Republicans try to act like they AREN'T the party of War Mongers.

yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

The U.S. dropping bombs consists of war. We would consider it war if done to us, No?

The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.
what would have been the move by the US? curious.

I'm not sure what you are asking. What would we have done if another country sent in military aircraft? Probably all out war.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.
then what was your issue with Pakistan in your post? what did you mean,

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

My issue isn't really with Pakistan. I have an issue with the millions upon millions we give them as bribes but that is another beat topic.

I argued against the idea that they did not know we were coming in for OBL. They knew.
I'm not so sure about that, they knew he was there, they knew we were looking for him. That's all they knew. To think otherwise is insane.
Near all of the commercials will be Progressive Socialist minority headed now. Everything dominated that way. White people with traditional views and with family who suffer to survive mean nothing.And in the end the same will be forced for the new nation.
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

The U.S. dropping bombs consists of war. We would consider it war if done to us, No?

The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.
what would have been the move by the US? curious.

I'm not sure what you are asking. What would we have done if another country sent in military aircraft? Probably all out war.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.
then what was your issue with Pakistan in your post? what did you mean,

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

My issue isn't really with Pakistan. I have an issue with the millions upon millions we give them as bribes but that is another beat topic.

I argued against the idea that they did not know we were coming in for OBL. They knew.
I'm not so sure about that, they knew he was there, they knew we were looking for him. That's all they knew. To think otherwise is insane.

No country allows unidentified aircraft to simply fly into their country.
It seems our demofk friends in here can't ever question a demofk decision. almost sacrilege to them. Fk, Bush 2 fked up, Bush one fked up, Trump was an asshole for the most part, I just liked his policy and backbone. They can't even admit obammy did what he did. Like they are invested in them some how. seems too fking odd not to think that.
Last edited:
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

The U.S. dropping bombs consists of war. We would consider it war if done to us, No?

The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.
what would have been the move by the US? curious.

I'm not sure what you are asking. What would we have done if another country sent in military aircraft? Probably all out war.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.
then what was your issue with Pakistan in your post? what did you mean,

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

My issue isn't really with Pakistan. I have an issue with the millions upon millions we give them as bribes but that is another beat topic.

I argued against the idea that they did not know we were coming in for OBL. They knew.
I'm not so sure about that, they knew he was there, they knew we were looking for him. That's all they knew. To think otherwise is insane.

No country allows unidentified aircraft to simply fly into their country.
how do you know? How did we do Iraq? Syria? Libya? can't take you serious dude. why do you bob and weave so poorly.?
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

The U.S. dropping bombs consists of war. We would consider it war if done to us, No?

The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.
what would have been the move by the US? curious.

I'm not sure what you are asking. What would we have done if another country sent in military aircraft? Probably all out war.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.
then what was your issue with Pakistan in your post? what did you mean,

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

My issue isn't really with Pakistan. I have an issue with the millions upon millions we give them as bribes but that is another beat topic.

I argued against the idea that they did not know we were coming in for OBL. They knew.
I'm not so sure about that, they knew he was there, they knew we were looking for him. That's all they knew. To think otherwise is insane.

No country allows unidentified aircraft to simply fly into their country.
how do you know? How did we do Iraq? Syria? Libya? can't take you serious dude. why do you bob and weave so poorly.?

They didn't retaliate?
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

The U.S. dropping bombs consists of war. We would consider it war if done to us, No?

The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.
what would have been the move by the US? curious.

I'm not sure what you are asking. What would we have done if another country sent in military aircraft? Probably all out war.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.
then what was your issue with Pakistan in your post? what did you mean,

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

My issue isn't really with Pakistan. I have an issue with the millions upon millions we give them as bribes but that is another beat topic.

I argued against the idea that they did not know we were coming in for OBL. They knew.

There is a faction in Pakistan that is sympathetic to the Taliban and al Qaeda. I bet they didn't know.
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

The U.S. dropping bombs consists of war. We would consider it war if done to us, No?

The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.
what would have been the move by the US? curious.

I'm not sure what you are asking. What would we have done if another country sent in military aircraft? Probably all out war.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.
then what was your issue with Pakistan in your post? what did you mean,

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

My issue isn't really with Pakistan. I have an issue with the millions upon millions we give them as bribes but that is another beat topic.

I argued against the idea that they did not know we were coming in for OBL. They knew.

There is a faction in Pakistan that is sympathetic to the Taliban and al Qaeda. I bet they didn't know.

And that is why the ruse that Pakistan didn't know was created.

They still got their share of the millions we send Pakistan to appease them.
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

The U.S. dropping bombs consists of war. We would consider it war if done to us, No?

The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.
what would have been the move by the US? curious.

I'm not sure what you are asking. What would we have done if another country sent in military aircraft? Probably all out war.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.
then what was your issue with Pakistan in your post? what did you mean,

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

My issue isn't really with Pakistan. I have an issue with the millions upon millions we give them as bribes but that is another beat topic.

I argued against the idea that they did not know we were coming in for OBL. They knew.

There is a faction in Pakistan that is sympathetic to the Taliban and al Qaeda. I bet they didn't know.

And that is why the ruse that Pakistan didn't know was created.

They still got their share of the millions we send Pakistan to appease them.

If that is how we kept our soldiers safe during the mission, I'm okay with it. I'm also okay with the west propping up a nuclear power and helping them defend against religious extremist.
Yet you're OK with Obama's wars there. Why is that? Are you like BlindBoo, they are just brown people, not Americans?

If you have this much problem with your reading comprehension I am obviously wasting my time.

I don't have a reading problem. You have a lying problem.

You blow off Obama's wars as if they are nothing, then you say you're not a Democrat, then you say Obama and Trump are the same despite all the wars Obama got us in and that he was the drone king.

You lie and lie, just like all Nazi Democrats

It's sad that there aren't more adults posting here.

A real adult would spank you for lying.

You literally argued that while Obama nor Trump got us completely out of Iran or Afghanistan, it doesn't matter that Trump got us down to a token presence while Obama conducted long time actual wars in both places and Trump didn't.

So I said sure, whatever, let's treat it as binary. And we'll call Syria a push.

Then there are Obama's wars in Libya, Haiti, Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia?

You said it's the same because Trump didn't completely leave Iran and Iraq. So they are equally militaristic.

You're a vacuous, partisan hate filled fascist liar. The truth is nothing to you. You can ask for an "adult" to debate you on that, but you sure the fuck aren't one
And that is why the ruse that Pakistan didn't know was created.

They still got their share of the millions we send Pakistan to appease them.

If that is how we kept our soldiers safe during the mission, I'm okay with it. I'm also okay with the west propping up a nuclear power and helping them defend against religious extremist.

You're OK with a Democrat war, of course you are. That was supposed to be an admission?
The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

Lying again, fascist

Are you in the habit of believing the lies of those who lie us into wars? There is no way Pakistan didn't know. OBL was located not far from a Pakistani military base. A foreign country doesn't fly in undetected.

You forgot you're not a Democrat again. Once again you're defending Obama sending the military into a foreign country. Of course you are
It seems our demofk friends in here can't ever question a demofk decision. almost sacrilege to them. Fk, Bush 2 fked up, Bush one fked up, Trump was an asshole for the most part, I just liked his policy and backbone. They can't even admit obammy did what he did. Like they are invested in them some how. seems too fking odd not to think that.



Guys like you an I are pro peace no matter who's pulling the strings....The moonbats live in the cafeteria.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.

You still are making it up.

Your supporting it doesn't make it not a foreign war
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

The U.S. dropping bombs consists of war. We would consider it war if done to us, No?

The closer to war they are, the more they cost too.

We would respond accordingly. Was killing binnyboi an act of war against Pakistan?

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.
what would have been the move by the US? curious.

I'm not sure what you are asking. What would we have done if another country sent in military aircraft? Probably all out war.
you said they were harboring bin laden, ok, what would have been your solution to get him since Pakistan said they weren't cooperating with us? It's a simple question, may be a difficult answer, but the question is quite simple.

They did cooperate.
then what was your issue with Pakistan in your post? what did you mean,

No. Pakistan was complicit there. They knew what was going on and were good with it. Millions and millions in aide will do that.

My issue isn't really with Pakistan. I have an issue with the millions upon millions we give them as bribes but that is another beat topic.

I argued against the idea that they did not know we were coming in for OBL. They knew.

There is a faction in Pakistan that is sympathetic to the Taliban and al Qaeda. I bet they didn't know.

And that is why the ruse that Pakistan didn't know was created.

They still got their share of the millions we send Pakistan to appease them.

If that is how we kept our soldiers safe during the mission, I'm okay with it. I'm also okay with the west propping up a nuclear power and helping them defend against religious extremist.

We pretend to attack countries that harbor terrorists. No one does more of that than Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

Obama overthrew the Libyan government, and that wasn't war.

Overthrowing the Haitian government wasn't war.

Bombing Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia weren't war.

Are you posting or is that your dog? The dog is smarter, isn't he?

Correct. Not war. Congress declares war. Not the president.

When Raygun Bombed Libya, he did not start a war. When he mined the Nicaraguans harbor he did not start a war...

So if someone bombs the United States, it's not war unless their congress declares it. You'd look all the leaders and people of all the countries we bombed and invaded and tell them we didn't commit acts of war because our Congress didn't declare war on them.

blindidiot: We didn't DECLARE war when Obama attacked them. No fuss no muss!

Fascism in action ...

I for one want to be on the record that I consider anyone bombing or invading the United States to have committed acts of war against us regardless of whether their congress declared it or not

No matter how much you feel these military action were "War", they weren't. The closest were Afghanistan and Iraq, where we invaded, overthrew the existing government and then occupied the country.

The others were not even close to being wars. Not to discount the fact that our soldiers were facing dangerous combat situations.

It is the expanded Carter Doctrine that we are enforcing, like it or not.

You're unreal. Your reaction to that Obama bombed and/or occupied five countries was it's OK, it doesn't count because Congress did NOT declare war.

Un fucking believable.

You are no kidding fascists
What ever happened to we will go wherever terrorists hide? If they hide in Libya then we bomb them in Libya, pussy.
yap yap yap

Any minor conflicts Obama and Clinton got us into pale in comparison to the epic extreme level of war mongering the GOP and all it's brainwashed followers pumped in 2002-6. What don't you understand about that, it isn't a tough concept.

To somehow suggest Bush Clinton and Obama are all war mongers on the same level is just a total detachment from reality and facts. You are trying to compare the minor conflicts of Clinton and Obama to the epic failed shit show of Iraq. It is pathetic and laughable.

Bush's failed war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in US history. And that war is Bush's fault 100%.

After all the bull shit, lies, and nonsense you people pulled in 2002-6 and the epic insane war mongering you and your party did in 2002-6 you look really pathetic.

First you dumb fucks all supported the war in Iraq, AND called me a traitor for opposing it. Then you find out Trump opposed the war and you flip flop, now suddenly you too opposed the war all along !!! We were side by side in opposition to Iraq war all along!!!!
What are you fuckin stupid you dumb fuck?

All the dumb retard Trumpers on here all lined up like sheep and pumped the dumb ass war in Iraq. Then you pumped the war even more. You called me a traitor, when I was right and you were wrong.

NOW you try and claim you never did all that? You people are a total joke.
You keep posting Bible length babble rants going into meltdown yet you have failed to disprove any of us that trump reversed obamas warmongering ways and keep on deflecting,the truth hurts you so badly you deflect in every post.:abgg2q.jpg::scared1::rofl::laughing0301:

Will Biden do it? No, but all the same.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.

All hail Joe Biden.

Did you know Biden invented airplanes, water and Saturdays? How did you escape Jonestown alive anyway?

No idea what you are ranting over. I didn't vote for Biden.

Yet you sang Biden's praises all through the election and you spend your days now worshipping him

Lol.....I chuckle at you all lashing out. I made it very clear I was not going to vote for Biden.

Sadly you are one of the cult members that are only able to see things in red or blue.

Oh fuck you, stupid bitch. YOU are the one who argues for Democrats all day. I see nothing but blue in YOU.

In this discussion, you are totally making shit up about Obama and Trump. When I pinned you down about let's list all these wars you say Trump was in compared to Obama, you ran and hid.

You are a total Democrat

You've been brainwashed. I don't have much else to say.

I gave you a list of Obama's military use. How is a verifiable list brainwashing? And you can't come back with a list beyond the short one I gave you.

You're Jim Jones level brainwashed.

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. And? So give me what I'm missing in the Trump list

The list is the same one you listed. We are still in all of those places.

What about the other five that Obama was in and Trump wasn't?

Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

You said being in wars are binary. So that makes Obama 8, Trump 3.

Not to mention Trump inherited all three and Obama started his own

We are still in all those wars.
Obama: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia.

OK, now your turn, Trump? I concede Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

That's a lie. We aren't in any of Obama's five additional wars that Trump was never in.

You said and confirmed that your standard is wars are binary.

Obama 8 - Trump 3.

Which you is the same then call me brainwashed. And your response is to ignore Obama's FIVE additional wars and say we are still in the three they both were in.

You're a lying Democrat cultist

None of those are war. The closest to war was Iraq and Afghanistan. Cut-n-Run Trumpybear has very little respect from the military.

Obama overthrew the Libyan government, and that wasn't war.

Overthrowing the Haitian government wasn't war.

Bombing Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia weren't war.

Are you posting or is that your dog? The dog is smarter, isn't he?

Correct. Not war. Congress declares war. Not the president.

When Raygun Bombed Libya, he did not start a war. When he mined the Nicaraguans harbor he did not start a war...

So if someone bombs the United States, it's not war unless their congress declares it. You'd look all the leaders and people of all the countries we bombed and invaded and tell them we didn't commit acts of war because our Congress didn't declare war on them.

blindidiot: We didn't DECLARE war when Obama attacked them. No fuss no muss!

Fascism in action ...

I for one want to be on the record that I consider anyone bombing or invading the United States to have committed acts of war against us regardless of whether their congress declared it or not

No matter how much you feel these military action were "War", they weren't. The closest were Afghanistan and Iraq, where we invaded, overthrew the existing government and then occupied the country.

The others were not even close to being wars. Not to discount the fact that our soldiers were facing dangerous combat situations.

It is the expanded Carter Doctrine that we are enforcing, like it or not.

You're unreal. Your reaction to that Obama bombed and/or occupied five countries was it's OK, it doesn't count because Congress did NOT declare war.

Un fucking believable.

You are no kidding fascists
What ever happened to we will go wherever terrorists hide? If they hide in Libya then we bomb them in Libya, pussy.

Now another war party Democrat fascist wants to be policeman to the world.

No one in Libya attacked us, twat

How many US soldiers died when we invaded, occupied Libya?
Not many. Same when Clinton invaded Kosovo.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

Republicans overwhelmingly voted for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. only a minority of Democrats did so.

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