Republicans reject the Former Guy

The record shows:
He did not build the big, beautiful Trump Wall that he would make Mexico pay for as promised.​
He did not replace the Affordable Care Act with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" as promised.​
He did not rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure as promised.​
He did not resurrect coal mining as promised.​
He did not rehabilitate the steel industry as promised.​
He did not restore manufacturing as promised.​

Could a pandemic have accounted for his impotence? For his increasing unemployment by 2 full points?

Not according to him. He had it "under control," and assured the nation that it would just "go away!" because "Everybody's getting better!"

After he incited his goons to attack the U.S. Congress because the American electorate had rejected him at the polls, he still tried to cling to the fantasy that he was responsible for the development of the covid vaccine.

So how do Republicans show their gratitude for his singular feat if they are willing to pretend that he is responsible for the life-saving elixir?

View attachment 490767
[As more Americans get vaccinated, 41% of Republicans still refuse COVID-19 shots]

View attachment 490770

"Massa done made the vaccine, but just the sight of them needles makes us swoon!"
Best president we've ever had ... and will have again.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
TDS / Trump OCD Driven Post Number: 21,811


"Stop accurately citing his record!
Yer havin' way too much fun!"

Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 5.12.43 PM.png

BLM (in whiteface) get uppity about democracy.
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Trump is living in your head rent-free.
If you want even more Trump, read and enjoy his big list of "Promises Kept"
Amazon product ASIN 1949718077View attachment 490783
Tell you what...we can stop talking about Individual One when he stops crying about the last election over and over and over again.
Unless you're actively trying to sweep the voter fraud under the rug, WTF does it matter what Trump says?
Xiden is wrecking the US, and y'all keep focusing on a retired president.
The more focus you put on Trump, the better he looks compared to Xiden.
The record shows:
He did not build the big, beautiful Trump Wall that he would make Mexico pay for as promised.​
He did not replace the Affordable Care Act with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" as promised.​
He did not rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure as promised.​
He did not resurrect coal mining as promised.​
He did not rehabilitate the steel industry as promised.​
He did not restore manufacturing as promised.​

Could a pandemic have accounted for his impotence? For his increasing unemployment by 2 full points?

Not according to him. He had it "under control," and assured the nation that it would just "go away!" because "Everybody's getting better!"

After he incited his goons to attack the U.S. Congress because the American electorate had rejected him at the polls, he still tried to cling to the fantasy that he was responsible for the development of the covid vaccine.

So how do Republicans show their gratitude for his singular feat if they are willing to pretend that he is responsible for the life-saving elixir?

View attachment 490767
[As more Americans get vaccinated, 41% of Republicans still refuse COVID-19 shots]

View attachment 490770

"Massa done made the vaccine, but just the sight of them needles makes us swoon!"

TDS / Trump OCD Driven Post Number: 21,811
And looks like you have TDS also. :heehee:

wut u talkin' 'bout willis?
Trump had the first two years to reduce the deficit and pass a healthcare plan. Even with a GOP Congress he failed.
Trump is living in your head rent-free.
If you want even more Trump, read and enjoy his big list of "Promises Kept"
Amazon product ASIN 1949718077View attachment 490783
Tell you what...we can stop talking about Individual One when he stops crying about the last election over and over and over again.
you mean like Hillary has been doing for the better part of 5 years? Al Gore? Just mean like that?
And looks like Hillary Clinton and Al Gore are still living rent free in your head. :heehee:
Nah. Just pointing out that when a politician loses, they have questions and the right to ask those questions.

Well....except for Trump. Hw dare he, I tell you. How dare he!
Jets said:
Trump had the first two years to reduce the deficit and pass a healthcare plan. Even with a GOP Congress he failed.
He was focused like a laser beam upon building that big, beautiful TrumpWall and making Mexico pay for it.

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 1.08.42 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 1.12.29 PM.png
Dekster said:
He absolutely wasn't Hillary and that was the only campaign promise that mattered.
Most American voters were of a very different opinion in 2016, and expressed it again, even more forcefully, in 2020 after their initial opinion was confirmed. Now, even his goons won't take him seriously:

View attachment 490788
"It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine, and it's something that works!"

White Republicans refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine

more than any other demographic group in Texas

[White Republicans refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine more than any other demographic group in Texas]

View attachment 490789

"It hurt sumfin' fierce when I got me that
there MAGA tattoo on my pert li'l tushie!
I don't want no more dang needles!"
the fact that you use the term "most Americans" makes it clear you have no idea of how the United States political system works. That in itself is very telling about you.
Learn. LEARN......but you wont.
Thats obvious.
It is very common that people use terms like "most Americans." I've also seen "real Americans," and "patriotic Americans." The fact remains that trump failed to win a majority of the popular vote in both the 2016 election and the 2020 election.
Jets said:
Trump had the first two years to reduce the deficit and pass a healthcare plan. Even with a GOP Congress he failed.
He was focused like a laser beam upon building that big, beautiful TrumpWall and making Mexico pay for it.

Trump is NOT a dictator. He needs congress to pass laws to make certain things happen. Trump could make Mexico pay for the wall (and ICE, and DHS) if Congress passed a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US, and gain about $150b annually.
kyzr said:
Trump is NOT a dictator.
He is a megalomaniac, far too morally feeble to accept the verdict of the People. The Loser's savaging the American democratic process aids and abets dictators desperate to discredit democracies. His vapid mewling is music to their ears.

kyzr said:
Trump could make Mexico pay for the wall (and ICE, and DHS) if Congress passed a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US, and gain about $150b annually.
The Loser failed to build his "big, beautiful wall", not because Mexico told him to go screw himself, but because most Americans did not want it.

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Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 7.15.21 PM.png
The record shows:
He did not build the big, beautiful Trump Wall that he would make Mexico pay for as promised.​
He did not replace the Affordable Care Act with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" as promised.​
He did not rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure as promised.​
He did not resurrect coal mining as promised.​
He did not rehabilitate the steel industry as promised.​
He did not restore manufacturing as promised.​

Could a pandemic have accounted for his impotence? For his increasing unemployment by 2 full points?

Not according to him. He had it "under control," and assured the nation that it would just "go away!" because "Everybody's getting better!"

After he incited his goons to attack the U.S. Congress because the American electorate had rejected him at the polls, he still tried to cling to the fantasy that he was responsible for the development of the covid vaccine.

So how do Republicans show their gratitude for his singular feat if they are willing to pretend that he is responsible for the life-saving elixir?

View attachment 490767
[As more Americans get vaccinated, 41% of Republicans still refuse COVID-19 shots]

View attachment 490770

"Massa done made the vaccine, but just the sight of them needles makes us swoon!"
Shill fail.
kyzr said:
Trump is NOT a dictator.
He is a megalomaniac, far too morally feeble to accept the verdict of the People. The Loser's savaging the American democratic process aids and abets dictators desperate to discredit democracies. His vapid mewling is music to their ears.

kyzr said:
Trump could make Mexico pay for the wall (and ICE, and DHS) if Congress passed a "Remittance Tax" on money sent out of the US, and gain about $150b annually.
The Loser failed to build his "big, beautiful wall", not because Mexico told him to go screw himself, but because most Americans did not want it.

View attachment 490939
View attachment 490940
1. Congrats on making me do a word lookup "mewling"
2. Trump may have megalomania, or he may just be a "micro-manager". Look at Trump's background. Here is the organization that Trump built. Take a minute to really appreciate how extensive his real estate empire is:
3. Trump learned never to give up, no matter what the odds. Look at the Russian Collusion hoax and the Mueller Investigation. The deep state hates outsiders. After Obama we Republicans wanted a DC outsider with the stones to take whatever anyone could throw at him. Trump was the bull in the China Shop we wanted to "drain the swamp".
4. That said, the "verdict of the people" was Trump's own doing. For example, he lost my wife's vote during the 1st debate "shit show". He acted like he was raised by wolves. He never learned that every vote matters, and women do not like and won't vote for a bully.
5. His 1/6 DC rally was a dumb idea, that criminals took advantage of.
6. Trump did build his big beautiful wall, 450 miles of it, all but 17-miles that needed to be completed, but was stopped by a senile socialist. As for polls, Hillary had a 95% probability of beating Trump, polls are in favor of who pays for them. Totally meaningless.

kyzr said:
1. Congrats on making me do a word lookup "mewling"
2. Trump may have megalomania, or he may just be a "micro-manager". Look at Trump's background. Here is the organization that Trump built. Take a minute to really appreciate how extensive his real estate empire is:...
3. Trump learned never to give up, no matter what the odds. Look at the Russian Collusion hoax and the Mueller Investigation. The deep state hates outsiders. After Obama we Republicans wanted a DC outsider with the stones to take whatever anyone could throw at him. Trump was the bull in the China Shop we wanted to "drain the swamp".
4. That said, the "verdict of the people" was Trump's own doing. For example, he lost my wife's vote during the 1st debate "shit show". He acted like he was raised by wolves. He never learned that every vote matters, and women do not like and won't vote for a bully.
5. His 1/6 DC rally was a dumb idea, that criminals took advantage of.
6. Trump did build his big beautiful wall, 450 miles of it, all but 17-miles that needed to be completed, but was stopped by a senile socialist. As for polls, Hillary had a 95% probability of beating Trump, polls are in favor of who pays for them. Totally meaningless.
Trump hits 450-mile goal for 2020 border wall construction

Well, I thought it was a hoot!

Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 11.17.06 AM.png

" I will build the greatest wall that you've ever seen!
... I'll be very proud of that wall. If they call this The Trump Wall, it has to be beautiful!
And you put that plank up and you dig your footings. And you put that plank up -- there's no ladder going over that!
If they ever go up there, they're in trouble, because there's no way to get down!

... Maybe a rope."
[Trump on Border: Maybe They'll Call It "The Trump Wall"!]
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"He absolutely wasn't Hillary and that was the only campaign promise that mattered."

You know, poster "Dekster"...I agree.
Don Trump won in 2016 because more people who didn't want Hillary voted than people who didn't want Trump.

Four years later....more people who didn't want Trump* voted than people who didn't want Biden.

Math can be a thing.



"the fact that you use the term "most Americans" makes it clear you have no idea of how the United States political system works."
Ummm? OK. I'll bite. HOW does the American political system" work?
"they are afraid of covid so please gimme my 900 a week as I babysit for my friends for 10 an hour per kid off the books".

I have not heard ..or read ....that before.
So, poster SCPatriot, can you give the forum some vetting on that assertion?
A credble link?
Sourcin to a credible source?

Or hell, just name names of those you know personally who are getting the 900 in lieu of seeking a job.....and not reporting their babysitting income.

We like your moxie, post SC; however, you really do have to show that you got game.

Not my rules. It's the way real-world reality works.
I think you know that.
"He absolutely wasn't Hillary and that was the only campaign promise that mattered."

You know, poster "Dekster"...I agree.
Don Trump won in 2016 because more people who didn't want Hillary voted than people who didn't want Trump.

Four years later....more people who didn't want Trump* voted than people who didn't want Biden.

Math can be a thing.



"the fact that you use the term "most Americans" makes it clear you have no idea of how the United States political system works."
Ummm? OK. I'll bite. HOW does the American political system" work?
"they are afraid of covid so please gimme my 900 a week as I babysit for my friends for 10 an hour per kid off the books".

I have not heard ..or read ....that before.
So, poster SCPatriot, can you give the forum some vetting on that assertion?
A credble link?
Sourcin to a credible source?

Or hell, just name names of those you know personally who are getting the 900 in lieu of seeking a job.....and not reporting their babysitting income.

We like your moxie, post SC; however, you really do have to show that you got game.

Not my rules. It's the way real-world reality works.
I think you know that.
I dont need a source nor do I need to provide one.
I apply basic logic.

Lets do the math...

One gets 900 a month via state and federal unemployment. They also get 10 an hour per child watching the kids of neighbors and family. Tax free.. The husband gets 900 a month unemployment plus 12 an hour to bang up sheetrock. Again tax free. So the family is getting 2680 a week to claim they are afraid to work due to covid.....and 880 per week of it is tax free.
So they are making 140,000 a year of which much is tax free to NOT take a job.
You wouldn't do it? If I made less than that, I would. Who is stupid enough not to? want a link....but exactly who would admit to gaming the game? How do you get stats for that?
It isnt about what is documented. It is basic logic and math.
Please....feel free.....ignore the logic.
Dekster said:
He absolutely wasn't Hillary and that was the only campaign promise that mattered.
Most American voters were of a very different opinion in 2016, and expressed it again, even more forcefully, in 2020 after their initial opinion was confirmed. Now, even his goons won't take him seriously:

View attachment 490788
"It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine, and it's something that works!"

White Republicans refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine

more than any other demographic group in Texas

[White Republicans refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine more than any other demographic group in Texas]

View attachment 490789

"It hurt sumfin' fierce when I got me that
there MAGA tattoo on my pert li'l tushie!
I don't want no more dang needles!"
the fact that you use the term "most Americans" makes it clear you have no idea of how the United States political system works. That in itself is very telling about you.
Learn. LEARN......but you wont.
Thats obvious.
It is very common that people use terms like "most Americans." I've also seen "real Americans," and "patriotic Americans." The fact remains that trump failed to win a majority of the popular vote in both the 2016 election and the 2020 election.
You are on a site debating American politics and you feel the need to discuss "majority" as opposed to "electorate"?
Go away. I have no interest in the fact that you have no knowledge of what you debate.
Dekster said:
He absolutely wasn't Hillary and that was the only campaign promise that mattered.
Most American voters were of a very different opinion in 2016, and expressed it again, even more forcefully, in 2020 after their initial opinion was confirmed. Now, even his goons won't take him seriously:

View attachment 490788
"It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine, and it's something that works!"

White Republicans refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine

more than any other demographic group in Texas

[White Republicans refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine more than any other demographic group in Texas]

View attachment 490789

"It hurt sumfin' fierce when I got me that
there MAGA tattoo on my pert li'l tushie!
I don't want no more dang needles!"
the fact that you use the term "most Americans" makes it clear you have no idea of how the United States political system works. That in itself is very telling about you.
Learn. LEARN......but you wont.
Thats obvious.
It is very common that people use terms like "most Americans." I've also seen "real Americans," and "patriotic Americans." The fact remains that trump failed to win a majority of the popular vote in both the 2016 election and the 2020 election.
You are on a site debating American politics and you feel the need to discuss "majority" as opposed to "electorate"?
Go away. I have no interest in the fact that you have no knowledge of what you debate.
My. My. My. The length to which you are willing to go to avoid the obvious fact.:auiqs.jpg:
Imagine what FDR's legacy might have been if the media wasn't in the back pockets of democrats during the 20th century? The recession FDR was hired to contain turned into a soup line depression during his first two terms. An honorable man might have bowed out after 8 years but it took a freaking World War and another (almost) two terms.

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