Republicans Refuse to Negotiate With "The Hostage"

Why pick on vets?

If biden wants to cut all spending by 22% in one year thats obviously insane

But only cutting vet is more wrong
It may cost 81,000 VA jobs. That includes scrapping plans for building new facilities, also. Why the vets seem to be the scapegoat is senseless. Both parties do this.
It can be

Congress and the white house can agree to freeze next years budget at 2023 levels minus 1%

And then congress can raise the debt ceiling

It only takes one day
Which means it’s not and never has been.

Why not go through the normal budget process?

What are you afraid of?
Enemy democrats have to learn to play nice in the sand box. But this is a culture war after all. Enemy democrats do only what China lets them do.

Democrats aren’t your enemies. Your enemies are cheering on Republicans, hoping they succeed in collapsing your economy - again.

They’re all backing Trump for President.

Silly bitches???

Cynical EVIL bitches
Letch is such a drama Queen.

The fucking hypocrite can’t even grasp that the filthy Dimocraps are busy using the threat of a default as their little plaything.
Projection, barbaric fucktard.

Imagine thinking that not killing innocent human beings would somehow not save lives.

Take your own, trash, and rid of us of your stupidity.

No law bans removing a dead kid. Stop lying and spreading lies, trash.

No, I’m saying end all of these socialist programs immediately, they are unconscionable and tyrannical. Pay down the monstrous debt they have caused and then lower taxes.

I am saying lack of socialist government that shouldn’t exist doesn’t cause you to be poor, because it doesn’t. And then I’m also saying government shouldn’t try to do anything about you being poor other than not getting in the way of the economy creating opportunity for you to earn money.

The war on poverty did nothing but cause more poverty - face facts, retard.

It is, in fact, your own responsibility to plan for your own retirement.

I know personal responsibility is anathema to worthless barbaric filth like you, though.

Fun fact, I want laws against killing innocent human beings and that has nothing to do with your socialist garbage - I support the human right to life and property. You support neither - you are profoundly uncivilized and have no respect for the lives or rights of others.

There is nothing decent about you, monstrous piece of shit.

There is absolutely nothing in your post to refute anything that I posted. All there is is your usual incel hate against women in general and me in particular.

You have no interest in any of the children. You’re only interest is the cruelties inflicted upon the women.

Your post about retirement income reveals both your age and your complete ignorance of economic matters. The notion that it is up to you to provide for your own retirement is a bullshit lie that is promulgated buy the top 10% of corporations and wealthy individuals.

Given that stagnation of wages under Republican tax and labour laws, supplemented by “earned income credits” and food stamps, it is financially impossible for the majority of working Americans to pay for their education, provide for their families, and save for their retirement.

The USA currently has the third highest rate of Senior Poverty in the first world. In the richest country in the world, there is absolutely no excuse for this these levels of poverty.

Democrats aren’t your enemies. Your enemies are cheering on Republicans, hoping they succeed in collapsing your economy - again.

They’re all backing Trump for President.

This is like when Mitch McConnell said it was his job to make Obama a one term president. And that he hoped Obama (and with it the country) would "FAIL".

Republicans know if they screw up the economy, that Biden wouldn't be able to win.
Why??? Biden has absolutely no reason to negotiate because McCarthy has yet to provide him with a list of budget cuts.

McCarthy already passed a bill with cuts.

What are you supposed to negotiate??

Either sign the bill that McCarthy passed or negotiate changes to that bill.

Biden isn’t going to agree with Sequestration 2.0,

Why not? It worked.

Biden has substantially reduce the deficit in each of his first two budgets

How did he do that? Any specifics?

McCarthy hasn’t specified cuts. He’s just specified an overall percentage of spending, not where he expects to make the cuts to achieve that person overall percentage.

Biden has asked for a list of cuts with specifics. McCarthys caucus can’t agree on the numbers which is why he doesn’t have them.
Democrats aren’t your enemies. Your enemies are cheering on Republicans, hoping they succeed in collapsing your economy - again.

They’re all backing Trump for President.

60% of Americans agree with Republicans that spending cuts must be included with raising the debt ceiling.
Referring to the bill on the debt limit and spending cuts that passed the House with only Republican votes, Gaetz said: “I think my conservative colleagues for the most part support Limit, Save, Grow & they don’t feel like we should negotiate with our hostage,” according to a reporter for Semafor.
Where are the democrats in this? Running into the corners, afraid a Republican will look at them sideways? Or maybe they're just running out the clock, determined to cause a default?
This is like when Mitch McConnell said it was his job to make Obama a one term president. And that he hoped Obama (and with it the country) would "FAIL".

Republicans know if they screw up the economy, that Biden wouldn't be able to win.

But their plan assumes that independent voters will blame the Democrats for this default, and the damage done. They know their base will go along with anything Republicans tell them. These people still blame Obama for his failed Katrina response - 3 years before his election.

The independent voters are not that gullible or stupid

You lie by accusing someone of lying.

Where were you on 1/6? I mean besides inciting murder? Being white is why you're not in prison slappy.
Still have nothing to back up your lies, huh liar?
But their plan assumes that independent voters will blame the Democrats for this default, and the damage done. They know their base will go along with anything Republicans tell them. These people still blame Obama for his failed Katrina response - 3 years before his election.

The independent voters are not that gullible or stupid
What would be stupid is to blame the only people who passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling, Simp.
60% of Americans agree with Republicans that spending cuts must be included with raising the debt ceiling.

Where is your link, Skippy my link says they’re only 25% of Americans want cuts to lift the debt ceiling. 50% want a clean debt ceiling bill.

Still have nothing to back up your lies, huh liar?

You’re the guy who’s not backing up your posts, Skippy. It’s the old “Don’t do as I do, do as I say”.

You need to start backing up your own posts with links before you start, climbing anybody else’s frame.
Where is your link, Skippy my link says they’re only 25% of Americans want cuts to lift the debt ceiling. 50% want a clean debt ceiling bill.

Unlike you I can always back up my claims. Always.

What would be stupid is to blame the only people who passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling, Simp.

That’s not what you said when Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats passed and that ceiling bill in 2019. You cheered on Trump putting all those civil servants out of work. It cost the economy $50 billion in cut your GDP for that quarter to less than 1% but hey Trump showed the Libs.

Then Trump gave it up without getting anything in return. One of the weakest displays ever in a negotiating session by an American president.
You’re the guy who’s not backing up your posts, Skippy. It’s the old “Don’t do as I do, do as I say”.

You need to start backing up your own posts with links before you start, climbing anybody else’s frame.
Already done, you colossal Halfwit.

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