Republicans sling mud because they don't have solutions

And the usual rightwing nitwits chime in with their usual red herring fallacies and failed attempts to deflect - their posts as devoid of value and merit as the GOP agenda.

He asked you what your solutions are, you insulted him and didn't answer the question. How is he the one who's deflecting? Obviously you are
"Free shit for everyone" isn't a solution... it's an opiate for the terminally stupid.

Investing in roads, infrastructure and education is not "free shit for everyone". It's spending tax dollars inside the United States, rather than on wars in foreign countries, for badly needed infrastructure, which provides jobs in engineering, construction, and the material supply chain. America's roads are crumbing, the water is getting to be unsafe to drink, the bridges are falling down, but Republicans have squandered billions on war. Every Republican President in my lifetime has had their own little war. Ike had Korea. Nixon went into Cambodia, even though he denied it. Reagan, desperate in the later years of his Presidency to invade something, anything, invaded Granada. Bush41 had the Gulf War. And Bush43 had Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States is the only first world country which spends less money to education the children of the poor, than they do the children of the rich. Logic and common sense would dictate that the children of the poor need a good education to enable them to rise above their circumstances. Only in America are poor children hamstrung by having to go to school in crumbing inner cities schools, sharing textbooks, with few resources or supports. No wonder the drop out rate is so high. And yet you have money for war.

I find the treatment of the war veterans in the United States to be disgusting and odious. Every time I see a commercial for the Wounded Veterans Project, it makes me angry all over again. It was the same with the Viet Nam veterans. You ask these men and women to go and put their lives on the line for you, and when they come back shattered by what they've seen and done, you renegg on every promise you made them. Republicans, who are first to clamour for the troops to be sent in, are the first ones to cut appropriations for the VA. The treatment of the Viet Nam vets is, in some ways even more reprehensible because those kids were mostly drafted. They didn't choose to go into the army and take on these risks, they were required to do so.

Conservatives like to throw around buzz words for programs like SNAP, calling it "free shit". What it is, actually, are programs which are required to combat the poverty caused by the artificially low wages created by conservative pandering to the corporations and the wealthy over the past 35 years. Jeb Bush's proposed solution for a higher minimum wage, was to raise the amount of money paid out through "earned income credits". In other words, Jeb proposed to increase the wage subsidies given to corporations like Walmart, MacDonalds, and other large service and retail corporations, and have the middle class and small corporations pay for it. That's what his brother did when he was in office. It wasn't Democratic policies which created the 47% who don't pay income tax, it was George W. Bush.

The large retailers who pay minimum wage, also lead the drive to off-shore manufacturing, which made them hugely profitable, but meant that workers back home lost jobs. Clothing manufacturing is now done exclusively in the Third World. In New York, Montreal, Toronto, all of the fashion district manufacturing is gone. Skills have been lost. Pattern makers, cutters, sewers, and the entire supply chain for this industry, have all been lost. No one is going to take up these trades, because there is nowhere to work, so the skills will be forever lost to the Third World, and we'll be dependent on them for our clothing.

This was done not because these companies weren't profitable, but because they could be more profitable. When companies become so large that one corporation can impact an entire segment of the economy of the nation, that company is too large. If you are too big to fail, you need to be broken up.
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

What are these "solutions" Democrats are proposing? Your last one, Obamacare, laid a big fat egg
There are 12 million people that like healthcare eggs. And since they aren't leaving emergency bills for you to pay, because they couldn't afford to go to the doctor before Obamacare, your premiums are lower too. It's just con propaganda that is fooling their minions into believing that affordable healthcare is bad. Obstruction, obstruction, obstruction.
Of course they don't have solutions. They are the problem. And have been for decades.
"Free shit for everyone" isn't a solution... it's an opiate for the terminally stupid.

Investing in roads, infrastructure and education is not "free shit for everyone". It's spending tax dollars inside the United States, rather than on wars in foreign countries, for badly needed infrastructure, which provides jobs in engineering, construction, and the material supply chain. America's roads are crumbing, the water is getting to be unsafe to drink, the bridges are falling down, but Republicans have squandered billions on war. Every Republican President in my lifetime has had their own little war. Ike had Korea. Nixon went into Cambodia, even though he denied it. Reagan, desperate in the later years of his Presidency to invade something, anything, invaded Granada. Bush41 had the Gulf War. And Bush43 had Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States is the only first world country which spends less money to education the children of the poor, than they do the children of the rich. Logic and common sense would dictate that the children of the poor need a good education to enable them to rise above their circumstances. Only in America are poor children hamstrung by having to go to school in crumbing inner cities schools, sharing textbooks, with few resources or supports. No wonder the drop out rate is so high. And yet you have money for war.

I find the treatment of the war veterans in the United States to be disgusting and odious. Every time I see a commercial for the Wounded Veterans Project, it makes me angry all over again. It was the same with the Viet Nam veterans. You ask these men and women to go and put their lives on the line for you, and when they come back shattered by what they've seen and done, you renegg on every promise you made them. Republicans, who are first to clamour for the troops to be sent in, are the first ones to cut appropriations for the VA. The treatment of the Viet Nam vets is, in some ways even more reprehensible because those kids were mostly drafted. They didn't choose to go into the army and take on these risks, they were required to do so.

Conservatives like to throw around buzz words for programs like SNAP, calling it "free shit". What it is, actually, are programs which are required to combat the poverty caused by the artificially low wages created by conservative pandering to the corporations and the wealthy over the past 35 years. Jeb Bush's proposed solution for a higher minimum wage, was to raise the amount of money paid out through "earned income credits". In other words, Jeb proposed to increase the wage subsidies given to corporations like Walmart, MacDonalds, and other large service and retail corporations, and have the middle class and small corporations pay for it. That's what his brother did when he was in office. It wasn't Democratic policies which created the 47% who don't pay income tax, it was George W. Bush.

The large retailers who pay minimum wage, also lead the drive to off-shore manufacturing, which made them hugely profitable, but meant that workers back home lost jobs. Clothing manufacturing is now done exclusively in the Third World. In New York, Montreal, Toronto, all of the fashion district manufacturing is gone. Skills have been lost. Pattern makers, cutters, sewers, and the entire supply chain for this industry, have all been lost. No one is going to take up these trades, because there is nowhere to work, so the skills will be forever lost to the Third World, and we'll be dependent on them for our clothing.

This was done not because these companies weren't profitable, but because they could be more profitable. When companies become so large that one corporation can impact an entire segment of the economy of the nation, that company is too large. If you are too big to fail, you need to be broken up.

You forgot lbjs little adventure in the know, that one where 50,000 americans were killed. And then you have O's little warring up good times in libya and syria. Both lib adventures. Let's not forget both ww's, two more lib adventures.
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
What never works is trusting in the government for anything good.

You're the one who claims, or pretends, to be a gun dealer, right?

It's the government that protects the gunrights that make your business viable.

Nope. It's the pre-existing right, constitutional limitations on the government and the sheer numbers of armed citizenry that make any other such situation impossible.

Really? Then how is it that other countries are able to democratically restrict gun ownership well beyond what the US does?

Their people are ignorant sheep who have faith in the rule of men.

There are no such things as pre-existing rights.

The Founders and Americans disagree with you.
Have you ever seen a sheep with a jackass for a head - they call that a progressive
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

What are these "solutions" Democrats are proposing? Your last one, Obamacare, laid a big fat egg
There are 12 million people that like healthcare eggs. And since they aren't leaving emergency bills for you to pay, because they couldn't afford to go to the doctor before Obamacare, your premiums are lower too. It's just con propaganda that is fooling their minions into believing that affordable healthcare is bad. Obstruction, obstruction, obstruction.

No, my premiums are much higher now.
"Free shit for everyone" isn't a solution... it's an opiate for the terminally stupid.

Investing in roads, infrastructure and education is not "free shit for everyone". It's spending tax dollars inside the United States, rather than on wars in foreign countries, for badly needed infrastructure, which provides jobs in engineering, construction, and the material supply chain. America's roads are crumbing, the water is getting to be unsafe to drink, the bridges are falling down, but Republicans have squandered billions on war. Every Republican President in my lifetime has had their own little war. Ike had Korea. Nixon went into Cambodia, even though he denied it. Reagan, desperate in the later years of his Presidency to invade something, anything, invaded Granada. Bush41 had the Gulf War. And Bush43 had Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States is the only first world country which spends less money to education the children of the poor, than they do the children of the rich. Logic and common sense would dictate that the children of the poor need a good education to enable them to rise above their circumstances. Only in America are poor children hamstrung by having to go to school in crumbing inner cities schools, sharing textbooks, with few resources or supports. No wonder the drop out rate is so high. And yet you have money for war.

I find the treatment of the war veterans in the United States to be disgusting and odious. Every time I see a commercial for the Wounded Veterans Project, it makes me angry all over again. It was the same with the Viet Nam veterans. You ask these men and women to go and put their lives on the line for you, and when they come back shattered by what they've seen and done, you renegg on every promise you made them. Republicans, who are first to clamour for the troops to be sent in, are the first ones to cut appropriations for the VA. The treatment of the Viet Nam vets is, in some ways even more reprehensible because those kids were mostly drafted. They didn't choose to go into the army and take on these risks, they were required to do so.

Conservatives like to throw around buzz words for programs like SNAP, calling it "free shit". What it is, actually, are programs which are required to combat the poverty caused by the artificially low wages created by conservative pandering to the corporations and the wealthy over the past 35 years. Jeb Bush's proposed solution for a higher minimum wage, was to raise the amount of money paid out through "earned income credits". In other words, Jeb proposed to increase the wage subsidies given to corporations like Walmart, MacDonalds, and other large service and retail corporations, and have the middle class and small corporations pay for it. That's what his brother did when he was in office. It wasn't Democratic policies which created the 47% who don't pay income tax, it was George W. Bush.

The large retailers who pay minimum wage, also lead the drive to off-shore manufacturing, which made them hugely profitable, but meant that workers back home lost jobs. Clothing manufacturing is now done exclusively in the Third World. In New York, Montreal, Toronto, all of the fashion district manufacturing is gone. Skills have been lost. Pattern makers, cutters, sewers, and the entire supply chain for this industry, have all been lost. No one is going to take up these trades, because there is nowhere to work, so the skills will be forever lost to the Third World, and we'll be dependent on them for our clothing.

This was done not because these companies weren't profitable, but because they could be more profitable. When companies become so large that one corporation can impact an entire segment of the economy of the nation, that company is too large. If you are too big to fail, you need to be broken up.

You forgot lbjs little adventure in the know, that one where 50,000 americans were killed. And then you have O's little warring up good times in libya and syria. Both lib adventures. Let's not forget both ww's, two more lib adventures.

You would look so ignorant if you knew more about Vietnam...Like the fact that Eisenhower started it before before JFK became POTUS....and Nixon kept it going for seven years after LBJ.

LBJ didn't run for reelection because he knew he'd been duped by industrial military complex profiteers....and Nixon loved having them suck his dick.
"Free shit for everyone" isn't a solution... it's an opiate for the terminally stupid.

Investing in roads, infrastructure and education is not "free shit for everyone". It's spending tax dollars inside the United States, rather than on wars in foreign countries, for badly needed infrastructure, which provides jobs in engineering, construction, and the material supply chain. America's roads are crumbing, the water is getting to be unsafe to drink, the bridges are falling down, but Republicans have squandered billions on war. Every Republican President in my lifetime has had their own little war. Ike had Korea. Nixon went into Cambodia, even though he denied it. Reagan, desperate in the later years of his Presidency to invade something, anything, invaded Granada. Bush41 had the Gulf War. And Bush43 had Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States is the only first world country which spends less money to education the children of the poor, than they do the children of the rich. Logic and common sense would dictate that the children of the poor need a good education to enable them to rise above their circumstances. Only in America are poor children hamstrung by having to go to school in crumbing inner cities schools, sharing textbooks, with few resources or supports. No wonder the drop out rate is so high. And yet you have money for war.

I find the treatment of the war veterans in the United States to be disgusting and odious. Every time I see a commercial for the Wounded Veterans Project, it makes me angry all over again. It was the same with the Viet Nam veterans. You ask these men and women to go and put their lives on the line for you, and when they come back shattered by what they've seen and done, you renegg on every promise you made them. Republicans, who are first to clamour for the troops to be sent in, are the first ones to cut appropriations for the VA. The treatment of the Viet Nam vets is, in some ways even more reprehensible because those kids were mostly drafted. They didn't choose to go into the army and take on these risks, they were required to do so.

Conservatives like to throw around buzz words for programs like SNAP, calling it "free shit". What it is, actually, are programs which are required to combat the poverty caused by the artificially low wages created by conservative pandering to the corporations and the wealthy over the past 35 years. Jeb Bush's proposed solution for a higher minimum wage, was to raise the amount of money paid out through "earned income credits". In other words, Jeb proposed to increase the wage subsidies given to corporations like Walmart, MacDonalds, and other large service and retail corporations, and have the middle class and small corporations pay for it. That's what his brother did when he was in office. It wasn't Democratic policies which created the 47% who don't pay income tax, it was George W. Bush.

The large retailers who pay minimum wage, also lead the drive to off-shore manufacturing, which made them hugely profitable, but meant that workers back home lost jobs. Clothing manufacturing is now done exclusively in the Third World. In New York, Montreal, Toronto, all of the fashion district manufacturing is gone. Skills have been lost. Pattern makers, cutters, sewers, and the entire supply chain for this industry, have all been lost. No one is going to take up these trades, because there is nowhere to work, so the skills will be forever lost to the Third World, and we'll be dependent on them for our clothing.

This was done not because these companies weren't profitable, but because they could be more profitable. When companies become so large that one corporation can impact an entire segment of the economy of the nation, that company is too large. If you are too big to fail, you need to be broken up.

You forgot lbjs little adventure in the know, that one where 50,000 americans were killed. And then you have O's little warring up good times in libya and syria. Both lib adventures. Let's not forget both ww's, two more lib adventures.

You would look so ignorant if you knew more about Vietnam...Like the fact that Eisenhower started it before before JFK became POTUS....and Nixon kept it going for seven years after LBJ.

LBJ didn't run for reelection because he knew he'd been duped by industrial military complex profiteers....and Nixon loved having them suck his dick.

Nope, your ignorance and partisan self are shining brightly for all to see. JFK sent in the first advisors to vietnam. LBJ escalated the war and Nixon ended it. Your revisionist history doesn't work.
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

What are these "solutions" Democrats are proposing? Your last one, Obamacare, laid a big fat egg
There are 12 million people that like healthcare eggs. And since they aren't leaving emergency bills for you to pay, because they couldn't afford to go to the doctor before Obamacare, your premiums are lower too. It's just con propaganda that is fooling their minions into believing that affordable healthcare is bad. Obstruction, obstruction, obstruction.

No, they aren't leaving me emergency room bills to pay because I'm paying up front for them to have "insurance." Great news, kaz, you aren't stuck later with someone's bills, you get to pay them upfront! Cool, huh? Yeah, um, no
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

What are these "solutions" Democrats are proposing? Your last one, Obamacare, laid a big fat egg
There are 12 million people that like healthcare eggs. And since they aren't leaving emergency bills for you to pay, because they couldn't afford to go to the doctor before Obamacare, your premiums are lower too. It's just con propaganda that is fooling their minions into believing that affordable healthcare is bad. Obstruction, obstruction, obstruction.

No, my premiums are much higher now.

Yes, I always have high deductible policies.

The year before Obamacare, my premium was $349 a month for 4 people (wife, two daughters)

This year I pay $619 for 3 people (oldest daughter has her own policy now) for the same policy.

Thanks Obama! And you realize that doesn't even include the "tax subsidies" we pay for to give people free insurance so we don't have to pay their medical expenses. That is always classic. We don't have to pay their medical bills, it's great, we just pay for their insurance!
"Free shit for everyone" isn't a solution... it's an opiate for the terminally stupid.

Investing in roads, infrastructure and education is not "free shit for everyone". It's spending tax dollars inside the United States, rather than on wars in foreign countries, for badly needed infrastructure, which provides jobs in engineering, construction, and the material supply chain. America's roads are crumbing, the water is getting to be unsafe to drink, the bridges are falling down, but Republicans have squandered billions on war. Every Republican President in my lifetime has had their own little war. Ike had Korea. Nixon went into Cambodia, even though he denied it. Reagan, desperate in the later years of his Presidency to invade something, anything, invaded Granada. Bush41 had the Gulf War. And Bush43 had Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States is the only first world country which spends less money to education the children of the poor, than they do the children of the rich. Logic and common sense would dictate that the children of the poor need a good education to enable them to rise above their circumstances. Only in America are poor children hamstrung by having to go to school in crumbing inner cities schools, sharing textbooks, with few resources or supports. No wonder the drop out rate is so high. And yet you have money for war.

I find the treatment of the war veterans in the United States to be disgusting and odious. Every time I see a commercial for the Wounded Veterans Project, it makes me angry all over again. It was the same with the Viet Nam veterans. You ask these men and women to go and put their lives on the line for you, and when they come back shattered by what they've seen and done, you renegg on every promise you made them. Republicans, who are first to clamour for the troops to be sent in, are the first ones to cut appropriations for the VA. The treatment of the Viet Nam vets is, in some ways even more reprehensible because those kids were mostly drafted. They didn't choose to go into the army and take on these risks, they were required to do so.

Conservatives like to throw around buzz words for programs like SNAP, calling it "free shit". What it is, actually, are programs which are required to combat the poverty caused by the artificially low wages created by conservative pandering to the corporations and the wealthy over the past 35 years. Jeb Bush's proposed solution for a higher minimum wage, was to raise the amount of money paid out through "earned income credits". In other words, Jeb proposed to increase the wage subsidies given to corporations like Walmart, MacDonalds, and other large service and retail corporations, and have the middle class and small corporations pay for it. That's what his brother did when he was in office. It wasn't Democratic policies which created the 47% who don't pay income tax, it was George W. Bush.

The large retailers who pay minimum wage, also lead the drive to off-shore manufacturing, which made them hugely profitable, but meant that workers back home lost jobs. Clothing manufacturing is now done exclusively in the Third World. In New York, Montreal, Toronto, all of the fashion district manufacturing is gone. Skills have been lost. Pattern makers, cutters, sewers, and the entire supply chain for this industry, have all been lost. No one is going to take up these trades, because there is nowhere to work, so the skills will be forever lost to the Third World, and we'll be dependent on them for our clothing.

This was done not because these companies weren't profitable, but because they could be more profitable. When companies become so large that one corporation can impact an entire segment of the economy of the nation, that company is too large. If you are too big to fail, you need to be broken up.

You forgot lbjs little adventure in the know, that one where 50,000 americans were killed. And then you have O's little warring up good times in libya and syria. Both lib adventures. Let's not forget both ww's, two more lib adventures.

You would look so ignorant if you knew more about Vietnam...Like the fact that Eisenhower started it before before JFK became POTUS....and Nixon kept it going for seven years after LBJ.

LBJ didn't run for reelection because he knew he'd been duped by industrial military complex profiteers....and Nixon loved having them suck his dick.

Eisenhower never put troops in Vietnam, he did make agreements. JFK sent the first troops. So Eisenhower had a part, but how is that having "started" the war when he never sent troops into the war? That's ridiculous.

LBJ wasn't duped by anyone, he made Vietnam his economic policy. As for Nixon, he did continue it, but JFK and LBJ didn't end it at all. Do you get dizzy from all the spin?
In all fairness, when people talk like Trump does, they have tended to have some sort of "solution" in mind.
Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE!

Um, me thinks you need to take a glance at the national debt clock. Obama has added more debt in 7 years than all other presidents before him COMBINED. So to act like you care about national debt and completely absolve Obama of any wrongdoing shows me your true colors. Liberal shit brown.

Debt when Obama took office: 9.5 trillion
Debt today: 18.5 trillion and quickly going up

LOL, do people really still believe this nonsense?
True, it's over $19 trillion now.

Which part of reality are you in denial for?
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
What never works is trusting in the government for anything good.

You're the one who claims, or pretends, to be a gun dealer, right?

It's the government that protects the gunrights that make your business viable.

Nope. It's the pre-existing right, constitutional limitations on the government and the sheer numbers of armed citizenry that make any other such situation impossible.

Really? Then how is it that other countries are able to democratically restrict gun ownership well beyond what the US does?

Their people are ignorant sheep who have faith in the rule of men.

There are no such things as pre-existing rights.

The Founders and Americans disagree with you.

Then they're wrong and I'm right.

Is the right to an abortion a pre-existing right?
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

What are these "solutions" Democrats are proposing? Your last one, Obamacare, laid a big fat egg
There are 12 million people that like healthcare eggs. And since they aren't leaving emergency bills for you to pay, because they couldn't afford to go to the doctor before Obamacare, your premiums are lower too. It's just con propaganda that is fooling their minions into believing that affordable healthcare is bad. Obstruction, obstruction, obstruction.

No, my premiums are much higher now.

Yes, I always have high deductible policies.

The year before Obamacare, my premium was $349 a month for 4 people (wife, two daughters)

This year I pay $619 for 3 people (oldest daughter has her own policy now) for the same policy.

Thanks Obama! And you realize that doesn't even include the "tax subsidies" we pay for to give people free insurance so we don't have to pay their medical expenses. That is always classic. We don't have to pay their medical bills, it's great, we just pay for their insurance!

Yeah, my premiums were cheaper but now they've increased two hundred percent and the deductibles have increased by about the same. I'm sitting here scratching my head why Im even paying anymore when its doubtful that I'll not even meet my deductible....and I didn't want a high deductible either.

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