Republicans sling mud because they don't have solutions

The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
You are a liar, which is synonymous with liberal these days. Par for the course. You failed to mention reduced spending.
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
What never works is trusting in the government for anything good.

Hating government is a guarantee you will be miserable your whole life.
Living on the Pineridge Indian reservation my whole adolescence was a real treat… American socialism at its finest. Lol
The lefts solutions are higher taxes, more regulations, and bigger government brilliant! /sarcasm
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
What never works is trusting in the government for anything good.

You're the one who claims, or pretends, to be a gun dealer, right?

It's the government that protects the gunrights that make your business viable.

Nope. It's the pre-existing right, constitutional limitations on the government and the sheer numbers of armed citizenry that make any other such situation impossible.
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
What never works is trusting in the government for anything good.

You're the one who claims, or pretends, to be a gun dealer, right?

It's the government that protects the gunrights that make your business viable.

Nope. It's the pre-existing right, constitutional limitations on the government and the sheer numbers of armed citizenry that make any other such situation impossible.

Really? Then how is it that other countries are able to democratically restrict gun ownership well beyond what the US does?

There are no such things as pre-existing rights.
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
What never works is trusting in the government for anything good.

Hating government is a guarantee you will be miserable your whole life.
Living on the Pineridge Indian reservation my whole adolescence was a real treat… American socialism at its finest. Lol

And how did those Indians live before the white man destroyed their culture?
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

It goes deeper but comes down to the lowest common denominator. The Rethuglicans are the enforcers for the corporate criminal elite. The don't believe the shit they say. Rethuglicans are the pathetic puppets of the plutoccrats and the Republican voters are a so fucking hateful and stupid that they need to be put in cages.
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
What never works is trusting in the government for anything good.

You're the one who claims, or pretends, to be a gun dealer, right?

It's the government that protects the gunrights that make your business viable.
I don't have to pretend to be a gun salesman, that's what I am. I have one employee in the firearm store... You want to meet him…

See? You're admitting you're lying about it.
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.

It works. They just don't have the nads to do it.
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

YOu are completely insane.
The Republican plan is always the same fantasy...

Cut taxes, increase military spending, and pretend that somehow that will balance the budget.

It never works, and yet it never fails as a campaign promise to get millions to fall for it.

It's not just a free lunch promise; it's a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner promise.
What never works is trusting in the government for anything good.

Hating government is a guarantee you will be miserable your whole life.
Living on the Pineridge Indian reservation my whole adolescence was a real treat… American socialism at its finest. Lol

And how did those Indians live before the white man destroyed their culture?
We destroyed our own culture, while we were playing around with sticks and dirt. The Rest of the world was developing the real defense… Gunpowder
"The common wisdom holds that ‘both parties’ have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."

A copy and paste? Well I never.
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years.

No he didn't.

Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months

Internet bubbles don't last forever?
Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE!

Um, me thinks you need to take a glance at the national debt clock. Obama has added more debt in 7 years than all other presidents before him COMBINED. So to act like you care about national debt and completely absolve Obama of any wrongdoing shows me your true colors. Liberal shit brown.

Debt when Obama took office: 9.5 trillion
Debt today: 18.5 trillion and quickly going up

LOL, do people really still believe this nonsense?
Liberals lie. All the time. ALL the Republicans have platforms, your disagreement doesn't equate to non existence. Democrats are the party of lies and distortions. Honestly won't win them votes and they know it. The left wing solution? Same as always. Spend more money!

Your post is a prime example of what the OP was talking about.

First you say liberals lie. Conservatives lie too.

What is the Republican plan for health care? I have been watching American politics closely since the 1960's when I was a teenager. I have yet to see a Republican put forth a single idea to reform your mess of a health care system. Health care is a necessity of life, not a luxury item for the rich and well-employed. Allowing big-pharma, big-insurance, and big-medicine to consume nearly a third of your economy is beyond stupid, but the aforementioned Big 3 have effectively lied to the American public for decades about the evils of socialized medicine, and convinced you that the US has the best healthcare in the world, when it's not even in the top 20 any more.

What about Foreign Affairs? I've seen suggestions of nuking ISIS, carpet bombing ISIS, and other war-mongering, none . Donald has a plan for dealing with ISIS but won't reveal it until after he is elected. All of the conservatives are chomping at the bit to go to war - again. Idiocy. You're bankrupting your economy with endless wars. Look at the deterioration in your education, infrastructure, and capital spending. Conservatives are ever ready to spend money the country doesn't have, on wars that it shouldn't be fighting. But when it comes to spending at home, on things to improve your own country or help your own people, you won't spend a dime.

Middle Eastern sectarian violence has been going on for thousands of years. Because of its dependence on foreign oil, the US has become embroiled in this viper pit and no good has come of it. The "American Interests" you are fighting and dying for, are bigger profits for American corporations, many of whom pay little or no tax to fund their profiteering wars.

Women's Rights? There is no platform here. Republicans won't vote for a single measure to improve the quality of life for American women. No maternity leave. No subsidized day care for the working poor. No family leave. No mandated vacations. No job protections for pregnant women. Birth control not covered in your workplace medical plan if your employer objects on religious grounds (vile, mysogynistic, comtemptible), voting against fair pay, opposing a woman's right to choose. Putting into place expensive and unnecessary tests and delays regarding abortions in place making it more difficult for poor women to get the care they need.

The economy. Here is where conservatives lie the most. Cutting taxes has never created jobs. I know you think that it helped Ronald Reagan create jobs, but at the same time Reagan cut taxes, he went on a military spending spree the likes of which has never been seen in the US. Jobs were created in the defense industry, and billions of tax dollars, most of them borrowed, flowed into the economy. Deficits didn't matter. Even though Reagan later repudiated his tax cuts, and acknowledged the damage done to the economy, Republicans have continued to follow this "cut and spend" doctrine as the gospel of job creation. Neither Reagan nor Bush2 has the job creation record of Clinton or Obama, both of whom raised taxes.

I have never seen Republicans present a cogent economic plan other than to cut social programs, cut taxes and cut regulations. The stock market crashed under Reagan and it crashed bigger under Bush2. None of the current Republican candidates is addressing the issue of the declining wealth of middle and low income Americans, wage inequality or increasing wages for the working poor. These issues are not going away, and Republicans policies are what created flat wages.

Nowhere do Republicans not walk the walk more than in terms of the economy. They don't create jobs. They improve conditions for corporations and the wealthy, at the expense of the middle class and poor. The fight wars, not to keep Americans safe, but to protect corporate assets abroad, and have the middle class and poor pay for these wars.
Why anyone who is not a member of the wealthiest 1% votes Republican, is beyond me.

Back at the turn of the last century, Americans realized that large corporations were not good for the economy of the country. Competition was good for the economy. They passed anti-trust legislation which broke up corporation that got too large. Reagan gutted that anti-trust legislation, and now we have mega-corporations sucking the wealth of the country out of the pockets of taxpayers, and into pockets of the 1%. It is time to break up these large corporations which stiffle the competition, drive jobs overseas, and pay their employees so little they can't live on their wages.
Liberals lie. All the time. ALL the Republicans have platforms, your disagreement doesn't equate to non existence. Democrats are the party of lies and distortions. Honestly won't win them votes and they know it. The left wing solution? Same as always. Spend more money!

Your post is a prime example of what the OP was talking about.

First you say liberals lie. Conservatives lie too.

What is the Republican plan for health care? I have been watching American politics closely since the 1960's when I was a teenager. I have yet to see a Republican put forth a single idea to reform your mess of a health care system. Health care is a necessity of life, not a luxury item for the rich and well-employed. Allowing big-pharma, big-insurance, and big-medicine to consume nearly a third of your economy is beyond stupid, but the aforementioned Big 3 have effectively lied to the American public for decades about the evils of socialized medicine, and convinced you that the US has the best healthcare in the world, when it's not even in the top 20 any more.
You are a prime example of a liberal. You lie and try to pin it on your enemies. Many Republicans have come out with health care reform, most if not all of the current candidates too. You can research it as easily as anyone. I recall many a battle for tort reform, limits on litigation, etc. For you to say it hasn't happened is just stupid.

Who do you think WROTE obamacare laws? That was all big insurance, pharma etc.
They helped get laws passed and written that made buying their products mandatory and you blame the party that didn't offer a single vote of support for it? Good God!
Liberals lie. All the time. ALL the Republicans have platforms, your disagreement doesn't equate to non existence. Democrats are the party of lies and distortions. Honestly won't win them votes and they know it. The left wing solution? Same as always. Spend more money!

Your post is a prime example of what the OP was talking about.

First you say liberals lie. Conservatives lie too.

What is the Republican plan for health care? I have been watching American politics closely since the 1960's when I was a teenager. I have yet to see a Republican put forth a single idea to reform your mess of a health care system. Health care is a necessity of life, not a luxury item for the rich and well-employed. Allowing big-pharma, big-insurance, and big-medicine to consume nearly a third of your economy is beyond stupid, but the aforementioned Big 3 have effectively lied to the American public for decades about the evils of socialized medicine, and convinced you that the US has the best healthcare in the world, when it's not even in the top 20 any more.

What about Foreign Affairs? I've seen suggestions of nuking ISIS, carpet bombing ISIS, and other war-mongering, none . Donald has a plan for dealing with ISIS but won't reveal it until after he is elected. All of the conservatives are chomping at the bit to go to war - again. Idiocy. You're bankrupting your economy with endless wars. Look at the deterioration in your education, infrastructure, and capital spending. Conservatives are ever ready to spend money the country doesn't have, on wars that it shouldn't be fighting. But when it comes to spending at home, on things to improve your own country or help your own people, you won't spend a dime.

Middle Eastern sectarian violence has been going on for thousands of years. Because of its dependence on foreign oil, the US has become embroiled in this viper pit and no good has come of it. The "American Interests" you are fighting and dying for, are bigger profits for American corporations, many of whom pay little or no tax to fund their profiteering wars.

Women's Rights? There is no platform here. Republicans won't vote for a single measure to improve the quality of life for American women. No maternity leave. No subsidized day care for the working poor. No family leave. No mandated vacations. No job protections for pregnant women. Birth control not covered in your workplace medical plan if your employer objects on religious grounds (vile, mysogynistic, comtemptible), voting against fair pay, opposing a woman's right to choose. Putting into place expensive and unnecessary tests and delays regarding abortions in place making it more difficult for poor women to get the care they need.

The economy. Here is where conservatives lie the most. Cutting taxes has never created jobs. I know you think that it helped Ronald Reagan create jobs, but at the same time Reagan cut taxes, he went on a military spending spree the likes of which has never been seen in the US. Jobs were created in the defense industry, and billions of tax dollars, most of them borrowed, flowed into the economy. Deficits didn't matter. Even though Reagan later repudiated his tax cuts, and acknowledged the damage done to the economy, Republicans have continued to follow this "cut and spend" doctrine as the gospel of job creation. Neither Reagan nor Bush2 has the job creation record of Clinton or Obama, both of whom raised taxes.

I have never seen Republicans present a cogent economic plan other than to cut social programs, cut taxes and cut regulations. The stock market crashed under Reagan and it crashed bigger under Bush2. None of the current Republican candidates is addressing the issue of the declining wealth of middle and low income Americans, wage inequality or increasing wages for the working poor. These issues are not going away, and Republicans policies are what created flat wages.

Nowhere do Republicans not walk the walk more than in terms of the economy. They don't create jobs. They improve conditions for corporations and the wealthy, at the expense of the middle class and poor. The fight wars, not to keep Americans safe, but to protect corporate assets abroad, and have the middle class and poor pay for these wars.
Why anyone who is not a member of the wealthiest 1% votes Republican, is beyond me.

Back at the turn of the last century, Americans realized that large corporations were not good for the economy of the country. Competition was good for the economy. They passed anti-trust legislation which broke up corporation that got too large. Reagan gutted that anti-trust legislation, and now we have mega-corporations sucking the wealth of the country out of the pockets of taxpayers, and into pockets of the 1%. It is time to break up these large corporations which stiffle the competition, drive jobs overseas, and pay their employees so little they can't live on their wages.

"Free shit for everyone" isn't a solution... it's an opiate for the terminally stupid.
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

What are these "solutions" Democrats are proposing? Your last one, Obamacare, laid a big fat egg
So far,the whole GOP campaign has been nothing but mud slinging. All of the candidates have been doing anything but presenting solutions. They sling mud at each other. They sling mud at Obama. They sling mud at Hillary. And they sling mud at Bernie. It's like watching six year olds in the sandbox on the playground.

The cons spend all of their time doing name calling and smears, because they have no ideas about fixing anything. The cons in congress have been doing the same thing for eight years....and they've had control for six of those eight years. They've been blaming Obama for the national debt, but they're the ones with the purse strings. And the last three republican POTUS's have added over $11 trillion of that debt.

Ronnie Raygun started this republican tactic on Jimmy Carter, blaming him for the Iran hostage crisis, and the national debt, which was less than one trillion dollars at the time. Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years, but tripled the national debt instead.

Bush 41 doubled the national debt again in only four years. Bush 43 destroyed the only balanced budget in my life time in only six months and doubled the national debt again, WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE! Plus he destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies.

Obama dug us out of that economic hole, got us out of the stupid Iraq/Afghan wars, cut unemployment in half, and gave healthcare to Americans that didn't have any. And the only thing the cons did was obstruct, obstruct, obstruct....just like what they are doing now with the SCOTUS appointment.

The republican candidates have made some promises, but give no plans on how they can possibly keep those promises. And all those promises will only make things a lot worse. Like Trump's promise to invade Iran and Iraq and take their oil...yeah, just add another $10 trillion to the national debt with that one promise. And deporting 12 million Mexicans, and all the Muslims, and building a wall across the Mexican border.....THESE ARE FANTASY! But the con voters eat it up like kids do with candy.

Trump seems to have a lock on the GOP, in spite of all his insane bigotry and stupid promises. But half of republican voters say they won't vote for him. And there's no way the other 60% of Americans that aren't republican, are going to vote for this fascist. So the GOP is taking itself down in flames yet again, by being the party of crazy. Here's a clue....that's not a solution!

What are these "solutions" Democrats are proposing? Your last one, Obamacare, laid a big fat egg

Obamacare never was intended to be a solution... just a stepping stone to single payer. It's intended to wreck the system.

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