Republicans Will Pay For This In Spades

Climate change is just something the left loves because they hate big oil's support for Republican politicians. MIT, Princeton, and even the founder of the weather channel have come out and said climate change is a scam. When NOAA has to adjust the temperature data just to get to the liberal conclusion then it is fraud. When scientists are promised grant money to get on board, that is corrupt government. Liberals are just pissed that they were caught in their lies and figure if they can yell over us that they will force everyone to live in there screwed up alternate reality. Keep smoking that shit libs, the rest of us will keep you in reality.


Wow. Check out the big brain on Dave! You're a smart motherfucker. That's right.

Liberals hate the oil companies who are largely responsible for making their Wall Street donors so very rich. Well, that makes sense.

And you figured it all out and spoke truth in only in two posts! That's got to be a goddamned record or something. Well, thanks for dropping by and sharing your wisdom with us. Dave.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
He lives in excess because that's the deal he made in return for not fighting 2000. He sits on Apple's board, and was a Google advisor who walked away with an est. $40 million. He sold Current TV to al Jazeara for $70 million. His Apple connection nets him millions. His estimated net worth is $170M, but in 2000 was between $700k-$1M.

I'm not faulting him for living large. I do fault him for not putting up a better fight, and for running such a shitty campaign when he should have been a shoo-in, following another Democratic success story. Instead, he ran from it.

But the truth he tells shouldn't be judged by the character of the messenger. The proven facts are the truth. And conservatives cannot refute them with facts or data.
If climate change is so important to voters why is Bernie Sanders trailing Hillary Clinton by such a wide marginin the Democratic primary?
Clinton has been lining up support for years. She's been an advocate for women's issues since the 1980s. Not lip service, working for them, advocating for them, raising money for them, and shaping policy as Senator and SoS for them.

She has a massive edge, just in organization alone. The Clinton's have amassed a political machine as large, or larger, than the Bushes, which is extensive and long-reaching.

And Bernie is going to do better than you think.
How about the democrats that supported the war?
Democrats didn't support the war. Democrats supported their president, who assured them that he had information they weren't privy to, and no, he couldn't share it with Congress because National Security - but trust him! Of course, he turned out to be untrustworthy.

Democrats support their Republican presidents in national security issues.

Republicans stab Democratic presidents in the back, then blame the back.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves

How about the democrats that supported the war? Put Mrs Clinton's face out there on the front lines and I will bet the Teliban would have complained about WMD.

I agree though, everyone who vote for war should have at least sent a son or themselves. You know like Palin.
Palin could have gone herself

Her son was an adult
Mitt has 5 sons, all eligible.
Bush has two daughters, both eligible.
Cheney had two daughters, both eligible.
McCain has a daughter, who was eligible.

Biden had a son. He served honorably in Iraq.
Solyndra could not make the panels cheap enough in Milpitas CA. belly up fast. China build em'
solar has too long of payback (currently). by the time you cash in, you gotta buy new panels.
That's what I just finished fucking saying.

We left Solynda out there to try to compete with Chinese companies AND the Chinese government, who was subsidizing them. They made solar panels at a loss to drive us out of the business of manufacturing them, and it worked - Solyndra went bust.

All because Republicans were against it, because Obama was for it. And now the Chinese have the solar manufacturing market practically cornered.
[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...

Obama is an imbecile if he thinks he can make binding treaties without Senate approval.
Then it won't be called a treaty.

I love how Republicans are now reaping what they sowed, by increasing the power and authority of the Executive Branch under Bush.
It's cold enough as it is. No one is going to get upset if it gets slightly warmer

Especially since it hasn't

The coastal region was supposed to be underwater in the 90s. Then in the 90s it was changed to 2010.

How many times do they need to revise the timetable before we are allowed to question their theory?

Well... I live on the coast and have for most of 55 years. And the high tide line today, is right where it always has been.

So... since 'the seas' are all connected, it's a fair bet that 'the seas' aren't rising... . Game over.

Yeah....after all what does the national oceanic and atmospheric administration know:

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA) “nuisance flooding, caused by rising sea levels, has increased on all three U.S. coasts, between 300% and 925% since the 1960s.” (
Nobody will be going to the voting booth next year worried about "climate change "

I agree. They will be going to the polls on the Muslim threat the economy, education, illegal aliens, Syrian refugees and other nifty things.

Climate change won't be on anyone's radar.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

You morons can't even get the argument straight. We are not saying that the planet isn't warming, we don't know for sure and neither do you. What we ARE saying is that man is not the cause. Obama is a proven liar, nothing he has ever said has been true. He's going to cripple the country with this "agreement" and Congress is right to stop him.
Only 3% of America thinks that ManMade GlowBull Warming is even real....

Lying comes so naturally for you.
Sorry, but it's not a lie.

Right now, only 3% feels that the Earth warming 1 degree in the next 100 years is as big a threat as Islamic Terrorism. That silly idea is what Manmade Global Warming is all about. That is why the president looks so damned silly right now. Because he's thinks that talking about Glowbull Warming is a strong rebuke to ISIS.

What a fucking retarded SOB.
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Republicans are for any energy as long as it's just as cheap and reliable as the energy we use now.
Demonstrably false. They have done everything they could to prevent alternative energy from being nurtured with the same tax breaks and subsidies that established fossil fuel has had for years. That's just a fact.

Obama has wasted billions on alternative energy. The main problem is everyone he's wasted it on turned out to be donors to his campaign that went out of business shortly after receiving millions from the United States Treasury. Solyndra is only one example. How many others he's given cash to are still out there?

Nobody is actively trying to prevent the creation of alternative energy sources in our government. However, Obama and his organization, is actively trying to destroy the coal industry and other sources of fossil fuels.

That is a fact.
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.

I wasn't aware that the laws of science were subject to polls.

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says

The same percentage believe that Jesus will return during their lifetime LOL

About global's there in spades. All one has to do is look and listen.
hey you Obot cult members: get a load of this....
your little skinny Messiah is a dirty and corrupted little man


Gore, Maurice Strong
Obama’s involvement in Chicago Climate Exchange—the rest of the story
By Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives March 25, 2009

FOXNews story by Ed Barnes. In short, “While on the board of a Chicago-based charity, Barack Obama helped fund a carbon trading exchange that will likely play a critical role in the cap-and-trade carbon reduction program he is now trying to push through Congress as president.”

The charity was the Joyce Foundation on whose board of directors Obama served and which gave nearly $1.1 million in two separate grants that were “instrumental in developing and launching the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange, which now calls itself “North America’s only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.”

And that’s only the beginning of this tawdry tale, Mr. Barnes.

The “privately-owned” Chicago Climate Exchange is heavily influenced by Obama cohorts Al Gore and Maurice Strong.

For years now Strong and Gore have been cashing in on that lucrative cottage industry known as man-made global warming.

Strong is on the board of directors of the Chicago Climate Exchange, Wikipedia-described as “the world’s first and North America’s only legally binding greenhouse gas emission registry reduction system for emission sources and offset projects in North America and Brazil.”

Gore, self-proclaimed Patron Saint of the Environment, buys his carbon off-sets from himself—the Generation Investment Management LLP, “an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 with offices in London and Washington, D.C., of which he is both chairman and founding partner. The Generation Investment Management business has considerable influence over the major carbon credit trading firms that currently exist, including the Chicago Climate Exchange.

Strong, the silent partner, is a man whose name often draws a blank on the Washington cocktail circuit. Even though a former Secretary General of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the much hyped Rio Earth Summit) and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations in the days of an Oil-for-Food beleaguered Kofi Annan, the Canadian born Strong is little known in the United States. That’s because he spends most of his time in China where he he has been working to make the communist country the world’s next superpower. The nondescript Strong, nonetheless is the big cheese in the underworld of climate change and is one of the main architects of the failing Kyoto Protocol.

Full credit for the expose on the business partnership of Strong and Gore in the cap-and-trade reduction scheme should go to the investigative acumen of the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR).

The tawdry tale of the top two global warming gurus in the business world goes all the way back to Earth Day, April 17, 1995 when the future author of “An Inconvenient Truth” travelled to Fall River, Massachusetts, to deliver a green sermon at the headquarters of Molten Metal Technology Inc. (MMTI). MMTI was a firm that proclaimed to have invented a process for recycling metals from waste. Gore praised the Molten Metal firm as a pioneer in the kind of innovative technology that can save the environment, and make money for investors at the same time.

“Gore left a few facts out of his speech that day,” wrote EIR. “First, the firm was run by Strong and a group of Gore intimates, including Peter Knight, the firm’s registered lobbyist, and Gore’s former top Senate aide.”

(Fast-forward to the present day and ask yourself why it is that every time someone picks up another Senate rock, another serpent comes slithering out).

“Second, the company had received more than $25 million in U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research and development grants, but had failed to prove that the technology worked on a commercial scale. The company would go on to receive another $8 million in federal taxpayers’ cash, at that point, its only source of revenue.

“With Al Gore’s Earth Day as a Wall Street calling card, Molten Metal’s stock value soared to $35 a share, a range it maintained through October 1996. But along the way, DOE scientists had balked at further funding. When in March 1996, corporate officers concluded that the federal cash cow was about to run dry, they took action: Between that date and October 1996, seven corporate officers—including Maurice strong—sold off $15.3 million in personal shares in the company, at top market value. On Oct. 20, 1996—a Sunday—the company issued a press release, announcing for the first time, that DOE funding would be vastly scaled back, and reported the bad news on a conference call with stockbrokers.

all of it here:
Obama’s involvement in Chicago Climate Exchange—the rest of the story

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