Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

This is getting pretty hysterical. The GOP slate is refusing to go to the next debate because they are afraid of the moderators. Ted Cruz is calling for a softball moderator team made up of Hannity, Limbaugh, and some other right wing drone.

With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.
This is what the Dummycraps get from media moderators! !!
You know.............I actually watched the first GOP debate. Why? I knew Donald the Chump was going to be slinging a lot of garbage and wanted to see it for the entertainment value.

However.............after watching 3 hours of b.s. and personal attacks, this time around I decided that watching The Middle, The Goldbergs and Supernatural would be more entertaining. I'll let the pundits break it down for me.
No, not all of the questions were about the economy, but if generalized subjects were told to the debaters and the public, the moderators would have to stick to the material, or end up in the same kind of public outcry that they are currently in.

And no...............fantasy football has ZERO to do with being President.

Fantasy is a multi billion dollar industry skirting around the edge of the law . What's wrong about asking what to do with it ?
The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced Friday that it is suspending its relationship with NBC News following the third GOP presidential primary debate this week.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus wrote a letter to NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack saying that the organization’s sole role in the primary debate process is to ensure that its candidates are given a full and fair opportunity to outline their vision for the future of the United States.

This was not the case, Priebus said, for the conservative politicians onstage at the University of Colorado’s Coors Events Center in Boulder on Wednesday evening.

Republicans suspend partnership with NBC News following debate
You know.............I actually watched the first GOP debate. Why? I knew Donald the Chump was going to be slinging a lot of garbage and wanted to see it for the entertainment value.

However.............after watching 3 hours of b.s. and personal attacks, this time around I decided that watching The Middle, The Goldbergs and Supernatural would be more entertaining. I'll let the pundits break it down for me.
Yep.....typical low-information voter....
Don't re-define PC too asshole.
lol, gmafb. They are crying that Trump was called a comic book character when he fucking well is a comic book character.

The whole lot of them need a massive box of tissues.
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

Hypocrite. Democrats do that all the time.
How about taking q's from real people . Each Q is randomly picked and needs the thumbs up of 9 of the 10 candidates ( this will eliminate crazy questions . And no single candidate can dump a q he doesn't like )

This could be done a day ahead to limit prep time .
The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced Friday that it is suspending its relationship with NBC News following the third GOP presidential primary debate this week.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus wrote a letter to NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack saying that the organization’s sole role in the primary debate process is to ensure that its candidates are given a full and fair opportunity to outline their vision for the future of the United States.

This was not the case, Priebus said, for the conservative politicians onstage at the University of Colorado’s Coors Events Center in Boulder on Wednesday evening.

Republicans suspend partnership with NBC News following debate
That's awesome! NBC should just stop reporting on the idiots, period. Everyone will assume they've all taken their balls and dropped out of the primaries.
Gee, I bet Hispanics, LGBTs, minorities, and women can't wait to vote for these whining clowns.
Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

why ? I watched them ignore the question from the mods and go straight to hammering Clinton or the dems in general ...

screw the question ...
Yes because you should let liberals trash you without complaint.

You know.............I actually watched the first GOP debate. Why? I knew Donald the Chump was going to be slinging a lot of garbage and wanted to see it for the entertainment value.

However.............after watching 3 hours of b.s. and personal attacks, this time around I decided that watching The Middle, The Goldbergs and Supernatural would be more entertaining. I'll let the pundits break it down for me.
Yep.....typical low-information voter....

Actually, I don't get my news from the debates, I get it from watching and reading the news.

And...............if the candidates are going to just snipe at each other rather than talk policy, why shouldn't I let the pundits break it down for me? MSNBC has on Republicans as well as Democrats to talk about what was said, and to promote their particular candidates campaign.

I figure it's more like the Cliff's notes of the debates. If there is only 10 min. of substance in a 3 hour debate, why should I watch all the crap in between?

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