Republicans try to act like they AREN'T the party of War Mongers.

No one had to support him for him to have ended the wars.
Of course they did

you cant call trump a dictator when he isnt

and then turn around and demand that he act like a dictator when it suits your argument

He was the CiC. He makes the decision. That is not being a dictator. Even Nixon did it.

You guys were constantly undermining him and RESISTing.

I supported him but I quickly learned he wasn't serious. Always with the excuses.

I was fully prepared to be here, calling him on his failures. And I did, at times, such as the lack of Wall, or the lack of progress with Russia.

But looking back, he has a good claim on mitigating circumstances.

Who can blame him for not getting shit done, considering the constant shit storms you people were ginning up and throwing at him.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

Every major Dem voted for the wars, including Biden. The Hussein bombed Libya and performed a regime change, and of course tried to do the same in Syria.

McCain gave away the game when he said we’ll be in the Middle East for 70 years. This was not his stance, it was that of the Washington Establishment and Defense contractors that own it. All of these Presidents, Bush, Clinton, Obama, and our current Fraudulent Elect obey the Washington Establishment.

The only man that told the Pentagon and the Washington Establishment to go fuck themselves was President Trump. The only President we’ve had in decades that didn’t start a new war. And yet people like you bitched about him and praise idiots like Biden who don’t have the backbone to tell the Pentagon think tanks and Defense contractors to go fuck themselves.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems.

sounds like youre carrying a little guilt,,,
Well if you somehow think that from my post, then I would say you are dumb as dog shit...
and in denial
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
I was in here grappling with the communist demonRATS over barrag-os wars, and they're the same people who are such corrupt liars now.
The difference? commie demonRAT sheep, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't.
The fact of the matter is that we were already at war with Iraq when GWB took office. He inherited it from Clinton.

I challenge you to quote the alleged lie from GWB and prove it is a lie.

I also predict that you will run away from that challenge with you tail between your legs.
I have smoked you on all your pathetic challenges, and you run away with your tail between your legs, with no response...

Bush told 1,000 lies at that time, just like Trump now, but how about his state of the Union address:

"Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."


Not to mention what told Colin Powell to lie to the UN about Saddam (which he later admited he should not have said)... On top of 1000 other lies...
barrag-o told 1,000 lies just like xidennow,...... but how about his state of the Union address?
GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't.
The fact of the matter is that we were already at war with Iraq when GWB took office. He inherited it from Clinton.

I challenge you to quote the alleged lie from GWB and prove it is a lie.

I also predict that you will run away from that challenge with you tail between your legs.
I have smoked you on all your pathetic challenges, and you run away with your tail between your legs, with no response...

Bush told 1,000 lies at that time, just like Trump now, but how about his state of the Union address:

"Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."


Not to mention what told Colin Powell to lie to the UN about Saddam (which he later admited he should not have said)... On top of 1000 other lies...
barrag-o told 1,000 lies just like xidennow,...... but how about his state of the Union address?
Kiddie banker thanks your wrong,I’m wrong,the dozens of others here he did not address their facts to and the entire world is wrong and he is right.okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :lmao: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::biggrin::biggrin::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Democrat presidents have got the USA into WW1, WW2, the Korean war and the Vietnam war. And unlike the Iraq war, none of those wars had anything to do with US national security. And US involvement in those wars was at the behest of foreign powers.

And Democrat presidents reinstituted slavery to fight every one of those wars. Conscription is a particularly abhorrent and cruel form of slavery and the Democrats enslaved millions of Americans to fight those wars that had nothing to do with US national security and got over a half a million Americans slaughtered.

Anyone who supports the Democratic party of slavery and Jim Crow has no room to call anybody a racist, a fascist or a war monger.

Last edited:
but yeah, media coverage was more important to him than doing the right thing.
Anti trump media smears are vital to the liberal goal of destroying confidence of the American people in their president

now that trump is out you have replaced him with a senile, fumbling, bumbling old man who inspires confidence in no one
but yeah, media coverage was more important to him than doing the right thing.
Anti trump media smears are vital to the liberal goal of destroying confidence of the American people in their president

now that trump is out you have replaced him with a senile, fumbling, bumbling old man who inspires confidence in no one

And that is who Trump lost to.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

You must remember; the Intel system was one that Clinton restructured...and it failed.

The Clinton administration had bankrupted the intelligence community and refused to let the CIA prioritize anti-terrorism over other major priorities in the late 1990s, leaving the agency stretched too thin in the days ahead of the 2001 terrorist attacks, former Director George J. Tenet said in a 2005 document declassified Friday.

Mr. Tenet, who was head of the agency at the time of the Sept. 11 attacks and has taken severe criticism for not anticipating and heading them off, said in the document that he took the threat of Osama bin Laden very seriously, and put major effort into trying to penetrate al Qaeda, beginning as far back as 1998.

“Your report does not adequately address the context of an intelligence community that had to respond to wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, the prospect of war between India and Pakistan, China’s military buildup and threat to Taiwan, the requirements of policy makers, particularly in Congress, to pursue narco-traffickers in Central and South America, and numerous other such requirements,” Mr. Tenet wrote. “Despite all of these stresses, despite the fact that we had effectively been in Chapter 11 as an intelligence community, we continued on a path to methodically increase both CIA and intelligence community resources and our personnel base devoted to terrorism.”"

In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

And republicans since mccain have been itching to bomb Iran.
And your lover Biden wants to be like your other hero mass murderer of women and children obomination to bomb syria as obozo did the fact he is cranking up the war machine in Syria again for Obama disinformation agent.
If he was doing something wrong you can bet Republicans would be screaming about Syria but I'm not hearing any complaints except from you.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

And why at this point, some 20 Years later, are you obsessed with this?
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

Please don’t be so dumb. The elites of both parties love stupid wars in the Mideast.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't.

The so called liberal media played lap dog and danced for the Bush Administration for an embedded position riding with and cheering for our troops. By lap dog I mean of course that they parroted the Administrations 'Talking Points' as if they were facts. Furthermore, a significant number of prominent Democrats were on board and were willing to give GW the power to decide.

On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster.

Yeah a lot of what is happening in the region is the result of that fuck up. But it was pretty fucked before too.
but yeah, media coverage was more important to him than doing the right thing.
Anti trump media smears are vital to the liberal goal of destroying confidence of the American people in their president

now that trump is out you have replaced him with a senile, fumbling, bumbling old man who inspires confidence in no one

And that is who Trump lost to.
sorry retard---TRUMP did not lose...the fraudulant dominion voting machines failed, because of the way they were programmed. and, they were not supposed to be hooked to the internet....duh
so..commie are wrong again
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

Trump was clearly the least militaristic President since Jimmy Carter, lying fascist
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I have told him that a hundred times on this thread and two other threads as well before this one as well and after t checkmated him on that everytime,like clockwork,he did this.:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:Like sassy said so well,he is a complete waste of time,everytime myself and many others brought up facts that the dems are as much warmongers as the repubs are,he has refused to acknowledge those facts EVERYTIME always deflecting playingthe game of dodgeball.this kid is clearly just seeking attention.

It's really clear when you look at all the military conflicts since Carter that Trump used the military far less than anyone else in that timeframe. It's not remotely close

He used it the same amount as Obama. Every war that we were in when he started we were in when he left.

You obviously made that up because it's not even close. Obama just to start stretched W's timeline by years in Afghanistan, kept the military in Iraq for years by W's original timeline. Obama toppled the Libyan government and invaded Syria and fought in Yemen. Obama invaded Haiti and was the drone king. That's all off the top of my head.

And you come in with the total but fart that Trump did the same. Not remotely. You're such a liar, dear girl psycho fascist. But it sounded good to you at the time, huh?
You also forget that Obama killed Bin Laden.

Obama used the military, but what Obama didn't do was get the US bogged down in 2 stupid and losing wars that cost the country $Trillions. Bush and the GOP did that. Obama's use of the military was minor and so was Trumps.

All these idiot Trumpers, Fox News, GOP were all pumping the war in Iraq, and then pumping it some more... If you opposed the war in Iraq you were labeled a traitor by the GOP and Trumpers... You left that part out...

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

Obama said he was getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Then he finished W's timeline in Iraq and extended it in Afghanistan, liar. Obama got us in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti. He was a war president.

Fascists do love to rewrite history, liar
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

Trump was clearly the least militaristic President since Jimmy Carter, lying fascist
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I have told him that a hundred times on this thread and two other threads as well before this one as well and after t checkmated him on that everytime,like clockwork,he did this.:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:Like sassy said so well,he is a complete waste of time,everytime myself and many others brought up facts that the dems are as much warmongers as the repubs are,he has refused to acknowledge those facts EVERYTIME always deflecting playingthe game of dodgeball.this kid is clearly just seeking attention.

It's really clear when you look at all the military conflicts since Carter that Trump used the military far less than anyone else in that timeframe. It's not remotely close
Exactly,That’s why this child same as smellybozo,Mac, and Dana troll all who have a bias towards the dems refuse to accept it compared to the last clowns from the previous five administrations before him was a refreshing change.

this kid also won’t accept they did the same thing to trump they did to carter,because Carter did not start any wars for the elite and cleaned house cleaning up the corruption in the CIA putting a stop to covert wars,the elite made sure their boy Reagan got in who got the cia back to its dirty tricks operations and war machine going again.

same thing all over again sense trump was not a warmonger,they had the most massive election fraud ever so they could put their boy Biden in who they knew would get the war ma nine going again. Smellybozo and Dana they just troll all the time ignoring those facts,this guy though ,gets angry over that truth and throws Bible length tantrums because he hates his party being exposed for the criminals they are.smellybozo and Dana troll,they don’t get angry as he does,they just troll and evade facts.this kid gets unhinged everytime he is long a debate.
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.

When it's a Democrat, it's "minor" even if it's not, Nazi!

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