Republicans - The Tribe of Personal Responsibility. Not!

What about tax give aways like accelerated depreciation, and full expensing, which allows corporations to deduct the full cost of an investment in the year it is made? Are those responsibilities that tax payers should take care of?
It seems you aren't educated enough to discern the difference between paying less taxes and having money given to you. Sad.
When it involves the hundreds of millions of dollars given to corporations, the net result is the same. For a poor family living from paycheck to paycheck, it would have a totally different effect.
Digesting their scamming media, unable to accept that Trump lost, feeding on grievance and resentment, and steeped in culture wars, conservatives no longer believe in personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault - liberals, the media, Big Tech.

Example #3,852? Conservatives blame the January 6 Capitol Riots on everyone but themselves.

In a UMass poll, conservatives blame the following

  • The Democratic Party - 34%
  • Antifa - 21%
  • US Capitol Police - 15%
  • President Joe Biden - 6%

That's 76% of conservatives who blame anyone but their own tribe!

Ronald Reagan would be embarrassed by his party today.

View attachment 485332
Seek help soon. :itsok:
Unsurprisingly, no.

Actual racism is despicable.

But accusing someone of being racist simply because you disagree with what he says and can't rationally argue against it, in an attempt to shame him into silence, cheapens the word and dishonors the people who have been harmed by actual racism.
Why do you believe that's the reason?
Because the charge has been leveled at me many times. When challenged to prove the charge, the person making it can never deliver.

Meanwhile, you can read, say, the first article and explain how any of the spurious charges of racism are legitimate.
Digesting their scamming media, unable to accept that Trump lost, feeding on grievance and resentment, and steeped in culture wars, conservatives no longer believe in personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault - liberals, the media, Big Tech.

Example #3,852? Conservatives blame the January 6 Capitol Riots on everyone but themselves.

In a UMass poll, conservatives blame the following

  • The Democratic Party - 34%
  • Antifa - 21%
  • US Capitol Police - 15%
  • President Joe Biden - 6%

That's 76% of conservatives who blame anyone but their own tribe!

Ronald Reagan would be embarrassed by his party today.

View attachment 485332
Republicans live in an alternate realty

If they don’t like facts, they just make up their own
Any media report they don’t like is.....Fake News
They even claim live video is fake
Two words for you:

Project Veritas.
You mean Pimp Boy?
Mostly, it's people blaming racism for problems that have nothing to do with race.
Cite some examples.
You are certainly not in a credible position to request other people to provide examples. Need I remind you that you can't even find a video of an Asian-type busting up a barbershop in a ghetto.
Unsurprisingly, no. Actual racism is despicable. But accusing someone of being racist simply because you disagree with what he says and can't rationally argue against it, in an attempt to shame him into silence, cheapens the word and dishonors the people who have been harmed by actual racism.
Why do you believe that's the reason?
You are not able to compose the questions that are going to lead to the embarrassment and thought conversion of the person you are targeting. Malcolm X had the ability, but you do not. You need to do a lot more learning.
Digesting their scamming media, unable to accept that Trump lost, feeding on grievance and resentment, and steeped in culture wars, conservatives no longer believe in personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault - liberals, the media, Big Tech.

Example #3,852? Conservatives blame the January 6 Capitol Riots on everyone but themselves.

In a UMass poll, conservatives blame the following

  • The Democratic Party - 34%
  • Antifa - 21%
  • US Capitol Police - 15%
  • President Joe Biden - 6%

That's 76% of conservatives who blame anyone but their own tribe!

Ronald Reagan would be embarrassed by his party today.

View attachment 485332
Republicans live in an alternate realty

If they don’t like facts, they just make up their own
Any media report they don’t like is.....Fake News
They even claim live video is fake
Two words for you:

Project Veritas.
You mean Pimp Boy?
The guy whose videos the left screams are fake.
Unsurprisingly, no. Actual racism is despicable. But accusing someone of being racist simply because you disagree with what he says and can't rationally argue against it, in an attempt to shame him into silence, cheapens the word and dishonors the people who have been harmed by actual racism.
Why do you believe that's the reason?
You are not able to compose the questions that are going to lead to the embarrassment and thought conversion of the person you are targeting. Malcolm X had the ability, but you do not. You need to do a lot more learning.
Crazy right wingers are incapable of embarrassment or thought conversion. If you were, the shame of supporting trump would have stopped you from even considering participation on a public discussion board.
The guy whose videos the left screams are fake.
You actually take Project Veritas seriously?
Jesus fucking Crist look at the videos that you take seriously!
Got it, you hate Conservatives.
Trump was not a Conservative and has never been, and the majority of the GOP are lip service Conservatives but when they have the checkbook they spend our future generations tax dollars like the cheap whores they are!

So let be clear there are no real Conservative Leaders in the GOP!

Begging LefTards who often champion free shit for filth are not to be taken seriously on fiscal matters...Sorry Tard.
Criminality in dark people hoods for one.

Racism isn't forcing DaShawn to commit crime...nor is it forcing ShaQuita to have fo baby daddys by 22.
Dark people culture is what holds dark people down....PERIOD!
When it involves the hundreds of millions of dollars given to corporations,the net result is the same.
Again, moron, a tax cut isn't giving corporations anything. You're just upset because the government has less money for your marxist redistribution and vote buying schemes. Educate yourself.
For a poor family living from paycheck to paycheck, it would have a totally different effect.
Irrelevant virtue signaling and emotional melodrama. Sorry, that BS won't work with me.
When it involves the hundreds of millions of dollars given to corporations,
Again, moron, a tax cut isn't giving corporations anything. You're just upset because the government has less money for your marxist redistribution and vote buying schemes. Educate yourself.
The government doesn't have less money. The middle class has to make up the difference.
The government doesn't have less money. The middle class has to make up the difference.
No it doesn't, simplejack. Government just needs to cut its overspending.
The middle class pays too much tax as well.
The government doesn't have less money. The middle class has to make up the difference.
No it doesn't, simplejack. Government just needs to cut its overspending.
The middle class pays too much tax as well.

Next time the bank demands payment for something you already bought and took possession of, tell them you are just cutting down on your spending. See how far that gets you. The US has huge bills from many years past. Trump's tax cut cost us 2.3 trillion. Don't tell me we don't have an income problem.
Next time the bank demands payment for something you already bought and took possession of, tell them you are just cutting down on your spending.
I don't borrow money, so that would never happen to me. Don't assume everyone is a financial loser like yourself.
Trump's tax cut cost us 2.3 trillion.
Tax cuts cost nothing.
Don't tell me we don't have an income problem.
We have an overspending problem. The gov takes in trillions.
Personal responsibility is a general purpose excuse when conservatives choose to not give a shit about the unfortunate.
Please don't speak for conservatives.
You look foolish telling lies
Why would I lie when the truth hurts so-called conservatives far more?

I don't know why you would lie.
I could assume why and then attempt to pass it off as a fake truth like you did.

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