Republicans Will Pay For This In Spades

At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...

I did a search on that and found this:

Kreider, June 16: The Gores’ home is certified by the US Green Building Council as a Gold LEED certified home for retrofitted homes. As part of the LEED certification process, they upgraded their windows, lighting, appliances and insulation, among other items in and around the home […] The residence is powered with a geothermal system as well as 33-solar panels. The Gores also participate in the "Green PowerSwitch" program offered by their utility [company].

Here's Algore at this computer:


Yeah, he's real energy conscious.
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.

I wasn't aware that the laws of science were subject to polls.

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says

The same percentage believe that Jesus will return during their lifetime LOL

About global's there in spades. All one has to do is look and listen.

Jesus is already here and he posts on this message board regularly
Republicans are for any energy as long as it's just as cheap and reliable as the energy we use now.
Demonstrably false. They have done everything they could to prevent alternative energy from being nurtured with the same tax breaks and subsidies that established fossil fuel has had for years. That's just a fact.

For one, the fuel producers get no more tax breaks than other companies. Two, the last initiative by Bush before he left WAS to give funding to alternative fuels.
Republicans are for any energy as long as it's just as cheap and reliable as the energy we use now.
Demonstrably false. They have done everything they could to prevent alternative energy from being nurtured with the same tax breaks and subsidies that established fossil fuel has had for years. That's just a fact.

For one, the fuel producers get no more tax breaks than other companies. Two, the last initiative by Bush before he left WAS to give funding to alternative fuels.

If alternative fuels were so viable, there would be no need for public funding... the markets would fund it.
Solyndra could not make the panels cheap enough in Milpitas CA. belly up fast. China build em'
solar has too long of payback (currently). by the time you cash in, you gotta buy new panels.
That's what I just finished fucking saying.

We left Solynda out there to try to compete with Chinese companies AND the Chinese government, who was subsidizing them. They made solar panels at a loss to drive us out of the business of manufacturing them, and it worked - Solyndra went bust.

All because Republicans were against it, because Obama was for it. And now the Chinese have the solar manufacturing market practically cornered.

The Republicans had nothing to do with it. The money for Solyndra was included in the Pork Bill passed by the Democrat led house.
Republicans are for any energy as long as it's just as cheap and reliable as the energy we use now.
Demonstrably false. They have done everything they could to prevent alternative energy from being nurtured with the same tax breaks and subsidies that established fossil fuel has had for years. That's just a fact.

For one, the fuel producers get no more tax breaks than other companies. Two, the last initiative by Bush before he left WAS to give funding to alternative fuels.

If alternative fuels were so viable, there would be no need for public funding... the markets would fund it.

The same thing with electric cars. Not many people want them, and the only ones that do are buying a car that has government subsidies to make it somewhat competitive with fossil fuel vehicles. But liberals don't mind those subsidies, or should we say, corporate welfare--the term that they like to use.
How about the democrats that supported the war?
Democrats didn't support the war. Democrats supported their president, who assured them that he had information they weren't privy to, and no, he couldn't share it with Congress because National Security - but trust him! Of course, he turned out to be untrustworthy.

Democrats support their Republican presidents in national security issues.

Republicans stab Democratic presidents in the back, then blame the back.

Bull. Bush told everything he knew to Congress. In fact, it was Colon Powell that took the slack for it by hosting a presentation with all the evidence we had. It was on television for crying out loud.
Republicans are for any energy as long as it's just as cheap and reliable as the energy we use now.
Demonstrably false. They have done everything they could to prevent alternative energy from being nurtured with the same tax breaks and subsidies that established fossil fuel has had for years. That's just a fact.

For one, the fuel producers get no more tax breaks than other companies. Two, the last initiative by Bush before he left WAS to give funding to alternative fuels.

Strange.....what I remembered him giving away was $800 billion to the banks to avoid a self imposed economic depression. Republicans are good at depressions.....just ask anybody over 80 years old.
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.

I wasn't aware that the laws of science were subject to polls.

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says

The same percentage believe that Jesus will return during their lifetime LOL

About global's there in spades. All one has to do is look and listen.

True, there's no shortage of bullshit and propaganda. Knowing when you're being fed a line of shit takes a little brain power, which is the only reason that the AGW scam hasn't already collapsed.
Republicans are for any energy as long as it's just as cheap and reliable as the energy we use now.
Demonstrably false. They have done everything they could to prevent alternative energy from being nurtured with the same tax breaks and subsidies that established fossil fuel has had for years. That's just a fact.

For one, the fuel producers get no more tax breaks than other companies. Two, the last initiative by Bush before he left WAS to give funding to alternative fuels.

Strange.....what I remembered him giving away was $800 billion to the banks to avoid a self imposed economic depression. Republicans are good at depressions.....just ask anybody over 80 years old.

What does that have to do with alternative fuels, moron?
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...

I did a search on that and found this:

Kreider, June 16: The Gores’ home is certified by the US Green Building Council as a Gold LEED certified home for retrofitted homes. As part of the LEED certification process, they upgraded their windows, lighting, appliances and insulation, among other items in and around the home […] The residence is powered with a geothermal system as well as 33-solar panels. The Gores also participate in the "Green PowerSwitch" program offered by their utility [company].
Did he do anything about his yacht or private jet?

I showed you how Al Gore reduced his carbon footprint. Which is what you said you wanted him to do.

Can you be satisfied that he has taken steps to reduce his carbon footprint or are you going to say just because he may or may not have done something about a boat or plane, he has done nothing to reduce his carbon footprint?

I wish everyone would take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. I've tried to do my part. I stopped buying regular gas cars in 2001. I've replaced all the light bulbs in my house. I have planted trees and other plants that give us air. I try to buy goods produced locally so that it takes less energy to get it to market. I have worked to prevent illegal logging and the logging of old growth forest and succeeded. I've provided proof of illegal logging and helped bring the criminals to justice. I've bought land in America and other nations so that they will remain unspoiled and in their natural state. I've bought nests for some very ugly birds, I've bought land in Hawaii to help preserve an endangered local plant. There's now a protected area for that plant to grow. I can go on and on about what I've done to reduce my carbon footprint and help the environment.

What have you done to reduce your carbon footprint?

When he reduces it to match the carbon foot print of the average American, perhaps we won't consider him to be a flaming hypocrite. His residence in TN uses 11 times the energy of the average home. One trip on his business jet consumers more jet fuel than transporting 50 passengers by a commercial airline.
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.

I wasn't aware that the laws of science were subject to polls.

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says

The same percentage believe that Jesus will return during their lifetime LOL

About global's there in spades. All one has to do is look and listen.

True, there's no shortage of bullshit and propaganda. Knowing when you're being fed a line of shit takes a little brain power, which is the only reason that the AGW scam hasn't already collapsed.

Every time I begin to think that Republicans have brain power I think of Sarah Palin actually running for vice president of the United States...what a numbnuts!
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...

I did a search on that and found this:

Kreider, June 16: The Gores’ home is certified by the US Green Building Council as a Gold LEED certified home for retrofitted homes. As part of the LEED certification process, they upgraded their windows, lighting, appliances and insulation, among other items in and around the home […] The residence is powered with a geothermal system as well as 33-solar panels. The Gores also participate in the "Green PowerSwitch" program offered by their utility [company].
Did he do anything about his yacht or private jet?

I showed you how Al Gore reduced his carbon footprint. Which is what you said you wanted him to do.

Can you be satisfied that he has taken steps to reduce his carbon footprint or are you going to say just because he may or may not have done something about a boat or plane, he has done nothing to reduce his carbon footprint?

I wish everyone would take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. I've tried to do my part. I stopped buying regular gas cars in 2001. I've replaced all the light bulbs in my house. I have planted trees and other plants that give us air. I try to buy goods produced locally so that it takes less energy to get it to market. I have worked to prevent illegal logging and the logging of old growth forest and succeeded. I've provided proof of illegal logging and helped bring the criminals to justice. I've bought land in America and other nations so that they will remain unspoiled and in their natural state. I've bought nests for some very ugly birds, I've bought land in Hawaii to help preserve an endangered local plant. There's now a protected area for that plant to grow. I can go on and on about what I've done to reduce my carbon footprint and help the environment.

What have you done to reduce your carbon footprint?

Me? Nothing. I produce as much CO2 as I possibly can during the day. AGW is a scam. I don't allow scams to dictate my behavior.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
LMAO Al Gore thought up global warming? It's too funny.
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.

I wasn't aware that the laws of science were subject to polls.

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says

The same percentage believe that Jesus will return during their lifetime LOL

About global's there in spades. All one has to do is look and listen.

True, there's no shortage of bullshit and propaganda. Knowing when you're being fed a line of shit takes a little brain power, which is the only reason that the AGW scam hasn't already collapsed.

Every time I begin to think that Republicans have brain power I think of Sarah Palin actually running for vice president of the United States...what a numbnuts!

She looks like a rocket scientist compared to the typical lib. It always cracks me up that dumbass leftwing turds think they are smart.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
LMAO Al Gore thought up global warming? It's too funny.
And the internetz..
It's cold enough as it is. No one is going to get upset if it gets slightly warmer

Especially since it hasn't

The coastal region was supposed to be underwater in the 90s. Then in the 90s it was changed to 2010.

How many times do they need to revise the timetable before we are allowed to question their theory?

Well... I live on the coast and have for most of 55 years. And the high tide line today, is right where it always has been.

So... since 'the seas' are all connected, it's a fair bet that 'the seas' aren't rising... . Game over.

Yeah....after all what does the national oceanic and atmospheric administration know:

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA) “nuisance flooding, caused by rising sea levels, has increased on all three U.S. coasts, between 300% and 925% since the 1960s.” (

The NOAA knows how to lie and bullshit the public. What the hell is "nuisance flooding?" The data show sea level is rising no faster than it did 100 years ago, so that statistic is obvious horseshit.
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.

I wasn't aware that the laws of science were subject to polls.

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says

Whenever one of you dumbass members of the AGW cult claim there's a "scientific consensus" on AGW, you're saying truth is determined by a poll.

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