Republicans state Trump pressured them to drop investigation--Sessions refused to answer question


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
More interesting news out tonight from the New York Times. As we know Robert Mueller is investigating Trump for Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offense, for firing FBI Director James Comey.
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
Opinion | Laying out a comprehensive case that Trump obstructed justice

Senate Republicans state that Trump pressured them on the Russian investigation also.
So it's obvious this was a frequent practice by Trump to obstruct or hinder the investigation via pressuring those on the Senate intelligence committee, including Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell. Keep in mind this happened last summer after Mueller was appointed--and Trump was under investigation for Obstruction of Justice at the time. He didn't stop trying to pressure Senators into dropping this investigation.

"WASHINGTON — President Trump over the summer repeatedly urged senior Senate Republicans, including the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to end the panel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, according to a half dozen lawmakers and aides. Mr. Trump’s requests were a highly unusual intervention from a president into a legislative inquiry involving his family and close aides.
Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, the intelligence committee chairman, said in an interview this week that Mr. Trump told him that he was eager to see an investigation that has overshadowed much of the first year of his presidency come to an end. In addition, according to lawmakers and aides, Mr. Trump told Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri and a member of the intelligence committee, to end the investigation swiftly.
Mr. Trump’s requests of lawmakers to end the Senate investigation came during a period in the summer when the president was particularly consumed with Russia and openly raging at his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions, for recusing himself from any inquiries into Russian meddling in the election. Mr. Trump often vented to his own aides and even declared his innocence to virtual strangers he came across on his New Jersey golf course.In this same period, the president complained frequently to Mr. McConnell about not doing enough to bring the investigation to an end, a Republican official close to the leader said.Mr. Trump also called other lawmakers over the summer with requests that they push Mr. Burr to finish the inquiry, according to a Republican senator who requested anonymity to discuss his contact with the president. Mr. Burr told other senators that Mr. Trump had stressed that it was time to “move on” from the Russia issue, using that language repeatedly, according to people who spoke with Mr. Burr over the summer. One Republican close to Mr. Burr, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Mr. Trump had been “very forceful.”
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Then in today's news also Jeff Sessions was in front of the house intelligence committee today, under oath again and REFUSED to answer a question, "if Trump had ever pressured him or tried to hinder in any way the Russian investigation."

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions refused to answer questions on Thursday during a closed congressional hearing about whether President Donald Trump ever instructed him to hinder the Justice Department’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to Democratic lawmakers who attended.Sessions testified behind closed doors for several hours before the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee. Representative Adam Schiff, the committee’s top Democrat, told reporters he was troubled by Sessions’ refusal to answer what he believes are essential questions.“I asked the attorney general whether he was ever instructed by the president to take any action that he believed would hinder the Russia investigation and he declined to answer the question,” Schiff told reporters after the hearing. “There is no privileged basis to decline to answer a question like that. If the president did not instruct him to take an action that would hinder the investigation, he should say so. If the president did instruct him to hinder the investigation in any way, in my view that would be a potential criminal act,” Schiff said.
U.S. attorney general Sessions evasive on Russia probe: congressmen

Jeff Sessions is in big trouble also.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

And of course it didn't help Trump that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired James Comey over the Russian investigation.
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More interesting news out tonight from the New York Times. As we know Robert Mueller is investigating Trump for Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offense, for firing FBI Director James Comey.
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
Opinion | Laying out a comprehensive case that Trump obstructed justice

So it's obvious this was frequent practice by Trump to obstruct or hinder the investigation via pressuring those on the Senate intelligence committee, including Senate leader Mitch McConnell. Keep in mind this happened last summer after Mueller was appointed--and Trump was under investigation for Obstruction of Justice at the time. He didn't stop trying to pressure Senators into dropping the investigation.

"WASHINGTON — President Trump over the summer repeatedly urged senior Senate Republicans, including the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to end the panel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, according to a half dozen lawmakers and aides. Mr. Trump’s requests were a highly unusual intervention from a president into a legislative inquiry involving his family and close aides.
Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, the intelligence committee chairman, said in an interview this week that Mr. Trump told him that he was eager to see an investigation that has overshadowed much of the first year of his presidency come to an end. In addition, according to lawmakers and aides, Mr. Trump told Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri and a member of the intelligence committee, to end the investigation swiftly.
Mr. Trump’s requests of lawmakers to end the Senate investigation came during a period in the summer when the president was particularly consumed with Russia and openly raging at his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions, for recusing himself from any inquiries into Russian meddling in the election. Mr. Trump often vented to his own aides and even declared his innocence to virtual strangers he came across on his New Jersey golf course.In this same period, the president complained frequently to Mr. McConnell about not doing enough to bring the investigation to an end, a Republican official close to the leader said.Mr. Trump also called other lawmakers over the summer with requests that they push Mr. Burr to finish the inquiry, according to a Republican senator who requested anonymity to discuss his contact with the president. Mr. Burr told other senators that Mr. Trump had stressed that it was time to “move on” from the Russia issue, using that language repeatedly, according to people who spoke with Mr. Burr over the summer. One Republican close to Mr. Burr, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Mr. Trump had been “very forceful.”
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Then in today's news also Jeff Sessions was in front of the house intelligence committee today, and REFUSED to answer when asked if Trump had ever pressured him or tried to hinder in any way the Russian investigation.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions refused to answer questions on Thursday during a closed congressional hearing about whether President Donald Trump ever instructed him to hinder the Justice Department’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to Democratic lawmakers who attended.Sessions testified behind closed doors for several hours before the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee. Representative Adam Schiff, the committee’s top Democrat, told reporters he was troubled by Sessions’ refusal to answer what he believes are essential questions.“I asked the attorney general whether he was ever instructed by the president to take any action that he believed would hinder the Russia investigation and he declined to answer the question,” Schiff told reporters after the hearing. “There is no privileged basis to decline to answer a question like that. If the president did not instruct him to take an action that would hinder the investigation, he should say so. If the president did instruct him to hinder the investigation in any way, in my view that would be a potential criminal act,” Schiff said.
U.S. attorney general Sessions evasive on Russia probe: congressmen

Jeff Sessions is in big trouble also.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

And of course it didn't help Trump that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired James Comey over the Russian investigation.

The Republicans will pull the trigger next year, IMO. Once corporatist tax overhaul is accomplished, Trump will not be needed.
More interesting news out tonight from the New York Times. As we know Robert Mueller is investigating Trump for Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offense, for firing FBI Director James Comey.
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
Opinion | Laying out a comprehensive case that Trump obstructed justice

So it's obvious this was frequent practice by Trump to obstruct or hinder the investigation via pressuring those on the Senate intelligence committee, including Senate leader Mitch McConnell. Keep in mind this happened last summer after Mueller was appointed--and Trump was under investigation for Obstruction of Justice at the time. He didn't stop trying to pressure Senators into dropping the investigation.

"WASHINGTON — President Trump over the summer repeatedly urged senior Senate Republicans, including the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to end the panel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, according to a half dozen lawmakers and aides. Mr. Trump’s requests were a highly unusual intervention from a president into a legislative inquiry involving his family and close aides.
Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, the intelligence committee chairman, said in an interview this week that Mr. Trump told him that he was eager to see an investigation that has overshadowed much of the first year of his presidency come to an end. In addition, according to lawmakers and aides, Mr. Trump told Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri and a member of the intelligence committee, to end the investigation swiftly.
Mr. Trump’s requests of lawmakers to end the Senate investigation came during a period in the summer when the president was particularly consumed with Russia and openly raging at his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions, for recusing himself from any inquiries into Russian meddling in the election. Mr. Trump often vented to his own aides and even declared his innocence to virtual strangers he came across on his New Jersey golf course.In this same period, the president complained frequently to Mr. McConnell about not doing enough to bring the investigation to an end, a Republican official close to the leader said.Mr. Trump also called other lawmakers over the summer with requests that they push Mr. Burr to finish the inquiry, according to a Republican senator who requested anonymity to discuss his contact with the president. Mr. Burr told other senators that Mr. Trump had stressed that it was time to “move on” from the Russia issue, using that language repeatedly, according to people who spoke with Mr. Burr over the summer. One Republican close to Mr. Burr, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Mr. Trump had been “very forceful.”
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Then in today's news also Jeff Sessions was in front of the house intelligence committee today, and REFUSED to answer when asked if Trump had ever pressured him or tried to hinder in any way the Russian investigation.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions refused to answer questions on Thursday during a closed congressional hearing about whether President Donald Trump ever instructed him to hinder the Justice Department’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to Democratic lawmakers who attended.Sessions testified behind closed doors for several hours before the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee. Representative Adam Schiff, the committee’s top Democrat, told reporters he was troubled by Sessions’ refusal to answer what he believes are essential questions.“I asked the attorney general whether he was ever instructed by the president to take any action that he believed would hinder the Russia investigation and he declined to answer the question,” Schiff told reporters after the hearing. “There is no privileged basis to decline to answer a question like that. If the president did not instruct him to take an action that would hinder the investigation, he should say so. If the president did instruct him to hinder the investigation in any way, in my view that would be a potential criminal act,” Schiff said.
U.S. attorney general Sessions evasive on Russia probe: congressmen

Jeff Sessions is in big trouble also.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

And of course it didn't help Trump that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired James Comey over the Russian investigation.

The Republicans will pull the trigger next year, IMO. Once corporatist tax overhaul is accomplished, Trump will not be needed.

Mike Pence could sign that tax bill just as easily. The longer they keep Trump in office, the more damage he will do to the Republican party.
2 sources each one the Washington Post. Next.

It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
2 sources each one the Washington Post. Next.

It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.

I'd give you a funny, but it's not funny. Wishing someones death has no humor or honor in it.

2 sources each one the Washington Post. Next.

It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.
2 sources each one the Washington Post. Next.

It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.

I'd give you a funny, but it's not funny. Wishing someones death has no humor or honor in it.

I didn't wish anything. Where did I wish anyone's death? Quote me, prove it.

I just stated what I think might happen. The Republican establishment wants to get rid of him as much as the Democrats do. I'll bet they talk daily about how then can do it, and assassination is probably in the thoughts of some. Maybe even spoken by some. Wouldn't put it past them. He is ruining the Republican Party and their chances of re-election in 2020.
2 sources each one the Washington Post. Next.

It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.

I'd give you a funny, but it's not funny. Wishing someones death has no humor or honor in it.

I didn't wish anything. Where did I wish anyone's death? Quote me, prove it.

I just stated what I think might happen. The Republican establishment want to get rid of him as much as the Democrats do. I'll bet they talk daily about how then can do it, and assassination is probably in the thoughts of some. Maybe even spoken by some. Wouldn't put it past them. He is ruining the Republican party and their chances of re-election in 2020.

They're going to get slaughtered in the midterm coming up in 2018, there is no doubt about it. Mueller seems to be moving at the speed of light right now. Every single day there is more news coming out. There is no breaks coming in between.
It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.

I'd give you a funny, but it's not funny. Wishing someones death has no humor or honor in it.

I didn't wish anything. Where did I wish anyone's death? Quote me, prove it.

I just stated what I think might happen. The Republican establishment want to get rid of him as much as the Democrats do. I'll bet they talk daily about how then can do it, and assassination is probably in the thoughts of some. Maybe even spoken by some. Wouldn't put it past them. He is ruining the Republican party and their chances of re-election in 2020.

They're going to get slaughtered in the midterm coming up in 2018, there is no doubt about it. Mueller seems to be moving at the speed of light right now. Every single day there is more news coming out. There is no breaks coming in between.

I think there is going to be a lot more to come out. If he doesn't get charged with collusion, it will be something else. Very possibly obstruction of justice for firing Comey. Also his business dealings. I'll bet Mueller is examining his tax returns. There is a reason Trump is hiding them from public view. This guy is crooked up to his receding hairline.
2 sources each one the Washington Post. Next.

It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.

Now that's funny. LMAO It's the obstructionist commiecrats where Trump won big that should be worried, not republicans.

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2 sources each one the Washington Post. Next.

It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.

I'd give you a funny, but it's not funny. Wishing someones death has no humor or honor in it.

I didn't wish anything. Where did I wish anyone's death? Quote me, prove it.

I just stated what I think might happen. The Republican establishment wants to get rid of him as much as the Democrats do. I'll bet they talk daily about how then can do it, and assassination is probably in the thoughts of some. Maybe even spoken by some. Wouldn't put it past them. He is ruining the Republican Party and their chances of re-election in 2020.

Don't try to play a semantics game, you put that crap forward, own it. And I see you're in to fantasizing just as much as the OP.

2 sources each one the Washington Post. Next.

It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.

Now that's funny. LMAO It's the obstructionist commiecrats were Trump won big that should be worried, not republicans.

Trump makes Nixon look like a paragon of virtue. You'll see. It will all come out as a result of the investigation.


It's there underneath the quote--here it is. New York Times.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.

Now that's funny. LMAO It's the obstructionist commiecrats were Trump won big that should be worried, not republicans.

Trump makes Nixon look like a paragon of virtue. You'll see. It will all come out as a result of the investigation.



Show me the proof, then we'll talk, so far it's been nothing but speculation, supposition and innuendo. You commiecrats will starve on that diet.

Yeah, he basically told them to get off their asses and get it done, they've all said there has been no evidence of coordination, so get it done already.

The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.

Now that's funny. LMAO It's the obstructionist commiecrats were Trump won big that should be worried, not republicans.

Trump makes Nixon look like a paragon of virtue. You'll see. It will all come out as a result of the investigation.



Show me the proof, then we'll talk, so far it's been nothing but speculation, supposition and innuendo. You commiecrats will starve on that diet.

Proof? Are you serious? They didn't even want to nominate him. They despise him. They have to put up with him because he is a Republican. Leaders and non-leaders in the party despise him, even in his cabinet. Read my signature.

You are in denial big time. Now, ongoing, they are searching for a possible Republican to run against him in 2020, and if they find someone who can beat him, they will back that guy. Mark my words. Trump has the lowest approval rating of any modern day president at this time in his administration. He has little chance of winning re-election as it appears at this point. It's not likely to get better as he appears to be getting mentally worse each day as well as losing whatever self control he ever had.

People didn't like Clinton, so that helped him win, but the Dems will run someone much stronger than Clinton. As of November 2020, Trump is history, one way or another. And the psycho fringe who continue to support him will be sobbing in their cheap beer.
The Republicans want to get rid of Trump just as much as we do. Sometime someone's going to put poison in his fry sauce and that will be the end of it.
They never wanted him anyway. I imagine most Senate Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton. I know all the Bush's did, Mitt Romney and others.

They're scared to death of their bat shit crazy right wing base is why they haven't done anything yet. I imagine they will soon. If they don't they'll actually have to campaign against him in the midterm election cycle if they want any chance of retaining their seats. A Tsunami is headed in their direction, and they know it.

Now that's funny. LMAO It's the obstructionist commiecrats were Trump won big that should be worried, not republicans.

Trump makes Nixon look like a paragon of virtue. You'll see. It will all come out as a result of the investigation.



Show me the proof, then we'll talk, so far it's been nothing but speculation, supposition and innuendo. You commiecrats will starve on that diet.

Proof? Are you serious? They didn't even want to nominate him. They despise him. They have to put up with him because he is a Republican. Leaders and non-leaders in the party despise him, even in his cabinet. Read my signature.

You are in denial big time. Now, ongoing, they are searching for a possible Republican to run against him in 2020, and if they find someone who can beat him, they will back that guy. Mark my words. Trump has the lowest approval rating of any modern day president at this time in his administration. He has little chance of winning re-election as it appears at this point. It's not likely to get better as he appears to be getting mentally worse each day as well as losing whatever self control he ever had.

People didn't like Clinton, so that helped him win, but the Dems will run someone much stronger than Clinton. As of November 2020, Trump is history, one way or another. And the psycho fringe who continue to support him will be sobbing in their cheap beer.

Nice deflection to run away form your position that he's a crook.


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