruling on marriage that is debated as unconstitutional for govt even to address unless citizens consent to laws on local and state levels of govt.

His whole philosophy is a political religion imposed on the public by partisan abuse of govt.

Do you really think anything more needed to be added to that heap?

Funny. Trump hasn't even been sworn in and he's got scandals neck deep.

And there's new stuff popping up left and right.

Let's recap:

Trump Foundation and the multiple investigations.

Trump U and if he loses, he is open to the criminal charges of "Fraud and Racketeering".

Possible IRS investigation into his scandalous billion dollar tax write off.

The money he owes to the Bank of China, India and Russia.

And new stuff. His kids running his transition team. You know what that means? They will suggest who should be in charge of the IRS. Then they will run his business.

His lack of scandals is his only redeeming quality.
I hate him because he hates the U.S, His transvestite wife even came out and said it, I don't approve of him siding with our enemies, which he said he would do in his book. I don't approve of his socialist programs that are destroying this country, I don't approve of the way he has put such a deep racial divide back into the country.
There are so many valid reasons to hate obama, his lack of scandals is certainly not one of them.
Try again but this time try to come up with valid reasons. And before you go there, his being black is not enough of a reason to hate or disrespect him either.
But you are at least right partially, I hate him more than any other "president" this country has ever had. not only for the damage he has done but also for the ignorant person that he has proven himself to be.
Funny. Trump hasn't even been sworn in and he's got scandals neck deep.

And there's new stuff popping up left and right.

Let's recap:

Trump Foundation and the multiple investigations.

Trump U and if he loses, he is open to the criminal charges of "Fraud and Racketeering".

Possible IRS investigation into his scandalous billion dollar tax write off.

The money he owes to the Bank of China, India and Russia.

And new stuff. His kids running his transition team. You know what that means? They will suggest who should be in charge of the IRS. Then they will run his business.


You really should lay off the mind altering substances.

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