Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

Don't re-define PC too asshole.

yeah, stick with big words like torture....

Lois Lerner
Fast n Furious
Kim Davis
Benghazi was dumb
LL should be jailed
Fast and the furious should have never been started in the first place. At least keep up with your weapons!
Kim davis should be impeached or quit. She is about as unpatriotic as they come.

Agreed, except LL didn't do anything wrong. I got the skinny straight the day after that "scandal" broke from a friend of mine who was an attorney in D.C. for the IRS in 2010. And BTW, none of the entities applying for the 501(c)(4) status were denied. It just took longer than usual because of the tsunami of apps after Obama was elected, primarily from obvious far right wing organizations. The libs were happy and very much in the minority for application status.
Does anyone know which questions in particular offended the Republicans?

I've glanced through the transcript and I can't find anything that would make a normal person uncomfortable.

ted cruz highlighted a few questions which he found personally offensive...

^ as a direct response to a question about his position on the debt limit negotiations! :rofl:
Then basically, any question that they can't answer if offensive?
QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.

Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?

CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.

(APPLAUSE) This is not a cage match. And, you look at the questions -- "Donald Trump, are you a comic-book villain?" "Ben Carson, can you do math?" "John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?" "Marco Rubio, why don't you resign?" "Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?"

How about talking about the substantive issues the people care about?


QUINTANILLA: (inaudible) do we get credit (inaudible)?

CRUZ: And Carl -- Carl, I'm not finished yet.

CRUZ: The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every fawning question from the media was, "Which of you is more handsome and why?"


And let me be clear.


QUINTANILLA: So, this is a question about (inaudible), which you have 30 seconds left to answer, should you choose to do so.

CRUZ: Let me be clear. The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than every participant in the Democratic debate. That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.


And nobody watching at home believed that any of the moderators had any intention of voting in a Republican primary. The questions that are being asked shouldn't be trying to get people to tear into each other. It should be what are your substantive positions...


QUINTANILLA: OK. (inaudible) I asked you about the debt limit and I got no answer.


CRUZ: You want me to answer that question? I'm happy to answer the question...


CRUZ: Let me tell you how that question...


CRUZ: Let me tell you how that question...


HARWOOD: Senator Paul, I've got a question for you on the same subject.

CRUZ: ... so you don't actually want to hear the answer, John?

HARWOOD: Senator Paul?

CRUZ: You don't want to hear the answer. You just want to incite insults.


HARWOOD: You used your time on something else.

Senator Paul?

CRUZ: You're not interested in an answer. <----- :cuckoo:


HARWOOD: Senator Paul, the budget deal crafted by Speaker Boehner and passed by the House today makes cuts in entitlement programs, Medicare and Social Security disability, which are the very programs conservatives say need cutting to shrink government and solve our country's long-term budget deficit. Do you oppose that budget deal because it doesn't cut those programs enough?

The third Republican debate transcript, annotated
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Having read a lot lately about "micro aggressions" on college campuses (and how Jerry Seinfeld right on through Chris Rock have refused to perform on them anymore) makes me say, "Hmmmmm...."

These GOP candidates are so thin-skinned.
QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.

Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?

CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.

(APPLAUSE) This is not a cage match. And, you look at the questions -- "Donald Trump, are you a comic-book villain?" "Ben Carson, can you do math?" "John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?" "Marco Rubio, why don't you resign?" "Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?"

How about talking about the substantive issues the people care about?


QUINTANILLA: (inaudible) do we get credit (inaudible)?

CRUZ: And Carl -- Carl, I'm not finished yet.

CRUZ: The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every fawning question from the media was, "Which of you is more handsome and why?"


And let me be clear.


QUINTANILLA: So, this is a question about (inaudible), which you have 30 seconds left to answer, should you choose to do so.

CRUZ: Let me be clear. The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than every participant in the Democratic debate. That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.


And nobody watching at home believed that any of the moderators had any intention of voting in a Republican primary. The questions that are being asked shouldn't be trying to get people to tear into each other. It should be what are your substantive positions...


QUINTANILLA: OK. (inaudible) I asked you about the debt limit and I got no answer.


CRUZ: You want me to answer that question? I'm happy to answer the question...


CRUZ: Let me tell you how that question...


CRUZ: Let me tell you how that question...


HARWOOD: Senator Paul, I've got a question for you on the same subject.

CRUZ: ... so you don't actually want to hear the answer, John?

HARWOOD: Senator Paul?

CRUZ: You don't want to hear the answer. You just want to...


HARWOOD: You used your time on something else.

Senator Paul?

CRUZ: You're not interested in an answer. <----- :cuckoo:


HARWOOD: Senator Paul, the budget deal crafted by Speaker Boehner and passed by the House today makes cuts in entitlement programs, Medicare and Social Security disability, which are the very programs conservatives say need cutting to shrink government and solve our country's long-term budget deficit. Do you oppose that budget deal because it doesn't cut those programs enough?
And the audience actually applauded him avoiding the question. Sweet.
Obviously lefties skipped the debate and are relying on media coverup. The questions were so disrespectful and insulting that the audience booed them before they were even answered (if an answer was possible). There was a time when the mainstream media at least pretended to be unbiased but the moderators must have been drunk or so full of hatred that they decided to a stand up demonstration of personal attacks on the candidates rather than doing their freaking job. Contrast it to the democrat debates where a typical question might be "what's your favorite color".
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

Hypocrite. Democrats do that all the time.
How is that possible? They have debates every four years. They have had one for the 2016 election so far. What evidence do you have that the candidates were given the question before the debate held by CNN a few weeks ago?
Did anybody on the left actually witness the debates or are they relying on an essay by media matters? The only excuse the moderators had is that they must have been drunk. According to accounts the liquor was flowing on the charter flight (carbon footprint?) back to N.Y. The "questions" were nothing but incoherent rants that were impossible to answer. The audience even booed the questions before they were answered. Contrast it to the softballs thrown at democrats which are something like "who is the best looking person on the panel".
I've never heard of Democrats asking for questions in advance of presidential debates. Have you?

I haven't seen Democrat candidates treated so dismissively, prejudicially or unfairly. And you haven't either.

But you need to cite a credible source for the silly claim that anybody is demanding the questions in advance, you lummox.
The thread title and OP implied the Republicans would progress to making such a demand. It did not categorically state they were presently doing so. Everyone does not have your poor reading comprehension.

Clearly YOU don't have particularly good reading comprehension skills, Cramp.

It looks like it eluded you that I was addressing that lummox, Chief Shitting Bull, who had JUST finished suggesting that HE had never heard of the Dems asking for the questions in advance (as though anyone in the GOP had made such a demand). Perhaps you are simply a fucking imbecile like your pal Shitting Bull. Yes. That seems most likely.
Tough, you challenged the meaning of the OP. Anyone can answer.

Wrong you idiot.

I challenged the moron (in this case meaning Chief Shitting Bull, your fellow idiot).

HE, obviously, assumed that the GOP HAD requested questions in advance and he (being an idiot) then noted that he had not heard of any Dem candidate doing so. Which would only be pertinent if a GOP candidate or the GOP field collectively had done so. I was attacking HIS fundamental misapprehension, you nitwit.

It's ok. I expect drooling imbecility form Chief Shitting Bull. But if you care to man up, you can simply admit that you were wrong.
Make racist comments and call people names and expect to be treated with disrespect. I don't really care what a racist POS like you thinks.
I haven't seen Democrat candidates treated so dismissively, prejudicially or unfairly. And you haven't either.

But you need to cite a credible source for the silly claim that anybody is demanding the questions in advance, you lummox.
The thread title and OP implied the Republicans would progress to making such a demand. It did not categorically state they were presently doing so. Everyone does not have your poor reading comprehension.

Clearly YOU don't have particularly good reading comprehension skills, Cramp.

It looks like it eluded you that I was addressing that lummox, Chief Shitting Bull, who had JUST finished suggesting that HE had never heard of the Dems asking for the questions in advance (as though anyone in the GOP had made such a demand). Perhaps you are simply a fucking imbecile like your pal Shitting Bull. Yes. That seems most likely.
Tough, you challenged the meaning of the OP. Anyone can answer.

Wrong you idiot.

I challenged the moron (in this case meaning Chief Shitting Bull, your fellow idiot).

HE, obviously, assumed that the GOP HAD requested questions in advance and he (being an idiot) then noted that he had not heard of any Dem candidate doing so. Which would only be pertinent if a GOP candidate or the GOP field collectively had done so. I was attacking HIS fundamental misapprehension, you nitwit.

It's ok. I expect drooling imbecility form Chief Shitting Bull. But if you care to man up, you can simply admit that you were wrong.
Make racist comments and call people names and expect to be treated with disrespect. I don't really care what a racist POS like you thinks.

Chief Shitting Bull has claimed to be an American Indian. Accordingly, giving him the honorary title of "Chief" is not racist, you dishonest hack idiot.

And if you don't care about my thoughts, then its pretty stupid of you to keep trying (in your cretinous way) to respond to them.

You aren't very bright. But at least you are a fucking asshole.
This is getting pretty hysterical. The GOP slate is refusing to go to the next debate because they are afraid of the moderators. Ted Cruz is calling for a softball moderator team made up of Hannity, Limbaugh, and some other right wing drone.


Hardball? From left wing moonbats?

Like that is ever going to happen.

The political left are weak debaters, and their media drones do not even comprehend the meaning of the word 'debate'.

Heck, the left wing clown posse at USMB would run circles around the CNBC folks are that good.

Did anybody on the left actually witness the debates or are they relying on an essay by media matters? The only excuse the moderators had is that they must have been drunk. According to accounts the liquor was flowing on the charter flight (carbon footprint?) back to N.Y. The "questions" were nothing but incoherent rants that were impossible to answer. The audience even booed the questions before they were answered. Contrast it to the softballs thrown at democrats which are something like "who is the best looking person on the panel".

I know he prepped and all, but the delivery was good, too.

A great line. A solid and perfectly legitimate rant at the faux "journalist" "moderators."
The thread title and OP implied the Republicans would progress to making such a demand. It did not categorically state they were presently doing so. Everyone does not have your poor reading comprehension.

Clearly YOU don't have particularly good reading comprehension skills, Cramp.

It looks like it eluded you that I was addressing that lummox, Chief Shitting Bull, who had JUST finished suggesting that HE had never heard of the Dems asking for the questions in advance (as though anyone in the GOP had made such a demand). Perhaps you are simply a fucking imbecile like your pal Shitting Bull. Yes. That seems most likely.
Tough, you challenged the meaning of the OP. Anyone can answer.

Wrong you idiot.

I challenged the moron (in this case meaning Chief Shitting Bull, your fellow idiot).

HE, obviously, assumed that the GOP HAD requested questions in advance and he (being an idiot) then noted that he had not heard of any Dem candidate doing so. Which would only be pertinent if a GOP candidate or the GOP field collectively had done so. I was attacking HIS fundamental misapprehension, you nitwit.

It's ok. I expect drooling imbecility form Chief Shitting Bull. But if you care to man up, you can simply admit that you were wrong.
Make racist comments and call people names and expect to be treated with disrespect. I don't really care what a racist POS like you thinks.

Chief Shitting Bull has claimed to be an American Indian. Accordingly, giving him the honorary title of "Chief" is not racist, you dishonest hack idiot.

And if you don't care about my thoughts, then its pretty stupid of you to keep trying (in your cretinous way) to respond to them.

You aren't very bright. But at least you are a fucking asshole.
You call a native American "Chief Shitting Bull" and claim you are not racist. Doesn't really matter if the person is native or not. The term distinguishes you as a racist.
Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.

With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

Seems only fair considering the media arm of the Democratic party (MSM) allows the Democrat candidates to write their own questions for the moderators to ask.
Clearly YOU don't have particularly good reading comprehension skills, Cramp.

It looks like it eluded you that I was addressing that lummox, Chief Shitting Bull, who had JUST finished suggesting that HE had never heard of the Dems asking for the questions in advance (as though anyone in the GOP had made such a demand). Perhaps you are simply a fucking imbecile like your pal Shitting Bull. Yes. That seems most likely.
Tough, you challenged the meaning of the OP. Anyone can answer.

Wrong you idiot.

I challenged the moron (in this case meaning Chief Shitting Bull, your fellow idiot).

HE, obviously, assumed that the GOP HAD requested questions in advance and he (being an idiot) then noted that he had not heard of any Dem candidate doing so. Which would only be pertinent if a GOP candidate or the GOP field collectively had done so. I was attacking HIS fundamental misapprehension, you nitwit.

It's ok. I expect drooling imbecility form Chief Shitting Bull. But if you care to man up, you can simply admit that you were wrong.
Make racist comments and call people names and expect to be treated with disrespect. I don't really care what a racist POS like you thinks.

Chief Shitting Bull has claimed to be an American Indian. Accordingly, giving him the honorary title of "Chief" is not racist, you dishonest hack idiot.

And if you don't care about my thoughts, then its pretty stupid of you to keep trying (in your cretinous way) to respond to them.

You aren't very bright. But at least you are a fucking asshole.
You call a native American "Chief Shitting Bull" and claim you are not racist. Doesn't really matter if the person is native or not. The term distinguishes you as a racist.

No. It doesn't. You are an idiot and your PC universe is almost as stupid as your contention.

But, on the other hand, it could be that even you aren't so stupid as to believe that pablum puke bullshit you just spewed. That would leave you as merely being a complete lying sack of shit.

Either way, it's not good for you, crampy.
Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.


Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.

Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.


Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.


Care to make anymore predictions like the last bet you lost in 2012?
An advanced copy of the questions the GOP candidates would like asked of them at the next debate has just been handed to me.

Shhhh! Top secret!

Okay. Here they are.

Q: Benghazi?

Suggested answers:

1. BENGHAZI!!! [pound fist on lecturn]

2. The blood of Four Dead Americans™ cries out for revenge and I will get it like you wouldn't believe.

3. RARRR! :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Q: Emails?

Suggested answers:

1. EMAILS!!! [pound fist on lecturn]

2. Traitor! Death! Lamestream media!

3. RARRR! :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Q: ObamaCare?

Suggested answers:

1. OBAMACARE!!! [pound fist on lecturn]

2. I will cure everyone of cancer like you wouldn't believe.

3. RARRR! :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Q: Putin?

Suggested answers:



3. Meowrrrr!


Suggested answers:

1. IRS!!! [pound fist on lecturn]

2. I will abolish the IRS like you wouldn't believe.

3. RARRR! :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:
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Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.


Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.


Care to make anymore predictions like the last bet you lost in 2012?

Sure. It won't be a bet. Just a prediction.

Hold on to your seat. This is a BIG one. And it's a lock.

YOU will continue to be an insipid useless twat here all of your posting days.

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