Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

So did the GOP do what the OP says it did, or is this just another dishonest partisan troll thread?

That sure would be a lousy idea.
The original post is not making a claim that the GOP did anything. It asks the question whether something will occur. Because of complaints and subsequent actions by the GOP it questions whether the end result will be a totally scripted debate rendering it not a debate at all, but rather a fake debate.
I don't see a question in the OP.
Questions are usually followed by question marks when presented in written form. Look at the sentence that is followed by a question mark in the OP and you will discover the question. An answer was submitted directly following your post by another poster. See how it works?
Thread title: "Republicans to demand debate questions in advance."

That infers a fact, as if it has happened, as if you are passing on something that someone has said or reported; instead, it is nothing more than a partisan inference.

And yes, I know how partisan politics works, which is why I can't take it seriously. But carry on, I'm sure some folks here like that stuff.

The debate about the "debates" has clearly been leading to a situation where the Republican candidates are demanding control and review of questions asked at the debates. You seem to be refusing to acknowledge what has been happening in regards to manipulation of the debating process by the candidates who are consistently knocked down and embarrassed by their inability to answer questions or handle situations when asked stupid or inappropriate questions. A person of Presidential stature and potential should be able to handle those situations without whining and complaining about a reporter or moderator being unfair.
The format of the debates is the problem, and the candidates all agreed to the format. It's almost as if they don't want to give any details about their plans. You can't possibly outline a comprehensive solution to the issues in one minute or less.

It would be better if they each took five or ten minutes to explain their tax plan, another five minutes to explain what they would do about ISIS, another five minutes to explain what they would do about health care reform, and so on.

While they are speaking, at the bottom of the screen there should be a web address pointing to the candidate's white paper which addresses the matter being discussed.

I would add to that a fact check IRT running across the screen too...
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

There is a difference between questions and comments

christie claimed the moderator was rude, just after christie rudely interrupted jeb bush' fantasy football answer...

christie was on a roll with his big bluster moment...WHO CARES!?

now look at the hacks latch onto the meme AS IF the moderator was rude to him. ^ :uhoh3:

meanwhile, what was so rude about what the moderator asked chris christie? nothing.


QUINTANILLA: Governor Bush, daily fantasy sports has become a phenomenon in this country, will award billions of dollars in prize money this year. But to play you have to assess your odds, put money at risk, wait for an outcome that's out of your control. Isn't that the definition of gambling, and should the Federal Government treat it as such?

BUSH: Well, first of all, I'm 7 and 0 in my fantasy league.

QUINTANILLA: I had a feeling you were going to brag about that.

BUSH: Gronkowski is still going strong. I have Ryan Tannehill, Marco, as my quarterback, he was 18 for 19 last week. So I'm doing great. But we're not gambling.

And I think this has become something that needs to be looked at in terms of regulation. Effectively it is day trading without any regulation at all. And when you have insider information, which apparently has been the case, where people use that information and use big data to try to take advantage of it, there has to be some regulation.

If they can't regulate themselves, then the NFL needs to look at just, you know, moving away from them a little bit. And there should be some regulation. I have no clue whether the federal government is the proper place, my instinct is to say, hell no, just about everything about the federal government.


CHRISTIE: Carl, are we really talking about getting government involved in fantasy football?


We have -- wait a second, we have $19 trillion in debt. We have people out of work. We have ISIS and al Qaeda attacking us. And we're talking about fantasy football? Can we stop?


CHRISTIE: How about this? How about we get the government to do what they're supposed to be doing, secure our borders, protect our people, and support American values and American families. Enough on fantasy football. Let people play, who cares?


QUICK: I want to go back, if I can, to the issue of...


QUICK: I want to go back, if I may, to the... HARWOOD: Governor Christie, you've said something that many in your party do not believe, which is that climate change is undeniable, that human activity contributes to it, and you said, quote: "The question is, what do we do to deal with it?".

So what do we do?

CHRISTIE: Well, first off, what we don't do is do what Hillary Clinton and John Kerry and Barack Obama want us to do, which is their solution for everything, put more taxes on it, give more money to Washington, D.C., and then they will fix it.

Well, there is no evidence that they can fix anything in Washington, D.C.

HARWOOD: What should we do?

CHRISTIE: What we should do is to be investing in all types of energy, John, all types of energy. I've laid out...

HARWOOD: You mean government?

CHRISTIE: No, John. John, do you want me to answer or do you want to answer?


How are we going to do this?


Because, I've got to tell you the truth, even in New Jersey what you're doing is called rude. So...


We've laid out a national energy plan that says that we should invest in all types of energy. I will tell you, you could win a bet at a bar tonight, since we're talking about fantasy football, if you ask who the top three states in America are that produce solar energy: California and Arizona are easy, but number three is New Jersey.

Why? Because we work with the private sector to make solar energy affordable and available to businesses and individuals in our state.

We need to make sure that we do everything across all kinds of energy: natural gas, oil, absolutely. But also where it's affordable, solar, wind in Iowa has become very affordable and it makes sense.

That is the way we deal with global warming, climate change, or any of those problems, not through government intervention, not through government taxes, and for God's sake, don't send Washington another dime until they stop wasting the money they're already sending there.

HARWOOD: Thank you, Governor.

The third Republican debate transcript, annotated
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With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

There is a difference between questions and comments

" long will it be before they are demanding debate questions are given to them in advance...." is the question.
A person of Presidential stature and potential should be able to handle those situations without whining and complaining about a reporter or moderator being unfair.
Unless the moderator is indeed damaging a very important process by (a) not requiring the candidate to be specific and drill down on important issues, and (b) clearly putting more effort into creating fireworks than in facilitating a discussion that is more dignified and professional than asking a candidate if he's running a comic book version of a campaign, or bringing up online betting instead the dozens of more important topics.

Your OP clearly inferred that you were reporting something, when in fact it was just partisan rhetoric.

Even though it's highly unlikely that I'd vote GOP in 2016, I'm still curious and I'm hoping for a serious discussion of the issues, not "comic book" references.
This is getting pretty hysterical. The GOP slate is refusing to go to the next debate because they are afraid of the moderators. Ted Cruz is calling for a softball moderator team made up of Hannity, Limbaugh, and some other right wing drone.

CNBC 's adherence to conventional reality and to Science is just a slap in the face to Conservative Americans complained GOP chief Reince Priebus............
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

This is a false thread and should be in satire
These moderators being the bloody arrogant fools that they are really seem to believe that they are the "stars" of the show.

They spent 11 hours grilling Hillary Clinton hoping to break her physically and mentally instead she broke it to them that she intends to be President and that they are nothing...
These he men tough guys who gave Hillary 11 hours of electronic water boarding have broken down because CNBC staffers asked some questions they did not like ...WTF..Grow a pair ....
These moderators being the bloody arrogant fools that they are really seem to believe that they are the "stars" of the show.


Yes, even Trump told them how much in advertising they were charging. NBC has lost a big pile of money now that the RNC has cut them off. Just look at all the Liberal Wingnuts that won't be able to tune in to watch the REPUBLICAN debate and get scared to death their Socialist and America's most untrustworthy candidate get their insane policies handed to them.
yeah the GOP is successfully playing victim to CNBC... boo hoo
CNBC staffers broke the folks who are gonna go face off with Putin ...woo hoo

They broke no one. They made bloody fools of themselves. Pompous bastards. The candidates bitch slapped them silly.

They broke you the GOP checked off the network...its like leaving the prison tier to go into Protective Custody or PC...the other prisoners call PC "Punk City" the GOP is now in Punk City ..woo hoo
Collapse into Ridiculousness

As you see, the RNC has now expelled NBC News from the Republican debate schedule, charging them - in full and calculated hyperventilation - with conducting the debate in "bad faith."

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