Republicans want to cut education by 25 percent.

Are you talking about the state where Ahhhnold was gov for years and years? I have to admit, he left less of a mess than Bush left Obama.

Arnold actually spent more money on education than his predecessor, Brown is cutting it. How is that Arnold's fault again?

Take a look at the economy when Brown was gov the first time. Then look at the economy that Ahhhhnold left Brown.

Besides, if Republicans are so interested in education, since 2010, why have they spent so much time on abortion and other social issues? Funny how economies turn around when people have "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

I thought the economy was Bush's fault, not Arnold's. Does that mean I can blame the bad economy in Ohio on the Democrats?
Of course the GOP wants education cuts. As Cheney pointed out, the more educated that people become, the more they are liable to vote liberal. Just goes to show you that there can be too much of a good thing.

In the meantime, little South Korea is graduating more engineers than is the whole of the United States. And China is graduating three or four times as many as we are.

But the 'Conservatives' are just fine with the US becoming a third world country as long as the 1% get to crack the whip.

You're right, we should be graduating engineers on the same scale as South Korea. Why don't we just set our education budget to equal theirs?

You mean per person.

They believe in what is called a "Golden Helix". A combination of Government, corporations and Universities working together. In this country, Republicans think Universities are a waste of money, government should be drowned in a bathtub and corporations will do it all. Hilarious.

If we did that we would cut the education budget by more than 25%.
Are you talking about the state where Ahhhnold was gov for years and years? I have to admit, he left less of a mess than Bush left Obama.

Arnold actually spent more money on education than his predecessor, Brown is cutting it. How is that Arnold's fault again?

Take a look at the economy when Brown was gov the first time. Then look at the economy that Ahhhhnold left Brown.

Besides, if Republicans are so interested in education, since 2010, why have they spent so much time on abortion and other social issues? Funny how economies turn around when people have "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

You are a real dumb ass. California has been run by Democrats for YEARS. The Legislature not the Governor establishes the Budget. Further in California due to LIBERAL stupidity about 60 percent of the Budget can not be touched.

Once again we have NUMEROUS Democratic run States that have been referenced here that are or have CUT services and education as well as social programs. And you just ignore it.
Republicans want to cut education by 25 percent.

It would be a lot easier to list what republicans don’t want to cut. Otherwise assume they want to cut it, regardless how irresponsible or ill-advised.

As I recall, the dems made the agreement that if the super committee couldn't come up with a budget that there would be ACROSS the board cuts? The Dems made that deal. Then they sabotaged the process ensuring the cuts would occur.
[ame=]Celine Dion - All by myself - live 2008 - YouTube[/ame]
Watch an learn and see how guberment education has fucked up children's minds

[ame=]YOU ARE "F"d AMERICA. - YouTube[/ame]
Of course the GOP wants education cuts. As Cheney pointed out, the more educated that people become, the more they are liable to vote liberal. Just goes to show you that there can be too much of a good thing.

In the meantime, little South Korea is graduating more engineers than is the whole of the United States. And China is graduating three or four times as many as we are.

But the 'Conservatives' are just fine with the US becoming a third world country as long as the 1% get to crack the whip.

You're right, we should be graduating engineers on the same scale as South Korea. Why don't we just set our education budget to equal theirs?

You mean per person.

They believe in what is called a "Golden Helix". A combination of Government, corporations and Universities working together. In this country, Republicans think Universities are a waste of money, government should be drowned in a bathtub and corporations will do it all. Hilarious.

Sure thing, pal. So are you honestly saying that if we set our US per person education budget equal to that in South Korea things would be better?

As far as "they," I'm fairly sure you have never met anyone who has been to Korea much less actually know much about Korean culture. Let's just say that you are as clueless about that as you are about the education spending there.

But yeah, I wish we could spend the same amount per person here too.
You're right, we should be graduating engineers on the same scale as South Korea. Why don't we just set our education budget to equal theirs?

You mean per person.

They believe in what is called a "Golden Helix". A combination of Government, corporations and Universities working together. In this country, Republicans think Universities are a waste of money, government should be drowned in a bathtub and corporations will do it all. Hilarious.

Sure thing, pal. So are you honestly saying that if we set our US per person education budget equal to that in South Korea things would be better?

As far as "they," I'm fairly sure you have never met anyone who has been to Korea much less actually know much about Korean culture. Let's just say that you are as clueless about that as you are about the education spending there.

But yeah, I wish we could spend the same amount per person here too.

I think a 51.5% cut in education spending should be just about right myself. I am also pretty sure rdean, being the person he is, thought that us spending as much as South Korea per student would have resulted in an increase in spending, but he has always been easily confused by numbers.
You mean per person.

They believe in what is called a "Golden Helix". A combination of Government, corporations and Universities working together. In this country, Republicans think Universities are a waste of money, government should be drowned in a bathtub and corporations will do it all. Hilarious.

Sure thing, pal. So are you honestly saying that if we set our US per person education budget equal to that in South Korea things would be better?

As far as "they," I'm fairly sure you have never met anyone who has been to Korea much less actually know much about Korean culture. Let's just say that you are as clueless about that as you are about the education spending there.

But yeah, I wish we could spend the same amount per person here too.

I think a 51.5% cut in education spending should be just about right myself. I am also pretty sure rdean, being the person he is, thought that us spending as much as South Korea per student would have resulted in an increase in spending, but he has always been easily confused by numbers.

Pretty uneducated for a guy who supposedly values education isn't he? The irony is that I agree with him, we SHOULD set our education budget to that of South Korea. Right now the problem is that there is too much money in education, there's little reason for the bureaucracy to innovate.

Because Budget Resolution 34 doesn't include detailed breakdowns of Function 500 spending reductions, it's impossible to determine exactly how much of the cuts are proposed to come out of the education budget. Further, the plan itself, in resolution form, does not dictate exact spending levels, but instead sets the maximum amount that can be spent. Congressional committees and floor votes determine the rest.

Still, because education spending makes up such a large proportion of the total Function 500 costs – over 90 percent – it's safe to assume most of the cuts from this category would come from education.

With that in mind, the percentages don't lie. The Ryan budget proposal included more than 25 percent funding cuts every year between 2016 and 2021, and it proposed a total 24 percent funding cut between 2012 and 2021, within range of Axelrod’s 25 percent figure. Axelrod's figures are correct if you include everything in the category, most of which is education, but it also includes items that are not education.

We rate Axelrod's claim Mostly True.

PolitiFact | Obama adviser Axelrod says Republican want deep education cuts

Start by going state by state and you will find that everywhere Republicans have taken control of the state legislature, they slashed funding for education. Think people. Why would they do this?

HELENA — The Republican majority on an education subcommittee on Thursday cut $4 million in proposed state funding for programs such as those for gifted and talented students and providing vocational education, a move that jeopardizes an equivalent amount of federal money.

Education subcommittee Republicans cut school funding

Stop sugar-coating the education cuts

To downplay the impact that devastating budget cuts will have on higher education and the state's students, Republicans have had to employ some tortured logic.

Concord Monitor

Gov. Rick Scott's proposed education budget: $1.75 billion in cuts

Thousands gather in Michigan to oppose education cuts


Why stop at four. Every state Republicans have taken over, they've slashed funding for education. Why? Simple. An ignorant population is easier to control. That's all there is to it.

When it comes to power or what's best for America, Republicans believe they're being in power IS what's best for America. What ever the cost.

And finally, the worst possible thing they could do is replace education with nothing. Which is exactly what they propose. Oh, and make children assistant janitors. Shameful.


The DoE has fucked every child up since it's inception. It should be cut 100% and turned back over to the States to get it out of the hands of petty leftist tyrants.
Start by going state by state and you will find that everywhere Republicans have taken control of the state legislature, they slashed funding for education. Think people. Why would they do this?

Because there isn't enough money.

Because Budget Resolution 34 doesn't include detailed breakdowns of Function 500 spending reductions, it's impossible to determine exactly how much of the cuts are proposed to come out of the education budget. Further, the plan itself, in resolution form, does not dictate exact spending levels, but instead sets the maximum amount that can be spent. Congressional committees and floor votes determine the rest.

Still, because education spending makes up such a large proportion of the total Function 500 costs – over 90 percent – it's safe to assume most of the cuts from this category would come from education.

With that in mind, the percentages don't lie. The Ryan budget proposal included more than 25 percent funding cuts every year between 2016 and 2021, and it proposed a total 24 percent funding cut between 2012 and 2021, within range of Axelrod’s 25 percent figure. Axelrod's figures are correct if you include everything in the category, most of which is education, but it also includes items that are not education.

We rate Axelrod's claim Mostly True.

PolitiFact | Obama adviser Axelrod says Republican want deep education cuts

Start by going state by state and you will find that everywhere Republicans have taken control of the state legislature, they slashed funding for education. Think people. Why would they do this?

HELENA — The Republican majority on an education subcommittee on Thursday cut $4 million in proposed state funding for programs such as those for gifted and talented students and providing vocational education, a move that jeopardizes an equivalent amount of federal money.

Education subcommittee Republicans cut school funding

Stop sugar-coating the education cuts

To downplay the impact that devastating budget cuts will have on higher education and the state's students, Republicans have had to employ some tortured logic.

Concord Monitor

Gov. Rick Scott's proposed education budget: $1.75 billion in cuts

Thousands gather in Michigan to oppose education cuts


Why stop at four. Every state Republicans have taken over, they've slashed funding for education. Why? Simple. An ignorant population is easier to control. That's all there is to it.

When it comes to power or what's best for America, Republicans believe they're being in power IS what's best for America. What ever the cost.

And finally, the worst possible thing they could do is replace education with nothing. Which is exactly what they propose. Oh, and make children assistant janitors. Shameful.

My guess the fastest way to cut education 25% without cutting anything from anyone would be requiring prof of citizenship to get the education.

Maybe so, but the Supreme Court already covered that one.
Why can't Republicans figure out ways of building things up instead of just tearing them down?

Because Republicans like breaking stuff. They LIKE going to war. They LIKE taking down economies. They LIKE it when poor people and the middle class have less of anything you can name (education, health care, etc.)

You fucking lefty clowns are beyond ridiculous.
Start by going state by state and you will find that everywhere Republicans have taken control of the state legislature, they slashed funding for education. Think people. Why would they do this?

Because there isn't enough money.

I think because in the US the problem with education isn't money, it's perspective. Seriously, why can't we be like South Korea?
Start by going state by state and you will find that everywhere Republicans have taken control of the state legislature, they slashed funding for education. Think people. Why would they do this?

Because there isn't enough money.

I think because in the US the problem with education isn't money, it's perspective. Seriously, why can't we be like South Korea?

What does SK do?

hell, we could be like France. Mandatory education stops at 14 and you actually have to pass test to keep going.
In the meantime, little South Korea is graduating more engineers than is the whole of the United States. And China is graduating three or four times as many as we are. .

You liberals don't want to emulate their educational systems.
Start by going state by state and you will find that everywhere Republicans have taken control of the state legislature, they slashed funding for education. Think people. Why would they do this?

Because there isn't enough money.

I think because in the US the problem with education isn't money, it's perspective. Seriously, why can't we be like South Korea?

The liberals most certainly don't want that.
The most ignorant people in the world want to cut education.

Didn't see that one coming.
The most ignorant people in the world want to cut education.

Didn't see that one coming.

Aren't you the ignorant person who wants us to set our per student spending equal to South Korea because you think they spend more than we do?

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