Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

First, a debate is a way of ascertaining how a person, in this case Presidential candidate, will react spontaneously to questions.

That's the biggest piece of monkey Shi'ite ever flung by a monkey, even a liberal CNBC monkey, in an attempt to justify / cover for that pathetic CNBC performance. No one learned a damn thing about the candidates from those questions, like fantasy football, EXCEPT for - thank God - they were willing to stand up and call out those CNBC 'pooh-flinging monkeys'. They proved they wouldn't take 'shi-ite' (pun intended) from anyone! :p
I just read where the GOP just canceled the NBC debate...and now NBC is set to lose millions of dollars as a result. Send the bill for lost revenue to CNBC! :p
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.
They weren't tough questions dumbass. They were INAPPROPRIATE questions of presidential candidates.
If the liberal media could act like rational adults this wouldn't be an issue.

Personally I say fuck all the liberal media. They aren't needed and why give them a huge source of income (commercials) just to slander the candidates.
No joke. Carl Qunitanilla or whatever the fuck his name is and John Harwood were especially bad, but Becky Quick was pretty bad, too.

Carl got bitch slapped and John tripped and fell into the firepit, got out and then jumped in some more. Their bias was on FULL display.

Even when Becky Quick got one right (and Trump apparently didn't know that he -- via his own site -- HAD made that particular claim), she couldn't "correct" him with the fair fact-check until after one of their expensive station breaks.

WTF is it with asking about fantasy fucking football.

How can you liberals DEFEND what the CNBC faux moderators were doing? I mean, hell. can't any of you ADMIT that they got repeatedly called out and justifiably so?

"Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes or no?"

If that kind of crap were pulled on the liberal Democrat /Socialist/"Progressive" candidates in the Democrat Debates, you left-wingnut boys and girls would be howling in your unmitigated outWage.
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Where exactly was the link to Republicans demanding questions in advance? I guess I missed it.
By the way, this is EXCELLENT news. Reince still should get shit canned. But that's a helpful sign all the same.
I just read where the GOP just canceled the NBC debate...and now NBC is set to lose millions of dollars as a result. Send the bill for lost revenue to CNBC! :p

I was fascinated by your post. So, I googled it.

Here's what I found:

RNC Cuts NBC GOP Debate As Candidates Contemplate Coup – Update

RNC suspends partnership with NBC in fallout over chaotic CNBC debate

In a statement, NBC News called the RNC's decision "disappointing."

"However, along with our debate broadcast partners at Telemundo we will work in good faith to resolve this matter with the Republican Party," the network said.
Where exactly was the link to Republicans demanding questions in advance? I guess I missed it.

It did not happen. The OP is trying to make the Reps look bad by implying in the future they *might* ask for questions... Kinda like Obama does every interview.
Just let them have take-home questions and they can mail the answers back in when they're finished.
Just let them have take-home questions and they can mail the answers back in when they're finished.

Because the notion of some intelligent and fair questions is too alien to you when it could happen for a GOP set of contenders.
How about this.............instead of giving the candidates the specific questions, why not tell them the subject matter that the questions are going to cover? That way either (a) they research the subjects and actually come off as sounding like they know what they're talking about, or (b) they DON'T study the material and show themselves as the bumbling politician that they are.

I also like the suggestion from a poster on the first page. When the person is answering the question, post a link to their white paper covering that subject so that people can fact check them while they're speaking? I mean, we post Twitter feeds on lots of television programs right now, so why would it be so hard to post the link to that candidate's white papers?

And when I say general, I mean tell them they are going to be covering infrastructure solutions, ability to handle foreign leaders, the Middle East, but don't specify how the questions are going to be worded.
Just let them have take-home questions and they can mail the answers back in when they're finished.

Because the notion of some intelligent and fair questions is too alien to you when it could happen for a GOP set of contenders.

I've never heard of Democrats asking for questions in advance of presidential debates. Have you?
I'm not a Republican but I did like Ron Paul in the past. He was polling around 20% during the debates and in one debate was given around 48 seconds of total talk time.

Two points about that 48 seconds. The News following that debate was overwhelmingly about Ron Paul and how he was more or less cut out of the debate and even with 48 seconds he managed to crush it. Secondly it shows how the media flat out picks out candidates. Even if you're polling well it is a proven fact they can marginalize you and crate horrible candidates like McCain, Mitt and Trump.

In between debates the liberal media spends relentless hours talking about how dumb Trump is and how he shouldn't even be a viable candidate, they fail to mention other candidates outside of showing how low they are polling... Then In the debates they stick Trump/McCain/Mitt dead center of the stage and give 15+ min of talk time to that single candidate.

It's about being bought and paid for. In the general, why do we not have a third or forth party in the "debates?" Because the Media can ignore everything but the 2 most unqualified people they helped build up. \

We got Bush and Obama over the last 16 years... That's 16 years of welfare growing, War spreading, Deficit spending retardation.

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