Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn’t Matter

Read the whole thing.
They're saying exactly what I have been saying. If you got a smaller refund...your paycheck SHOULD have been significantly higher. In
If nothing else changed, the net increase in your checks should add to the net decrease in your refund.
The net increase need not in any way be enough to make your paycheck "significantly" higher.
Well, you've changed your story - and it does make more sense now. But that's not what the Dems are spinning. They're pretending that if your refund went down, you paid more taxes - regardless of any other factors. And they're counting on idiots to believe it.

I have changed nothing.

Either your refund got bigger...your paycheck got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut.

You omitted that fact from the OP. Just as Democrats are omitting it when they try to sling this crap. It's a (deliberate) lie of omission. They're hoping to fool the dummies. Just like Trump.

"Fooling the dummies" is what Trump's clowns are trying to do.

The Democrats seem to be following his lead.

Highlighting refunds is a way to get people to LOOK at their taxes and see what tax cut they got or didn't get.

Sure it is. ;) comparing your refund and you pay stub to last year's pay stub and refund YOU will know if YOU got a tax cut and how much it was.

None of the rest of this matters.

Dodge 'em, dodge 'em. You're trying to change the subject, and I don't blame you. But the fact of the matter is, the story Democrats have been spinning is that lower refunds mean you didn't really get a tax cut.
Everyone who pays federal income tax had their taxes cut, and the tax cut increased the number of low-income people who pay no federal income tax.

That's sorta true but there's a LIE hidden in that.

Your Federal tax may have gone down as shown on tax tables...but there were a lot of deductions removed making the actual tax BILL larger.
That's fucking rich

YOU calling other people liars
I have changed nothing.

Either your refund got bigger...your paycheck got bigger..or you didn't get a tax cut.

You omitted that fact from the OP. Just as Democrats are omitting it when they try to sling this crap. It's a (deliberate) lie of omission. They're hoping to fool the dummies. Just like Trump.

"Fooling the dummies" is what Trump's clowns are trying to do.

The Democrats seem to be following his lead.

Highlighting refunds is a way to get people to LOOK at their taxes and see what tax cut they got or didn't get.

Sure it is. ;) comparing your refund and you pay stub to last year's pay stub and refund YOU will know if YOU got a tax cut and how much it was.

None of the rest of this matters.

Dodge 'em, dodge 'em. You're trying to change the subject, and I don't blame you. But the fact of the matter is, the story Democrats have been spinning is that lower refunds mean you didn't really get a tax cut.
Dude...shove the partisan bullshit.

SImple fact. People should know if their paycheck was larger. If it is...they it may not matter what their refund was if their paycheck was large enough to cover that refund shortfall...a tax cut...and any raises they may have gotten.

For a year I have been asking Trump supporters if their paychecks were bigger in 18 than in 17 and all I heard was "Wait till the refunds come out and then we'll know"

Well refund are out.

If your paycheck didn't go up or if your refund isn't didn't get a tax cut.

It's that fucking simple

All I'm saying is LOOK!

You may have gotten a tax cut and you may be very happy. But at least you'll KNOW...
Read the whole thing.
They're saying exactly what I have been saying. If you got a smaller refund...your paycheck SHOULD have been significantly higher. In
If nothing else changed, the net increase in your checks should add to the net decrease in your refund.
The net increase need not in any way be enough to make your paycheck "significantly" higher.
Sounds like you're saying that the tax cut isn't very "significant" for most people.

We agree. In fact it may be a tax increase for many
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

Well when people hear tax break they do tend to take that as meaning that they will be getting more money back at the end of the tax year

I would not adjust my with holding until I see what my return looks like at the end of the year especially after things have changes.

yeah if you got a big refund then you can adjust it for next year

still the perception is out there that people are getting less money and there are a lot of variable

Still at this time of year most people returns are simple returns and EIC returns
It was estimated that families earning $25,000 or less will save on average just $60 on their federal tax this year, and those making between $48,600 and $86,100 will save $930

I guess the tax break was not specific for the early filers. People with children should seem some increase but if you have no children , too bad

Unexpected or Expected result of Trumps tax plan
Companies are buying back their own stock. Stock buybacks estimated to be a record $1 trillion this year which doesn't help most workers who do not spend money on buying stocks. Workers are waiting for those wage increases that the plan was suppose to encourage but I guess companies had there own plan on what to do with their tax break.

Federal debt is rising

Yet Trump is tauting another tax break for the middle class only

You're behind on your bead and trinket production. Why are you posting and not working???

Oh yeah, the reservation called.. .......
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And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

I can't speak for Republicans but Conservatives are smart enough to know that if you keep more of your pay up front you get less on the backend. The stupid is strong in this one.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

I can't speak for Republicans but Conservatives are smart enough to know that if you keep more of your pay up front you get less on the backend. The stupid is strong in this one.
Of course that is not the issue is it?

Did YOU get a tax cut or not? It's easy to see. If your paycheck went up may have.

If it didn't and your refund is the same or didn't.

YOU...not anyone else. GO FUCKING CHECK
Dude...shove the partisan bullshit.

Not partisan. I'm seriously hoping the Democrats can unseat Trump. I'm just tire of chickenshit politics.
The point SHOULD already know if your check was larger in 2018.
Comparing that to your refund tells you how much if any tax cut you got.

WHy do you suppose Trumper/Republicans are trying to confuse that very simple issue?

They are afraid far too many people will realize that if they got a tax cut at was pretty friggin small and millions got tax INCREASES
Dude...shove the partisan bullshit.

Not partisan. I'm seriously hoping the Democrats can unseat Trump. I'm just tire of chickenshit politics.
The point SHOULD already know if your check was larger in 2018.
Comparing that to your refund tells you how much if any tax cut you got.

WHy do you suppose Trumper/Republicans are trying to confuse that very simple issue?

They are afraid far too many people will realize that if they got a tax cut at was pretty friggin small and millions got tax INCREASES
Comparing the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2018 to the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2017 tells you if you paid less in taxes

Fucking Idiot
People are getting silly. All that matters is the bottom line. How much did the govt keep last year vs how much did they keep this year. Pretty easy to do once you have all the data. I came out ahead by $3400 over last year.
And Sen. Chuck Grassley said refunds are a “stupid” way of judging the GOP tax law.

WASHINGTON ― Several million households may be getting a surprise tax bill this filing season because of the new GOP tax law, but Republicans insist nobody should be mad.

The law’s authors argue that people should not evaluate the new tax code based on the size of their refunds because refunds happen when workers have too much money withheld from their paychecks ― not necessarily because their taxes went up.

“Why don’t you write a story saying, ‘You’re stupid to look at your refund to see whether or not you got a tax increase or a decrease,’” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told HuffPost this week. “You can’t measure by the refund.”

More: Republicans Say The Size Of Your Tax Refund Doesn't Matter

This sounds like smoke and mirrors to me. What do you think?

I can't speak for Republicans but Conservatives are smart enough to know that if you keep more of your pay up front you get less on the backend. The stupid is strong in this one.
Of course that is not the issue is it?

Did YOU get a tax cut or not? It's easy to see. If your paycheck went up may have.

If it didn't and your refund is the same or didn't.

YOU...not anyone else. GO FUCKING CHECK

You've never been accused of being a bright guy have you .
Dude...shove the partisan bullshit.

Not partisan. I'm seriously hoping the Democrats can unseat Trump. I'm just tire of chickenshit politics.
The point SHOULD already know if your check was larger in 2018.
Comparing that to your refund tells you how much if any tax cut you got.

WHy do you suppose Trumper/Republicans are trying to confuse that very simple issue?

They are afraid far too many people will realize that if they got a tax cut at was pretty friggin small and millions got tax INCREASES
Comparing the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2018 to the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2017 tells you if you paid less in taxes

Fucking Idiot
Sure...dig up last years tax form.

But it's a lot easier than that. A lot of people already know how much their paycheck is now and remember what it was last year. They also remember what their refund was last year and the one for this year is in their hand.

But sure...the direct way is to compare the two tax returns. Go for it
People are getting silly. All that matters is the bottom line. How much did the govt keep last year vs how much did they keep this year. Pretty easy to do once you have all the data. I came out ahead by $3400 over last year.
Then you make some pretty good bank.
Dude...shove the partisan bullshit.

Not partisan. I'm seriously hoping the Democrats can unseat Trump. I'm just tire of chickenshit politics.
The point SHOULD already know if your check was larger in 2018.
Comparing that to your refund tells you how much if any tax cut you got.

WHy do you suppose Trumper/Republicans are trying to confuse that very simple issue?

They are afraid far too many people will realize that if they got a tax cut at was pretty friggin small and millions got tax INCREASES
Comparing the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2018 to the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2017 tells you if you paid less in taxes

Fucking Idiot
Of course they should be sure to look in the right place.

What line is that again?
Line 10 on the EZ Form. 44 on the long form (unless you pay AMT)
Dude...shove the partisan bullshit.

Not partisan. I'm seriously hoping the Democrats can unseat Trump. I'm just tire of chickenshit politics.
The point SHOULD already know if your check was larger in 2018.
Comparing that to your refund tells you how much if any tax cut you got.

WHy do you suppose Trumper/Republicans are trying to confuse that very simple issue?

They are afraid far too many people will realize that if they got a tax cut at was pretty friggin small and millions got tax INCREASES
Comparing the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2018 to the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2017 tells you if you paid less in taxes

Fucking Idiot
Sure...dig up last years tax form.

But it's a lot easier than that. A lot of people already know how much their paycheck is now and remember what it was last year. They also remember what their refund was last year and the one for this year is in their hand.

But sure...the direct way is to compare the two tax returns. Go for it

No problem I have all my tax returns from the last 10 years so should you but then again you think overpaying income taxes is better than saving that money yourself
Dude...shove the partisan bullshit.

Not partisan. I'm seriously hoping the Democrats can unseat Trump. I'm just tire of chickenshit politics.
The point SHOULD already know if your check was larger in 2018.
Comparing that to your refund tells you how much if any tax cut you got.

WHy do you suppose Trumper/Republicans are trying to confuse that very simple issue?

They are afraid far too many people will realize that if they got a tax cut at was pretty friggin small and millions got tax INCREASES
Comparing the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2018 to the ACTUAL TAX you paid in 2017 tells you if you paid less in taxes

Fucking Idiot
Of course they should be sure to look in the right place.

What line is that again?

Are you too stupid to figure it out?
Size of your refund is irrelevant. It is the actual taxes paid last tax year compared to this tax year.

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