Republicans refusing to seat new Rep.

Eric Swalwell just announced on MSNBC that Republicans are REFUSING to seat Tom Souzzi because their majority in the House is so small.

Clearly not a Kosher move here guys. Do your jobs and deal with it.

After multiple search arguments, I cannot find any news source to confirm this. This could be BS.
From one of his other breathless X posts:

My name is Harry Sisson, I’m 20 years old, and I will be PROUDLY voting for President Joe Biden in 2024. Who’s with me???

I don't think I'd take what some 20 year dem says at face value.
He wanted to be sworn in before the Republicans went on vacation.
I still haven't found it. You got anything else on it? Just as a fellow member, I look for that kind of thing. Somebody else posted similar to mine. Just sayin...
Eric Swalwell just announced on MSNBC that Republicans are REFUSING to seat Tom Souzzi because their majority in the House is so small.

Clearly not a Kosher move here guys. Do your jobs and deal with it.

So? Do you actually expect ANY sympathy from the right after everything youve done to Trump? After everything youve done to us, spying on MAGA supporters, turning the IRS on us, sending the FBI after religious people, censoring our posts on social media sites, the Gestapo shit with January 6th protesters, losing your minds over people who didnt have a mask on, calling us murderers for not taking vaccines, trying to force us to take vaccines, firing those who didnt take vaccines, your year of riots during COVID, etc, etc, etc.

Nah, fuck you,
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Eric Swalwell just announced on MSNBC that Republicans are REFUSING to seat Tom Souzzi because their majority in the House is so small.

Clearly not a Kosher move here guys. Do your jobs and deal with it.

You leftists lie so easily.
Interesting to see the lefties here express question and doubt about the validity of the story, while Trumpsters spray out and run with every last goofy conspiracy theory that crosses their screen like it's gospel.
Interesting to see the lefties here express question and doubt about the validity of the story, while Trumpsters spray out and run with every last goofy conspiracy theory that crosses their screen like it's gospel.
OK shill, post up a confirmation.

All I've been able to find was the likes of DU parroting the same shit.

As best as i can tell he's not slated to be sworn in till the 28th.....I believe he showed-up early hoping to be sworn in but was told he would have to wait till the 28th as scheduled.

However, a source with knowledge of the situation told NBC News that Suozzi may seek to do it as early as Thursday. If that is not possible, he'd likely have to wait two weeks from this week, with the House on recess the week of Feb. 18.

Seems to be just a leftist dem ploy by the dems to get him sworn in early.
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No idea what he is talking about either.
Eric Swalwell just announced on MSNBC that Republicans are REFUSING to seat Tom Souzzi because their majority in the House is so small.

Clearly not a Kosher move here guys. Do your jobs and deal with it.

It’s the Sargeant-at-Arms who verifies who may be seated, NOT a bunch of MAGAmorons.

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