Republicans Suggest To Take Funds From Air Force One

Only a CIC should use Air Force One! Obama is no CIC, so to speak. Let him ride around the country in one of his expensive busses. He could stop at more golf courses that way.
Only a CIC should use Air Force One! Obama is no CIC, so to speak. Let him ride around the country in one of his expensive busses. He could stop at more golf courses that way.
The election results of 2008 and 2012 disagree with you. :D
It will be interesting to see how many of you right wingers think this is a good idea.

Addicting Info – Republicans Suggest Obama Should Be Stripped Of Right To Use Air Force One

Regarding the what they said about the State of the Union address, President Obama should make a speech twice as long this year. That'd show 'em!
They still won't clap

Obama could make them clap like trained seals.
Only a CIC should use Air Force One! Obama is no CIC, so to speak. Let him ride around the country in one of his expensive busses. He could stop at more golf courses that way.
^^^ The scum that real Americans have to deal with.
Obama should have to fly Southwest, no assigned seat for him. Free baggage though.
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I think it's a great idea. HE'S hosed us enough with all his daily trips on it for golf, FUNDraisers for his party, giving ugly speeches, etc

stick him at home.... we don't care to see or hear from him anymore. let him tele-comunicate he thinks he has to say anything
The Far Right Fascist Party is going too far. It will destroy them. It seems Jeb is aware of this.

oh yeah, back to this. You have Republican killed off how many times already

awww, it's seems JEB is aware of it all. how sweet. I suppose you'll be out voting for him?
The source..."addicting info" or "knowledge you crave". Does the left really crave propaganda that you don't have to think about? Does the low information left crave selectively edited junk that tax exempt Media Matters (we monitor only conservative speech) gleans rather than discussing real issues? All we see lately from the radical left is breathless predictions about the GOP agenda and selected quotes liberally edited by cranks and fools.
The source..."addicting info" or "knowledge you crave". Does the left really crave propaganda that you don't have to think about? Does the low information left crave t selectively edited junk that tax exempt Media Matters (we monitor only conservative speech) gleans rather than discussing real issues? All we see lately from the radical left is breathless predictions about the GOP agenda and selected quotes liberally edited by cranks and fools.

they have to have something to bitch about no matter how petty. I wouldn't give a crap if they cut of funds for it. HE'S hosed US TAXPAYERS abusing it

these leftwing hate sites plays them like fiddle. not only riles them up for THE PARTY but they come and pay their bills to run their sites
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27% more an hour in cost for AF1 under the Obamas.

"The president spent over $7.3 million on just three trips in 2013, including $2.1 million to appear on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in August, according to new flight documents provided by the Air Force to a public watchdog group.

Judicial Watch told Secrets that the sky-high jet travel costs for the first family's 2012-2013 Christmas vacation in Hawaii, their beach vacation on Martha's Vineyard last summer and President Obama's brief trip to California in August totalled $7,396,531.20.

The Air Force said it costs $228,288 an hour to fly Air Force One, a massive $48,535 jump from the last estimate of $179,750, or 27 percent."

Under Obama Air Force One cost per hour jumps 27 to 228 288
As usual the OP is a lie. One Republican proposed it. Maybe. One Republican is not "Republicans."
Sheesh. The bullshit piles up so fast around here you need wings to stay above it.
The source..."addicting info" or "knowledge you crave". Does the left really crave propaganda that you don't have to think about? Does the low information left crave t selectively edited junk that tax exempt Media Matters (we monitor only conservative speech) gleans rather than discussing real issues? All we see lately from the radical left is breathless predictions about the GOP agenda and selected quotes liberally edited by cranks and fools.

they have to have something to bitch about no matter how petty. I wouldn't give a crap if they cut of funds for it. HE'S hosed US TAXPAYERS abusing it

these leftwing hate sites plays them like fiddle. not only riles them up for THE PARTY but they come and pay their bills to run their sites
$200,000,000 a day, Steph!
27% more an hour in cost for AF1 under the Obamas.

"The president spent over $7.3 million on just three trips in 2013, including $2.1 million to appear on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in August, according to new flight documents provided by the Air Force to a public watchdog group.

Judicial Watch told Secrets that the sky-high jet travel costs for the first family's 2012-2013 Christmas vacation in Hawaii, their beach vacation on Martha's Vineyard last summer and President Obama's brief trip to California in August totalled $7,396,531.20.

The Air Force said it costs $228,288 an hour to fly Air Force One, a massive $48,535 jump from the last estimate of $179,750, or 27 percent."

Under Obama Air Force One cost per hour jumps 27 to 228 288
God forbid the negro leave the White House

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