Republicans want these children to go to the boys room. Promise they will be "safe"

Let's look at the numbers. .3% of the population is transgender.

And yet they are forcing acceptance - not tolerance, acceptance - of their mental condition on the 99.7 remaining.
Explain how tolerance and acceptance are different when it comes to your complaint. Tolerance would not force a transgender student who looks like Rdean's examples to use the boys room. Neither would acceptance. I don't see the difference in this case.
there are more people against the bathroom being opened up to them then there are for it.
Tell me where the tolerance and acceptance is for those concerned people.
where in hell do you think they've been peeing up to now? Wake up! Maybe your poll says "more people are against it," now that you and your buddies have spent months telling the populace that this will allow hairy men with beards to prance into a ladies room and commit criminal acts. Well, BULLSHIT!
how are you going to stop the hairy men with beards?

Same way as always.
Let's look at the numbers. .3% of the population is transgender.

And yet they are forcing acceptance - not tolerance, acceptance - of their mental condition on the 99.7 remaining.
Explain how tolerance and acceptance are different when it comes to your complaint. Tolerance would not force a transgender student who looks like Rdean's examples to use the boys room. Neither would acceptance. I don't see the difference in this case.
there are more people against the bathroom being opened up to them then there are for it.
Tell me where the tolerance and acceptance is for those concerned people.
where in hell do you think they've been peeing up to now? Wake up! Maybe your poll says "more people are against it," now that you and your buddies have spent months telling the populace that this will allow hairy men with beards to prance into a ladies room and commit criminal acts. Well, BULLSHIT!
well then, if they have already been doing it, there is no reason that this new law should even be considered.

Right. Tell the governor of NC to repeal the shitty law. Thanks.
If you’ve got a pecker, go to the little boy’s room
If you don’t go to the little girl’s room.

Worked well for 4 million years.

And for the same 4 million years, kids have been bullying other kids for differences as minor as wearing glasses, talking with a lisp or as major as having a missing limb.

Deal with it….

Wrong. The minute you are a little uncomfortable you are willing to abandon your sense of right and wrong. Sad. Believe me.
You are full of imagination. LOTS OF HOOPS must be jumped through before a student is considered transgendered.

Boys don't pretend to be girls in order to go into a girls restroom. They just don't. And....they aren't permitted to under any law.

It doesn't matter what hoops they jump through. A boy will never be a girl, and will never have any business being in girls' restrooms, locker rooms, or similar facilities. To demand that they be allowed such access is to willingly be an accessory to the sexual abuse of the girls whose privacy is thus violated.

Grown-ups know the difference between boys and girls, and understand why the difference is important.

Like I said. You don't have the capacity to empathize with these people nor understand the issue. You are simple minded. It's OK. You don't have the power to make your simple minded views the law of the land. We've passed you by.

Peace. who dress up their boys as girls, then take pics and sell them outlets.
Simple question, what's a boy?

The one with the dangly bit...or xxy chromosomes, you may change the first but you'll never change the second
Great, now tell me what an XY female (with vagina but no dangly bit at birth) is?

An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders. who dress up their boys as girls, then take pics and sell them outlets.
Simple question, what's a boy?

The one with the dangly bit...or xxy chromosomes, you may change the first but you'll never change the second
Great, now tell me what an XY female (with vagina but no dangly bit at birth) is?

An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?
I just encourage liberals to PLEASE push this as a major issue in the November election. don't make this an issue Democrats. Please dont...we wanna please please don't make this an issue!!!:wink:
No candidate is going to make this a major issue because it's not a major issue. Let's look at the numbers. .3% of the population is transgender. That means in a school of 1,000 students, you would expect 3 transgender students. However, the fact is a lot of transgender students are either home schooled or attend a private school. So in an average school, you may have only 1 or 2 transgender students. In my granddaughter's high school, she knows of only one transgender student, a male that dresses as a girl and can pass as a girl. She uses the girls facilities and there is no real problem.

I usually take the side of LGBTs in most issues but I just don't think this is an issue of such a magnitude that local schools can't handle it without the federal government stepping in. Doesn't the white house have something better to do?

Sure. It's not your problem. So. It's not a problem. Got it.
No, I said it was not a major problem that requires federal intervention. Of course it's a problem and schools can handle it quite well. Most schools are doing so now but they need rules and guidance from the state. who dress up their boys as girls, then take pics and sell them outlets.
Simple question, what's a boy?

The one with the dangly bit...or xxy chromosomes, you may change the first but you'll never change the second
Great, now tell me what an XY female (with vagina but no dangly bit at birth) is?

An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?

Your attempt at a pathetic straw man is noted. Science has determined what chromosome make up determines male and female, xy is an abnormality...and again, has nothing to do with a man deciding he is really a woman, which is simply a mental disorder who dress up their boys as girls, then take pics and sell them outlets.
Simple question, what's a boy?

The one with the dangly bit...or xxy chromosomes, you may change the first but you'll never change the second
Great, now tell me what an XY female (with vagina but no dangly bit at birth) is?

An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?

The incidence of XXY chromosomes is 1:1000 in males. Typical these individuals have male characteristics. Why should we redesign all of society for the sake of 0.05% of the population?
I just encourage liberals to PLEASE push this as a major issue in the November election. don't make this an issue Democrats. Please dont...we wanna please please don't make this an issue!!!:wink:
No candidate is going to make this a major issue because it's not a major issue. Let's look at the numbers. .3% of the population is transgender. That means in a school of 1,000 students, you would expect 3 transgender students. However, the fact is a lot of transgender students are either home schooled or attend a private school. So in an average school, you may have only 1 or 2 transgender students. In my granddaughter's high school, she knows of only one transgender student, a male that dresses as a girl and can pass as a girl. She uses the girls facilities and there is no real problem.

I usually take the side of LGBTs in most issues but I just don't think this is an issue of such a magnitude that local schools can't handle it without the federal government stepping in. Doesn't the white house have something better to do?

Sure. It's not your problem. So. It's not a problem. Got it.
No, I said it was not a major problem that requires federal intervention. Of course it's a problem and schools can handle it quite well. Most schools are doing so now but they need rules and guidance from the state.

Somehow we managed to get along for 250 years without any rules on this issue from the federal government. There is absolutely no justification for the Obama administration to interfere.
Simple question, what's a boy?

The one with the dangly bit...or xxy chromosomes, you may change the first but you'll never change the second
Great, now tell me what an XY female (with vagina but no dangly bit at birth) is?

An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?

Your attempt at a pathetic straw man is noted. Science has determined what chromosome make up determines male and female, xy is an abnormality...and again, has nothing to do with a man deciding he is really a woman, which is simply a mental disorder
XY is abnormal? No, XY females are abnormal.

If one of those wants to look male, instead of looking female, are they transgender?

Genetics or looks? Which one decides what toilets you use?
The one with the dangly bit...or xxy chromosomes, you may change the first but you'll never change the second
Great, now tell me what an XY female (with vagina but no dangly bit at birth) is?

An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?

Your attempt at a pathetic straw man is noted. Science has determined what chromosome make up determines male and female, xy is an abnormality...and again, has nothing to do with a man deciding he is really a woman, which is simply a mental disorder
XY is abnormal? No, XY females are abnormal.

If one of those wants to look male, instead of looking female, are they transgender?

Genetics or looks? Which one decides what toilets you use?

You're going off on tangents and I'm not playing your tired game. It's about mentally impaired people choosing to pretend to be the other sex
The one with the dangly bit...or xxy chromosomes, you may change the first but you'll never change the second
Great, now tell me what an XY female (with vagina but no dangly bit at birth) is?

An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?

Your attempt at a pathetic straw man is noted. Science has determined what chromosome make up determines male and female, xy is an abnormality...and again, has nothing to do with a man deciding he is really a woman, which is simply a mental disorder
XY is abnormal? No, XY females are abnormal.

If one of those wants to look male, instead of looking female, are they transgender?

Genetics or looks? Which one decides what toilets you use?

The sex stated on your birth certificate has always been the rule. I see no good reason for changing that rule.
An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?

Your attempt at a pathetic straw man is noted. Science has determined what chromosome make up determines male and female, xy is an abnormality...and again, has nothing to do with a man deciding he is really a woman, which is simply a mental disorder
XY is abnormal? No, XY females are abnormal.

If one of those wants to look male, instead of looking female, are they transgender?

Genetics or looks? Which one decides what toilets you use?

You're going off on tangents and I'm not playing your tired game. It's about mentally impaired people choosing to pretend to be the other sex
Looks or genetics? It's a simple question.

Read your birth certificate. Problem solved.
Looks or genetics? It's a simple question.

Rape victims being forced with PTSD to tolerate men in their bathrooms and showers? It's a simple question. 1 in 6 women have been raped. And those are the ones reported. It's more like 1 in 4.
Great, now tell me what an XY female (with vagina but no dangly bit at birth) is?

An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?

Your attempt at a pathetic straw man is noted. Science has determined what chromosome make up determines male and female, xy is an abnormality...and again, has nothing to do with a man deciding he is really a woman, which is simply a mental disorder
XY is abnormal? No, XY females are abnormal.

If one of those wants to look male, instead of looking female, are they transgender?

Genetics or looks? Which one decides what toilets you use?

The sex stated on your birth certificate has always been the rule. I see no good reason for changing that rule.
The fact they get it wrong at times, and the fact you can change your birth certificate doesn't matter to you?

We A, B, and Cs, plus others, black and white thinkers.
And yet they are forcing acceptance - not tolerance, acceptance - of their mental condition on the 99.7 remaining.
Explain how tolerance and acceptance are different when it comes to your complaint. Tolerance would not force a transgender student who looks like Rdean's examples to use the boys room. Neither would acceptance. I don't see the difference in this case.
there are more people against the bathroom being opened up to them then there are for it.
Tell me where the tolerance and acceptance is for those concerned people.
where in hell do you think they've been peeing up to now? Wake up! Maybe your poll says "more people are against it," now that you and your buddies have spent months telling the populace that this will allow hairy men with beards to prance into a ladies room and commit criminal acts. Well, BULLSHIT!
well then, if they have already been doing it, there is no reason that this new law should even be considered.
If North Carolina had pulled back, Obama wouldn't have pushed. NC said fuck you, so the left is pushing back.
This should be a lesson to everyone, whatever their opinion, that taking these kind of issues to court does nothing but add fuel to the fire of political divisiveness in this country.
We've got a goddam civil war coming, and there's absolutely no reason for it.

I hope not, but there is every reason for it.
An abnormal chromosome combination...which has zero to do with transgenders.
It has to do what is or isn't a boy? Science doesn't know, and neither do you.

Is an XX male who wants look female transgender?

Your attempt at a pathetic straw man is noted. Science has determined what chromosome make up determines male and female, xy is an abnormality...and again, has nothing to do with a man deciding he is really a woman, which is simply a mental disorder
XY is abnormal? No, XY females are abnormal.

If one of those wants to look male, instead of looking female, are they transgender?

Genetics or looks? Which one decides what toilets you use?

The sex stated on your birth certificate has always been the rule. I see no good reason for changing that rule.
The fact they get it wrong at times, and the fact you can change your birth certificate doesn't matter to you?

We A, B, and Cs, plus others, black and white thinkers.

Unless someone has XX chromosomes and a penis, who says they got it wrong? Even then, you still have no proof they got it wrong.
I just encourage liberals to PLEASE push this as a major issue in the November election. don't make this an issue Democrats. Please dont...we wanna please please don't make this an issue!!!:wink:
No candidate is going to make this a major issue because it's not a major issue. Let's look at the numbers. .3% of the population is transgender. That means in a school of 1,000 students, you would expect 3 transgender students. However, the fact is a lot of transgender students are either home schooled or attend a private school. So in an average school, you may have only 1 or 2 transgender students. In my granddaughter's high school, she knows of only one transgender student, a male that dresses as a girl and can pass as a girl. She uses the girls facilities and there is no real problem.

I usually take the side of LGBTs in most issues but I just don't think this is an issue of such a magnitude that local schools can't handle it without the federal government stepping in. Doesn't the white house have something better to do?

Sure. It's not your problem. So. It's not a problem. Got it.
No, I said it was not a major problem that requires federal intervention. Of course it's a problem and schools can handle it quite well. Most schools are doing so now but they need rules and guidance from the state.

Somehow we managed to get along for 250 years without any rules on this issue from the federal government. There is absolutely no justification for the Obama administration to interfere.
We were getting along fine, until you people decided to be assholes about potties as well.

You mean until we insisted on leaving things the way they have been for 250 years of this republic?

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