Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.


Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.


Care to make anymore predictions like the last bet you lost in 2012?

Sure. It won't be a bet. Just a prediction.

Hold on to your seat. This is a BIG one. And it's a lock.

YOU will continue to be an insipid useless twat here all of your posting days.

But I've never reneged on a bet with the entire world - like you have.
Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.


Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.


Care to make anymore predictions like the last bet you lost in 2012?

Sure. It won't be a bet. Just a prediction.

Hold on to your seat. This is a BIG one. And it's a lock.

YOU will continue to be an insipid useless twat here all of your posting days.

But I've never reneged on a bet with the entire world - like you have.

I never have either.

The claim itself is false. As you either know or should know. But since you are a dishonest by nature and very stupid liberal, it's possible that you have no clue.
Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.


Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.


Care to make anymore predictions like the last bet you lost in 2012?

Sure. It won't be a bet. Just a prediction.

Hold on to your seat. This is a BIG one. And it's a lock.

YOU will continue to be an insipid useless twat here all of your posting days.

But I've never reneged on a bet with the entire world - like you have.

I never have either.

The claim itself is false. As you either know or should know. But since you are a dishonest by nature and very stupid liberal, it's possible that you have no clue.

Then why are you in witness protection and not still "Liability"...?
Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.


Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.


Correction.......old, white and rich. But that's the way they do it on the plantation.
Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.


Care to make anymore predictions like the last bet you lost in 2012?

Sure. It won't be a bet. Just a prediction.

Hold on to your seat. This is a BIG one. And it's a lock.

YOU will continue to be an insipid useless twat here all of your posting days.

But I've never reneged on a bet with the entire world - like you have.

I never have either.

The claim itself is false. As you either know or should know. But since you are a dishonest by nature and very stupid liberal, it's possible that you have no clue.

Then why are you in witness protection and not still "Liability"...?

One thing has practically nothing to do with the other.

I was Liability. It's not a secret, you dick weed. Hint: look at the Bluto image in the sig line. If you HAD a brain it's what adults would call a "clue." As is the line "Liability reincarnate." Do you SEE those words anywhere, you pathetic assclown loser dip shit?

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Forget the GOP clown car. Just practice saying Madam President.


Why would anybody call the President, "Madam" (unless Fiorina wins, of course)?

You know what you guys are obligated to call the next Democrat President if one of your candidates does win?

That's right.


Correction.......old, white and rich. But that's the way they do it on the plantation.

True dat.
Candy Crowley gave Obama the questions in advance, that's how Mr 100 IQ knew she'd have the transcript
HUH? The GOP candidates want NON-PC moderators.

How about this: How about we get moderators who will treat the GOP candidates the same way the Democratic candidates have been treated in their debates?
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.
They weren't tough questions dumbass. They were INAPPROPRIATE questions of presidential candidates.
If the liberal media could act like rational adults this wouldn't be an issue.

Personally I say fuck all the liberal media. They aren't needed and why give them a huge source of income (commercials) just to slander the candidates.
Do you remember any examples?

That's a really good question? How was it gotcha?
Uh no. Then you're just reciting a prepared answer.
Could you imagine the kind of president any of these people would make?
After Obama, and with the fading specter of the Beast, what could be worse? Are you trying to tell us we've had a successful two terms, and its continuation would be good for America?

Because GOP policies have been so successful. Care to remind me of some of the more successful?
Reagan and GHW Bush, the only reason America was successful for two decades following their terms. Without them America would already be a third world nation. Imagine 30 years of the leadership of Carter and Obama if you will.
Umm, you forgot to mention Dubya and the nearly 5 years Republicans held the entire government and used reconciliation three times. Ummm, do you remember what they used it for? Do you remember what it did to the deficit?
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.
They weren't tough questions dumbass. They were INAPPROPRIATE questions of presidential candidates.
If the liberal media could act like rational adults this wouldn't be an issue.

Personally I say fuck all the liberal media. They aren't needed and why give them a huge source of income (commercials) just to slander the candidates.
Do you remember any examples?

That's a really good question? How was it gotcha?

It was a fair question. If you heard the response you got your answer to your question. I suspect you're too much of a hack to acknowledge it.

The GOP wants to QC the questions to ensure no more of THAT Shi'ite goes on.... otherwise we will have more 'pooh-flinging monkeys' like the CNBC 'journalists'!
So Republicans should never be asked questions about illegal stuff like gambling, racketeering and other RICO crimes at a debate? The question got derailed by those behind the 10 podiums because the GOP types simply refuses to discuss reasonable regulations of ANYTHING! And besides, they don't really want to put any crimp in their crony campaign contributors running their deregulated/unregulated rackets and stay the status quo course!
With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.
They weren't tough questions dumbass. They were INAPPROPRIATE questions of presidential candidates.
If the liberal media could act like rational adults this wouldn't be an issue.

Personally I say fuck all the liberal media. They aren't needed and why give them a huge source of income (commercials) just to slander the candidates.
Do you remember any examples?

That's a really good question? How was it gotcha?

It was a fair question. If you heard the response you got your answer to your question. I suspect you're too much of a hack to acknowledge it.

Does your opposition to another government shutdown show you are not the kind of problem solver Americans want?

And to you that's a gotcha question? And then you call me a hack?

I used to think you were just some weird creep. But now I realize it goes much deeper. You might consider doing a Google search using the term, "On Line Therapy". Seems there is a lot of places that might be able to help you. Channel some of that you into something positive.
Republicans are going about it the wrong way. Instead of asking to change the format they
need to just start refusing to answer rhetorical gotcha questions. When the moderators try to get them to attack each other they should instead attack the moderators and call them out.

They did call the moderators out..Cruz, Trump, Doughboy, and Rubio
They weren't tough questions dumbass. They were INAPPROPRIATE questions of presidential candidates.
If the liberal media could act like rational adults this wouldn't be an issue.

Personally I say fuck all the liberal media. They aren't needed and why give them a huge source of income (commercials) just to slander the candidates.
Do you remember any examples?

That's a really good question? How was it gotcha?

It was a fair question. If you heard the response you got your answer to your question. I suspect you're too much of a hack to acknowledge it.

Does your opposition to another government shutdown show you are not the kind of problem solver Americans want?

And to you that's a gotcha question? And then you call me a hack?

I used to think you were just some weird creep. But now I realize it goes much deeper. You might consider doing a Google search using the term, "On Line Therapy". Seems there is a lot of places that might be able to help you. Channel some of that you into something positive.

Yes I call you a hack. You're one of the biggest. Cruz offered you a handful of absurd questions and just as predicted YOU IGNORED IT.

Fail hack, fail

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