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Republicans Win "Lie Of The Year" Two Years Running!

Why are people forced to pay into a system and then criticized for using it? Damned stupid argument.

Because actions speak louder than words. It's hypocritical to critic something, and say how bad it is-then to benefit from it. Oh and I don't think you even bothered to read my post right above this one.

LOL So you are going to refuse your paycheck because it isnt what you expected.

What dream world is that?

I didn't say that-I said refuse Medicare and Medicaid. By accepting those programs you're taking those precious tax dollars to fund your health care. Thus putting a larger strain on the taxpayers. So if you were really concerned with both the taxpayers, and with your level of health care-then take it. I love when people say government health care wont be good because they don't trust the government-then receive it.

No matter how you shake it down, and no matter how much you have to justify it to yourself-if you collect Medicare or Medicaid you're collecting government health care. Period.
When the government, most of which has not successfully run a business in it's history, starts telling companies how to run their businesses, this in effect has set the stage for a takeover.

If that's the standard, the "government takeover" of health care happened in 1973-1974. And has been reiterated at various intervals, like in 1985 and 1996. Even pre-existing condition exclusions have been limited for most health plans by federal law for over a decade. Not to mention that health insurance has been much more heavily regulated at the state level since well before that.

Nothing had fundamentally changed; certainly ACA didn't attempt to structurally alter our health insurance system. If insurance regulation is a government takeover (it isn't), well, that happened a long time ago.
Good read-

Really? It's start by saying that: The easy joke is that PolitiFact naming “government takeover of health care” as the 2010 Lie of the Year is PolitiFact’s biggest lie. And concludes by saying: Accordingly, PolitiFact’s Biggest Lie is the one left unstated — that a political judgment call can be easily labeled as a “lie” in the first instance.

In other words, the republicans didn't lie because they were just stating their political judgment but Politifact did lie because they were just stating their political judgment.

What is appalling is the author knows that right winger who read his trash will actually believe it.

Let's review the facts as even this clown offers:

• Employers will continue to provide health insurance to the majority of Americans through private insurance companies.

• Contrary to the claim, more people will get private health coverage. The law sets up “exchanges” where private insurers will compete to provide coverage to people who don’t have it.

• The government will not seize control of hospitals or nationalize doctors.

• The law does not include the public option, a government-run insurance plan that would have competed with private insurers.

• The law gives tax credits to people who have difficulty affording insurance, so they can buy their coverage from private providers on the exchange. But here too, the approach relies on a free market with regulations, not socialized medicine.

So where is the "take over?" Again the author of this "good read" offers something only the brain dead right wingers would accept: "Accordingly, PolitiFact’s Biggest Lie is the one left unstated — that a political judgment call can be easily labeled as a “lie” in the first instance."

So when it comes to republicans there are no lies, only political judgments. and if you're a democrat then you are lying especially if you're telling the truth.

And this is a "good read?"

BTW: I got a good laugh when the only thing that author offers to prove that this republican "political judgment" wasn't a lie was the political judgment of other lying republicans. He could of written this up in one sentence: In my political judgment the republicans weren't lying they were just expressing their political judgment however the democrats were lying because they were using the facts.
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government mandates you will have it

government levels fine for not having it

government dictates what types it shall be

government can imprison you for non compliance.

sounds like a fricking takeover to me.
This was the most Milquetoast solution to a very big problem and Republicans are up in arms about it.

It's amazing. Expenses for health care are going through the roof and is probably the single most reason most Americans go bankrupt.

It's nuts.
The law effects many things...

Yes it does, but let me remind you, socialism is where government OWNS the mean of production, it is not where government REGULATES the means of production.

If you were even remotely correct then when they ratified the Constitution the government took over EVERYTHING! Because on that day, the people gave the government the power to regulate...
When you change the rules to put private insurance companies out of business it becomes a takeover down the road.

So, now it's a "takeover down the road."

Let's see how this logic works. Everyone dies therefore if the government saves your life it is actually killing you because "down the road" you'll die!

Wow, this is so right winger....
Why are people forced to pay into a system and then criticized for using it? Damned stupid argument.

Because actions speak louder than words. It's hypocritical to critic something, and say how bad it is-then to benefit from it. Oh and I don't think you even bothered to read my post right above this one.

LOL So you are going to refuse your paycheck because it isnt what you expected.

What dream world is that?

lol, that one is gonna burn.
You got to hand it to the Progressives, they do have their "useful idiots" to spread their PROPAGANDA for them.

So because POLITALFACT says it a LIE, then it SURLY MUST BE TRUE..

good grief.:lol::cuckoo:
If you don't like government health care-do us taxpayers a favor and don't collect medicare or medicaid. Thanks!

Coming from one of the folks that put the Duh in Florida.

First of all, many of us don't collect medicare and most of us don't collect medicaid....yet we still get a huge chunk taken out of our paychecks to pay for it.

Maybe all of us who don't want to collect medicare could just stop the government from forcibly taking cash out. I'd go for that.

I actually agree with you, and like this idea (on this site people tend to lump others as dem/lib or rep/con, and I'm neither).

But if you stop paying for it-then you can't collect it later on in life. If that was a proposal I would absolutely support that. However you get a lot of people whining about government health care-then they collect government health care.

Course all the whining is over a new type of health care insurance. Not the old kind.

But that's beside the point. :eusa_whistle:
government can imprison you for non compliance.

No, it can't. Where do you hear these things?

Originally the bill had:

Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

According to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016.

That might have dropped, at the least the imprisonment part
Do remember when?

In the bill. You WILL BUY insurance.... government forcing citizens to buy a product or service is unconstitutional. But.... we know why they're doing it... because it will be unsustainable... and the 'fix' will be 'universal healthcare'. Hey presto.... government take over. It's not a lie, it's a prediction. We have to wait and see.

It's not a lie even in its current form. The government telling you you have to buy health insurance is government control. The government deciding which policies and coverages the insurance companies can and cannot offer you and telling them what and who they have to cover is government control.

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