Republicans would be craving government order if the chips are down

Well damn, Fauci and the CDC funded this, (the so called gain of function), it leaked out into the populace, denied it, then panicked because it was a Frankenstein's monster, tried to cover it up and made everyone lock down and wear masks. Did I get that right? I certainly wouldn't want to impugn anyone's character here.
Dr. Fauxistein has no character to impugn.
That is the one we got. Let do it the trumper way, the new Republican way. Lets just be against anything the administration does, even if it or maybe especially if it is the right thing to do. Makes no difference if it help screws the country up more. The country doesn't mean shit, compared to the party, right?
Everything this administration has done is destroying the country. That is not what Americans voted for.
Got to love it. The op somehow forgets to point out the democrats tried to kill as many people as possible with their policies.
He some how manages to bypass the fact there was no vaccine when the Chinese first let this virus out into the world.
And then hides the fact that more have died under Biden even with vaccines.
More nonsense you bring up since far MORE people died under Biden in the first year with a lot of Vaccinations and some with boosters as well to Trumps first year with almost no vaccinations at all.

The worldwide death rate IS low at the 1% and slowly dropping over time. time.

Once again I post this to see it get ignored because you hate the evidence too much:


Currently Infected Patients

40,461,658 (99.9%)
in Mild Condition

42,095 (0.1%)
Serious or Critical



Cases which had an outcome:

464,778,834 (99%)
Recovered / Discharged

6,253,427 (1%)
Hey idiot, the pandemic began in early 2020. Obviously that means by now there is going to be more deaths under Biden. It’s a matter of the stage of the spread. In April of 2020, obviously those numbers are going to be lower if the virus was only beginning to spread. As more TIME goes by from when it started, the more larger the spread. What Biden policy even made the death rate what it is?

I’m glad I could explain this basic logic to you.

Of course how fitting you just ignore the basic premise of my thread. You can’t refute it is why.
Republicans like to tout the low death rate of Covid as proof of it being harmless, but obviously if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate does not mean a whole lot. Obviously the flu never killed close to 1 million people in two years in the US. Imagine how much higher that would get without vaccine

But let’s entertain a hypothetical. Imagine if down the road we have another pandemic. This time, the virus has a high death rate. It’s also more contagious. Maybe even the survivors are too ill to function. What then? If the virus becomes uncontrollable, we would all want the government to crack down and make sure the sick were isolated. There would be no one throwing tantrums about government measures. They would welcome an authority to bring order back before civilization would collapse.

Republicans don’t want the government until it becomes apparent to them their livelihood is threatened without it. Republicans hate regulations, but secretly, they are okay with the government policing how much lead there is in paint.

Why should I care how much lead is in paint? I don't eat paint, I've never ate paint. Even when I was a kid, I preferred food as opposed to paint.
When Twitter's numbers mysteriously shift, and the banned persons are unbanned, and the Liberal Cthulhu algorithms are exposed... So, let's circle back. When 81 million people vote for Biden, YET he has the lowest approval rating of any president in HISTORY, um WHAT? When democrats/Social media outright bans questioning the 2020 election...Oh, ok. Just like that.
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"When the chips are down"? What do left wing analysts intend to do when the chips are down today?
Everything this administration has done is destroying the country. That is not what Americans voted for.
I'm not thrilled about domestic policy or policy on our Southern Border, but I can't take the trumpian pose of oppose everything, good, bad or indifferent to keep that party from having a win, while supporting radical assholes that act like they are foreign enemies of the constitution, support white supremacists, armed anarchy groups, support Putin over the national interest of the US, like Rand, spouting off, just this week or MTG and her rabble-rousing, or idiot Abbott acting like he's doing something by bussing illegals to Washington 9 - 18 at a time as if he is making a difference, or like trump's black bag operation during the crap out west, sending unidentifiable agents in unmarked rental vans to snatch people off the street, with no record or accountability only to release them without charges later. You people are as screwed up as the Dems, but just more holier than though in your conceit, that whatever is better just because it is not them. All you committed party or demagogue followers on both sides, suck dick, if you ask me.
Republicans like to tout the low death rate of Covid as proof of it being harmless, but obviously if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate does not mean a whole lot. Obviously the flu never killed close to 1 million people in two years in the US. Imagine how much higher that would get without vaccine

But let’s entertain a hypothetical. Imagine if down the road we have another pandemic. This time, the virus has a high death rate. It’s also more contagious. Maybe even the survivors are too ill to function. What then? If the virus becomes uncontrollable, we would all want the government to crack down and make sure the sick were isolated. There would be no one throwing tantrums about government measures. They would welcome an authority to bring order back before civilization would collapse.

Republicans don’t want the government until it becomes apparent to them their livelihood is threatened without it. Republicans hate regulations, but secretly, they are okay with the government policing how much lead there is in paint.

Just another example of one slave celebrating the master's authority over other slaves. You don't just chase your own tail, you swallow it whole.
I'm not thrilled about domestic policy or policy on our Southern Border, but I can't take the trumpian pose of oppose everything, good, bad or indifferent to keep that party from having a win, while supporting radical assholes that act like they are foreign enemies of the constitution, support white supremacists, armed anarchy groups, support Putin over the national interest of the US, like Rand, spouting off, just this week or MTG and her rabble-rousing, or idiot Abbott acting like he's doing something by bussing illegals to Washington 9 - 18 at a time as if he is making a difference, or like trump's black bag operation during the crap out west, sending unidentifiable agents in unmarked rental vans to snatch people off the street, with no record or accountability only to release them without charges later. You people are as screwed up as the Dems, but just more holier than though in your conceit, that whatever is better just because it is not them. All you committed party or demagogue followers on both sides, suck dick, if you ask me.
Trump did not put them in solitary? And shove the white supremacy bullshit, that is a false flag.
Republicans like to tout the low death rate of Covid as proof of it being harmless, but obviously if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate does not mean a whole lot. Obviously the flu never killed close to 1 million people in two years in the US. Imagine how much higher that would get without vaccine

But let’s entertain a hypothetical. Imagine if down the road we have another pandemic. This time, the virus has a high death rate. It’s also more contagious. Maybe even the survivors are too ill to function. What then? If the virus becomes uncontrollable, we would all want the government to crack down and make sure the sick were isolated. There would be no one throwing tantrums about government measures. They would welcome an authority to bring order back before civilization would collapse.

Republicans don’t want the government until it becomes apparent to them their livelihood is threatened without it. Republicans hate regulations, but secretly, they are okay with the government policing how much lead there is in paint.
The Covid death count in this country has been so horribly over stated we'll never actually know what an accurate number is.

When anyone who dies with a positive Covid test, diagnosis, or simply dies from a cardiac event outside of the hospital no matter what the actual cause of death is counted as a "Covid Death" it's nothing but a horrendous fraud.

With trillions of Covid funds at stake for hospitals, communities and states and no control of reporting it was inevitable.
Republicans like to tout the low death rate of Covid as proof of it being harmless, but obviously if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate does not mean a whole lot. Obviously the flu never killed close to 1 million people in two years in the US. Imagine how much higher that would get without vaccine

But let’s entertain a hypothetical. Imagine if down the road we have another pandemic. This time, the virus has a high death rate. It’s also more contagious. Maybe even the survivors are too ill to function. What then? If the virus becomes uncontrollable, we would all want the government to crack down and make sure the sick were isolated. There would be no one throwing tantrums about government measures. They would welcome an authority to bring order back before civilization would collapse.

Republicans don’t want the government until it becomes apparent to them their livelihood is threatened without it. Republicans hate regulations, but secretly, they are okay with the government policing how much lead there is in paint.

I crave government like I crave an acute case of explosive diarrhea.

Please stop, Billy.
I'm not thrilled about domestic policy or policy on our Southern Border, but I can't take the trumpian pose of oppose everything, good, bad or indifferent to keep that party from having a win, while supporting radical assholes that act like they are foreign enemies of the constitution, support white supremacists, armed anarchy groups, support Putin over the national interest of the US, like Rand, spouting off, just this week or MTG and her rabble-rousing, or idiot Abbott acting like he's doing something by bussing illegals to Washington 9 - 18 at a time as if he is making a difference, or like trump's black bag operation during the crap out west, sending unidentifiable agents in unmarked rental vans to snatch people off the street, with no record or accountability only to release them without charges later. You people are as screwed up as the Dems, but just more holier than though in your conceit, that whatever is better just because it is not them. All you committed party or demagogue followers on both sides, suck dick, if you ask me.
There's at least a grain of truth in here somewhere but most of it is completely unsupportable bullshit.
As usual you mistake not wanting government overreach for not wanting any government and not wanting over regulation for not wanting any. Both of which is either a very dumb take very partisan one or both.
Republicans like to tout the low death rate of Covid as proof of it being harmless, but obviously if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate does not mean a whole lot. Obviously the flu never killed close to 1 million people in two years in the US. Imagine how much higher that would get without vaccine

But let’s entertain a hypothetical. Imagine if down the road we have another pandemic. This time, the virus has a high death rate. It’s also more contagious. Maybe even the survivors are too ill to function. What then? If the virus becomes uncontrollable, we would all want the government to crack down and make sure the sick were isolated. There would be no one throwing tantrums about government measures. They would welcome an authority to bring order back before civilization would collapse.

Republicans don’t want the government until it becomes apparent to them their livelihood is threatened without it. Republicans hate regulations, but secretly, they are okay with the government policing how much lead there is in paint.

The fact of the matter is that yes, any government will frail around looking for answers to a sickness but when it's turned into a political tool as the covid was I suspect a gop government would be more inclined to let the states tend to their own knitting in that regard and provide the medical support needed.

If a state wants to lock down under their laws then that's on them. I also don't see why it's up to the federal government to hand out billions in "loans" which are then forgiven in a money grab.

If the state wants to help the shut down businesses with "loans" then that's between them and their taxpayers.

Why should I help pay for some locked-down business in NYC?
Republicans like to tout the low death rate of Covid as proof of it being harmless, but obviously if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate does not mean a whole lot. Obviously the flu never killed close to 1 million people in two years in the US. Imagine how much higher that would get without vaccine

But let’s entertain a hypothetical. Imagine if down the road we have another pandemic. This time, the virus has a high death rate. It’s also more contagious. Maybe even the survivors are too ill to function. What then? If the virus becomes uncontrollable, we would all want the government to crack down and make sure the sick were isolated. There would be no one throwing tantrums about government measures. They would welcome an authority to bring order back before civilization would collapse.

Republicans don’t want the government until it becomes apparent to them their livelihood is threatened without it. Republicans hate regulations, but secretly, they are okay with the government policing how much lead there is in paint.
Pure unsupportable bullshit.

As for the rest we destroyed our own economy and handed over our rights and liberties blindly over a virus that has a total case morality rate of about 1.5% and a total US mortality rate of about .002%.

Covid's seriousness was and is largely a hoax and if such a virus as you predict in the future comes along that is far more virulent and easy to spread comes along it's likely to cost us millions of lives because the public is never going to willingly blindly bend over again for the panic mongers.
Republicans like to tout the low death rate of Covid as proof of it being harmless, but obviously if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate does not mean a whole lot. Obviously the flu never killed close to 1 million people in two years in the US. Imagine how much higher that would get without vaccine

But let’s entertain a hypothetical. Imagine if down the road we have another pandemic. This time, the virus has a high death rate. It’s also more contagious. Maybe even the survivors are too ill to function. What then? If the virus becomes uncontrollable, we would all want the government to crack down and make sure the sick were isolated. There would be no one throwing tantrums about government measures. They would welcome an authority to bring order back before civilization would collapse.

Republicans don’t want the government until it becomes apparent to them their livelihood is threatened without it. Republicans hate regulations, but secretly, they are okay with the government policing how much lead there is in paint.
You must not know many real Repubs because I don't know any who think more govt intervention is a good thing. That's pure projection in your part.
One thing we almost all agree on is that govt is the problem, not the solution.


  • reaganscariest.png
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Pure unsupportable bullshit.

As for the rest we destroyed our own economy and handed over our rights and liberties blindly over a virus that has a total case morality rate of about 1.5% and a total US mortality rate of about .002%.

Covid's seriousness was and is largely a hoax and if such a virus as you predict in the future comes along that is far more virulent and easy to spread comes along it's likely to cost us millions of lives because the public is never going to willingly blindly bend over again for the panic mongers.
Okay so a million people dying in two years from a single cause is not a problem huh? We should just let that number rise?
Republicans like to tout the low death rate of Covid as proof of it being harmless, but obviously if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate does not mean a whole lot. Obviously the flu never killed close to 1 million people in two years in the US. Imagine how much higher that would get without vaccine

But let’s entertain a hypothetical. Imagine if down the road we have another pandemic. This time, the virus has a high death rate. It’s also more contagious. Maybe even the survivors are too ill to function. What then? If the virus becomes uncontrollable, we would all want the government to crack down and make sure the sick were isolated. There would be no one throwing tantrums about government measures. They would welcome an authority to bring order back before civilization would collapse.

Republicans don’t want the government until it becomes apparent to them their livelihood is threatened without it. Republicans hate regulations, but secretly, they are okay with the government policing how much lead there is in paint.

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