Republicans say: GE paid no taxes! What is their point?


No man... his CHI! Not his Chi Chi Rodruigez! You know... eastern mystical belief of life energy and force? Boy needs his 'humor' chakra released, but I think it's missing on him. (yes yes, chakra's are hindu... suck it.)
:lol: Rderp's building up a karmic debt so massive it can be measured in megatons.
But to save space, he's having it converted into dwarfstar.
Are you aware that the lies you keep spewing are not actual reality?

No. Probably not.

What lies? Cutting education? Turning Medicare into a "voucher" program? Where is the lie?:popcorn:
Pretty much everything you say is a lie, rderp. You're utterly disconnected from reality.

Well that's nice and tidy. When challenged with, "Where did I lie", your answer is "everywhere".

The problem for you is, "I didn't lie". You just can't face the truth. But we both already new that.
I see daveman is being batted around by lefties without any problem, which is fine by centrists and right of center folks. Keep the batting go.
The point...
How can we say it best.....?

Papa Obama promotes Statism with his use of Crony Capitalism in attempts to
achieve his socialist goals
No man... his CHI! Not his Chi Chi Rodruigez! You know... eastern mystical belief of life energy and force? Boy needs his 'humor' chakra released, but I think it's missing on him. (yes yes, chakra's are hindu... suck it.)
:lol: Rderp's building up a karmic debt so massive it can be measured in megatons.
But to save space, he's having it converted into dwarfstar.

Is it cloaked?
my world doesnt revolve around you shit-stain.
You have zero integrity.
Considering I admitted I was wrong when you predicted I wouldn't, and then you refuses to acknowledge it, I'd say you're the one with the integrity deficit, kid.

Run along, boy.

i didnt see it? Been busy you know feeding the kid. Good on you for admitting your wrong.

i didnt realize my approval was needed this badly...Your daddy didnt love you as a kid huh?
Sure, anything that lets you explain away (badly) your own lack of integrity, and your raging hypocrisy.
What lies? Cutting education? Turning Medicare into a "voucher" program? Where is the lie?:popcorn:
Pretty much everything you say is a lie, rderp. You're utterly disconnected from reality.

Well that's nice and tidy. When challenged with, "Where did I lie", your answer is "everywhere".

The problem for you is, "I didn't lie". You just can't face the truth. But we both already new that.
Just so you know, when a liar says he doesn't lie, he's not telling the truth.

Now, don't you have some more pictures of polluted Chinese rivers you want to claim are in Texas?
The excellent irony here is that for all the Right's complaining about GE's tax breaks, loopholes, credits, whatever,

the GOP's Norquist pledge deems any removal of any of them a tax increase, and therefore GE is effectively protected BY the Republicans.

You seriously can't process the point that Democrats have a double standard? You seriously think the point is that Republicans wanted GE to be taxed? What I like is when you turn around and call Republicans clueless.

Democrats attack corporations, well, except GE, they support Obama. It's a double standard. That is the point, not the idiocy you just vomited.

The same people that pissed and moaned about VP Dick Cheney and Halliburton for 8 years defend GE and Obama.

Thanks for proving my point to Kaz...See Kaz, he is saying that liberals are defending GE. Not one of you repubs have identified a liberal that is defending GE paying no taxes (even tho they did pay taxes)
You seriously can't process the point that Democrats have a double standard? You seriously think the point is that Republicans wanted GE to be taxed? What I like is when you turn around and call Republicans clueless.

Democrats attack corporations, well, except GE, they support Obama. It's a double standard. That is the point, not the idiocy you just vomited.

The same people that pissed and moaned about VP Dick Cheney and Halliburton for 8 years defend GE and Obama.

Thanks for proving my point to Kaz...See Kaz, he is saying that liberals are defending GE. Not one of you repubs have identified a liberal that is defending GE paying no taxes (even tho they did pay taxes)

I think he's screwing with you
The same people that pissed and moaned about VP Dick Cheney and Halliburton for 8 years defend GE and Obama.

Thanks for proving my point to Kaz...See Kaz, he is saying that liberals are defending GE. Not one of you repubs have identified a liberal that is defending GE paying no taxes (even tho they did pay taxes)

I think he's screwing with you

Thats cool for you to believe that but look at the post. He IS saying that dems are defending GE just like a number of others have been saying too. Are all of them "screwing with us" too. Because Kaz, that would mean that repubs are using that "GE didnt pay taxes / dem hypoocrits" knowing that it's phony and false.

Hmmmm....GE paid taxes and no dems defend it....lies?
Crony capitalism, always defended by the lame stream far right, is wrong, whether left or right supports it.
Here's a good link showing what the top U.S. Corporations paid or didn't pay in Taxes. Interestingly enough,the Left's top Boogeymen Walmart & Oil Companies paid Taxes. "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt's GE did not...

What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes -

Of course, crony capitalism at its best
But, it is OK now because the Left is doing it

Like secret deals by Papa Obama with Big Pharma to protect their profits
my world doesnt revolve around you shit-stain.
You have zero integrity.
Considering I admitted I was wrong when you predicted I wouldn't, and then you refuses to acknowledge it, I'd say you're the one with the integrity deficit, kid.

Run along, boy.

Watch out Dave, your postings sometimes release the
dreaded and feared

Of course the RINO's can NEVER prove their lies
Watch, notice how they will get into a hissy fit when
you ask them for any proof.


RINO Kraken - No lie is too big to tell!

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