Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.
Why do you hate people with money?

You really can't hate people with money if you vote for the 1%.... Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Obama. These families will make damn sure their money reaches their own generations. Why Liberal voters buy into a locked-in 1% is beyond me.

Not all of the very rich are callous assholes. It's usually those who inherited great wealth who feel entitled and seek to change the laws to benefit themselves and their issues, i.e. the Koch Brothers are the archetype.

Others, such as Bill Gates, many Hollywood personalities and the Kennedy's accept the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged, i.e. noblesse oblige.

Gates and Kennedy don't avoid taxes? Have you checked lately where our Secretary of State parks his yacht so as to avoid $500K in taxes? Their acts of "generosity and nobility" are simply to make other people pay more taxes; i.e., people who make less money than they do.
Regardless of the size of the estate, no person should be subjected to double taxation. When one looks at it without rose colored glasses a person earns, taxed by state, federal, and local municipalities, saves, then is taxed on the income generated, reinvests, dies, then the state and federal governments tax the estate. So this is fair? What right does the state or federal government have is taxing dead people? If I had the ability to amass a fortune the state and federal government would be the last people I would want to see get one copper penny. The Koch brothers are no different than the Kennedy's nor you or I. To think otherwise is the result of too much cool aid consumption and belief in the travail of the lefts populist mantra.
It only taxes estates of $10,000,000. and more. Most poor republicans don't know that it's just for very rich folks.

"It" in any form, is bad for US. Do you think the African elite families who sold their people into slavery pay estate taxes? Think the Kims in North Korea or the Castros in Cuba are paying estate taxes? How about the Saudis? If they aren't, why the fuck should we do it? Unlike those corrupt cultures and "economies", we give people freedom and opportunity to advance. You people need to stop trying to take that away.

9. The United States Taxes Estates More Lightly Than Comparable Countries
Twenty-seven of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development levied some form of estate tax, inheritance tax, or other wealth or wealth transfer tax in 2012 (the latest year for which full data are available). U.S. estate and gift tax revenues at all levels of government were well below average among these 27 countries as a share of the economy.[24]

10. The Estate Tax Is the Most Progressive Part of the U.S. Tax Code

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Are the countries from your cut and paste job, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, African countries, or North Korea?
The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.
Why do you hate people with money?

You really can't hate people with money if you vote for the 1%.... Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Obama. These families will make damn sure their money reaches their own generations. Why Liberal voters buy into a locked-in 1% is beyond me.

Not all of the very rich are callous assholes. It's usually those who inherited great wealth who feel entitled and seek to change the laws to benefit themselves and their issues, i.e. the Koch Brothers are the archetype.

Others, such as Bill Gates, many Hollywood personalities and the Kennedy's accept the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged, i.e. noblesse oblige.

Gates and Kennedy don't avoid taxes? Have you checked lately where our Secretary of State parks his yacht so as to avoid $500K in taxes? Their acts of "generosity and nobility" are simply to make other people pay more taxes; i.e., people who make less money than they do.

Nice, a Straw Man, how usual. I wrote not all of the 1% are assholes. That has nothing to do with playing by the rules and sheltering income from the tax man.

Them's the rules, especially now that we live in a Plutocracy. I too take the deductions, or we did until we paid off the mortgagage last year. I don't, however, hide money on Grand Cayman as some do (I walked by a rundown four unit Apt. House on the outskirts of Georgetown, and noticed over a dozen names of US corporations on the mail boxes).
Ok, what ever you say, everyone that works is stupid, especially if your living well within your means and saving for the future, because you know all too well uncle Sam is not going to bail your ass out unless you fit the political demographics of their chosen constituency.
Regardless of the size of the estate, no person should be subjected to double taxation. When one looks at it without rose colored glasses a person earns, taxed by state, federal, and local municipalities, saves, then is taxed on the income generated, reinvests, dies, then the state and federal governments tax the estate. So this is fair? What right does the state or federal government have is taxing dead people? If I had the ability to amass a fortune the state and federal government would be the last people I would want to see get one copper penny. The Koch brothers are no different than the Kennedy's nor you or I. To think otherwise is the result of too much cool aid consumption and belief in the travail of the lefts populist mantra.

If there was one thing the Revolutionary generation agreed on — and those guys who dress up like them at Tea Party conventions most definitely do not — it was the incompatibility of democracy and inherited wealth.

Aristocracy vs Wealth Redistribution-- What Did the Founding Fathers Say?

A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural. Thomas Jefferson

There is no point more difficult to account for than the right we conceive men to have to dispose of their goods after death. Adam Smith

The causes which destroyed the ancient republics were numerous; but in Rome, one principal cause was the vast inequality of fortunes. Noah Webster

The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments. Adam Smith


Aristocracy vs Wealth Redistribution-- What Did the Founding Fathers Say
Ok, what ever you say, everyone that works is stupid, especially if your living well within your means and saving for the future, because you know all too well uncle Sam is not going to bail your ass out unless you fit the political demographics of their chosen constituency.

Zero tax for couples less than $10.9 million...

Chosen? Oh right the multi millionaires/billionaires you right wingers suck off for what reason I don't know!!!
You just don't get it do you, today $10 million tomorrow $10k. But the bigger picture remains puzzling in that by what right does the state and federal government have any claim to an estate. I guess that escapes your realm of reasoning.
Estates over ten million really belong to the socialist workers commune of Amerikkka....

Civil servants will know who the truly deserving are.
Ok, what ever you say, everyone that works is stupid, especially if your living well within your means and saving for the future, because you know all too well uncle Sam is not going to bail your ass out unless you fit the political demographics of their chosen constituency.

Wow, bitter aren't we.
You just don't get it do you, today $10 million tomorrow $10k. But the bigger picture remains puzzling in that by what right does the state and federal government have any claim to an estate. I guess that escapes your realm of reasoning.

Ummm, the law. We are a nation of laws, don't like 'em, make an argument that changing them is necessary. Whining won't help, it makes the whiner look petulant.
The thing is, this wouldn't really address the unfair advantage that rich kids have in life. We need some kind of program that take kids away from their parents so they don't get the benefit of their parent's wealth growing up. That's the only way to truly ensure fair opportunities in life.
I just thought I'd point out to the ten or so people in this thread lying about "family farms". I know you've heard it on the radio and on the internet over and over - but guess what?

No one has been able to document a single example of a family farm being lost to estate taxes.

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Estate tax is a progressive idea designed to redistribute wealth, held onto by progressives for no other reason than it is a progressive idea that redistributes wealth.
Nothing more, nothing less.
It's nothing new that for sure.
And no reason to keep it other than mindless, bigoted partisanship.
The reasons Teddy was for it still stand today, even though you seem to have removed his quote.
You can quote whoever you want -- it remains because of mindless, bigoted partisanship.
Estate tax is a progressive idea designed to redistribute wealth, held onto by progressives for no other reason than it is a progressive idea that redistributes wealth.
Nothing more, nothing less
Geebus, could you repeat that once more?
What's wrong -- truth hurt?
I just thought I'd point out to the ten or so people in this thread lying about "family farms". I know you've heard it on the radio and on the internet over and over - but guess what?
No one has ever been able to document a single example of a family farm being lost to estate taxes.
Has a family farm ever been taxed because it exceeded the estate tax threshold?
It should be repealed, the money has already been taxed
You really are stupid. Well, Stupid, can you guess the consequences such a STUPID cut will do, or are you so stupid you never think of the consequences of such an act?
Please, do tell us of the terrible consequences that the nation will suffer if the estate tax is repealed.
I could, in detail.
This is a lie.
The thing is, this wouldn't really address the unfair advantage that rich kids have in life.
How is it the government's place to make sure that these kids don't have an advantage?

Let's see, private school K to 12, tutors for the SAT, no need to research loans, Mommy and Daddy will pay the tuition, no need to work to pay for food, lodging, books, transportation home on holdays or that neat new computer every year.

Yeah, these poor kids don't have an advantage. Then they graduate, no need to go to work yet, a year in Europe and then a job they need not compete for in Daddy's firm or Grand dads publishing house.
The thing is, this wouldn't really address the unfair advantage that rich kids have in life.
How is it the government's place to make sure that these kids don't have an advantage?
Let's see, private school K to 12, tutors for the SAT, no need to research loans, Mommy and Daddy will pay the tuition, no need to work to pay for food, lodging, books, transportation home on holdays or that neat new computer every year.

Yeah, these poor kids don't have an advantage. Then they graduate, no need to go to work yet, a year in Europe and then a job they need not compete for in Daddy's firm or Grand dads publishing house.
Since you did not answer the question, I will ask again:
How is it the government's place to make sure that these kids don't have an advantage?

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