Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

You know.............I actually watched the first GOP debate. Why? I knew Donald the Chump was going to be slinging a lot of garbage and wanted to see it for the entertainment value.

However.............after watching 3 hours of b.s. and personal attacks, this time around I decided that watching The Middle, The Goldbergs and Supernatural would be more entertaining. I'll let the pundits break it down for me.
Yep.....typical low-information voter....

Actually, I don't get my news from the debates, I get it from watching and reading the news.

And...............if the candidates are going to just snipe at each other rather than talk policy, why shouldn't I let the pundits break it down for me? MSNBC has on Republicans as well as Democrats to talk about what was said, and to promote their particular candidates campaign.

I figure it's more like the Cliff's notes of the debates. If there is only 10 min. of substance in a 3 hour debate, why should I watch all the crap in between?
Too much information at one time for that tiny brain.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced Friday that it is suspending its relationship with NBC News following the third GOP presidential primary debate this week.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus wrote a letter to NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack saying that the organization’s sole role in the primary debate process is to ensure that its candidates are given a full and fair opportunity to outline their vision for the future of the United States.

This was not the case, Priebus said, for the conservative politicians onstage at the University of Colorado’s Coors Events Center in Boulder on Wednesday evening.

Republicans suspend partnership with NBC News following debate
That's awesome! NBC should just stop reporting on the idiots, period. Everyone will assume they've all taken their balls and dropped out of the primaries.
Is that the problem? All of you dumbfucks watch that biased bullshit?
Republican presidential campaigns are planning to gather in Washington, D.C., on Sunday evening to plot how to alter their party’s messy debate process — and how to remove power from the hands of the Republican National Committee.

Exclusive: GOP campaigns plot revolt against RNC

Good lord. I just imagined some fat lonely bitch trimming the dingleberries off her ass like you have to do a Pomeranian :lol:
Because the notion of some intelligent and fair questions is too alien to you when it could happen for a GOP set of contenders.

I've never heard of Democrats asking for questions in advance of presidential debates. Have you?

I haven't seen Democrat candidates treated so dismissively, prejudicially or unfairly. And you haven't either.

But you need to cite a credible source for the silly claim that anybody is demanding the questions in advance, you lummox.
The thread title and OP implied the Republicans would progress to making such a demand. It did not categorically state they were presently doing so. Everyone does not have your poor reading comprehension.

Clearly YOU don't have particularly good reading comprehension skills, Cramp.

It looks like it eluded you that I was addressing that lummox, Chief Shitting Bull, who had JUST finished suggesting that HE had never heard of the Dems asking for the questions in advance (as though anyone in the GOP had made such a demand). Perhaps you are simply a fucking imbecile like your pal Shitting Bull. Yes. That seems most likely.
Tough, you challenged the meaning of the OP. Anyone can answer.

Wrong you idiot.

I challenged the moron (in this case meaning Chief Shitting Bull, your fellow idiot).

HE, obviously, assumed that the GOP HAD requested questions in advance and he (being an idiot) then noted that he had not heard of any Dem candidate doing so. Which would only be pertinent if a GOP candidate or the GOP field collectively had done so. I was attacking HIS fundamental misapprehension, you nitwit.

It's ok. I expect drooling imbecility form Chief Shitting Bull. But if you care to man up, you can simply admit that you were wrong.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced Friday that it is suspending its relationship with NBC News following the third GOP presidential primary debate this week.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus wrote a letter to NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack saying that the organization’s sole role in the primary debate process is to ensure that its candidates are given a full and fair opportunity to outline their vision for the future of the United States.

This was not the case, Priebus said, for the conservative politicians onstage at the University of Colorado’s Coors Events Center in Boulder on Wednesday evening.

Republicans suspend partnership with NBC News following debate
That's awesome! NBC should just stop reporting on the idiots, period. Everyone will assume they've all taken their balls and dropped out of the primaries.
Is that the problem? All of you dumbfucks watch that biased bullshit?
I don't watch TV, but lots of people do. And if NBC stops reporting anything to do with GOPers I'm thinking that will be a laugh riot!
This is getting pretty hysterical. The GOP slate is refusing to go to the next debate because they are afraid of the moderators. Ted Cruz is calling for a softball moderator team made up of Hannity, Limbaugh, and some other right wing drone.

That lineup the other night was a joke.

Journalists are dishonest.

Anyone can ask a question. Why does it have to be fuckers that always vote Democrat?
Above and beyond the crackpot concerns during the 2008 election (stuff like birth certificates and questions about Bill Ayres, Jeremiah Wright and caricatures showing the Obamas as weapon toting terrorists, one complaint rang with the veneer of legitimacy: how well did the press vet Barack Obama.

How should the press conduct such a vetting if not by asking tough questions?

Or does the press vetting Republican candidates smack of harassment? Sorry Republicans, You cannot have it both ways.
This is getting pretty hysterical. The GOP slate is refusing to go to the next debate because they are afraid of the moderators. Ted Cruz is calling for a softball moderator team made up of Hannity, Limbaugh, and some other right wing drone.

That lineup the other night was a joke.

Journalists are dishonest.

Anyone can ask a question. Why does it have to be fuckers that always vote Democrat?
They also whined about FOX. :lmao:
Said it in another thread, I 'll repeat it here.

The RNC should agree to a debate hosted by NBC, to take place one week AFTER the Dem candidates have a debate hosted by FOX
so unfair! waaaa :crybaby:

HARWOOD: We're at 60 seconds, but I gotta ask you, you talked about your tax plan. You say that it would not increase the deficit because you cut taxes $10 trillion in the economy would take off like...


HARWOOD: Hold on, hold on. The economy would take off like a rocket ship.

TRUMP: Right. Dynamically.

HARWOOD: I talked to economic advisers who have served presidents of both parties. They said that you have as chance of cutting taxes that much without increasing the deficit as you would of flying away from that podium by flapping your arms.

TRUMP: Then you have to get rid of Larry Kudlow, who sits on your panel, who's a great guy, who came out the other day and said, I love Trump's tax plan.


HARWOOD: The Tax Foundation says -- has looked at all of our plans and -- and his creates, even with the dynamic effect, $8 trillion dollar deficit... QUICK: Gentlemen -- we'll -- we'll get back to this -- just a minute -- just a minute we're gonna continue this.

I wanna talk taxes...

QUINTANILLA: Hold it. We'll cut it back to you in just a minute. Becky's moving on.

QUICK: Dr. Carson, let's talk about taxes.

You have a flat tax plan of 10 percent flat taxes, and -- I've looked at it -- and this is something that is very appealing to a lot of voters, but I've had a really tough time trying to make the math work on this.

If you were to took a 10 percent tax, with the numbers right now in total personal income, you're gonna come in with bring in $1.5 trillion. That is less than half of what we bring in right now. And by the way, it's gonna leave us in a $2 trillion hole.

So what analysis got you to the point where you think this will work?

CARSON: Well, first of all, I didn't say that the rate would be 10 percent. I used the tithing analogy.

QUICK: I -- I understand that, but if you -- if you look at the numbers you probably have to get to 28.

CARSON: The rate -- the rate -- the rate is gonna be much closer to 15 percent.

QUICK: 15 percent still leaves you with a $1.1 trillion hole.

CARSON: You also have to get rid of all the deductions and all the loopholes. You also have to some strategically cutting in several places.

Remember, we have 645 federal agencies and sub-agencies. Anybody who tells me that we need every penny and every one of those is in a fantasy world.

So, also, we can stimulate the economy. That's gonna be the real growth engine. Stimulating the economy -- because it's tethered down right now with so many regulations...

QUICK: You'd have to cut -- you'd have to cut government about 40 percent to make it work with a $1.1 trillion hole.

CARSON: That's not true.

QUICK: That is true, I looked at the numbers.

CARSON: When -- when we put all the facts down, you'll be able to see that it's not true, it works out very well.

QUICK: Dr. Carson, thank you.

KASICH: Listen, I want to just comment.

HARWOOD: Governor Kasich, hold it, I'm coming to you right now. The...

KASICH: Well I want to comment on this. This is the fantasy...

HARWOOD: Well, I'm asking you about this.

KASICH: This is the fantasy that I talked about in the beginning.

HARWOOD: I'm about to ask you about this.

That is, you had some very strong words to say yesterday about what's happening in your party and what you're hearing from the two gentlemen we've just heard from. Would you repeat it?

KASICH: I'm the only person on this stage that actually was involved in the chief architect of balancing the Federal Budget.

You can't do it with empty promised. You know, these plans would put us trillions and trillions of dollars in debt.

I actually have a plan. I'm the only one on this stage that has a plan that would create jobs, cut taxes, balance the budget and can get it done because I'm realistic. You just don't make promises like this.

Why don't we just give a chicken in every pot, while we're, you know, coming up -- coming up with these fantasy tax schemes. We'll just clean it up. Where are you gonna clean it up?

You have to deal with entitlements, you have to be in a position to control discretionary spending. You gotta be creative and imaginative.

Now, let me just be clear, John. I went into Ohio where we had an $8 billion hole and now we have a $2 billion surplus. We're up 347,000 jobs.

When I was in Washington, I fought to get the budget balanced. I was the architect. It was the first time we did it since man walked on the moon. We cut taxes and we had a $5 trillion projected surplus when I left.

That's was hard work. Fiscal discipline, know what you're doing. Creativity.

This stuff is fantasy. Just like getting rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Come on, that's just not -- you scare senior citizens with that. It's not responsible.

HARWOOD: Well, let's just get more pointed about it. You said yesterday that you were hearing proposals that were just crazy from your colleagues.

Who were you talking about?

KASICH: Well, I mean right here. To talk about we're just gonna have a 10 percent tithe and that's how we're gonna fund the government? And we're going to just fix everything with waste, fraud, and abuse? Or that we're just going to be great? Or we're going to ship 10 million Americans -- or 10 million people out of this country, leaving their children here in this country and dividing families?

Folks, we've got to wake up. We cannot elect somebody that doesn't know how to do the job. You have got to pick somebody who has experience, somebody that has the know-how, the discipline.

And I spent my entire lifetime balancing federal budgets, growing jobs, the same in Ohio. And I will go back to Washington with my plan.

QUINTANILLA: Governor -- Governor. thank you, Governor.

KASICH: And I will have done it within 100 days, and it will pass. And we will be strong again. Thank you.

The third Republican debate transcript, annotated

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