Republicans to Independent & Undecided voters in 2014

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA

To any voter wondering whether or not to vote repub in '14, theres your answer ^

U.S. debt hike emerges as main battleground over Obamacare

The GOP senate leadership are telling the Teaps they are crazy and they will not go along with either defunding ACA or stopping government over the debt ceiling.

The national, regional, and state GOP campaign oversight committees are working over time to primary out the crazies.
The inane cartoon is proof that the democrat party is on it's last legs.

all they have left is hate and fear mongering

the people are rejecting them and there BS..

I'm happy to see the people in this country finally wake up
The inane cartoon is proof that the democrat party is on it's last legs.

all they have left is hate and fear mongering

the people are rejecting them and there BS..

I'm happy to see the people in this country finally wake up

You must be talking about the GOP. They have no policies beyond the failed policies of the Bush years and the only people you can get to vote for failed policies are ignorant the GOP.
The GOP is in all out desperation mode, and holding the nation hostage over their temper tantrum.

They need to grow the hell up and stop acting like a bunch of crybabies.
The inane cartoon is proof that the democrat party is on it's last legs.

all they have left is hate and fear mongering

the people are rejecting them and there BS..

I'm happy to see the people in this country finally wake up

You must be talking about the GOP. They have no policies beyond the failed policies of the Bush years and the only people you can get to vote for failed policies are ignorant the GOP.

You must be talking about the GOP. They have no policies beyond the failed policies of the Bush years and the only people you can get to vote for failed policies are ignorant the GOP

Hey...that's racist....
The inane cartoon is proof that the democrat party is on it's last legs.

all they have left is hate and fear mongering

the people are rejecting them and there BS..

I'm happy to see the people in this country finally wake up

You must be talking about the GOP. They have no policies beyond the failed policies of the Bush years and the only people you can get to vote for failed policies are ignorant the GOP.

lol, Obama's approvals are in the 30's, the people took the house away from you in 2010 and again in 2012...
Unemployment over 7% the whole five years you people have been in power, gas at $3.50 a gallon the whole five years, and the wonderful life in ObamaNation just rolls on into the toilet with the people..I guess they have finally stopped BLAMING BUSH for everything....I know that must suck
but here is this for you all:eusa_boohoo:
All those ignorant white people that go to work everyday and try to make a better life for themselves and their families who the democrats want to redistribute what they have have earned to those who are comfortable with having someone else provide for them.

What a bunch of dumb asses those fucked up white people are...
All those ignorant white people that go to work everyday and try to make a better life for themselves and their families who the democrats want to redistribute what they have have earned to those who are comfortable with having someone else provide for them.

What a bunch of dumb asses those fucked up white people are...

the left who support the Democrats are some of the most hate filled in this country..

we had to put up with them all during Bush and now again under Obama...and now their elected Reps. in congress are becoming as hateful and hostile towards the American people

none of it should make any of you proud, yet we get threads like this day after day
I say to all undecided and Independents...
Go ahead and vote or keep voting for the democrat party.
Knock yourselves out.
I say to all undecided and Independents...
Go ahead and vote or keep voting for the democrat party.
Knock yourselves out.

no kidding, they want more this under Obama, have at it...
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It's a slick trick that Alinsky figured out a long time ago. When your guy gets in deep, deep trouble pretend the minority party is at fault. It's a sad indication of the political ammunition left in the party of Barry Hussein, Joe Biden and Hillary.
what's sad is seeing their base will stoop to this low..

they are the problem in this country and who are the ones TEARING it down
Not sure who to blame here. The Republicans for threatening to hold up the country from moving forward or the Democrats for refusing to put on hold a law that even their own president and his cronies have said has flaws and won't be ready and have already exempted themselves from and put other parts on hold...I got pissed off last year when the assholes decided to put on hold the budget deal and we had to wait even longer to get our income tax refund which we depended on to get a new usual its politicians with their nice padded pockets shafting the citizens of this country.
The GOP senate leadership are telling the Teaps they are crazy and they will not go along with either defunding ACA or stopping government over the debt ceiling.

The national, regional, and state GOP campaign oversight committees are working over time to primary out the crazies.

The GOP is in all out desperation mode, and holding the nation hostage over their temper tantrum.

They need to grow the hell up and stop acting like a bunch of crybabies.

Sen Reid (NV) said they need to mature then he went on to say that its code for "grow up". The SCOTUS has said its constitutional & its been the law of the land going on 4 yrs and the Repubs are still doing the Koch's & ALEC's bidding.

Here's where Sen. Reid calls out the Repubs/dashes them on the rocks as it were:
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The mainstream leadership is to the point to let the far right do this.

Why, when it is obvious it will fail and the American people will pay them far right back in 2014 with a massive beat down of Republicans?

Christie will be able to run in 2016 with a clean, new Republican party cleared off the far right reactionary parasites.

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