Republicans would be craving government order if the chips are down

You ought to look up and see how much I was overruled by in the Tennessee vote. It wasn't even close.:D
Good to know you live among reasonable people who can keep your unhinged feelings in check. You may want to reassess your stances.

But there were enough of you idiots, allegedly, to swing an election. How is that working out for you? Are you running around Tennessee showing those poor dupes how much better life is because of your vote? Are you standing up in a local cafe telling them how dumb they were for not voting for Bidumb?

You voted for this. You wanted this. Congrats.
Good to know you live among reasonable people who can keep your unhinged feelings in check. You may want to reassess your stances.

But there were enough of you idiots, allegedly, to swing an election. How is that working out for you? Are you running around Tennessee showing those poor dupes how much better life is because of your vote? Are you standing up in a local cafe telling them how dumb they were for not voting for Bidumb?

You voted for this. You wanted this. Congrats.
Nah. My stances are fine. Nobody gives me crap in real life, only here, hiding between phony names and meme faces. I don't make scenes in public. Do you? Your real name isn't Karen is it?
I did want trump out. He is out. I am still glad he is out. And not one governor, legislative body or court judge saw it your way, to change it. So suck on it, Mike.
Nah. My stances are fine. Nobody gives me crap in real life, only here, hiding between phony names and meme faces. I don't make scenes in public. Do you? Your real name isn't Karen is it?
I did want trump out. He is out. I am still glad he is out. And not one governor, legislative body or court judge saw it your way, to change it. So suck on it, Mike.
All that shows is the level of corruption in our government.
Nah. My stances are fine. Nobody gives me crap in real life, only here, hiding between phony names and meme faces. I don't make scenes in public. Do you? Your real name isn't Karen is it?
I did want trump out. He is out. I am still glad he is out. And not one governor, legislative body or court judge saw it your way, to change it. So suck on it, Mike.
I would claim responsibility for this success. I wear MAGA hats. They are becoming quite popular again. You got Trump out. Nicely done. Why don’t you take credit for it?
Okay this shit shouldn’t be hard to figure out but I guess I’ll explain it again. If a virus is contagious enough, the low mortality RATE is not enough to protect the population. I mean you can pretend that 1 million people didn’t die in two years time but real adults have to look at the facts.
Yes, but Trump and Biden failed, so there is your facts…

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