Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance

All questions are vetted before hand. They should be asking...what is the purpose of this question? what response are you looking for? Is it worded appropriately?

Normally, we trust journalists to do this vetting. It appears they are not doing a very good job. I have no problem with a representative of the GOP participating in this process before hand
I wonder how much the DNC behind the scenes is paying the networks?

With all the whining and crying from the Republican Presidential candidates about getting tough questions from the media, how long will it be before they are demanding the debate questions are given to them in advance so that they can prepare and manipulate their answers? Some are already suggesting they should have hand picked moderators. That would be the same thing. Soft ball questions, advance knowledge of the questions and answers prepared by their consultants and PR staffs.

This is a false thread and should be in satire
How debates are conducted is a serious topic. It is a topic that is on front page news and tops TV news coverage. There is nothing satirical about the RNC and Presidential candidates publicly arguing about methods of influencing and manipulating future debates. Some of the proposals do indeed at the very least come close to providing debate participants with advance knowledge of the questions to be asked. Embarrassing and awkward as the facts are, they are what they are.

"Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance"

This is untrue. Your thread are a fraudulent.."Satirical"
That is what they are doing. It is my opinion that the proposals being made are equal to this claim. The OP asks for input and opinion as to agreement or disagreement. So far the response has included lots of whining about grammar and now, your whining about the question being unfair. Ironically you are behaving like the Republican candidates and whining about unfair questions being asked. When will you bitch about the question being related to political correctness?

Its not a question..Wheres the question mark?:dunno:

Satire - Examples and Definition of Satire

The question and the question mark is contained in the first sentence of the OP. The title is presented as a supposition and the first sentence is a challenge to agree, disagree or comment on the supposition. There is nothing grammatically wrong or dishonest about the OP title or content.
This is a false thread and should be in satire
How debates are conducted is a serious topic. It is a topic that is on front page news and tops TV news coverage. There is nothing satirical about the RNC and Presidential candidates publicly arguing about methods of influencing and manipulating future debates. Some of the proposals do indeed at the very least come close to providing debate participants with advance knowledge of the questions to be asked. Embarrassing and awkward as the facts are, they are what they are.

"Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance"

This is untrue. Your thread are a fraudulent.."Satirical"
That is what they are doing. It is my opinion that the proposals being made are equal to this claim. The OP asks for input and opinion as to agreement or disagreement. So far the response has included lots of whining about grammar and now, your whining about the question being unfair. Ironically you are behaving like the Republican candidates and whining about unfair questions being asked. When will you bitch about the question being related to political correctness?

Its not a question..Wheres the question mark?:dunno:

Satire - Examples and Definition of Satire

The question and the question mark is contained in the first sentence of the OP. The title is presented as a supposition and the first sentence is a challenge to agree, disagree or comment on the supposition. There is nothing grammatically wrong or dishonest about the OP title or content.

Bull... The thread title is presented as fact. There should be a question mark in the title ,if you were honest? Ask a mod to add it for you. if not, you're a propagandist, pushing a falsehood
How debates are conducted is a serious topic. It is a topic that is on front page news and tops TV news coverage. There is nothing satirical about the RNC and Presidential candidates publicly arguing about methods of influencing and manipulating future debates. Some of the proposals do indeed at the very least come close to providing debate participants with advance knowledge of the questions to be asked. Embarrassing and awkward as the facts are, they are what they are.

"Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance"

This is untrue. Your thread are a fraudulent.."Satirical"
That is what they are doing. It is my opinion that the proposals being made are equal to this claim. The OP asks for input and opinion as to agreement or disagreement. So far the response has included lots of whining about grammar and now, your whining about the question being unfair. Ironically you are behaving like the Republican candidates and whining about unfair questions being asked. When will you bitch about the question being related to political correctness?

Its not a question..Wheres the question mark?:dunno:

Satire - Examples and Definition of Satire

The question and the question mark is contained in the first sentence of the OP. The title is presented as a supposition and the first sentence is a challenge to agree, disagree or comment on the supposition. There is nothing grammatically wrong or dishonest about the OP title or content.

Bull... The thread title is presented as fact. There should be a question mark in the title ,if you were honest? Ask a mod to add it for you. if not, you're a propagandist, pushing a falsehood
Your full of crap and not able to refute the supposition so you are whining about how a title to a thread should be presented. All anyone need do is look at the pages of thread titles to show what an ass you are being. The vast majority of threads are presented as suppositions without distinguishing periods or question marks. You just don't know the difference between a supposition and a question. Some are obviously presented as questions and have questions marks, but many do not. This thread pisses you off because of what it implies. Perhaps you, like many others have realized you have stepped into a mine field and ambush zone with your Trump followed by Carson whine fest. Your defense is to do more whining even if it means complaining about how someone presents a thread and whether they use a question mark on not in a title.
"Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance"

This is untrue. Your thread are a fraudulent.."Satirical"
That is what they are doing. It is my opinion that the proposals being made are equal to this claim. The OP asks for input and opinion as to agreement or disagreement. So far the response has included lots of whining about grammar and now, your whining about the question being unfair. Ironically you are behaving like the Republican candidates and whining about unfair questions being asked. When will you bitch about the question being related to political correctness?

Its not a question..Wheres the question mark?:dunno:

Satire - Examples and Definition of Satire

The question and the question mark is contained in the first sentence of the OP. The title is presented as a supposition and the first sentence is a challenge to agree, disagree or comment on the supposition. There is nothing grammatically wrong or dishonest about the OP title or content.

Bull... The thread title is presented as fact. There should be a question mark in the title ,if you were honest? Ask a mod to add it for you. if not, you're a propagandist, pushing a falsehood
Your full of crap and not able to refute the supposition so you are whining about how a title to a thread should be presented. All anyone need do is look at the pages of thread titles to show what an ass you are being. The vast majority of threads are presented as suppositions without distinguishing periods or question marks. You just don't know the difference between a supposition and a question. Some are obviously presented as questions and have questions marks, but many do not. This thread pisses you off because of what it implies. Perhaps you, like many others have realized you have stepped into a mine field and ambush zone with your Trump followed by Carson whine fest. Your defense is to do more whining even if it means complaining about how someone presents a thread and whether they use a question mark on not in a title.

You're spreading propaganda. That's what you leftist do. This thread is a lie and you are a liar..."Supposition", assumption, I assume you're an ass. That doesn't make it a fact . That would be no more of a fact. than your stupid, propaganda thread. This thread title presents your statement as fact. Which means you're a liar. there is no such fact, it's falsehood. There should be a question mark, or this thread should be in the satire room
did hillary cry victim to questions when the GOP abused our justice process to perpetuate a purely political witch hunt?

"Republicans asked more than 160 questions about Mr. Blumenthal's relationship and communications with the Clintons, but less than 20 questions about the Benghazi attacks. Republicans asked more than 50 questions about the Clinton foundation but only four questions about security in Benghazi. Republicans asked more than 270 questions about Mr. Blumenthal's alleged business activities in Libya, but no questions about the U.S. presence in Benghazi. And Republicans asked more than 45 questions about David Brock, Media Matters -- I have no idea what that is even -- and affiliated entities, but no questions, no questions about Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Benghazi."

Why Were The Benghazi Republicans Obsessed With Sidney Blumenthal?

those hearings proved that she and obama lied to the american public about the cause of the benghazi attack, they also proved that she failed in her job as SecState to provide security requested by the ambassador numerous times and then lied about that too.

Those hearings also proved that she maintained an illegal personal email server that compromised national security.

The dem debates? proved nothing except that the media is up her ass.
Questions should be generated from Internet questions posted by We the People:

The week before a debate, allow the general public to post single issue questions, and have a computer program select the most FAQ's;

have each candidate answer the same question while sequestered in a room out of the sight and sound of the other candidates.

Give each candidate five minutes to answer, and shut off the mike at the end of the time.

Three thorny issues, not wedge issues, over three hours would give the voter a good sense of the ability of a candidate to think on his or her feet and put the focus on the candidate, not the journalist.

I like that idea, but it will never fly because the media is about generating viewers and putting on a show. No one would watch the debate format that you propose.
did hillary cry victim to questions when the GOP abused our justice process to perpetuate a purely political witch hunt?

"Republicans asked more than 160 questions about Mr. Blumenthal's relationship and communications with the Clintons, but less than 20 questions about the Benghazi attacks. Republicans asked more than 50 questions about the Clinton foundation but only four questions about security in Benghazi. Republicans asked more than 270 questions about Mr. Blumenthal's alleged business activities in Libya, but no questions about the U.S. presence in Benghazi. And Republicans asked more than 45 questions about David Brock, Media Matters -- I have no idea what that is even -- and affiliated entities, but no questions, no questions about Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Benghazi."

Why Were The Benghazi Republicans Obsessed With Sidney Blumenthal?

those hearings proved that she and obama lied to the american public about the cause of the benghazi attack, they also proved that she failed in her job as SecState to provide security requested by the ambassador numerous times and then lied about that too.

Those hearings also proved that she maintained an illegal personal email server that compromised national security.

The dem debates? proved nothing except that the media is up her ass.

They proved no such thing

What they proved was that Republicans have no grounds for a continued investigation and that they are engaging in a political fishing exhibition
Questions should be generated from Internet questions posted by We the People:

The week before a debate, allow the general public to post single issue questions, and have a computer program select the most FAQ's;

have each candidate answer the same question while sequestered in a room out of the sight and sound of the other candidates.

Give each candidate five minutes to answer, and shut off the mike at the end of the time.

Three thorny issues, not wedge issues, over three hours would give the voter a good sense of the ability of a candidate to think on his or her feet and put the focus on the candidate, not the journalist.

I like that idea, but it will never fly because the media is about generating viewers and putting on a show. No one would watch the debate format that you propose.

You're correct about the media, but I disagree that no one would watch a more comprehensive Q & A. I'm very interested in politics, but turned off the debate in question because I agree with the RNC - the questions were silly - and the participants ignored the rules they agreed to honor.
Questions should be generated from Internet questions posted by We the People:

The week before a debate, allow the general public to post single issue questions, and have a computer program select the most FAQ's;

have each candidate answer the same question while sequestered in a room out of the sight and sound of the other candidates.

Give each candidate five minutes to answer, and shut off the mike at the end of the time.

Three thorny issues, not wedge issues, over three hours would give the voter a good sense of the ability of a candidate to think on his or her feet and put the focus on the candidate, not the journalist.

I like that idea, but it will never fly because the media is about generating viewers and putting on a show. No one would watch the debate format that you propose.

You're correct about the media, but I disagree that no one would watch a more comprehensive Q & A. I'm very interested in politics, but turned off the debate in question because I agree with the RNC - the questions were silly - and the participants ignored the rules they agreed to honor.

The questions aren't the problem, the problem is the inability of Republican candidates for the highest office in the land being smart enough to turn a question, any question, into an answer about policy.

I find it very-very funny that Republican candidates and their supporters are pissin' and moanin' about the questions that are/were/will be asked during the debate(s), when in fact-----IN FACT the candidates were simply not smart enough, simply not deft enough, simply not quick enough on their feet to turn questions into the policy points they wanted to make during the debate(s). Ben, Donald and the seven dwarfs should've been able to turn every question into an answer about policy, the way the Democrats did - why couldn't the Republicans?
How about we just get debate questions that are on issues instead of questions like "Mr Trump are you a comic book villain?"
"Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance"

Republicans remain ridiculous and clueless, oblivious to the fact that they come off as childish and petty.
How about we just get debate questions that are on issues instead of questions like "Mr Trump are you a comic book villain?"

How about Republican/rightwingers quit making shit up? Your question wasn't asked by CNBC and exists only in the mind of dupid Republicans - care to explain how you got it WRONG?
How about we just get debate questions that are on issues instead of questions like "Mr Trump are you a comic book villain?"

How about Republican/rightwingers quit making shit up? Your question wasn't asked by CNBC and exists only in the mind of dupid Republicans - care to explain how you got it WRONG?

First question by a moderator.

"Let's be honest," he added. "Is this a comic-book version of a presidential campaign?

Go fuck yourself bitch. You need to get up to speed idiot.

Donald Trump confronted by John Harwood - Business Insider
"Republicans To Demand Debate Questions In Advance"

Republicans remain ridiculous and clueless, oblivious to the fact that they come off as childish and petty.

No the media and the moderators take that beating down.

That's why this happened moron.

." According to a "live dial" test pollster Frank Luntz has been using at debates since 1996 to measure "human emotion and feeling," Cruz's tirade reached the highest score among viewers ever recorded, peaking at a 97/98 out of 100.

"One hundred means that every person in the group would have had their dials to 100. So this score means that 24 of the 26 [participants] had their dials as high as they would go…[Cruz] said what every conservative has been thinking…

They really hate these moderators," Luntz told Politico's Mike Allen. Luntz also emphasized to CNN that 98 is "the highest score we've ever measured. EVER."

Ted Cruz didn't just soak up a lot of applause for slamming the CNBC moderators. He broke a debate record.
did hillary cry victim to questions when the GOP abused our justice process to perpetuate a purely political witch hunt?

"Republicans asked more than 160 questions about Mr. Blumenthal's relationship and communications with the Clintons, but less than 20 questions about the Benghazi attacks. Republicans asked more than 50 questions about the Clinton foundation but only four questions about security in Benghazi. Republicans asked more than 270 questions about Mr. Blumenthal's alleged business activities in Libya, but no questions about the U.S. presence in Benghazi. And Republicans asked more than 45 questions about David Brock, Media Matters -- I have no idea what that is even -- and affiliated entities, but no questions, no questions about Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Benghazi."

Why Were The Benghazi Republicans Obsessed With Sidney Blumenthal?

those hearings proved that she and obama lied to the american public about the cause of the benghazi attack, they also proved that she failed in her job as SecState to provide security requested by the ambassador numerous times and then lied about that too.

Those hearings also proved that she maintained an illegal personal email server that compromised national security.

The dem debates? proved nothing except that the media is up her ass.

They proved no such thing

What they proved was that Republicans have no grounds for a continued investigation and that they are engaging in a political fishing exhibition

Well I guess if you just ignore the evidence, then yes, it proved nothing.


Democrat- "Nope no proof of anything. I didn't hear or see any proof of lying from my position"
How about we just get debate questions that are on issues instead of questions like "Mr Trump are you a comic book villain?"

How about Republican/rightwingers quit making shit up? Your question wasn't asked by CNBC and exists only in the mind of dupid Republicans - care to explain how you got it WRONG?

First question by a moderator.

"Let's be honest," he added. "Is this a comic-book version of a presidential campaign?

Go fuck yourself bitch. You need to get up to speed idiot.

Donald Trump confronted by John Harwood - Business Insider

hahaha - your IQ must be lower than whale shit if you think CNBC asked Don the question Avatar put in quotes - "Mr Trump are you a comic book villain?" But if you can prove me wrong I won't have to tell you to "Go fuck yourself bitch. You need to get up to speed idiot." , but if you can't, hold this "Ꭾo ʇuɔʞ youɿƨɘlʇ diƚɔʜ. You nɘɘb ƚo ǫɘƚ uq ƚo ƨqɘɘb ibioƚ" up to a mirror - see what I'm sayin'?
did hillary cry victim to questions when the GOP abused our justice process to perpetuate a purely political witch hunt?

"Republicans asked more than 160 questions about Mr. Blumenthal's relationship and communications with the Clintons, but less than 20 questions about the Benghazi attacks. Republicans asked more than 50 questions about the Clinton foundation but only four questions about security in Benghazi. Republicans asked more than 270 questions about Mr. Blumenthal's alleged business activities in Libya, but no questions about the U.S. presence in Benghazi. And Republicans asked more than 45 questions about David Brock, Media Matters -- I have no idea what that is even -- and affiliated entities, but no questions, no questions about Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Benghazi."

Why Were The Benghazi Republicans Obsessed With Sidney Blumenthal?

those hearings proved that she and obama lied to the american public about the cause of the benghazi attack, they also proved that she failed in her job as SecState to provide security requested by the ambassador numerous times and then lied about that too.

Those hearings also proved that she maintained an illegal personal email server that compromised national security.

The dem debates? proved nothing except that the media is up her ass.

They proved no such thing

What they proved was that Republicans have no grounds for a continued investigation and that they are engaging in a political fishing exhibition

you really need come out of your cave more often. While hillary, obama, and rice were telling the american people that a video caused the Benghazi murders, hillary told her family and the Eqyptian prime minister that she KNEW that the video did not cause the attack. She lied to YOU, but told the truth of Cheasea and Egypt.

The FBI has found hundreds of emails containing classified US information that was transmitted on her unsecure private server in violation of US law and state dept regulations.

General Patreaus was convicted of much lesser crimes involving classified data.

Sorry dude, but your bitch is not above the law and she is a proven liar.
How about we just get debate questions that are on issues instead of questions like "Mr Trump are you a comic book villain?"

How about Republican/rightwingers quit making shit up? Your question wasn't asked by CNBC and exists only in the mind of dupid Republicans - care to explain how you got it WRONG?

exactly, thank you.

same goes with the rest of what cruz whined about instead of answering a legit question...

when asked about his position on the debt limit, he'd rather cry about moderators. (sound familiar, trolls?)

cruz paraphrased exaggerated characterizations of the previous questions just to create this victim talking point.

that's just the kind of leader he is...

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