Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn’t Matter

And the simple glaring fact is that Trumpers are trying to hide the fact that the "tax cut" was anything BUT that for anyone not rich.
This is a lie.
Everyone who pays federal income tax had their taxes cut, and the tax cut increased the number of low-income people who pay no federal income tax.
My point stands. EIther your check got bigger...your refund got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut
Well, you've changed your story - and it does make more sense now. But that's not what the Dems are spinning. They're pretending that if your refund went down, you paid more taxes - regardless of any other factors. And they're counting on idiots to believe it.
Liberals and Democrats depend on the ignorance of their supporters.
Well, you've changed your story - and it does make more sense now. But that's not what the Dems are spinning. They're pretending that if your refund went down, you paid more taxes - regardless of any other factors. And they're counting on idiots to believe it.

I have changed nothing.

Either your refund got bigger...your paycheck got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut.

The fact that refunds went DOWN rather than up...means that paychecks should have gone up significantly. If they didn' didn't get a tax cut...if your paycheck went up by five bucks (beyond any raise you may have gotten) THAT was your tax cut.

If your refund went down and your paycheck went up by five MAY have gotten a tax INCREASE.

It's either one or the other. ,Paycheck or refund.
Just don't see that Lesh. If it is true, if people are actually paying more in taxes, the government has all the stats and you can bet Democrats would be all over it. Instead, they're whinging about the refunds. I bet I know why.

They are pointing out refunds because it's the simplest way to make the point.

My point stands. EIther your check got bigger...your refund got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut

My net income in 2018 went up over 2017 and my tax liability in 2018 went down from 2017. That is how I know I got a tax cut. That is actually the simplest way to know what you made and paid. The size of a refund means absolutely nothing and is idiot logic.
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Everyone who pays federal income tax had their taxes cut, and the tax cut increased the number of low-income people who pay no federal income tax.

That's sorta true but there's a LIE hidden in that.

Your Federal tax may have gone down as shown on tax tables...but there were a lot of deductions removed making the actual tax BILL larger.
Well, you've changed your story - and it does make more sense now. But that's not what the Dems are spinning. They're pretending that if your refund went down, you paid more taxes - regardless of any other factors. And they're counting on idiots to believe it.

I have changed nothing.

Either your refund got bigger...your paycheck got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut.

The fact that refunds went DOWN rather than up...means that paychecks should have gone up significantly. If they didn' didn't get a tax cut...if your paycheck went up by five bucks (beyond any raise you may have gotten) THAT was your tax cut.

If your refund went down and your paycheck went up by five MAY have gotten a tax INCREASE.

It's either one or the other. ,Paycheck or refund.
Rather than talk about everything else...point out the errors in what I have stated.

That's FACT
The fact that refunds went DOWN rather than up...means that paychecks should have gone up significantly.
Non-seq. The fact you received a tax cut in no way means your paycheck went up "significantly"
If they didn' didn't get a tax cut..
Non seq. A zillion things could have changed that might increase your tax burden, irrespective of the tax cut.
And once again we see yet another clueless progressive leftist having no inkling of what they are talking about.
It's embarrassing. Painful to watch.
Hey shit for you understand the concept of "logic"?

If your refund is lower this year than SHOULD have seen a pretty significant increase in your paycheck if you got a taxcut.

Do you not understand that really simple concept?

Your PAYCHECK would reflect the greater witholding that you notice in the refund but ALSO the tax cut.

If it doesn't show that didn't get SHIT for a tax cut...and MAY have gotten a tax INCREASE.

Look at the "Federal Tax" line on your return and compare

last year to this year if the above is too complicated for you

Jesus you people are stupid
My taxes went down last year... what makes you think you know they didn't?
What state? What bracket?
yeah I am going to tell you how much money I make... suuure... no problem :rolleyes:
Well, you've changed your story - and it does make more sense now. But that's not what the Dems are spinning. They're pretending that if your refund went down, you paid more taxes - regardless of any other factors. And they're counting on idiots to believe it.

I have changed nothing.

Either your refund got bigger...your paycheck got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut.

You omitted that fact from the OP. Just as Democrats are omitting it when they try to sling this crap. It's a (deliberate) lie of omission. They're hoping to fool the dummies. Just like Trump.
If your refund was lower this year than last...and you didn't see a decent increase in your weekly didn't get shit for a "tax cut"

This isn't rocket surgery
I've been seeing a lot of CRC attempts at gas lighting what's happening this tax season.

Like you have any skin in that game. You claim you adopted children. So off the bat you got about $4,000 bucks. So deep down you are thanking the Drumpfh.
Like you have any skin in that game. You claim you adopted children. So off the bat you got about $4,000 bucks. So deep down you are thanking the Drumpfh.

Did you miss the fact that deductions were capped at $10K?
Well, you've changed your story - and it does make more sense now. But that's not what the Dems are spinning. They're pretending that if your refund went down, you paid more taxes - regardless of any other factors. And they're counting on idiots to believe it.

I have changed nothing.

Either your refund got bigger...your paycheck got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut.

You omitted that fact from the OP. Just as Democrats are omitting it when they try to sling this crap. It's a (deliberate) lie of omission. They're hoping to fool the dummies. Just like Trump.

"Fooling the dummies" is what Trump's clowns are trying to do.

Highlighting refunds is a way to get people to LOOK at their taxes and see what tax cut they got or didn't get. If you don't already know how much your paycheck is and whether it went up or not...that's on you
Like you have any skin in that game. You claim you adopted children. So off the bat you got about $4,000 bucks. So deep down you are thanking the Drumpfh.

Did you miss the fact that deductions were capped at $10K?

Don’t care. You still get EIC. I believe Pete lies and said it had adopted two kids?

EITC Income Limits Maximum Credit Amounts Next Year | Internal Revenue Service

Earned Income and AGI Limits
The tax year 2019 Earned income and adjusted gross income (AGI) must each be less than:

If filing... Qualifying Children Claimed
Zero One Two Three or more
Single, Head of Household or Widowed $15,570 $41,094 $46,703 $50,162
Married Filing Jointly $21,370 $46,884 $52,493 $55,952
Investment Income Limit
Investment income must be $3,600 or less for the year.

Maximum Credit Amounts
The maximum amount of credit for Tax Year 2019 is:

  • $6,557 with three or more qualifying children
  • $5,828 with two qualifying children
  • $3,526 with one qualifying child
  • $529 with no qualifying children
This is really a non-issue anyways.. The Left is just behind on the news and jerked off about prelim numbers on small samples of returns.. Here's what makes this another NothingBurger....

The IRS Now Says People Are Getting Bigger Tax Refunds in 2019. Here’s Why

How big will your tax refund be in 2019? The outcome is always somewhat of a guessing game at tax time, but this year taxpayers have encountered an extra mystery when filing. After hearing for weeks that income-tax refunds are lower than 2018, you may be pleasantly surprised — and simultaneously confused — to learn that the IRS now says that average federal tax refunds are higher than last year.

The most recent IRS data shows that the average tax refund, for returns filed through February 22, 2019, is $3,143. That’s slightly higher than the average refund filed by roughly the same time in 2018: $3,013.

As of February 1, 2019, however, the average income-tax refund among returns filed was only $1,865, according to the IRS, versus $2,035 for the comparable time frame one year ago

This entire "outrage" was based on statistics that the left doesn't understand coming out of place like DC where numbers are political weapons...

Well, you've changed your story - and it does make more sense now. But that's not what the Dems are spinning. They're pretending that if your refund went down, you paid more taxes - regardless of any other factors. And they're counting on idiots to believe it.

I have changed nothing.

Either your refund got bigger...your paycheck got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut.

You omitted that fact from the OP. Just as Democrats are omitting it when they try to sling this crap. It's a (deliberate) lie of omission. They're hoping to fool the dummies. Just like Trump.

"Fooling the dummies" is what Trump's clowns are trying to do.

The Democrats seem to be following his lead.

Highlighting refunds is a way to get people to LOOK at their taxes and see what tax cut they got or didn't get.

Sure it is. ;)
Read the whole thing.

They're saying exactly what I have been saying. If you got a smaller refund...your paycheck SHOULD have been significantly higher. In other words, your paycheck should reflect that tax cut PLUS the smaller refund (if it was smaller) AND any raise you got.

So simply look at your friggin pay stub and your refund check and there is your tax cut if you got one.

Jesus people. This just ain't that fucking hard.
Well, you've changed your story - and it does make more sense now. But that's not what the Dems are spinning. They're pretending that if your refund went down, you paid more taxes - regardless of any other factors. And they're counting on idiots to believe it.

I have changed nothing.

Either your refund got bigger...your paycheck got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut.

You omitted that fact from the OP. Just as Democrats are omitting it when they try to sling this crap. It's a (deliberate) lie of omission. They're hoping to fool the dummies. Just like Trump.

"Fooling the dummies" is what Trump's clowns are trying to do.

The Democrats seem to be following his lead.

Highlighting refunds is a way to get people to LOOK at their taxes and see what tax cut they got or didn't get.

Sure it is. ;) comparing your refund and you pay stub to last year's pay stub and refund YOU will know if YOU got a tax cut and how much it was.

None of the rest of this matters.
Read the whole thing.

They're saying exactly what I have been saying. If you got a smaller refund...your paycheck SHOULD have been significantly higher. In other words, your paycheck should reflect that tax cut PLUS the smaller refund (if it was smaller) AND any raise you got.

So simply look at your friggin pay stub and your refund check and there is your tax cut if you got one.

Jesus people. This just ain't that fucking hard.

Horseshit. The Dems are pedaling pablum for dummies, and you know it. All the dance moves aren't helping.

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