Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

Republicans are going about it the wrong way. Instead of asking to change the format they
need to just start refusing to answer rhetorical gotcha questions. When the moderators try to get them to attack each other they should instead attack the moderators and call them out.

They did call the moderators out..Cruz, Trump, Doughboy, and Rubio
They ALL need to do it, every time.
Republicans will go to any extremes to evade answering tough questions and their base will go along with the scam about the media being unfair.
Republicans will go to any extremes to evade answering tough questions and their base will go along with the scam about the media being unfair.
You said it wrong, idiot. Here, take your pick: "Republicans will go to any extreme (no 's') to AVOID answering tough questions". OR "Republicans will go to any extreme (no 's') to EVADE tough questions". Did you finish elementary school? No? I didn't think so.
Republicans will go to any extremes to evade answering tough questions and their base will go along with the scam about the media being unfair.
You said it wrong, idiot. Here, take your pick: "Republicans will go to any extreme (no 's') to AVOID answering tough questions". OR "Republicans will go to any extreme (no 's') to EVADE tough questions". Did you finish elementary school? No? I didn't think so.
Are you a certified grammar policeman, a volunteer or just an annoying pest? Republicans will go to any extremes to evade answering tough questions and their base will go along with the scam about the media being unfair. My grammar check program and spell check indicate the spelling and grammar in that sentence is correct.
Are you suggesting I should use a different program?
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

Are you afraid they'll start to be like Dems where every appearance is planned and only certain people are allowed to ask certain things?

After the last couple debates, it's clear the liberal moderators went in with their own agenda. The Repub candidates would be stupid to let them get away with that again.

I think all candidates, from both parties, should have to answer the same questions. Hillary has been the worst about being available and transparent.
The answer to your question has been answered today. It is now obvious that the Republican Presidential candidates are afraid of being asked non-scripted questions or questions of substance and will go to great measures to avoid having to attempt to answer those kinds of questions.
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

Hypocrite. Democrats do that all the time.
How is that possible? They have debates every four years. They have had one for the 2016 election so far. What evidence do you have that the candidates were given the question before the debate held by CNN a few weeks ago?

Oh crap.... I have been hearing stories about planted questions in dozens of venues for years and years and years. I heard this back in the 90s! This isn't news to anyone with a memory!

Remember the debates in Las Vegas, with the 'undecided voters' that CNN got questions from?



Ends up they were plants. Maria was actually A STAFFER!! A STAFFER FOR HARRY REID!?!?

And that wasn't the first time. Not by a long shot. They have been doing this for AGES. I remember one of the first town hall meetings with Bill Clinton in the 90s, and they found out at least half of the 'public questions' all came from people with connections with the administration.

They have been doing this for ages. I'm sorry dude... this isn't news to anyone who hasn't been asleep for the last 20 years. Nothing new here. Only that the democrats are crying that Republicans are doing the same thing they do.
The answer to your question has been answered today. It is now obvious that the Republican Presidential candidates are afraid of being asked non-scripted questions or questions of substance and will go to great measures to avoid having to attempt to answer those kinds of questions.

Well yeah dude... I could have told you that. Same with democrats.

And we know why. When you allow the public to ask questions on air, without a filter, you get crazy people. It's a fact of life. There are lot of crazy people out there.

I still remember back in the 90s, some Democrat in California, was having an open meeting, and this nut case stood up and said that the reason people had Crack in CA, was because Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers, and without any air traffic controllers, the CIA was guiding Mexican drug lords in by plane, to California, and targeting black communities with crack. I watched the tape, that's what she said.... "so what are you going to do about it?".........

Guess what.... not very many unscripted open meetings anymore. Not so many "questions from the public" anymore. More DNC plants in the crowd, offering soft-ball questions.

What a shock. Republicans don't like that either. No politician likes being asked crazy questions, that paint them into a corner where you either offend everyone on one side, or being accused of supporting the claim because you refused to respond to crazy.

Trump had that happen. Some nut job, spewed a bunch of crazy, and Trump said yeah yeah I'll look into it, and what the left things he supports that crazy, because he didn't bother with responding to the crazy.

Yes, politicians don't like unscripted crazy questions from the public. This is not new. Or special, or anything that anyone should be surprised or concerned about.
Republicans will go to any extremes to evade answering tough questions and their base will go along with the scam about the media being unfair.
You said it wrong, idiot. Here, take your pick: "Republicans will go to any extreme (no 's') to AVOID answering tough questions". OR "Republicans will go to any extreme (no 's') to EVADE tough questions". Did you finish elementary school? No? I didn't think so.
Are you a certified grammar policeman, a volunteer or just an annoying pest? Republicans will go to any extremes to evade answering tough questions and their base will go along with the scam about the media being unfair. My grammar check program and spell check indicate the spelling and grammar in that sentence is correct.
Are you suggesting I should use a different program?
Given your obvious stupidity, my guess would be that you don't know how to use the program because you just fucked it up again, you fucking moron. But being an idiot with regard to your misuse of the English language pales in comparison to the stupidity of your statement regarding the debate.
Obviously lefties skipped the debate and are relying on media coverup. The questions were so disrespectful and insulting that the audience booed them before they were even answered (if an answer was possible). There was a time when the mainstream media at least pretended to be unbiased but the moderators must have been drunk or so full of hatred that they decided to a stand up demonstration of personal attacks on the candidates rather than doing their freaking job. Contrast it to the democrat debates where a typical question might be "what's your favorite color".
Please list the questions you found disrespectful and insulting.
Obviously lefties skipped the debate and are relying on media coverup. The questions were so disrespectful and insulting that the audience booed them before they were even answered (if an answer was possible). There was a time when the mainstream media at least pretended to be unbiased but the moderators must have been drunk or so full of hatred that they decided to a stand up demonstration of personal attacks on the candidates rather than doing their freaking job. Contrast it to the democrat debates where a typical question might be "what's your favorite color".
Please list the questions you found disrespectful and insulting.
Allow me to interupt you for a second........that wasn't the question I asked you.........Hey you on the left side of the stage would you attack those two in the middle.................

Stop.......your out of time................10% tax........not what I said the actual value........No it's 10%..........

Ah STFU..................They are Liberal hacks...............Rude as hell...........In other words Typical Liberals.
The answer to your question has been answered today. It is now obvious that the Republican Presidential candidates are afraid of being asked non-scripted questions or questions of substance and will go to great measures to avoid having to attempt to answer those kinds of questions.

Well yeah dude... I could have told you that. Same with democrats.

And we know why. When you allow the public to ask questions on air, without a filter, you get crazy people. It's a fact of life. There are lot of crazy people out there.

I still remember back in the 90s, some Democrat in California, was having an open meeting, and this nut case stood up and said that the reason people had Crack in CA, was because Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers, and without any air traffic controllers, the CIA was guiding Mexican drug lords in by plane, to California, and targeting black communities with crack. I watched the tape, that's what she said.... "so what are you going to do about it?".........

Guess what.... not very many unscripted open meetings anymore. Not so many "questions from the public" anymore. More DNC plants in the crowd, offering soft-ball questions.

What a shock. Republicans don't like that either. No politician likes being asked crazy questions, that paint them into a corner where you either offend everyone on one side, or being accused of supporting the claim because you refused to respond to crazy.

Trump had that happen. Some nut job, spewed a bunch of crazy, and Trump said yeah yeah I'll look into it, and what the left things he supports that crazy, because he didn't bother with responding to the crazy.

Yes, politicians don't like unscripted crazy questions from the public. This is not new. Or special, or anything that anyone should be surprised or concerned about.
You are comparing randomly planted persons staging random questions to having a totally purposeful scripted debate. Those things are not the same. I agree that these kinds of shenanigans are staged by many politicians and indicate dishonesty when they are used, but staging a debate is making the dishonesty acceptable and lowers the whole campaign process to a new level.
So did the GOP do what the OP says it did, or is this just another dishonest partisan troll thread?

That sure would be a lousy idea.
So did the GOP do what the OP says it did, or is this just another dishonest partisan troll thread?

That sure would be a lousy idea.
The original post is not making a claim that the GOP did anything. It asks the question whether something will occur. Because of complaints and subsequent actions by the GOP it questions whether the end result will be a totally scripted debate rendering it not a debate at all, but rather a fake debate.
So did the GOP do what the OP says it did, or is this just another dishonest partisan troll thread?

That sure would be a lousy idea.
The original post is not making a claim that the GOP did anything. It asks the question whether something will occur. Because of complaints and subsequent actions by the GOP it questions whether the end result will be a totally scripted debate rendering it not a debate at all, but rather a fake debate.
I don't see a question in the OP.
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

I have never been known to be a defender of the Republicans, but the questions are getting out of hand. The questions the other day were petty and condescending
All questions are vetted by the network news before hand. How can they allow a question like....are you a comic book candidate? have a better chance of flapping your arms and flying away from the podium

RNC should be involved in the vetting process to ensure the questions are properly phrased. Candidates don't have to see them before hand, but they shouldn't be subjected to such childish questions
So did the GOP do what the OP says it did, or is this just another dishonest partisan troll thread?

That sure would be a lousy idea.
The original post is not making a claim that the GOP did anything. It asks the question whether something will occur. Because of complaints and subsequent actions by the GOP it questions whether the end result will be a totally scripted debate rendering it not a debate at all, but rather a fake debate.
I don't see a question in the OP.
Questions are usually followed by question marks when presented in written form. Look at the sentence that is followed by a question mark in the OP and you will discover the question. An answer was submitted directly following your post by another poster. See how it works?
So did the GOP do what the OP says it did, or is this just another dishonest partisan troll thread?

That sure would be a lousy idea.
The original post is not making a claim that the GOP did anything. It asks the question whether something will occur. Because of complaints and subsequent actions by the GOP it questions whether the end result will be a totally scripted debate rendering it not a debate at all, but rather a fake debate.
I don't see a question in the OP.
Questions are usually followed by question marks when presented in written form. Look at the sentence that is followed by a question mark in the OP and you will discover the question. An answer was submitted directly following your post by another poster. See how it works?
Thread title: "Republicans to demand debate questions in advance."

That infers a fact, as if it has happened, as if you are passing on something that someone has said or reported; instead, it is nothing more than a partisan inference.

And yes, I know how partisan politics works, which is why I can't take it seriously. But carry on, I'm sure some folks here like that stuff.
None of those things will fix the debate problem for Republicans. Fewer debaters and better candidates will fix the problem and you get that by eliminating poor performance and getting rid of candidates that haven't a prayer in hell of advancing.

Except that poor performance seems to be what gives people the chance to advance. The "better candidates" you speak of seem to be the ones who haven't a prayer in hell of advancing.

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